GIS Lab9 栅格计算器,叠加

(1)  Slope Gradient Constraint:  Limitations due to steepness of slope can impact which landscapes can be used for certain land use practices. In Lab08, you generated a slope gradient raster data set from TC_elev_utm83. Now, you will reclassify the continuous raster that will yield two slope gradient classes indicating “Suitable” (<=15%) and “Unsuitable” (>15%) landscapes for bio-fuel crop production.


(2)  Land Use/Land Cover Constraint:  Limitations due to existing, intensive or inappropriate land use activities need to be assessed. From the Landcov10 raster data set that you produced back in Lab 4, you will now further generalize the land cover types into “Suitable” (Agriculture) and “Unsuitable” (Developed, Extractive, Forest, Outdoor Recreation, Water Resources) landscapes for bio-fuel crop production.


(3)  Protected Areas Constraint:  To minimize impacts to sensitive environmental areas or those protected by land use policies, landscapes greater than 100 meters away from protected areas will be considered suitable and those areas within 100 meters will be considered unsuitable for bio-fuel crop production.  We will use the official version of the Unique Natural Areas feature class (Official_UNA_utm83) as our protected area constraints and will buffer each polygon by 100 meters to define zones that are suitable and unsuitable for agro-ecological practices. We then need to subset the buffered UNAs by the extent of Tompkins County.


(1) 坡度限制:由于坡度的限制,可能会影响某些土地使用实践中使用的景观。在Lab08中,您从TC_elev_utm83生成了坡度光栅数据集。现在,您将重新分类连续光栅,该光栅将产生两个坡度等级,指示生物燃料作物生产的“合适”(<=15%)和“不合适”(>15%)景观。

(2) 土地利用/土地覆盖限制:需要评估现有、密集或不适当的土地利用活动造成的限制。从您在实验室4中生成的Landcov10光栅数据集中,您现在将进一步将土地覆盖类型概括为用于生物燃料作物生产的“适宜”(农业)和“不适宜”(开发、采掘、森林、户外娱乐、水资源)景观。

(3) 保护区限制:为尽量减少对敏感环境区或土地利用政策保护区的影响,距保护区100米以上的景观视为适宜,100米以内的景观视为不适宜生物燃料作物生产。我们将使用官方版本的独特自然区域特征类(官方_UNA_utm83)作为保护区限制条件,并将每个多边形缓冲100米,以确定适合和不适合农业生态实践的区域。然后我们需要根据汤普金斯县的范围对缓冲的una进行子集。

GIS Lab9 栅格计算器,叠加_第1张图片

GIS Lab9 栅格计算器,叠加_第2张图片

GIS Lab9 栅格计算器,叠加_第3张图片

GIS Lab9 栅格计算器,叠加_第4张图片

GIS Lab9 栅格计算器,叠加_第5张图片

GIS Lab9 栅格计算器,叠加_第6张图片

In Raster Calculator:

("TC_slope_suit" == 1) & ("TC_lc_suit" == 1)


GIS Lab9 栅格计算器,叠加_第7张图片

GIS Lab9 栅格计算器,叠加_第8张图片

GIS Lab9 栅格计算器,叠加_第9张图片

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GIS Lab9 栅格计算器,叠加_第17张图片

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GIS Lab9 栅格计算器,叠加_第21张图片

GIS Lab9 栅格计算器,叠加_第22张图片

("TC_slopelc_suit" == 1) & ("TC_UNA_10" ==  - 1)

GIS Lab9 栅格计算器,叠加_第23张图片

GIS Lab9 栅格计算器,叠加_第24张图片

GIS Lab9 栅格计算器,叠加_第25张图片

GIS Lab9 栅格计算器,叠加_第26张图片
