Nvidia 面试题之一

Nvidia 面试题之一


                    实现一个函数 void * storenum(struct node* list,int n , int m);

                    作用于分式值小于1的除法. eg: 1/4 = 0.25 这里 m = 4, n = 1 把输出的结果储存到list链表里面



Code writer 	: EOF
code date   	: 2014.10.11
e-mail		: [email protected]

	If you find bugs in my code,
 please touch me, thank you : )

struct node
	int num;
	struct node* next;

int storenum(struct node* list,int m,int n);

int main()
	struct node header;


	struct node *p_node = &header;

	** Print out answer.
		printf("%d ",p_node->num);
		p_node = p_node->next;	

	** Free List we allocated.
	struct node *del_node = NULL;
	for(p_node = header.next;(header.next);)
		del_node = header.next;
		header.next = del_node->next;

	return 0;

int storenum(struct node* list,int m,int n)
		return 0;

	int factor = 10;

	if(m >= n)
		printf("Hey guys read again the rule of this game.!\n");

		list->num  = 0; //0.***
		list->next = NULL;

		for(;m%n != 0;)
			list->next = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
			list->next->next = NULL;
			list = list->next;

			list->num =  m*factor/n;
			m = (m * factor)%n;

			list->next = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
			list->next->next = NULL;
			list = list->next;

			list->num =  m*factor/n;
			m = (m * factor)%n;

	return 0;
