



This work presents open-source computer simulation programs developed for simulating, tracking, and forecasting the COVID-19 outbreak. The programs are built in Simulink and MATLAB (two separate programs) and are aimed to be used for educational and research studies. It is not directed for any other reason such as medical or commercial purposes. The mathematical model used in this program is the SIR, SEIR, and SEIRD models represented by a set of differential-algebraic equations. It can be easily modified to develop new models for the problem. The package simulates all the outbreaks around the world in a generalized, easy, and efficient way. The infection and recovery rate functions are treated as constant, variable, or a combination of the two. In addition, an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system is employed and proposed to train the model and predict its output. As with any other open-source programs, this package comes without any guarantee. Please use it at your own risk.

Data Source:

A simple script was coded to extract the data for each country from the excel sheet provided by the website below and updated daily. you only need to enter the country name and run the model. You can easily edit the programs for your own uses. All worldwide countries are included.


SimCOVID consists of two separate programs:

MATLAB Version:

Several MATLAB programs with different versions are available using various models including SIR and SEIR representation. The programs are used for:

(1) parameter estimation参数估计

(2) tracking existing data追踪已有数据

(3) forecasting future spread预测未来的扩展

You can edit the codes, add new differential equations, define new functions for the inputs such as the infection and recovery rates, and build a GUI for your model and use.

Simulink Version:

The same basic models created in MATLAB are available in Simulink with a block diagram display. This was the first version of SimCOVID to be used for estimating the parameters in the model, simulating the model to track the virus spread and predict its path and size. In addition, an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system is created to replace the differential equations in the model and predict the future outbreak. The program is included in the Simulink version of SimCOVID. Further, several demonstrating videos were created and available below for educational purposes. For those who have different versions of Simulink, the same programs were saved in the following versions: R2018a, R2018b, R2019a, R2019b, and R2020a.

Preprint Publication:



Educational Videos:







