
1.David Wagner

加州伯克利的教授,研究领域:Computer security, especially security of large-scale systems andnetworks. Applications of static and dynamic program analysis to computersecurity. I am currently working on software security, smartphone security,electronic voting, and other topics. In the past, I have worked on wirelesssecurity, sensor network security, and applied cryptography.




2. YanLindsay Sun

马里兰大学电子、计算机和生物医药工程系的副教授,研究领域:Network Security, Trustworthy Social Computing, Power Grid Security,Trust in Biomedical Systems.



3.Xiaowei Yang

杜克大学助理教授,研究领域:networks and distributed systems, with an emphasis on architecturedesign and security. My current goals are: 1) to make tomorrow's Internet morerobust to failures, more resilient to attacks, and more flexible to provide newservices; 2) to understand how to build new types of networks.



4.William Enck

He is anAssistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at NC StateUniversity. His research focuses on the design, optimization, and measurementof security for operating systems, specifically on mobile phones, and thecomplex environments in which they operate. Through the design and evaluationof practical enhancements to existing architectures, his research seeks to improvesecurity guarantees in commodity computer systems.



5.Patrick P. C. Lee

香港中文大学计算机科学与工程系副教授,His research interests are in various applied/systems topicsincluding cloud computing and storage, distributed systems and networks,operating systems, and security/resilience.



6. Dawn Xiaodong Song

        ResearchInterests: Computer security, privacy, and applied cryptography, includingsecurity and privacy issues in systems, software, networking, and databases.Analysis of and defense against malicious code. Using program analysis,algorithms design, and machine learning for security and privacy.



7. Hao Chen

       Hisresearch focuses on computer security. I am interested in a broad range ofsecurity problems, including mobile and wireless security, Web security,software security, and network security.



8.Xinming (Simon) Ou

I do research incomputer security, especially the application of formal logical techniques insecurity analysis of complex systems. My current research focuses on enterprisenetwork security defense, including automated security management, intrusiondetection/response, and security metrics.



9.Li Xiong

Li Xiong is anAssociate Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science andthe Department of Biomedical Informatics at Emory University where she directsthe Assured Information Management and Sharing (AIMS) research group.



10.Scott Shenker

InternetArchitecture, Software-Defined Networks, Datacenter Infrastructure, Large-ScaleDistributed Systems, Game Theory and Economics, Operating Systems &Networking (OSNT), Security (SEC).



11.Xia Wang

Her researchinterests include wireless (ad-hoc/mesh) networking and security, intrusiondetection, intrusion response, key management, and congestion control.



12.Liqun Chen

She is a seniorresearch scientist at HP Labs, Cloud & Security Laboratory in Bristol, theUK. She received his B.Sc, M.Sc and Ph.D in Information Science and Engineeringfrom Southeast University, P.R. China. She is a visiting professor in theCollege of Computer Science, Beijing University of Technology.

His research interests include

·cryptographic protocols

·trusted computing technology

·computer and network security

·cloud computing security

·mobile telecommunication systemsecurity

·formal security proof



13.Adrian Perrig

He is aProfessor at Carnegie Mellon University and has appointments in the departmentsof Electrical and Computer Engineering; Engineering and Public Policy; andComputer Science (courtesy). He also serves as the technical director of Cylab,our Cybersecurity Laboratory.

His researchfocuses on networking and systems security, security for mobile computing andsensor networks. His other research interests are in human interfaces forsecurity, networking, operating systems, and applied cryptography.



14.Xiaofeng Wang



15.Guofei Gu

He is anassistant professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering atTexas A&M University. Before joining Texas A&M. he received my in Computer Science from the College of Computing, GeorgiaTech, in 2008. He is a recipient of 2010 NSF CAREER award and a co-recipient of2010 IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy (Oakland'10) best student paperaward. I'm currently directing the SUCCESS (Secure Communication and ComputerSystems) Lab at TAMU.



16.Yih-Chun Hu

My generalresearch interests are in security and systems, with emphasis on the areas ofsecure systems and mobile communications. I have published papers in the areasof secure Internet routing, DDoS-resiliant forwarding, secure routing inwireless ad hoc networks, security and anonymity in peer-to-peer networks,efficient cryptographic mechanisms for routing security, and the design andevaluation of multihop wireless network routing protocols, includingQuality-of-Service mechanisms for ad hoc networks.



17.David B. Johnson

ProfessorJohnson founded and is leading the Monarch (MObile Networking ARCHitectures)research group at Rice (previously at Carnegie Mellon University), developingadaptive networking protocols and architectures to allow truly seamlesswireless and mobile networking. He has worked substantially on the problems ofMobile IP and different types of multihop wireless networking such as mobile adhoc networking, sensor networking, and mesh networking, including in the areasof routing, security, and medium access control (MAC) protocols. Related tothis research, he has also been very active since 1993 in the InternetEngineering Task Force (IETF), the principal protocol standards developmentbody for the Internet, primarily in the Mobile IP and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks(MANET) working groups. He was one of the main designers of the IETF Mobile IPprotocol for IPv4, the current version of IP in use in the Internet today, andis the primary designer of Mobile IP for IPv6, the new version of IP replacingIPv4. His group's Dynamic Source Routing protocol (DSR) for wireless ad hocnetworks has also been published by the IETF as an Experimental protocol forthe Internet.



18. PietroMichiardi

Pietro Michiardireceived his M.S. in Computer Science from EURECOM and his M.S. in ElectricalEngineering from Politecnico di Torino. Pietro received his Ph.D. in ComputerScience from Telecom ParisTech (former ENST, Paris). Today, Pietro is anAssistant Professor of Computer Science at EURECOM, where he leads theDistributed System Group, which blends theory and system research focusing onlarge-scale distributed systems (including data processing and data storage),and scalable algorithm design to mine massive amounts of data. Additionalresearch interests are on system, algorithmic, and performance evaluationaspects of computer networks and distributed systems.



19.Robin Hillary Kravets

Robin Kravets iscurrently an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at theUniversity of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. Her interests are in the area of Mobile Computing and Communications.

Robin Kravets isthe head of the Mobius group at UIUC, which researches communication issues inall types of networks that are challenged by mobility, including wireless LANs,ad hoc networks, sensor network, delay and disruption tolerant networks,vehicular networks, mobile social networks and personal area networks. Herresearch focuses on solutions that enable effective power management,connectivity management, data transport, congestion management, locationmanagement, routing and security.



20.Donald O. Pederson

The Donald O.Pederson Center for Electronic Systems Design is located within the Departmentof Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at the University ofCalifornia, Berkeley.



21. YaoLiu

Dr. Yao Liu isan Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering,University of South Florida. She received her Ph.D in Computer Science fromNorth Carolina State University in 2012, and her B.E. in Computer Science telecommunications from Xidian University China in 2004 and 2007,respectively. Dr. Liu's research is related to computer and network security,with an emphasis on designing and implementing defense approaches that protectemerging wireless technologies from being undermined by adversaries. Herresearch interest also lies in the security of cyber-physical systems,especially in smart grid security. Dr. Liu's research work has appeared inpremier journals and conferences including ACM Transactions on Information andSystems Security, IEEE S&P, ACM CCS, and IEEE INFOCOM. She was therecipient of Best Paper Award for the 7th IEEE International Conference onMobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS '10). She served on the technicalprogram committee of the 19th Annual Network & Distributed System SecuritySymposium (NDSS' 13).



22. ZygmuntJ. Haas




He is aProfessor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Univ. ofSouthern California (USC). He earned the Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering andComputer Science from the Univ. of California, Berkeley in 1972. He has taughtat Purdue Univ. over 11 years prior to joining USC in 1985. At present, he alsoserves as an IV-endowed visiting Chair Professor at Tsinghua Univ., China.

Dr. Hwang hasengaged in academic work, creative research and higher education for 40 yearsin computer science, digital systems, and information technology. Hespecializes in computer architecture, parallel processing, distributed systems,high-performance computing, cloud computing, networking and communications, P2Pnetworks, pervasive computing, and network security etc. Click the underlinedterms to download corresponding papers.



His research interests are in the area of networking: design, analysis, and optimization of network protocols and algorithms. She is particularly interested in network optimization, network coding, and multimedia streaming. Currently, she is working at the intersection of cross layer optimization and system implementation, with particular focus on flow control, routing, and network coding.

