MultipartFile upload

今天在使用Spring MVC 进行文件上传时提示出如下错误:


java.lang.IllegalStateException: File has been moved - cannot be read again
at org.springframework.web.multipart.commons.CommonsMultipartFile.getBytes( ~[spring-web-3.2.4.RELEASE.jar:3.2.4.RELEASE]

 在网上查了一下File has been moved - cannot be read again 错误都说将以下的maxInMemorySize改大就可以了。改了以后发现确实可以了,但是为什么呢?






  * Set the maximum allowed size (in bytes) before uploads are refused. 
  * -1 indicates no limit (the default).
  * @param maxUploadSize the maximum upload size allowed 
  * @see org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadBase#setSizeMax
  public void setMaxUploadSize(long maxUploadSize) {
  * Set the maximum allowed size (in bytes) before uploads are written to disk.
  * Uploaded files will still be received past this amount, but they will not be
  * stored in memory. Default is 10240, according to Commons FileUpload.
  * @param maxInMemorySize the maximum in memory size allowed
  * @see org.apache.commons.fileupload.disk.DiskFileItemFactory#setSizeThreshold
  public void setMaxInMemorySize(int maxInMemorySize) {

从以上内容可以分析出,实际进行修改maxInMemorySize并没有解决掉 File has been moved - cannot be read again问题,而是避开了这个问题。将文件流不再写入到临时文件,而是用内存存储。




public String uploadFile(MultipartFile file,String filePath) {
   file.transferTo(new File(filePath));
   // 图片上传 类型
   String fileType = readPictureType(file);


public String uploadFile(MultipartFile file,String filePath) {
   // 图片上传 类型
   String fileType = readPictureType(file);
   file.transferTo(new File(filePath));









