

1、 : 保存了整个项目的大部分参数;

2、 : 计算预选框和真值框的IOU值,用于筛选正负样本;以及定义了对坐标进行encode和decode的函数;

3、 : 定义了非极大值抑制函数;

4、 : 定义了一个Cropper类,通过随机裁剪和随机翻转进行数据增强;

5、 : 定义了一个Reader类,用于读取VOC2012数据集;

6、 : 对不同特征层生成相应大小和数目的default box;

7、 : 将不同的default box与真值框(true boxes)进行匹配;

8、 : 定义了一个Net类,并定义了SSD网络结构,用于训练并保存模型;

9、 : 定义了损失函数,其中包含对正样本和负样本1:3比例的取样;

10、 : 定义了SSD_detector类,用于加载模型并输入图片进行目标检测;




import numpy as np

import os

NMS_THRESHOLD = 0.3  # nms(非极大值抑制)的阙值

DATA_PATH = '../VOC2012'  # 数据集路径

ImageSets_PATH = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'ImageSets') # 保存图片坐标和类别信息的路径

BLOCKS = ['block4', 'block7', 'block8',

          'block9', 'block10', 'block11', 'block12']  # 需要抽出的特征层名称

MAX_SIZE = 1000  # 图片最大边长

MIN_SIZE = 600  # 图片最小边长

EPOCHES = 2000  # 迭代次数

BATCHES = 64 # 一个epoch迭代多少个batch

THRESHOLD = 0.5  # 区分正负样本匹配的阙值

SCORE_THRESHOLD = 0.997  # 测试时正样本得分阙值

MIN_CROP_RATIO = 0.6  # 随机裁剪的最小比率

MAX_CROP_RATIO = 1.0  # 随机裁剪的最大比率

MODEL_PATH = './model/'  # 模型保存路径

LEARNING_RATE = 2e-4  # 学习率

CLASSES = ['', 'aeroplane', 'bicycle', 'bird', 'boat', 'bottle', 'bus',

           'car', 'cat', 'chair', 'cow', 'diningtable', 'dog', 'horse',

           'motorbike', 'person', 'pottedplant', 'sheep', 'sofa',

           'train', 'tvmonitor'] # 物体类别,第一个是背景类别

# 图片三像素均值

PIXEL_MEANS = np.array([[[122.7717, 115.9465, 102.9801]]])

# 不同层预选框的长宽比

RATIOS = [[2, .5],

          [2, .5, 3, 1./3],

          [2, .5, 3, 1./3],

          [2, .5, 3, 1./3],

          [2, .5, 3, 1./3],

          [2, .5], [2, .5]]

# 每层的步长

STRIDES = [8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512]

# 论文中的s,认为是每层预选框的边长大小(比率大小)

S = [0.04, 0.1, 0.26, 0.42, 0.58, 0.74, 0.9, 1.06]

# 每层default box的边长,第二个元素是下一层default box的边长

Sk = [(20.48, 51.2),

      (51.2, 133.12),

      (133.12, 215.04),

      (215.04, 296.96),

      (296.96, 378.88),

      (378.88, 460.8),

      (460.8, 542.72)]

# 用于调整边框回归值在loss中的比率

PRIOT_SCALING = (0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2)


1、BLOCKS: BLOCKS保存了我们需要提取的特征层的名称(共七个),其中第一个特征层’block4’是VGG的一个中间层,其余六个特征层是SSD在VGG之层后额外添加的几个,每层的步长见‘STRIDES’参数;

2、RATIOS: RATIOS保存了七个层default box的几个长宽比,比如第一层有[2, 0.5]两个长宽比,代表第一个特征层每个特征点有长宽比分别为2, 0.5的额外两个default box;

3、Sk: Sk保存了每个特征层的default box的边长,注意这里的边长大小跟原论文不太一样;

然后config.py中的参数通过 import config as cfg 引用,参量用cfg.参数名即可。





import numpy as np

import config as cfg

def encode_targets(true_box, anchors, prior_scaling=cfg.PRIOT_SCALING):

    anchor_y_min = anchors[:, 0]

    anchor_x_min = anchors[:, 1]

    anchor_y_max = anchors[:, 2]

    anchor_x_max = anchors[:, 3]

    anchor_ctr_y = (anchor_y_max + anchor_y_min) / 2

    anchor_ctr_x = (anchor_x_max + anchor_x_min) / 2

    anchor_h = anchor_y_max - anchor_y_min

    anchor_w = anchor_x_max - anchor_x_min

    true_box_y_min = true_box[:, 0]

    true_box_x_min = true_box[:, 1]

    true_box_y_max = true_box[:, 2]

    true_box_x_max = true_box[:, 3]

    true_box_ctr_y = (true_box_y_max + true_box_y_min) / 2

    true_box_ctr_x = (true_box_x_max + true_box_x_min) / 2

    true_box_h = true_box_y_max - true_box_y_min

    true_box_w = true_box_x_max - true_box_x_min

    target_dy = (true_box_ctr_y-anchor_ctr_y)/anchor_h

    target_dx = (true_box_ctr_x-anchor_ctr_x)/anchor_w

    target_dh = np.log(true_box_h/anchor_h)

    target_dw = np.log(true_box_w/anchor_w)

    targets = np.stack([target_dy, target_dx, target_dh, target_dw], axis=1)

    return np.reshape(targets, (-1, 4)) / prior_scaling

def decode_targets(anchors, targets, image_shape, prior_scaling=cfg.PRIOT_SCALING):

    y_min = anchors[:, 0]

    x_min = anchors[:, 1]

    y_max = anchors[:, 2]

    x_max = anchors[:, 3]

    height, width = image_shape[:2]

    ctr_y = (y_max + y_min) / 2

    ctr_x = (x_max + x_min) / 2

    h = y_max - y_min

    w = x_max - x_min

    targets = targets * prior_scaling

    dy = targets[:, 0]

    dx = targets[:, 1]

    dh = targets[:, 2]

    dw = targets[:, 3]

    pred_ctr_y = dy*h + ctr_y

    pred_ctr_x = dx*w + ctr_x

    pred_h = h*np.exp(dh)

    pred_w = w*np.exp(dw)

    y_min = pred_ctr_y - pred_h/2

    x_min = pred_ctr_x - pred_w/2

    y_max = pred_ctr_y + pred_h/2

    x_max = pred_ctr_x + pred_w/2

    y_min = np.clip(y_min, 0, height)

    y_max = np.clip(y_max, 0, height)

    x_min = np.clip(x_min, 0, width)

    x_max = np.clip(x_max, 0, width)

    boxes = np.stack([y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max], axis=1)

    return boxes

def fast_bbox_overlaps(holdon_anchor, true_boxes):

    num_true = true_boxes.shape[0]  # 真值框的个数 m

    num_holdon = holdon_anchor.shape[0]  # 候选框的个数(已删去越界的样本)n

    true_y_max = true_boxes[:, 2]

    true_y_min = true_boxes[:, 0]

    true_x_max = true_boxes[:, 3]

    true_x_min = true_boxes[:, 1]

    anchor_y_max = holdon_anchor[:, 2]

    anchor_y_min = holdon_anchor[:, 0]

    anchor_x_max = holdon_anchor[:, 3]

    anchor_x_min = holdon_anchor[:, 1]

    true_h = true_y_max - true_y_min

    true_w = true_x_max - true_x_min

    true_h = np.expand_dims(true_h, axis=1)

    true_w = np.expand_dims(true_w, axis=1)

    anchor_h = holdon_anchor[:, 2] - holdon_anchor[:, 0]

    anchor_w = holdon_anchor[:, 3] - holdon_anchor[:, 1]

    true_area = true_w * true_h

    anchor_area = anchor_w * anchor_h

    min_y_up = np.expand_dims(true_y_max, axis=1) < anchor_y_max

    min_y_up = np.where(min_y_up, np.expand_dims(

        true_y_max, axis=1), np.expand_dims(anchor_y_max, axis=0))

    max_y_down = np.expand_dims(true_y_min, axis=1) > anchor_y_min

    max_y_down = np.where(max_y_down, np.expand_dims(

        true_y_min, axis=1), np.expand_dims(anchor_y_min, axis=0))

    lh = min_y_up - max_y_down

    min_x_up = np.expand_dims(true_x_max, axis=1) < anchor_x_max

    min_x_up = np.where(min_x_up, np.expand_dims(

        true_x_max, axis=1), np.expand_dims(anchor_x_max, axis=0))

    max_x_down = np.expand_dims(true_x_min, axis=1) > anchor_x_min

    max_x_down = np.where(max_x_down, np.expand_dims(

        true_x_min, axis=1), np.expand_dims(anchor_x_min, axis=0))

    lw = min_x_up - max_x_down

    pos_index = np.where(


            lh > 0, lw > 0



    overlap_area = lh * lw  # (n, m)

    overlap_weight = np.zeros(shape=lh.shape,

    overlap_weight[pos_index] = 1

    all_area = true_area + anchor_area

    dialta_S = all_area - overlap_area

    dialta_S = np.where(dialta_S > 0, dialta_S, all_area)

    IOU = np.divide(overlap_area, dialta_S)

    IOU = np.where(overlap_weight, IOU, 0)

    IOU_s = np.transpose(IOU)

    return IOU_s.astype(np.float32)  # (n, m) 转置矩阵

if __name__ == "__main__":



非极大值抑制(Non-Maximum Suppression,NMS),功能是去除冗余的检测框,保留最好的一个。



import tensorflow as tf

from network import Net

import config as cfg
function(){ //外汇MT4教程

import cv2

import numpy as np

from label_anchors import decode_targets

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from nms import py_cpu_nms

class SSD_detector(object):

    def __init__(self): = Net(is_training=False)

        self.model_path = cfg.MODEL_PATH

        self.pixel_means = cfg.PIXEL_MEANS

        self.min_size = cfg.MIN_SIZE

        self.pred_loc, self.pred_cls =

        self.score_threshold = cfg.SCORE_THRESHOLD

    def pre_process(self, image_path):

        image = cv2.imread(image_path)

        image = image.astype(np.float)

        image, scale = self.resize_image(image)

        value = {'image': image, 'scale': scale, 'image_path': image_path}

        return value

    def resize_image(self, image):

        image_shape = image.shape

        size_min = np.min(image_shape[:2])

        size_max = np.max(image_shape[:2])

        scale = float(self.min_size) / float(size_min)

        image = cv2.resize(image, dsize=(0, 0), fx=scale, fy=scale)

        return image, scale

    def test_ssd(self, image_paths):

        if isinstance(image_paths, str):

            image_paths = [image_paths]

        with tf.Session() as sess:


            ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(cfg.MODEL_PATH)

            if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path:

                # 如果保存过模型,则在保存的模型的基础上继续训练

      , ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)

                print('Model Reload Successfully!')

            for path in image_paths:

                value = self.pre_process(path)

                image = value['image'] - self.pixel_means

                feed_dict = { image}

                pred_loc, pred_cls, layer_anchors =

                    [self.pred_loc, self.pred_cls,], feed_dict


                pos_loc, pos_cls, pos_anchors, pos_scores = self.decode_output(

                    pred_loc, pred_cls, layer_anchors)

                pos_boxes = decode_targets(pos_anchors, pos_loc, image.shape)

                pos_scores = np.expand_dims(pos_scores, axis=-1)


                    value['image'], pos_boxes, pos_cls, value['scale']


                keep_index = py_cpu_nms(np.hstack([pos_boxes, pos_scores]))


                    value['image'], pos_boxes[keep_index], pos_cls[keep_index], value['scale']


    def draw_result(self, image, pos_boxes, pos_cls, scale, font=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX):

        image = cv2.resize(image, dsize=(0, 0), fx=1/scale, fy=1/scale)        

        image = image.astype(

        pos_boxes = pos_boxes * (1/scale)

        for i in range(pos_boxes.shape[0]):

            bbox = pos_boxes[i]

            label = cfg.CLASSES[pos_cls[i]]

            y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max = bbox.astype(

            cv2.rectangle(image, (x_min, y_min),

                          (x_max, y_max), (0, 0, 255), thickness=2)

            cv2.putText(image, label, (x_min+20, y_min+20),

                        font, 1, (255, 0, 0), thickness=2)

        plt.imshow(image[:, :, [2, 1, 0]])

    def decode_output(self, pred_loc, pred_cls, layer_anchors):

        pos_loc, pos_cls, pos_anchors, pos_scores = [], [], [], []

        for i in range(len(pred_cls)):

            loc_ = pred_loc[i]

            cls_ = pred_cls[i]  # cls_是每个分类的得分

            anchors = layer_anchors[i].reshape((-1, 4))

            max_scores = np.max(cls_[:, 1:], axis=-1)  # 非背景最大得分

            cls_ = np.argmax(cls_, axis=-1)  # 最大索引

            pos_index = np.where(max_scores > self.score_threshold)[0]  # 正样本





        pos_loc = np.vstack(pos_loc)

        pos_cls = np.hstack(pos_cls)

        pos_anchors = np.vstack(pos_anchors)

        pos_scores = np.hstack(pos_scores)

        return pos_loc, pos_cls, pos_anchors, pos_scores

if __name__ == "__main__":

    detector = SSD_detector()

