GrADS环境变量(Environment Variables )的设置

GrADS环境变量(Environment Variables )的设置

Points to the directory containing the supplemental font and
 map files in the GrADS release package. 
If GADDIR is not set, GrADS will look in the default location,
Points to a list of directories containing GrADS utility scripts
 and user scripts. If more than one directory is specified, 
acceptable delimiters are a space, a semi-colon, colon, or a comma.
(GrADS version 2.0.0+) Points to a list of directories containing shapefiles. 
Put your shapefiles in those directories,
 and then it won't be necessary to use the full path 
when drawing or querying the shapefiles.
If more than one directory is specified, 
acceptable delimiters are a space, a semi-colon, colon, or a comma.
Points to the user defined function table. 
If this variable is not set, 
the function table will not be read.
setenv GADDIR /ford1/local/lib/grads
setenv GASHP $HOME/grads/shapefiles
setenv GASCRP "$HOME/grads/scripts /opt/local/share/grads/library"
setenv GAUDFT $HOME/grads/udf/table
Bourne shell:
GADDIR=/ford1/local/lib/grads; export GADDIR
GASCRP=$HOME/grads/scripts; export GASCRP
GAUDFT=$HOME/grads/udf/table; export GAUDFT
