

  • access Set access level on published packages
  • adduser Add a registry user account
  • bin 显示 npm 的 bin 文件夹的路径
  • bugs Bugs for a package in a web browser maybe
  • build 构建一个包
  • bundle 此命令已被删除
  • cache Manipulates packages cache
  • completion Tab Completion for npm
  • config Manage the npm configuration files
  • dedupe Reduce duplication
  • deprecate 作废指定包的指定版本
  • dist-tag Modify package distribution tags
  • docs Docs for a package in a web browser maybe
  • doctor Check your environments
  • edit Edit an installed package
  • explore Browse an installed package
  • help Get help on npm
  • help-search Search npm help documentation
  • init Interactively create a package.json file
  • install Install a package
  • install-test
  • link Symlink a package folder
  • logout Log out of the registry
  • ls List installed packages
  • npm javascript package manager
  • outdated Check for outdated packages
  • owner Manage package owners
  • pack Create a tarball from a package
  • ping Ping npm 注册表
  • prefix 显示(目录)前缀
  • profile Change settings on your registry profile
  • prune 移除无关的包
  • publish Publish a package
  • rebuild 重新构建包
  • repo 在浏览器中打开指定包的源码仓库页面
  • restart Restart a package
  • root 显示 npm 根目录
  • run-script Run arbitrary package scripts
  • search Search for packages
  • shrinkwrap 锁定依赖包的版本
  • star 标记你所喜欢的包
  • stars 查看 star 过的包
  • start start 脚本
  • stop stop 脚本
  • team Manage organization teams and team memberships
  • test test 脚本
  • token Manage your authentication tokens
  • uninstall Remove a package
  • unpublish Remove a package from the registry
  • update Update a package
  • version Bump a package version
  • view View registry info
  • whoami 显示 npm 用户名
