






1. 定义

1.1 ACPI 机器语言(AML,Acpi Machine Language)

参照ACPI Spec(ACPI规范,2011年12月6日第五版),第17页:

  • Pseudo-code for a virtual machine supported by an ACPI-compatible OS and in which ACPI control methods and objects are written. The AML encoding definition is provided in section 19, "ACPI Machine Language (AML) Specification." 



AML是一种BYTECODE,类似JAVA BYTECODE。也就是说,他并不是直接在机器上执行的2进制代码,而是需要OS来解释后执行。这样做的好处是方便错误检查,减少由于代码没写好而带来的负面影响。


1.2 ACPI 源语言 (ASL,Acpi Source Language)


  • The programming language equivalent for AML. ASL is compiled into AML images. The ASL statements are defined in section 18, "ACPI Source Language (ASL) Reference."


1、ACPI 的NAMESPACE与一般的常量,变量的区别。
一般的编程语言中操作的是常量和变量。这些变量之间一般没啥关系,可以说是一堆平行(有序或者随机排列的)的内存地址而已。而在ACPI中,这个发生了明显变化。ACPI引入了一个NAMESPACE的观念。也就是说所有的OBJECT之间是有等级关系的。类似一个文件或者注册表系统,各个ACPI OBJECT(类似常量)之间都存在于一个路径下面,其中的根目录就是以符号“\"来表示。然后上下级目录之间用“.”来连接起来。


因此,在ACPI中,很多操作都是作用在这个NAME SPACE 中的某个OBJECT上面。并由此引入了一系列相关概念。比如SCOPE。





看完了第一篇中关于 ASL的简单介绍之外,现在来看个具体的例子把. (PS: 俺喜欢栗子.) 本人最近对S3, S4 sleep 比较感兴趣,于是找出相应的代码看了下。去哪里找代码?如果你是在公司里干活的开发人员,那么恭喜你,你应该已经有源代码了。如果你是像我一样的外行,那么可以看看 COREBOOT (WWW.COREBOOT.ORG)。 COREBOOT 是一个开源的BIOS。支持的板子不多,比较老,但是开源,免费。。。

目前的COREBOOT也不是所有板子都支持了ACPI,只有一部分支持。我现在看的是 ASUS M2V-MX_SE的这块。在LINUX下,GREP 下他的源文件,就可以发现下面在mainboard/asus/m2v-mx_se/dsdt.asl 里有几行和 SLEEP 有关的定义:

Name (\_S0, Package () { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 })
Name (\_S3, Package () { 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00 })
Name (\_S5, Package () { 0x02, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00 })


啰嗦一下,这个ASL里面的操作符看着很奇怪。一般的C语言里,操作符也就是+,-,*,/ 等这么几个。到了 ASL, 这个Name看上去很像一个C函数,但是又没有具体实现的地方。我觉得可以理解成ASL内部实现了的一个函数。。。

好了,言归正传,既然Name是个操作符,那么就是ASL 本身已经定义好的。查下ACPI SPEC 就可以找到他的含义了。如下 (ACPI 4.0 Page 620):

Name (Declare Named Object)

Name (ObjectName, Object)

Creates a new object named ObjectName. Attaches Object to ObjectName in the Global ACPI namespace.

Creates ObjectName in the namespace, which references the Object.

The following example creates the name PTTX in the root of the namespace that references a package.

Name (\PTTX, // Port to Port Translate Table
Package () {Package () {0x43, 0x59}, Package) {0x90, 0xFF}}

The following example creates the name CNT in the root of the namespace that references an integer data object with the value 5.
Name (\CNT, 5)

简单的说Name就是定义了一个Object和他的名字。可以想象成是一个常量和这个常量的名字。在他的具体定义里,又包括了一个Package的定义。于是用同样的方法查下Package的定义( ACPI SPEC 4.0 PAGE 625).  就知道他的含义了。就是把一堆Object放在一起,类似一个C语言里的结构体。





1.3 系统差异描述表(DSDT)



  • An OEM must supply a DSDT to an ACPI-compatible OS. The DSDT contains the Differentiated Definition Block, which supplies the implementation and configuration information about the base system. The OS always inserts the DSDT information into the ACPI Namespace at system boot time and never removes it.

初始设备制造厂家(OEM)必须提供一个DSDT给ACPI兼容操作系统。DSDT包含差异定义块,它提供关于基本系统(base system)的执行和配置信息。操作系统总是在系统启动时将DSDT信息插入到ACPI命名空间并且从不移除。


  • 简单说DSDT就是包含了所有和基本系统(base system)不同的设备的信息,base system每台机器都是一样的,这个是在ACPI规范里指定的,但是每台机器都是不相同的,所以不相同的设备大都是由DSDT表来描述。它包含了很多AML代码。标准的DSDT编译器是英特尔的iASL,而很多DSDT是由微软的编译器编译出来了。问题是,微软的DSDT编译器对源代码的更加宽松(比如说iASL的很多Error到微软这里就只是Warning了),从而导致一个不标准的、充满bug的DSDT。因此这些DSDT可以在Windows下正常工作,而到了Mac OS、Linux就不行了。


1.4 系统描述从表(SSDT)


  • SSDTs are a continuation of the DSDT. Multiple SSDTs can be used as part of a platform description. After the DSDT is loaded into the ACPI Namespace, each secondary description table listed in the RSDT/XSDT with a unique OEM Table ID is loaded. This allows the OEM to provide the base support in one table, while adding smaller system options in other tables.




2. 问题描述





ACPI: RSDP (v000 GBT ) @ 0x000f6d20 
ACPI: RSDT (v001 GBT AWRDACPI 0x42302e31 AWRD 0x01010101) @ 0x3fff3000 
ACPI: FADT (v001 GBT AWRDACPI 0x42302e31 AWRD 0x01010101) @ 0x3fff3040 
ACPI: MADT (v001 GBT AWRDACPI 0x42302e31 AWRD 0x01010101) @ 0x3fff7080 
ACPI: DSDT (v001 GBT AWRDACPI 0x00001000 MSFT 0x0100000c) @ 0x00000000  /*这一行有MSFT*/




3. 免责声明

这里列举的一些方法应该可以解决Linux(Mac OS)下ACPI相关的很多问题。然而,它们不一定会解决你所有的ACPI问题。不幸的是,有很多ACPI引起的故障。如果在尝试这些修复后,你的ACPI问题依然存在,那你可能在你的ACPI驱动代码中有错误(MacOS不支持硬件)。你可能会遇到不可预测的系统问题,包括硬件和软件。对此你需要自行承担风险。我们概不负责。

好了,关于不能解决的先说这么多,下面我们来看看我们能做的。第一件事情,获取你电脑的DSDT。有很多方法可以获取到DSDT,比如通过变色龙官方偏好面板、AIDA64(Everest)、Chameleon Wizard等。推荐在Windows下使用AIDA64获取,方法不再赘述。


4. 修复DSDT你需要什么




3、一些常见的DSDT修复代码(参考HJMac UDT)。


5. 诊断一个有错误的DSDT



Intel ACPI Component Architecture 
ASL Optimizing Compiler / AML Disassembler version 20030228 [Feb 28 2003] 
Copyright (C) 2000 - 2003 Intel Corporation 

Supports ACPI Specification Revision 2.0b 

dsdt.dsl   163:     Method (_WAK, 1, NotSerialized) 
Warning  2026 -                ^ Reserved method must return a value (_WAK) 

dsdt.dsl  2626:                     Field (ECR, DWordAcc, Lock, Preserve) 
Error    1048 -                              ^ Host Operation Region requires ByteAcc access

dsdt.dsl  2672:                     Method (_GLK, 1, NotSerialized) 
Warning  2024 -                                ^ Reserved method has too many arguments ( _GLK requires 0)

ASL Input:  dsdt.dsl - 3759 lines, 123154 bytes, 1862 keywords 
Compilation complete. 1 Errors, 2 Warnings, 0 Remarks, 390 Optimizations



6. 修复DSDT



The first thing that you should do if you have a buggy DSDT is to head over to theDSDT repository at acpi.sourceforge.net. They have fixed DSDTs for a number of laptops, so your model may already have a fix available. If there is a fix there, then just download it, extract it, recompile the asl using iasl as above, and proceed to Section 9. If there isn't already a fixed DSDT available, then you will have to try to fix your DSDT yourself. Read on for an example from my machine.

Unfortunately, this step will differ for every system. In my case, the fix was simple and self-evident, but I can't guarantee that that will be the case with you. You can find solutions to common DSDT compilation errorshere. At the end of the document, I'll have a list of useful resources in case you get stuck. OK - on to the fixing!

In order to fix the DSDT, you'll have to edit the dsdt.dsl file that we created in the diagnosis. Let's use mine as an example. Unless you also have a Gateway 200X, your process will be different (and if you do have a 200X, then you can get the fixed DSDThere). However, this should at least give you an overview of the process.

As you may recall, when I compiled my DSDT, I got one error:

dsdt.dsl  2626:                     Field (ECR, DWordAcc, Lock, Preserve)
Error    1048 -                              ^ Host Operation Region requires ByteAcc access

This tells me the following:
- The error is on line 2626
- The region in question requires ByteAcc Access

Since I see that this line has a DWordAcc value specified, I assume that that is what is causing the problem. So, I opened dsdt.dsl in a text editor and fixed that line:

  1. Edit dsdt.dsl
    vi dsdt.dsl

  2. Change any lines that are raising errors. I changed line 2626 from this
    Field (ECR, DWordAcc, Lock, Preserve)

    to this
    Field (ECR, ByteAcc, Lock, Preserve)

    Save and close the file. Now that we've made the change, we have to recompile to see if we actually fixed the problem.

  3. Recompile dsdt.dsl
    ./iasl -tc dsdt.dsl

    Now, when I recompile, I get the following:
    Intel ACPI Component Architecture
    ASL Optimizing Compiler / AML Disassembler version 20030228 [Feb 28 2003]
    Copyright (C) 2000 - 2003 Intel Corporation
    Supports ACPI Specification Revision 2.0b

    dsdt.dsl   163:     Method (_WAK, 1, NotSerialized)
    Warning  2026 -                ^ Reserved method must return a value (_WAK)

    dsdt.dsl  2672:                     Method (_GLK, 1, NotSerialized)
    Warning  2024 -                                ^ Reserved method has too many arguments ( _GLK requires 0)

    ASL Input:  dsdt.dsl - 3759 lines, 123153 bytes, 1862 keywords
    AML Output: DSDT.aml - 14600 bytes 499 named objects 1363 executable opcodes

    Compilation complete. 0 Errors, 2 Warnings, 0 Remarks, 390 Optimizations

    Alright! The error is gone. The warnings are still there, though. Let's get rid of them now, too.

  4. Repeat steps 1-3 for the warnings

    The second warning seems to be the easier one:
    dsdt.dsl  2672:                     Method (_GLK, 1, NotSerialized)
    Warning  2024 -                                ^ Reserved method has too many arguments ( _GLK requires 0)

    So, the _GLK method has too many arguments. Let's get rid of them. We can fix this by changing line 2672 from this:
    Method (_GLK, 1, NotSerialized)

    to this:
    Method (_GLK)

    Recompiling now only gives me the one warning:
    dsdt.dsl   163:     Method (_WAK, 1, NotSerialized)
    Warning  2026 -                ^ Reserved method must return a value (_WAK)

    From this HOWTO, I see that the solution is to add the following line to the end of the _WAK method:
    Return(Package(0x02){0x00, 0x00})

    What does this line mean? A little digging into the ACPI spec (Section 7.3.5) yields some information about the _WAK method.

    0   The value of the sleeping state (1 for S1, 2 for S2, and so on).
    Result Code (2 DWORD package):
    Status   Bit field of defined conditions that occurred during sleep.
       0x00000000   Wake was signaled and was successful
       0x00000001   Wake was signaled but failed due to lack of power.
       0x00000002   Wake was signaled but failed due to thermal condition.
       Other   Reserved
    PSS   If non-zero, the effective S-state the power supply really entered.

    This value is used to detect when the targeted S-state was not entered because of too much current being drawn from the power supply. For example, this might occur when some active device’s current consumption pushes the system’s power requirements over the low power supply mark, thus preventing the lower power mode from being entered as desired.

    OK, so the _WAK method accepts one argument, which is the number of the sleep state that was requested. It returns its result as a package of 2 DWORDs. The first value is a code that tells whether the wake was successful (0 on success, nonzero on failure) and, if not, why. The second value is also zero on success and on failure returns the value of the sleep state that was actually entered. So basically, it's a success/failure code.

    In Chapter 16, we can find out how to define a Package.
    PackageTerm   := Package(
                              NumElements  //Nothing |
                                           //ByteConstExpr |
                            ) {PackageList} => Package

    The first argument of the package declaration specifies the number of elements in the package, and the second is the package itself. So, the declaration above simply defines a two element package, where each of the elements is zero. This is necessary because the spec requires that the _WAK method return two values.

    So, what this really boils down to is a dummy return value that satisfies the spec (thus eliminating the warnings), but doesn't really do anything. It just always returns a "Success" condition.

    OK, now that that is cleared up, I add that line, recompile, and.... (drum roll please)

    Intel ACPI Component Architecture
    ASL Optimizing Compiler / AML Disassembler version 20030228 [Feb 28 2003]
    Copyright (C) 2000 - 2003 Intel Corporation
    Supports ACPI Specification Revision 2.0b

    ASL Input:  dsdt.dsl - 3760 lines, 123177 bytes, 1863 keywords
    AML Output: DSDT.aml - 14606 bytes 499 named objects 1364 executable opcodes

    Compilation complete. 0 Errors, 0 Warnings, 0 Remarks, 392 Optimizations

Excellent! No errors, no warnings. We now have a "fixed" DSDT (remember, the _WAK method isn't really fixed, we've just shut up the warning on compile). Many of the suggestions in the DSDT HOWTOs that I found are really just workarounds, not proper fixes. If you would like a more thorough analysis of your DSDT, you may want to ask the folks on the acpi-devel mailing list. If you succesfully used this process to fix your DSDT, please considerposting the fix to the DSDT repository, so that others can benefit from your work.

All that remains now is to convince our kernel to use the new DSDT.

As stated above, this will create two files, dsdt.hex andDSDT.aml. You will need to use one or the other of these files in the next step, depending on which method you use to override your DSDT. If you use the static DSDT override method, then you will needdsdt.hex. If you use the initrd method, then you will needDSDT.aml.

8. Incorporating the fixed DSDT into the kernel

There are two ways to incorporate your new DSDT into the kernel. The first way is to include it statically at compile time. The second is to pass it to the kenel at boot time as an initrd. The initrd approach is probably preferable, especially if you need to make a lot of changes to your DSDT, because it doesn't require that you recompile your kernel for each new DSDT. The static method does. Each method requires a kernel patch. Let's start with the static method first:

9a. Static DSDT override
To statically override your DSDT at kernel compile time, you will have to apply a patch to your kernel to have it read in the new DSDT, and then copy your fixed DSDT .hex file(dsdt.hex) to the kernel source tree for inclusion in the kernel.

So, first things first, let's patch the kernel.

  1. Obtain DSDT override patch from here
  2. Save the file to your machine. Let's call it dsdt_override.diff.
  3. Patch your kernel. I'm assuming that the kernel sources are located in /usr/src/linux-2.4.23, since that's the version I used. If yours are elsewhere, then modify the paths accordingly.
    cd /usr/src/linux-2.4.23
    patch -p1 < /path/to/dsdt_override.diff

    If you don't get any errors, then the patch succeeded. The patch expects to find the fixed DSDT in the linux source tree, under includes/acpi. It expects it to be named dsdt_table.h. So, let's give it what it wants.

  4. Copy dsdt.hex to the kernel source tree.
    cp /path/to/dsdt.hex /usr/src/linux-2.4.23/include/acpi/dsdt_table.h

  5. Recompile your kernel.

That ought to do it. After recompiling, move your new kernel image to /boot (maybe don't overwrite your current kernel - just to be safe), and reboot. If any of your acpi problems were caused by the buggy DSDT, then they should be fixed. /proc/acpi/dsdt should now contain your new fixed DSDT, so you can always cat that back out and recompile it to make sure that you are getting what you expect (i.e. no errors).

Remember, if you make more changes to your DSDT, then you'll have to recopy it to /include/acpi/dsdt_table.h and recompile your kernel.

9b. initrd DSDT override
The initrd method requires about the same amount of setup as the static method for the initial DSDT, but any subsequent changes can be incorporated much more easily. Basically, you will have to patch your kernel, copy your fixed DSDT .aml file(DSDT.aml) to /boot, and direct the kernel to incorporate it as an initrd. If you are already using an initrd for something, then there is a bit more work involved. I'll go over that after describing the basic case.

So, again, the first thing we have to do is patch the kernel.

  1. Get the appropriate initrd patch for your kernel from here
  2. Apply the patch to your kernel (in my case, I tested this on 2.6.0)
    cd /usr/src/linux-2.6.0
    patch -p1 < /path/to/acpi-dsdt-initrd-patch-v0.4-2.6.0.diff

  3. Make sure that ramdisk and initrd support are compiled statically into the kernel
    Device Drivers --->
        Block Devices --->
            <*> RAM disk support
            [*] Initial RAM disk (initrd) support

  4. Make sure that the new "Read DSDT from initrd" option is selected under the ACPI menu
    Power management options (ACPI, APM) --->
        ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) Support --->
            [*] Read DSDT from initrd

  5. Recompile the kernel

    Great! Now the kernel is ready to accept a DSDT as an initrd. Next, we need to copy the fixed DSDT.aml file to /boot and edit our grub.conf to point to the DSDT.

  6. Copy the fixed DSDT.aml to /boot:
    mount /boot
    cp /path/to/DSDT.aml /boot

  7. Edit grub.conf to use the new DSDT as an initrd. For example, mine looks like this:
    title=Gentoo Linux (2.6.0 - DSDT initrd)
    root (hd0,5)
    kernel (hd0,5)/boot/linux-2.6.0-dsdt-initrd root=/dev/hd8

    The important line is the "initrd=" line. Please remember to use your actual paths for root and kernel - don't just copy this into your grub.conf verbatim.

When you reboot, the new kernel should pick up the DSDT from the /boot partition and load it up as directed by the initrd parameter. You should see a message in dmesg that says "Looking for DSDT in initrd ..."

Now, if you make changes to your dsdt, all you have to do is copy the new DSDT.aml to /boot and reboot to incorporate those changes. No kernel recompile required.

9c. initrd override with bootsplash

If you are already using an initrd for something, like bootsplash, you can still use this method. You just have to create the initrd a bit differently. Instead of simply copying DSDT.aml to /boot and using it as the initrd, you have to cat a signature for the DSDT into your existing initrd, and then cat the DSDT into it as well. For example, my bootsplash initrd is currently called initrd-1024x768. So, here's what I did to add the DSDT.

  1. Make a copy of /boot/initrd-1024x768 for use with the DSDT
    cp /boot/initrd-1024x768 /boot/initrd-1024x768-dsdt

  2. Append the DSDT signature to the initrd
    echo "INITRDDSDT123DSDT123" >> /boot/initrd-1024x768-dsdt

  3. cat the fixed DSDT.aml into the initrd
    cat /path/to/DSDT.aml >> /boot/initrd-1024x768-dsdt

  4. Modify grub.conf to use the new initrd on boot:
    title=Gentoo Linux (2.6.0 gentoo - bootsplash + DSDT initrd)
    root (hd0,5)
    kernel (hd0,5)/boot/linux-2.6.0-gentoo-dsdt root=/dev/hd8 video=vesa:ywrap,mtrr vga=0x317

Voila! When you boot up, you should now get your lovely bootsplash screen and your new dsdt, both incorporated from the initrd.

If you make changes to the DSDT, you just have to rebuild your initrd as above (which is a good reason to make a copy of your existing one, rather than appending to it directly).

9. My DSDT is fixed, but I still have ACPI errors. Now what?

10a. Windows-only DSDT functionality
You may find that you have no errors in your DSDT, but there are still errors in dmesg, or missing ACPI functionality. This may be because your DSDT is testing for the name of your OS. Many DSDTs do this, and enable certain functionality only if you are running a particular OS (usually, of course, Windows XP). To test for this, look for lines in your DSDT that check the value or length of the "_OS" variable. For example, you may find lines like this:

If (LEqual (SizeOf (_OS), 0x14))

This is checking for an OS name with a length of 20 (0x14) characters. Some examples are "Microsoft Windows NT" or "Microsoft Windows XP". You could try to rewrite your DSDT to skip these checks, or to provide the missing functionality for other OSes, but this is tedious and error-prone. Fortunately, there is a simpler way. There is a boot parameter that you can pass to the kernel to tell ACPI to pretend that you are running Windows to restore the missing functionality, rather than rewriting your DSDT. The parameter is called acpi_os_name. So, in grub.conf, you would just add this parameter to the kernel line, like this:

acpi_os_name="Microsoft Windows XP"

This should restore any functionality that is dependent on your OS identifying itself as Windows XP. Other common _OS length checks are:

0x11: "Microsoft Windows"
0x27: "Microsoft WindowsME: Millennium Edition"

These tests are also sometimes used to disable certain functionality for certain Windows OSes. So, you may want to take a few minutes to try to work out what your DSDT is doing before fudging the OS name. You should probably take note of what works and what doesn't before and after trying this, just in case you end up turning something off.

10b. Missing ECDT

If your problem isn't that the DSDT is checking whether or not you are running Windows, then you may have a missing ECDT. The ECDT is used to provide some minimal information about the Embedded Controller to the ACPI drivers before the Embedded Controller region has actually been parsed from the DSDT. This is frequently necessary before initializing the battery and ac adapter, so if you have errors in dmesg from the battery, adapter or EmbeddedControl, the ECDT is the likely culprit. For instance, after fixing my DSDT, I had the following errors in dmesg:

evregion-0251 [22] ev_address_space_dispa: No handler for Region [ECR_] (df5ec688) [EmbeddedControl]
 exfldio-0284 [21] ex_access_region      : Region EmbeddedControl(3) has no handler
 dswexec-0435 [14] ds_exec_end_op        : [LEqual]: Could not resolve operands, AE_NOT_EXIST
dswstate-0273 [16] ds_result_pop_from_bot: No result objects! State=df5fb428
 dsutils-0525 [16] ds_create_operand     : Missing or null operand, AE_AML_NO_RETURN_VALUE
 psparse-1120: *** Error: Method execution failed [\_SB_.ADP1._STA] (Node df5f42c8), AE_AML_NO_RETURN_VALUE
evregion-0251 [22] ev_address_space_dispa: No handler for Region [ECR_] (df5ec688) [EmbeddedControl]
 exfldio-0284 [21] ex_access_region      : Region EmbeddedControl(3) has no handler
 dswexec-0435 [14] ds_exec_end_op        : [LEqual]: Could not resolve operands, AE_NOT_EXIST
dswstate-0273 [16] ds_result_pop_from_bot: No result objects! State=df5fb428
 dsutils-0525 [16] ds_create_operand     : Missing or null operand, AE_AML_NO_RETURN_VALUE
 psparse-1120: *** Error: Method execution failed [\_SB_.BAT1._STA] (Node df5f4848), AE_AML_NO_RETURN_VALUE

EmbeddedControl is obviously the embedded controller. ADP1 is the ac adapter and BAT1 is the battery. After booting, my /proc/acpi/ac_adapter and /proc/acpi/battery directories were empty. All of this was caused by the missing ECDT.

A couple of patches have been proposed to correct this behavior. So far, the most promising one ishere. This defers the Embedded Controller's initialization until it has actually been parsed from the DSDT. This patch restored my missing ECDT-related functionality (battery and adapter), and has been reported to do the same for a number of different systems. It may be applied to both the 2.4 and 2.6 kernel sources.

10c. My power and/or sleep buttons don't work

The ACPI spec defines two types of power and sleep buttons. They are called fixed-feature (FF) buttons and control method (CM) buttons. The difference between the two is that FF buttons are defined at a lower level than the DSDT, in the FADT. CM buttons are defined in the DSDT. It is possible for your system to have both types of button. You can tell which you have by the presence of an "FF" or "CM" next to the button alert in dmesg. For example, my dmesg gives the following:

ACPI: Power Button (FF) [PWRF]
ACPI: Lid Switch [LID0]
ACPI: Sleep Button (CM) [SLPB]

So, acpi is detecting an FF power button and a CM sleep button. I actually also have a CM power button defined in my DSDT. However, in accordance with the ACPI spec, if the linux drivers detect an FF button, the CM button is ignored. Unfortunately, the FF power button does not generate an ACPI event in my case. However, the CM sleep button does generate events.

I opened a bug for this behavior. However, it is unlikely that the behavior will change, since it would contradict the spec to give CM buttons precedence over FF buttons. So, I posted apatch to provide a workaround for the problem on the 2.6 kernels.

The patch allows you to provide a new boot parameter, called ignore_ff_buttons. It accepts one of three values, PWRF (to ignore only the FF power button), SLPF (to ignore only the FF sleep button), or BOTH (to ignore both FF buttons).

In my case, I just want to ignore the FF power button, since I am already using the CM sleep button. So, I modified my grub.conf as below:

title=Gentoo Linux (2.6.1 - all ACPI patches)
root (hd0,5)
kernel (hd0,5)/boot/linux-2.6.1 root=/dev/hda8 ignore_ff_buttons=PWRF

Now, when I reboot, dmesg shows me the following buttons:

ACPI: Lid Switch [LID0]
ACPI: Sleep Button (CM) [SLPB]
ACPI: Power Button (CM) [PWRB]

And I get ACPI events from my power button.

If you decide to use this patch, please be careful. I haven't created a kernel patch before. This one doesn't do much, so it should be pretty safe, but I highly recommend that you back up your kernel tree before applying it. Also, if you do decide to use it, I would be very interested to hear whether or not it works for you. Of course, I'm sure that I'll hear if it doesn't, but if it does, I would also like to know.

10d. My BIOS is blacklisted

Some BIOSes have been blacklisted by the ACPI developers because they have known problems. These problems are usually related to the DSDT, so you might be able to repair these problems using the above techniques. Unfortunately, if the ACPI code detects that you have a blacklisted BIOS, it will disable ACPI even if you have fixed your DSDT. If you have a blacklisted BIOS, you will see a message like this on boot:

ACPI: Vendor "PTLTD " System "  DSDT  " Revision 0x6040000 has a known ACPI BIOS problem.
ACPI: Reason: Multiple problems. This is a non-recoverable error
ACPI: BIOS listed in blacklist, disabling ACPI support

To get around this, you'll have to comment out the line in the ACPI code that causes your BIOS to short circuit the ACPI startup process. The file that sets the blacklisted BIOSes is/usr/src/linux/drivers/acpi/blacklist.c. To prevent your blacklisted BIOS from causing trouble, open up the file and comment out the appropriate line instatic struct acpi_blacklist_item acpi_blacklist[]. For example, in the above case, the line to comment is:

{"PTLTD ", "  DSDT  ", 0x06040000, ACPI_DSDT, less_than_or_equal, "Multiple problems", 1},

Once you've commented out the line that corresponds to your BIOS, recompile your kernel and reboot. The ACPI drivers should now initialize, and the messages about the blacklisted BIOS should go away. You may also have to boot with "acpi=force" on the kernel line of your grub.conf to get this to work (thanks to sleek for clarifying).

10e. I have an Asus laptop

If you have an Asus laptop, you may want to check out the acpi4asus project. This is a driver that provides ACPI support on linux for most Asus laptops, including special keys and LEDs. The driver is being actively developed, so if you have a recent Asus laptop that isn't yet supported by the driver, support may be coming soon.

10f. It's still not working!

If, at this point, you are still having errors, there are one or two more things to try. If ACPI refuses to initialize, you can try booting with "acpi=force" in your grub.conf. This is sometimes necessary in order to force the ACPI drivers to initialize with older BIOSes. If you still have ACPI-related errors on boot and have a single-processor machine, then try disabling multiprocessor support, local apic support and IO-apic support in your kernel. You can also try booting with the "pci=noacpi" or "noapic" options. The apic code still seems to be a bit finicky; many people have reported problems with it.

If none of the above recommendations helps, then I would strongly suggest contacting the ACPI developers. You have likely found a bug in the ACPI code. In particular, if you are having suspend/resume problems, you are far from alone. This code is still being worked out. Give the acpi-devel mailing list a shot. You can also, of course, post your errors here, and I'll try to see what I can do to help, but the acpi gurus are likely to be a better resource.

10. Useful ACPI resources

There are a number of good ACPI resources, in case you get stuck. The ones that I found most helpful were:
  • bugzilla.kernel.org
  • acpi.sourceforge.net
  • acpi-devel and acpi-bugzilla mailing lists
  • www.acpi.info (theACPI spec is here, including ASL documentation, which is the language used for the DSDT)
  • The Intel ACPI downloads page - get the iasl compiler here.
  • HOWTO fix common DSDT errors
  • DSDT fixes for the Thinkpad T31
  • DSDT repository at acpi.sourceforge.net
  • DSDT submission page at acpi.sourceforge.net.
  • Documentation for the static DSDT override
  • Documentation for the initrd DSDT override
  • ECDT initialization patch
  • FF button patch
  • acpi4asus homepage

11. Acknowledgements

I'd like to thank the ACPI developers, expecially Luming Yu and Bruno Ducrot. All of them have been very helpful and very responsive. In general, the ACPI mailing lists and bugzilla are wonderful resources for ACPI help.
