
// Contains all the NSNotification names posted by
// Alamofire with descriptions of each notification's
// payload.

public struct Notifications {
  // Used as a namespace for all `NSURLSessionTask` 
  //related notifications.

  public struct Task {
      // Notification posted when an `NSURLSessionTask` is resumed. 
      // The notification `object` contains the 
      // resumed `NSURLSessionTask`.
      public static let DidResume = "com.alamofire.notifications.task.didResume"

      public static let DidSuspend = "com.alamofire.notifications.task.didSuspend"

      public static let DidCancel = "com.alamofire.notifications.task.didCancel"

      public static let DidComplete = "com.alamofire.notifications.task.didComplete"
