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Our Black Box represents a primitive database. It can save an integer array and has a special i variable. At the initial moment Black Box is empty and i equals 0. This Black Box processes a sequence of commands (transactions). There are two types of transactions:
ADD (x): put element x into Black Box;
GET: increase i by 1 and give an i-minimum out of all integers containing in the Black Box. Keep in mind that i-minimum is a number located at i-th place after Black Box elements sorting by non- descending.
Let us examine a possible sequence of 11 transactions:
Example 1
N Transaction i Black Box contents after transaction Answer
(elements are arranged by non-descending)
1 ADD(3) 0 3
2 GET 1 3 3
3 ADD(1) 1 1, 3
4 GET 2 1, 3 3
5 ADD(-4) 2 -4, 1, 3
6 ADD(2) 2 -4, 1, 2, 3
7 ADD(8) 2 -4, 1, 2, 3, 8
8 ADD(-1000) 2 -1000, -4, 1, 2, 3, 8
9 GET 3 -1000, -4, 1, 2, 3, 8 1
10 GET 4 -1000, -4, 1, 2, 3, 8 2
11 ADD(2) 4 -1000, -4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 8
It is required to work out an efficient algorithm which treats a given sequence of transactions. The maximum number of ADD and GET transactions: 30000 of each type.
Let us describe the sequence of transactions by two integer arrays:
Treap的结构中维护一个size 即可实现查询第K大 注意查询的时候是查询当前子树内的第K大,然后注意递归的时候有减法
#define Maxn 30005
using namespace std;
int num[Maxn];
struct Node {
int rank,size,val;
Node *ch[2];
Node (int val) :val(val) {
rank = rand();
ch[0] = ch[1] = NULL;
size = 1;
void Update() {
size = 1;
if(ch[1] != NULL) size += ch[1] -> size;
if(ch[0] != NULL) size += ch[0] -> size;
}*root = NULL;
inline void Rotate(Node *&cur,int d) {// 1 表示右旋
Node *k = cur -> ch[d^1];
cur -> ch[d^1] = k -> ch[d];
// 注意更新
k -> ch[d] = cur;
cur -> Update();
cur = k;
cur -> Update();
void Insert(Node *&cur,int val) {
if(cur == NULL) cur = new Node(val);
else {
int d = val < cur -> val ? 0 : 1;
Insert(cur -> ch[d],val);
if(cur -> ch[d] -> rank > cur -> rank) Rotate(cur,d^1);
cur -> Update();
int K_th(Node *cur,int k) {
if(k == 1 && cur -> ch[0] == NULL) {
return cur -> val;
if(cur -> ch[0] == NULL) return K_th(cur -> ch[1],k - 1);// k >= 2 好像是句废话
if(cur -> ch[0] -> size == k - 1) return cur -> val;
if(cur -> ch[0] -> size < k - 1) return K_th(cur -> ch[1],k - cur -> ch[0] -> size - 1);//左子树不够来右子树寻找
else if(cur -> ch[0] -> size > k - 1) return K_th(cur -> ch[0],k);
int main(int argc,char* argv[]) {
int n,m,x,j = 1;
scanf("%d %d",&n,&m);
for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) scanf("%d",&num[i]);
for(int i=1; i<=m; i++) {
for(; j<=x; j++) Insert(root,num[j]);
return 0;