Elon Musk-Ch 8-01

Day 11






1 /splæʃ/ ●●● W3 verb

[intransitive] if a liquid splashes, it hits or falls on something and makes a noise

splash against/on/over

The ocean splashed against the pier.

2 noun

[countable] the sound of a liquid hitting something or being moved around quickly

Rachel fell into the river with a loud splash.

原文参考:The facility had a series of interlocking hangars and served as a production office for the movie. It also supplied Robert Downey Jr., who was to play Iron Man and his human creator Tony Stark, with a splash of inspiration.


psy‧che /ˈsaɪki/ noun [countable usually singular] technical or formal

someone’s mind, or their deepest feelings, which control their attitudes and behaviour

Freud’s account of the human psyche

A characteristic of the feminine psyche is to seek approval from others.

原文参考:Beyond the surroundings, Downey really wanted a peek inside Musk’s psyche. The men walked, sat in Musk’s office, and had lunch. Downey appreciated that Musk was not a foul-smelling, fidgety, coder whack job.


rel‧ish/ˈrelɪʃ/ ●○○ verb [transitive]

to enjoy an experience or the thought of something that is going to happen

relish the prospect/thought/idea

I don’t relish the thought of you walking home alone.

relish the chance/opportunity

He relishes the chance to play Hamlet.

原文参考:Justine appeared to relish their status even more than Musk.


di‧spel /dɪˈspel/ verb (dispelled, dispelling) [transitive]

to make something go away, especially a belief, idea, or feeling

We want to dispel the myth that you cannot eat well in Britain.

Light poured into the hall, dispelling the shadows.

原文参考:“Elon Musk has been called ‘part playboy, part space cowboy,’ an image hardly dispelled by a car collection that has boasted a Porsche 911 Turbo, 1967 Series 1 Jaguar, a Hamann BMW M5 plus the aforementioned McLaren F1—which he has driven at up to 215mph on a private airstrip,” a British reporter gushed in 2007.


o‧pin‧ion‧at‧ed /əˈpɪnjəneɪtɪd/ adjective

expressing very strong opinions about things

I found him very arrogant and opinionated.

原文参考:When Justine let out her political views, one of the men at the table made a crack about her being so opinionated.

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