Day 7

Day 7


User data business


Perhaps most ambitiously, the authors muse that data labour could come to be seen as useful work, conferring the same sort of dignity as paid employment: a desirable side-effect in a possible future of mass automation.


The authors’ thoughts need fleshing out; their paper, thought-provoking though it is, runs totally 5 pages. Part of the envisioned scheme seem impractical.

在没有实质性的金钱诱惑下,人们真得会对花费时间来描述他们早晨的惯例和办公室的习惯感兴趣 (而且他们的数据会值得公司支付一大笔钱)吗?这类系统是否有可能招来单纯是想用毫无用处的数据挣一笔快钱的数据水军或者垃圾邮件公司呢?

Would people really be interested in taking the time to describe their morning routine and office habits without a substantial monetary inducement (and would their data be valuable enough for firms to pay a substantial amount)? Might not such systems attract data mercenaries, spamming firms with useless junk data simply to make a quick buck?

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