# 条件输入
class Condition(object):
# 获取输入条件
def run(self):
print('1.shopee商品搜索' + '\t' + '2.shopee店铺搜索' + '\t' + '3.shopee单品链接')
platform = self.get_platform()
config = self.search_other(platform)
return config
# 渠道选择
def get_platform(self):
search_method = input('请选择商品采集渠道:')
platform = ''
if search_method == '1':
platform = 'shopee_product'
elif search_method == '2':
platform = 'shopee_store'
elif search_method == '3':
platform = 'shopee_link'
return platform
# 平台站点
def site_choose(self):
print('+' + '-' * 28 + '+')
print('|' + '平台站点选择'.center(22) + '|')
print('|' + ' ' * 28 + '|')
print('|' + '1.新加坡'.ljust(11) + '2.马来西亚'.ljust(10) + '|')
print('|' + '3.泰国'.ljust(12) + '4.菲律宾'.ljust(11) + '|')
print('|' + '5.越南'.ljust(12) + '6.印尼'.ljust(12) + '|')
# print('|' + '7.台湾'.ljust(12) + ' '.ljust(14) + '|')
print('+' + '-' * 28 + '+', '\n')
# 获取平台站点
def get_site(self):
terrace = input('请选择shopee平台站点(1-7):')
site = ''
if terrace == '1':
site = 'sg'
elif terrace == '2':
site = 'my'
elif terrace == '3':
site = 'th'
elif terrace == '4':
site = 'ph'
elif terrace == '5':
site = 'vn'
elif terrace == '6':
site = 'id'
elif terrace == '7':
site = 'tw'
return site
# 其他搜索条件
def search_other(self, platform):
low_price = 'None'
high_price = 'None'
end_page = 'None'
shop_id = 'None'
item_id = 'None'
if platform == 'shopee_link':
keyword = input('请输入shopee单品链接:')
site = re.findall('https://(.*?)/', keyword)[0][-2:] # 单品匹配出站点
shop_id = re.findall(r'-i.(\d+).', keyword)[0] # 店铺id
item_id = re.findall(r'-i.(\d+).(\d+)', keyword)[0][1] # 商品id
site = self.get_site()
if platform == 'shopee_product':
keyword = input('请输入要搜索的商品(英文):')
low_price = input('请输入商品的最低价:')
high_price = input('请输入商品的最高价:')
print('\n', '示例:https://shopee.sg/shop/139267434/search?page=3&sortBy=pop' + '\t' + '—>139267434', '\n')
keyword = input('请输入要搜索的店铺:')
end_page = input('请输入商品列表页码:') # 商品列表页码,如1..,2则为第2页
config = {'cid': 0, 'site': site, 'platform': platform, 'keyword': keyword, 'end_page': end_page,
'low_price': low_price, 'high_price': high_price, 'shop_id': shop_id, 'item_id': item_id}
return config
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import re
# shopee采集
class ShopeeSpider(object):
# 主函数
def main(self, config):
begin, start = pub.begin_time()
cid = config['cid']
config['start'] = start
# sql.del_data(cid)
# sql.save_start(cid, start)
# sql.updata_status(cid)
end, over = pub.end_time()
# sql.save_succeed(cid, over) # 保存结束时间和状态
print('程序耗时%.02f秒' % (end - begin))
except Exception as error:
print('错误信息:', error)
# sql.save_error(cid, str(error))
# 获取地址及平台站点
def get_website(self, config):
site = config['site']
website = ' '
if site == 'sg':
website = 'shopee.sg'
elif site == 'my':
website = 'shopee.com.my'
elif site == 'th':
website = 'shopee.co.th'
elif site == 'ph':
website = 'shopee.ph'
elif site == 'vn':
website = 'shopee.vn'
elif site == 'id':
website = 'shopee.co.id'
elif site == 'tw':
website = 'xiapi.xiapibuy.com'
return website
# 拼接条件作文件路径
def get_path(self, config):
sort = '单品'
folder_path = ''
platform = 'shopee'
if config['low_price'] != 'None' and config['end_page'] != 'None':
sort = '商品'
folder_path = config['keyword'] + "_" + "价格" + config['low_price'] + "-" + config[
'high_price'] + "_" + "页码" + "-" + config['end_page']
elif config['end_page'] != 'None':
sort = '店铺'
folder_path = config['keyword'] + "页数" + "-" + config['end_page']
path = "商品采集/" + "shopee/" + config['site'] + "/" + sort + "/" + folder_path # 文件夹路径,拼接搜索条件
header = ['商 品 ID', '商品标题', '商品主图', '店铺名称', '品牌名称', '发货地点', '产品现价', '当月销量',
'评价人数', '收藏人气', '店铺评分', '详情链接', '商品副图', '变体信息', '商品短描', '产品原价',
'商品分类', '高清大图', '变体图片', '商品长述', '商品站点', '包装内容', '商品平台'] # 数据标题
pub.mkdir(path) # 传入文件夹路径,并调用函数
pub.save_csv(path, header, platform) # 传入参数,并写入csv标题
return path
# 分配任务
def task_allocation(self, config):
website = self.get_website(config)
path = self.get_path(config)
config['website'] = website
config['path'] = path
platform = config['platform']
if platform == 'shopee_link':
config['count'] = 1
url = 'https://{}/api/v2/item/get?itemid={}&shopid={}'.format(website, config['item_id'], config['shop_id'])
self.parse_details(url, config)
url = self.condition_search(config)
urls = self.parse_list(url, config)
self.details(urls, config)
# 条件整合搜索
def condition_search(self, config):
website = config['website']
keyword = config['keyword']
low_price = config['low_price']
high_price = config['high_price']
end_page = int(config['end_page'])
if low_price == 'None':
page = str((end_page - 1) * 30)
url = 'https://{}/api/v2/search_items/?by=pop&limit=30&match_id={}&newest={}&order=desc&page_type=shop'.format(
website, keyword, page)
page = str((end_page - 1) * 50)
url = 'https://{}/api/v2/search_items/?by=relevancy&keyword={}&limit=50&newest={}&order=desc&page_type=search &price_max={}&price_min={}'.format(
website, keyword, page, high_price, low_price)
return url
# 解析列表页接口,获取详情url
def parse_list(self, url, config):
urls = []
website = config['website']
con = pub.get_content(url)
items = con['items']
for item in items:
itemid = item['itemid']
shopid = item['shopid']
link = 'https://{}/api/v2/item/get?itemid={}&shopid={}'.format(website, itemid, shopid)
return urls
# 商品详情
def details(self, urls, config):
count = 1
for url in urls:
config['count'] = count
self.parse_details(url, config)
count += 1
# 解析详情页
def parse_details(self, det_url, config):
begin, start = pub.begin_time()
config['start'] = start
con = pub.get_content(det_url)
url, ID = self.get_ID(con, config)
item = self.get_static(con)
pictures = self.show_pictures(con)
category_text = self.get_category(con)
desc = self.get_desc(con)
variants = self.get_skuinfo(con)
info = {
'platform': 'shopee',
'config': config,
'item': item,
'ID': ID,
'url': url,
'pictures': pictures,
'category_text': category_text,
'desc': desc,
'long_descroption': '',
'variants': variants
end, over = pub.end_time()
print('当前耗时%.02f秒' % (end - begin), '\n')
# 获取描述信息
def get_desc(self,con):
deacribe = []
trace = con['item']['description']
desc = pub.exp3(deacribe)
return desc
# 获取ID
def get_ID(self, con, config):
website = config['website']
itemid = str(con['item']['itemid'])
shopid = str(con['item']['shopid'])
# name = con['item']['name']
# new_name = name.replace(' ', '-').replace('#', '-').replace('?', '')
url = "https://{}/shopee-i.{}.{}".format(website, shopid, itemid)
return url, itemid
# 获取单属性元素
def get_static(self, con):
# brand = con['item']['brand']
sales = str(con['item']['sold'])
comment = str(con['item']['cmt_count'])
collect = str(con['item']['liked_count'])
title = con['item']['name']
pre_price = con['item']['price_max']
pre_price = con['item']['price']
present_price = str(int(pre_price) / 100000)
ori_price = con['item']['price_before_discount']
original_price = str(int(ori_price) / 100000)
original_price = ''
item = {
'title': title,
'sales': sales,
'comment': comment,
'collect': collect,
'present_price': present_price,
'original_price': original_price,
'location': '',
'store_name': '',
'box_content': '',
'grade': '',
'weight': ' ',
'brand': 'No brand'
return item
# 展示图
def show_pictures(self, con):
master_map = 'https://cf.shopee.com.my/file/' + con['item']['image']
imgs = con['item']['images']
other_imgs = ['https://cf.shopee.com.my/file/' + i + '_tn' for i in imgs]
extra_imgs = pub.exp3(other_imgs)
pictures = {
'master_map': master_map,
'extra_imgs': extra_imgs,
'HD_imgs': '',
'var_img': ''
return pictures
# 获取分类
def get_category(self, con):
category = []
categories = con['item']['categories']
for index in range(0, len(categories)):
display_name = categories[index]['display_name']
category_text = pub.exp3(category)
return category_text
# 获取变体
def get_skuinfo(self, con):
info_list = []
models = con['item']['models']
for index in range(0, len(models)):
name = models[index]['name']
if ',' in name:
name_list = name.split(',')
name_list = []
variants = pub.exp3(info_list)
return variants
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import re
import public
pub = public.Pulic()
# sql = public.MysqlSave()
# shopee采集
class ShopeeSpider(object):
# 主函数
def main(self, config):
begin, start = pub.begin_time()
cid = config['cid']
config['start'] = start
# sql.del_data(cid)
# sql.save_start(cid, start)
# sql.updata_status(cid)
end, over = pub.end_time()
# sql.save_succeed(cid, over) # 保存结束时间和状态
print('程序耗时%.02f秒' % (end - begin))
except Exception as error:
print('错误信息:', error)
# sql.save_error(cid, str(error))
# 获取地址及平台站点
def get_website(self, config):
site = config['site']
website = ' '
if site == 'sg':
website = 'shopee.sg'
elif site == 'my':
website = 'shopee.com.my'
elif site == 'th':
website = 'shopee.co.th'
elif site == 'ph':
website = 'shopee.ph'
elif site == 'vn':
website = 'shopee.vn'
elif site == 'id':
website = 'shopee.co.id'
elif site == 'tw':
website = 'xiapi.xiapibuy.com'
return website
# 拼接条件作文件路径
def get_path(self, config):
sort = '单品'
folder_path = ''
platform = 'shopee'
if config['low_price'] != 'None' and config['end_page'] != 'None':
sort = '商品'
folder_path = config['keyword'] + "_" + "价格" + config['low_price'] + "-" + config[
'high_price'] + "_" + "页码" + "-" + config['end_page']
elif config['end_page'] != 'None':
sort = '店铺'
folder_path = config['keyword'] + "页数" + "-" + config['end_page']
path = "商品采集/" + "shopee/" + config['site'] + "/" + sort + "/" + folder_path # 文件夹路径,拼接搜索条件
header = ['商 品 ID', '商品标题', '商品主图', '店铺名称', '品牌名称', '发货地点', '产品现价', '当月销量',
'评价人数', '收藏人气', '店铺评分', '详情链接', '商品副图', '变体信息', '商品短描', '产品原价',
'商品分类', '高清大图', '变体图片', '商品长述', '商品站点', '包装内容', '商品平台'] # 数据标题
pub.mkdir(path) # 传入文件夹路径,并调用函数
pub.save_csv(path, header, platform) # 传入参数,并写入csv标题
return path
# 分配任务
def task_allocation(self, config):
website = self.get_website(config)
path = self.get_path(config)
config['website'] = website
config['path'] = path
platform = config['platform']
if platform == 'shopee_link':
config['count'] = 1
url = 'https://{}/api/v2/item/get?itemid={}&shopid={}'.format(website, config['item_id'], config['shop_id'])
self.parse_details(url, config)
url = self.condition_search(config)
urls = self.parse_list(url, config)
self.details(urls, config)
# 条件整合搜索
def condition_search(self, config):
website = config['website']
keyword = config['keyword']
low_price = config['low_price']
high_price = config['high_price']
end_page = int(config['end_page'])
if low_price == 'None':
page = str((end_page - 1) * 30)
url = 'https://{}/api/v2/search_items/?by=pop&limit=30&match_id={}&newest={}&order=desc&page_type=shop'.format(
website, keyword, page)
page = str((end_page - 1) * 50)
url = 'https://{}/api/v2/search_items/?by=relevancy&keyword={}&limit=50&newest={}&order=desc&page_type=search &price_max={}&price_min={}'.format(
website, keyword, page, high_price, low_price)
return url
# 解析列表页接口,获取详情url
def parse_list(self, url, config):
urls = []
website = config['website']
con = pub.get_content(url)
items = con['items']
for item in items:
itemid = item['itemid']
shopid = item['shopid']
link = 'https://{}/api/v2/item/get?itemid={}&shopid={}'.format(website, itemid, shopid)
return urls
# 商品详情
def details(self, urls, config):
count = 1
for url in urls:
config['count'] = count
self.parse_details(url, config)
count += 1
# 解析详情页
def parse_details(self, det_url, config):
begin, start = pub.begin_time()
config['start'] = start
con = pub.get_content(det_url)
url, ID = self.get_ID(con, config)
item = self.get_static(con)
pictures = self.show_pictures(con)
category_text = self.get_category(con)
desc = self.get_desc(con)
variants = self.get_skuinfo(con)
info = {
'platform': 'shopee',
'config': config,
'item': item,
'ID': ID,
'url': url,
'pictures': pictures,
'category_text': category_text,
'desc': desc,
'long_descroption': '',
'variants': variants
end, over = pub.end_time()
print('当前耗时%.02f秒' % (end - begin), '\n')
# 获取描述信息
def get_desc(self,con):
deacribe = []
trace = con['item']['description']
desc = pub.exp3(deacribe)
return desc
# 获取ID
def get_ID(self, con, config):
website = config['website']
itemid = str(con['item']['itemid'])
shopid = str(con['item']['shopid'])
# name = con['item']['name']
# new_name = name.replace(' ', '-').replace('#', '-').replace('?', '')
url = "https://{}/shopee-i.{}.{}".format(website, shopid, itemid)
return url, itemid
# 获取单属性元素
def get_static(self, con):
# brand = con['item']['brand']
sales = str(con['item']['sold'])
comment = str(con['item']['cmt_count'])
collect = str(con['item']['liked_count'])
title = con['item']['name']
pre_price = con['item']['price_max']
pre_price = con['item']['price']
present_price = str(int(pre_price) / 100000)
ori_price = con['item']['price_before_discount']
original_price = str(int(ori_price) / 100000)
original_price = ''
item = {
'title': title,
'sales': sales,
'comment': comment,
'collect': collect,
'present_price': present_price,
'original_price': original_price,
'location': '',
'store_name': '',
'box_content': '',
'grade': '',
'weight': ' ',
'brand': 'No brand'
return item
# 展示图
def show_pictures(self, con):
master_map = 'https://cf.shopee.com.my/file/' + con['item']['image']
imgs = con['item']['images']
other_imgs = ['https://cf.shopee.com.my/file/' + i + '_tn' for i in imgs]
extra_imgs = pub.exp3(other_imgs)
pictures = {
'master_map': master_map,
'extra_imgs': extra_imgs,
'HD_imgs': '',
'var_img': ''
return pictures
# 获取分类
def get_category(self, con):
category = []
categories = con['item']['categories']
for index in range(0, len(categories)):
display_name = categories[index]['display_name']
category_text = pub.exp3(category)
return category_text
# 获取变体
def get_skuinfo(self, con):
info_list = []
models = con['item']['models']
for index in range(0, len(models)):
name = models[index]['name']
if ',' in name:
name_list = name.split(',')
name_list = []
variants = pub.exp3(info_list)
return variants
# 条件输入
class Condition(object):
# 获取输入条件
def run(self):
print('1.shopee商品搜索' + '\t' + '2.shopee店铺搜索' + '\t' + '3.shopee单品链接')
platform = self.get_platform()
config = self.search_other(platform)
return config
# 渠道选择
def get_platform(self):
search_method = input('请选择商品采集渠道:')
platform = ''
if search_method == '1':
platform = 'shopee_product'
elif search_method == '2':
platform = 'shopee_store'
elif search_method == '3':
platform = 'shopee_link'
return platform
# 平台站点
def site_choose(self):
print('+' + '-' * 28 + '+')
print('|' + '平台站点选择'.center(22) + '|')
print('|' + ' ' * 28 + '|')
print('|' + '1.新加坡'.ljust(11) + '2.马来西亚'.ljust(10) + '|')
print('|' + '3.泰国'.ljust(12) + '4.菲律宾'.ljust(11) + '|')
print('|' + '5.越南'.ljust(12) + '6.印尼'.ljust(12) + '|')
# print('|' + '7.台湾'.ljust(12) + ' '.ljust(14) + '|')
print('+' + '-' * 28 + '+', '\n')
# 获取平台站点
def get_site(self):
terrace = input('请选择shopee平台站点(1-7):')
site = ''
if terrace == '1':
site = 'sg'
elif terrace == '2':
site = 'my'
elif terrace == '3':
site = 'th'
elif terrace == '4':
site = 'ph'
elif terrace == '5':
site = 'vn'
elif terrace == '6':
site = 'id'
elif terrace == '7':
site = 'tw'
return site
# 其他搜索条件
def search_other(self, platform):
low_price = 'None'
high_price = 'None'
end_page = 'None'
shop_id = 'None'
item_id = 'None'
if platform == 'shopee_link':
keyword = input('请输入shopee单品链接:')
site = re.findall('https://(.*?)/', keyword)[0][-2:]
shop_id = re.findall(r'-i.(\d+).', keyword)[0]
item_id = re.findall(r'-i.(\d+).(\d+)', keyword)[0][1]
site = self.get_site()
if platform == 'shopee_product':
keyword = input('请输入要搜索的商品(英文):')
low_price = input('请输入商品的最低价:') # 商品最低价
high_price = input('请输入商品的最高价:') # 商品最高价
print('\n', '示例:https://shopee.sg/shop/139267434/search?page=3&sortBy=pop' + '\t' + '—>139267434', '\n')
keyword = input('请输入要搜索的店铺:')
end_page = input('请输入商品列表页码:') # 商品列表终止页
config = {'cid': 0, 'site': site, 'platform': platform, 'keyword': keyword, 'end_page': end_page,
'low_price': low_price, 'high_price': high_price, 'shop_id': shop_id, 'item_id': item_id}
return config
if __name__ == '__main__':
test = Condition()
config = test.run()
sh = ShopeeSpider()
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
from fake_useragent import UserAgent
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
import requests
import pymysql
import logging
import execjs
import json
import time
import csv
import re
import os
# 公共解析块
class Pulic(object):
# 开始时间
def begin_time(self):
start = time.time()
now_time = int(time.time())
return start, now_time
# 结束时间
def end_time(self):
end = time.time()
over = int(time.time())
return end, over
# 日志存储
def logg(self, data):
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # 日志
logger.setLevel(level=logging.INFO) # 日志级别
formatter = logging.Formatter(
'%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') # 日志时间、执行程序路径、日志当前行号、日志级别、日志信息
sh = logging.StreamHandler() # 往屏幕上输出
sh.setFormatter(formatter) # 设置屏幕上显示的格式
# today = datetime.now()
# log_file_path = "login-{}-{}-{}.log".format(today.year, today.month, today.day)
handler = logging.FileHandler('error.log', encoding='utf-8') # 往文件输出
handler.setFormatter(formatter) # 设置文件写入格式
logger.addHandler(handler) # 把对象加入到logger里
# 平台汇率换算
def exchange_rate(self):
print('+' + '-' * 38 + '+')
print('|' + '汇率换算'.center(34) + '|')
print('|' + ' ' * 38 + '|')
print('|' + '1.人民币兑新加坡元'.ljust(20) + '1:0.2'.ljust(10) + '|')
print('|' + '2.人民币兑马来西亚林吉特'.ljust(17) + '1:0.6'.ljust(10) + '|')
print('|' + '3.人民币兑泰铢'.ljust(22) + '1:4.5'.ljust(10) + '|')
print('|' + '4.人民币兑菲律宾比索'.ljust(19) + '1:7.5'.ljust(10) + '|')
print('|' + '5.人民币兑越南盾'.ljust(21) + '1:3376.5'.ljust(10) + '|')
print('|' + '6.人民币兑印尼卢比'.ljust(20) + '1:2061.5'.ljust(10) + '|')
print('+' + '-' * 38 + '+', '\n')
# 建立文件夹
def mkdir(self, path):
path = path.strip() # 去除首位空格
path = path.rstrip("\\") # 去除尾部 \ 符号
isExists = os.path.exists(path) # 判断路径是否存在 存在 True, 不存在 False
# 判断结果
if not isExists: # 如果不存在则创建目录
os.makedirs(path) # 创建目录操作函数
print(path + ' 创建成功')
return True
print(path + ' 目录已存在') # 如果目录存在则不创建,并提示目录已存在
return False
# 表格详情页存储
def save_csv(self, path, info, platform):
csv_file = open(path + '/' + platform + '商品详情.csv', 'a', newline='', encoding='utf-8-sig')
writer = csv.writer(csv_file)
csv_file.close() # 写入完成,关闭文件
# 获取html页面
def gbk_html(self, url):
ua = UserAgent() # 调用
headers = {'User-Agent': ua.random} # 随机
res = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
res.encoding = "gbk"
html = res.text
return html
# 获取html页面
def utf8_html(self, url):
ua = UserAgent() # 调用
headers = {'User-Agent': ua.random} # 随机
res = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
res.encoding = "utf-8"
html = res.text
return html
# 获取数据流
def get_content(self, url):
ua = UserAgent() # 调用
headers = {'User-Agent': ua.random} # 随机
content = requests.get(url, headers=headers).content
bs = str(content, encoding="utf-8") # 将字节流转为str类型
con = json.loads(bs)
return con
# 单属性转文字
def exp1(self, parseHTML, formula):
example = lambda x: parseHTML.xpath(formula)[0].strip().replace('(', '').replace(')', '') if parseHTML.xpath(
formula) else ''
return example(formula)
# 价格区间分割
def exp2(self, arg):
example = lambda x: x.split('-')[1] if '-' in x else x
return example(arg)
# 数组字符转json
def exp3(self, arg):
example = lambda x: json.dumps(x) if len(x) > 0 else ''
return example(arg)
# url、img前缀判断
def exp4(self, arg):
example = lambda x: 'https:' + x if x[0:6] != 'https:' else x
return example(arg)
# 将xpath列表转为字符列表
def exp6(self, prop):
example = lambda x: [x[i].text for i in range(0, len(x))]
return example(prop)
# url、img列表带前缀转换
def exp7(self, arg):
example = lambda x: ['https:' + i if i[0:6] != 'https:' else i for i in x]
return example(arg)
# 获取收藏人气
def get_coolect(self, parseHTML, coll):
collect = parseHTML.xpath(coll)[0].replace('(', '').replace(')', '').replace('(', '').replace(
')', '').replace('.', '0').replace('人气', '') # 收藏
collect = ''
return collect
# 变体图片
def var_picture(self, parseHTML, var_info):
var_imgs_dict = {}
pict = parseHTML.xpath(var_info)
var_pictures = parseHTML.xpath(var_info + '/@style') # 变体图片
num = len(var_pictures)
for var_info in pict:
if num > 0:
var_name = var_info.xpath('./span')[0].text
link = var_info.xpath('./@style')[0]
var_picture = link.replace('background:url(', '').replace(') center no-repeat;', '')
var_photo = self.exp4(var_picture)
var_img = self.picture_replace(var_photo)
var_imgs_dict[var_name] = var_img
num = num - 1
var_imgs = self.exp3(var_imgs_dict)
return var_imgs
# 合并变体
def get_variant(self, parseHTML, match_list):
info_list = [] # 匹配变体信息块
for match in match_list:
prop = parseHTML.xpath(match)
if prop:
var_info = self.exp6(prop)
variant = self.exp3(info_list) # 转换json数组
return variant
# 展示大图
def show_picture(self, parseHTML, match):
img_list = []
lazy = 'https://cbu01.alicdn.com/cms/upload/other/lazyload.png'
pic = parseHTML.xpath(match) # 展示大图
for pictures_index in range(0, len(pic)):
picture = pic[pictures_index]
if 'tbvideo' not in picture and picture != lazy:
photo = self.exp4(picture)
img = self.picture_replace(photo)
return img_list
# 图片大小更改
def picture_replace(self, photo):
match_formula = re.compile(r'(\d+)x(\d+)')
num_items = re.findall(match_formula, photo)
num = list(num_items[0])[0]
photo = photo.replace(num + 'x' + num, '800x800')
return photo
# 主副套图
def set_figure(self, img_list):
master_map = img_list[0]
other_img = self.exp3(img_list)
return master_map, other_img
# lazada、shopee详情信息
def details(self, info):
config = info['config']
count = config['count']
path = config['path']
start = config['start']
cid = config['cid']
site = config['site']
platform = info['platform']
ID = info['ID']
url = info['url']
desc = info['desc']
variants = info['variants']
category_text = info['category_text']
long_descroption = info['long_descroption']
pictures = info['pictures']
master_map = pictures['master_map']
extra_imgs = pictures['extra_imgs']
HD_imgs = pictures['HD_imgs']
var_img = pictures['var_img']
item = info['item']
title = item['title']
store_name = item['store_name']
brand = item['brand']
location = item['location']
present_price = item['present_price']
original_price = item['original_price']
sales = item['sales']
comment = item['comment']
collect = item['collect']
grade = item['grade']
weight = item['weight']
box_content = item['box_content']
print('第%02d个商品解析成功' % count)
# details_info = [cid, platform, site, ID, title, master_map, store_name, brand, location, present_price,
# original_price, sales, comment, collect, grade, url, extra_imgs, HD_imgs, weight,
# variants, desc, category_text, start, long_descroption, var_img, variants, box_content]
# sql.save_details(details_info)
cav_info = [ID + '\t', title, master_map, store_name, brand, location, present_price,
sales, comment, collect, grade, url, extra_imgs, variants, desc, original_price,
category_text, HD_imgs, var_img, long_descroption, site, box_content, platform]
self.save_csv(path, cav_info, platform)