P1: 我又看了一遍闰年怎么算的
P2: DP
P3: 常规操作
P4: 有点坑,用hash记录一下就可以了。
object No149 {
object P3 {
case class Elem(ch:Char, n:Int)
def parser(l:List[Char], xs:List[Elem] = Nil):List[Elem] = l match {
case Nil => xs
case h::t => xs match {
case Nil => parser(t, Elem(h,1)::Nil)
case Elem(y, n)::t2 =>
if (y == h) parser(t, Elem(y, n+1)::t2)
else parser(t, Elem(h,1)::xs)
def maxRepOpt1(text: String): Int = {
val fre = scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[Char, Int]()
text foreach {ch => fre.put(ch, fre.getOrElse(ch, 1) + 1)}
val xs = parser(text.toList, Nil)
def solve(xs:List[Elem], acc:Int):Int = xs match {
case Elem(a,n1)::Elem(b,n2)::Elem(c,n3)::t =>
if(n2 == 1 && a == c) {
val n = (if(n1+n3 < fre(a)) n1+n3+1 else n1+n3)
solve(xs.tail, acc max n)
}else {
val n = (if(n1 < fre(a)) n1+1 else n1)
solve(xs.tail, acc max n)
case Elem(a,n1)::Elem(b,n2)::Nil =>
val m = (if(fre(a) > n1) n1+1 else n1)
val n = (if(fre(b) > n2) n2+1 else n2)
acc max m max n
case Elem(a,n1)::Nil => acc max n1
case Nil => acc
solve(xs, 0)
class MajorityChecker(_arr: Array[Int]) {
val A = _arr
def count(x:Int):Array[Int] = {
val B = Array.fill(20001)(0)
for{i <- 0 to x} B(A(i)) += 1
val mem = scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[Int, Array[Int]]()
def query(left: Int, right: Int, threshold: Int): Int = {
// println(left,right,threshold)
if(left == right && threshold == 1) return A(left)
val ls = if(mem.contains (left)) mem(left) else count(left)
val rs = if(mem.contains(right)) mem(right) else count(right)
rs(A(left)) += 1
for{i <- 1 to 20000 if(rs(i) - ls(i) >= threshold)} {rs(A(left)) -=1; return i}
object P2 {
// d, 1~f, target
// d-1, 1~f, target - 1
// ..
// d-1, 1~f, target - f
// f(target, d)= sum_i (f(target-i, d-1)), i <- 1~ f
val mod = 1000000007
def numRollsToTarget(d: Int, f: Int, target: Int): Int = {
val dp = Array.fill(target + 1, d+1)(0)
i <- 1 to target
j <- 1 to d
if(j == 1) {
if((1 to f).contains(i)){
dp(i)(j) = 1
} else
for(k <- 1 to f if i - k >= 0){
dp(i)(j) += dp(i-k)(j-1)
dp(i)(j) = dp(i)(j) % mod
object P1 {
val A = Array(0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31)
val B = Array(0,31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31)
def isB(x:Int):Boolean = {
if(x % 100 == 0) x % 400 == 0
else x % 4== 0
def ordinalOfDate(data: String): Int = {
val y = data.slice(0,4).toInt
val m = data.slice(5,7).toInt
val d = data.slice(8,10).toInt
if(isB(y)) B.slice(0, m).sum + d
else A.slice(0,m).sum + d
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val mc = new MajorityChecker(Array(1,1,2,2,1,1))