
3. Which of the errors presented in this chapter have you committed?

Describe each error you have committed and explain the circumstances under

which it occurred.

4. We all know that it is difficult to forgive people who have offended us.But the ancient Roman philosopher Seneca argued that the reverse is also true—it is difficult to forgive those whom we have offended. Is this idea reasonable? If so,does anything you have learned in Chapters 9 through 12 provide insight into the idea? If not, why not?

5. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that state, city, and county governments may not hand over their decison-making power to churches. The Court’s decision nullified a Massachusetts law giving churches a veto power over the liquor licensing of any bar or restaurant that would be established within 500 feet of church buildings.4 Was the Court’s decision the most reasonable one? In deciding, take care to avoid the errors discussed in Chapters 9 through 12.



