如 图2 所示。
但对于目标检测问题,按照 图2 的流程则行不通。因为在图像分类任务中,对整张图提取特征的过程中 没能体现出不同目标之间的区别 ,最终也就 没法分别标示出每个物体所在的位置 。
为了解决这个问题,结合图片分类任务取得的成功经验,我们可以将目标检测任务进行拆分。假设我们现在有某种方式可以在输入图片上生成一系列可能包含物体的区域,这些区域称为 候选区域 ,在一张图上可以生成很多个候选区域。然后对每个候选区域,可以把它单独当成一幅图像来看待,使用图像分类模型对它进行分类,看它属于哪个类别或者背景(即不包含任何物体的类别)。
只要我们对每个候选区域的分类足够的准确,则一定能找到跟实际物体足够接近的区域来。穷举法也许能得到正确的预测结果,但其计算量也是非常巨大的,其所生成的总的候选区域数目约为 W 2 H 2 4 \frac{W^2 H^2}{4} 4W2H2,假设 H = W = 100 H=W=100 H=W=100,总数将会达到 2.5 × 1 0 7 2.5 \times 10^{7} 2.5×107个,如此多的候选区域使得这种方法几乎没有什么实用性。但是通过这种方式,我们可以看出,假设分类任务完成的足够完美,从理论上来讲检测任务也是可以解决的,亟待解决的问题是如何设计出合适的方法来产生候选区域。
以上都是基于R-CNN系列的著名模型,对目标检测方向的发展有着较大的影响力。此外,还有一些其他模型,比如SSD、YOLO(1, 2, 3)、R-FCN等也都是目标检测领域流行的模型结构。
检测任务需要同时预测物体的类别和位置,因此需要引入一些跟位置相关的概念。通常使用边界框(bounding box,bbox)来表示物体的位置,边界框是正好能包含物体的矩形框,如 图4 所示,图中3个人分别对应3个边界框。
在检测任务中,训练数据集的标签 里会 给出目标物体真实边界框所对应的 ( x 1 , y 1 , x 2 , y 2 ) (x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2) (x1,y1,x2,y2),这样的边界框也被称为真实框(ground truth box),如 图4 所示,图中画出了3个人像所对应的真实框。模型会对目标物体可能出现的位置进行预测,由模型预测出的边界框则称为预测框(prediction box)。
要完成一项检测任务,我们通常希望模型能够根据输入的图片,输出一些预测的边界框,以及边界框中所包含的物体的类别或者说属于某个类别的概率,例如这种格式: [ L , P , x 1 , y 1 , x 2 , y 2 ] [L, P, x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2] [L,P,x1,y1,x2,y2],其中L是类别标签,P是物体属于该类别的概率。一张输入图片可能会产生多个预测框,接下来让我们一起学习如何完成这样一项任务。
锚框与物体边界框不同,是由人们假想出来的一种框。先设定好锚框的大小和形状,再以图像上某一个点为中心画出矩形框。在下图中,以像素点[300, 500]为中心可以使用下面的程序生成3个框,如图中蓝色框所示,其中锚框A1跟人像区域非常接近。
# 画图展示如何绘制边界框和锚框
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
from matplotlib.image import imread
import math
# 定义画矩形框的程序
def draw_rectangle(currentAxis, bbox, edgecolor = 'k', facecolor = 'y', fill=False, linestyle='-'):
# currentAxis,坐标轴,通过plt.gca()获取
# bbox,边界框,包含四个数值的list, [x1, y1, x2, y2]
# edgecolor,边框线条颜色
# facecolor,填充颜色
# fill, 是否填充
# linestype,边框线型
# patches.Rectangle需要传入左上角坐标、矩形区域的宽度、高度等参数
rect=patches.Rectangle((bbox[0], bbox[1]), bbox[2]-bbox[0]+1, bbox[3]-bbox[1]+1, linewidth=1,
edgecolor=edgecolor,facecolor=facecolor,fill=fill, linestyle=linestyle)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
filename = '/home/aistudio/work/images/section3/000000086956.jpg'
im = imread(filename)
# 使用xyxy格式表示物体真实框
bbox1 = [214.29, 325.03, 399.82, 631.37]
bbox2 = [40.93, 141.1, 226.99, 515.73]
bbox3 = [247.2, 131.62, 480.0, 639.32]
draw_rectangle(currentAxis, bbox1, edgecolor='r')
draw_rectangle(currentAxis, bbox2, edgecolor='r')
draw_rectangle(currentAxis, bbox3,edgecolor='r')
# 绘制锚框
def draw_anchor_box(center, length, scales, ratios, img_height, img_width):
bboxes = []
for scale in scales:
for ratio in ratios:
h = length*scale*math.sqrt(ratio)
w = length*scale/math.sqrt(ratio)
x1 = max(center[0] - w/2., 0.)
y1 = max(center[1] - h/2., 0.)
x2 = min(center[0] + w/2. - 1.0, img_width - 1.0)
y2 = min(center[1] + h/2. - 1.0, img_height - 1.0)
print(center[0], center[1], w, h)
bboxes.append([x1, y1, x2, y2])
for bbox in bboxes:
draw_rectangle(currentAxis, bbox, edgecolor = 'b')
img_height = im.shape[0]
img_width = im.shape[1]
draw_anchor_box([300., 500.], 100., [2.0], [0.5, 1.0, 2.0], img_height, img_width)
################# 以下为添加文字说明和箭头###############################
plt.text(285, 285, 'G1', color='red', fontsize=20)
plt.arrow(300, 288, 30, 40, color='red', width=0.001, length_includes_head=True, \
head_width=5, head_length=10, shape='full')
plt.text(190, 320, 'A1', color='blue', fontsize=20)
plt.arrow(200, 320, 30, 40, color='blue', width=0.001, length_includes_head=True, \
head_width=5, head_length=10, shape='full')
plt.text(160, 370, 'A2', color='blue', fontsize=20)
plt.arrow(170, 370, 30, 40, color='blue', width=0.001, length_includes_head=True, \
head_width=5, head_length=10, shape='full')
plt.text(115, 420, 'A3', color='blue', fontsize=20)
plt.arrow(127, 420, 30, 40, color='blue', width=0.001, length_includes_head=True, \
head_width=5, head_length=10, shape='full')
#draw_anchor_box([200., 200.], 100., [2.0], [0.5, 1.0, 2.0])
300.0 500.0 282.84271247461896 141.4213562373095
300.0 500.0 200.0 200.0
300.0 500.0 141.42135623730948 282.842712474619
上面我们画出了以点 ( 300 , 500 ) (300, 500) (300,500)为中心,生成的三个锚框,我们可以看到锚框A1 与真实框 G1的重合度比较好。那么如何衡量这三个锚框跟真实框之间的关系呢,在检测任务中是使用交并比(Intersection of Union,IoU)作为衡量指标。这一概念来源于数学中的集合,用来描述两个集合 A A A和 B B B之间的关系,它等于两个集合的交集里面所包含的元素个数,除以它们的并集里面所包含的元素个数,具体计算公式如下:
I o U = A ∩ B A ∪ B IoU = \frac{A\cap B}{A \cup B} IoU=A∪BA∩B
我们将用这个概念来描述两个框之间的 重合度 。两个框可以看成是两个像素的集合,它们的交并比等于两个框重合部分的面积除以它们合并起来的面积。下图“交集”中青色区域是两个框的重合面积,图“并集”中蓝色区域是两个框的相并面积。用这两个面积相除即可得到它们之间的交并比,如 图5 所示。
A : [ x a 1 , y a 1 , x a 2 , y a 2 ] A: [x_{a1}, y_{a1}, x_{a2}, y_{a2}] A:[xa1,ya1,xa2,ya2]
B : [ x b 1 , y b 1 , x b 2 , y b 2 ] B: [x_{b1}, y_{b1}, x_{b2}, y_{b2}] B:[xb1,yb1,xb2,yb2]
假如位置关系如 图6 所示:
x 1 = m a x ( x a 1 , x b 1 ) , y 1 = m a x ( y a 1 , y b 1 ) x_1 = max(x_{a1}, x_{b1}), \ \ \ \ \ y_1 = max(y_{a1}, y_{b1}) x1=max(xa1,xb1), y1=max(ya1,yb1)
x 2 = m i n ( x a 2 , x b 2 ) , y 2 = m i n ( y a 2 , y b 2 ) x_2 = min(x_{a2}, x_{b2}), \ \ \ \ \ y_2 = min(y_{a2}, y_{b2}) x2=min(xa2,xb2), y2=min(ya2,yb2)
i n t e r s e c t i o n = m a x ( x 2 − x 1 + 1.0 , 0 ) ⋅ m a x ( y 2 − y 1 + 1.0 , 0 ) intersection = max(x_2 - x_1 + 1.0, 0) \cdot max(y_2 - y_1 + 1.0, 0) intersection=max(x2−x1+1.0,0)⋅max(y2−y1+1.0,0)
S A = ( x a 2 − x a 1 + 1.0 ) ⋅ ( y a 2 − y a 1 + 1.0 ) S_A = (x_{a2} - x_{a1} + 1.0) \cdot (y_{a2} - y_{a1} + 1.0) SA=(xa2−xa1+1.0)⋅(ya2−ya1+1.0)
S B = ( x b 2 − x b 1 + 1.0 ) ⋅ ( y b 2 − y b 1 + 1.0 ) S_B = (x_{b2} - x_{b1} + 1.0) \cdot (y_{b2} - y_{b1} + 1.0) SB=(xb2−xb1+1.0)⋅(yb2−yb1+1.0)
u n i o n = S A + S B − i n t e r s e c t i o n union = S_A + S_B - intersection union=SA+SB−intersection
I o U = i n t e r s e c t i o n u n i o n IoU = \frac{intersection}{union} IoU=unionintersection
# 计算IoU,矩形框的坐标形式为xyxy,这个函数会被保存在box_utils.py文件中
def box_iou_xyxy(box1, box2):
# 获取box1左上角和右下角的坐标
x1min, y1min, x1max, y1max = box1[0], box1[1], box1[2], box1[3]
# 计算box1的面积
s1 = (y1max - y1min + 1.) * (x1max - x1min + 1.)
# 获取box2左上角和右下角的坐标
x2min, y2min, x2max, y2max = box2[0], box2[1], box2[2], box2[3]
# 计算box2的面积
s2 = (y2max - y2min + 1.) * (x2max - x2min + 1.)
# 计算相交矩形框的坐标
xmin = np.maximum(x1min, x2min)
ymin = np.maximum(y1min, y2min)
xmax = np.minimum(x1max, x2max)
ymax = np.minimum(y1max, y2max)
# 计算相交矩形行的高度、宽度、面积
inter_h = np.maximum(ymax - ymin + 1., 0.)
inter_w = np.maximum(xmax - xmin + 1., 0.)
intersection = inter_h * inter_w
# 计算相并面积
union = s1 + s2 - intersection
# 计算交并比
iou = intersection / union
return iou
bbox1 = [100., 100., 200., 200.]
bbox2 = [120., 120., 220., 220.]
iou = box_iou_xyxy(bbox1, bbox2)
print('IoU is {}'.format(iou))
IoU is 0.47402644317607107
# 计算IoU,矩形框的坐标形式为xywh
def box_iou_xywh(box1, box2):
x1min, y1min = box1[0] - box1[2]/2.0, box1[1] - box1[3]/2.0
x1max, y1max = box1[0] + box1[2]/2.0, box1[1] + box1[3]/2.0
s1 = box1[2] * box1[3]
x2min, y2min = box2[0] - box2[2]/2.0, box2[1] - box2[3]/2.0
x2max, y2max = box2[0] + box2[2]/2.0, box2[1] + box2[3]/2.0
s2 = box2[2] * box2[3]
xmin = np.maximum(x1min, x2min)
ymin = np.maximum(y1min, y2min)
xmax = np.minimum(x1max, x2max)
ymax = np.minimum(y1max, y2max)
inter_h = np.maximum(ymax - ymin, 0.)
inter_w = np.maximum(xmax - xmin, 0.)
intersection = inter_h * inter_w
union = s1 + s2 - intersection
iou = intersection / union
return iou
为了直观的展示交并比的大小跟重合程度之间的关系,图7 示意了不同交并比下两个框之间的相对位置关系,从 IoU = 0.95 到 IoU = 0.
# 解压数据脚本,第一次运行时打开注释,将文件解压到work目录下
!unzip -d /home/aistudio/work /home/aistudio/data/data19638/insects.zip
| |---annotations
| | |---xmls
| | |---100.xml
| | |---101.xml
| | |---...
| |
| |---images
| |---100.jpeg
| |---101.jpeg
| |---...
| |---annotations
| | |---xmls
| | |---1221.xml
| | |---1277.xml
| | |---...
| |
| |---images
| |---1221.jpeg
| |---1277.jpeg
| |---...
下面我们将从数据集中读取xml文件,将每张图片的标注信息读取出来。在读取具体的标注文件之前,我们先完成一件事情,就是将昆虫的类别名字(字符串)转化成数字表示的类别。因为神经网络里面计算时需要的输入类型是数值型的,所以需要将字符串表示的类别转化成具体的数字。昆虫类别名称的列表是:[‘Boerner’, ‘Leconte’, ‘Linnaeus’, ‘acuminatus’, ‘armandi’, ‘coleoptera’, ‘linnaeus’],这里我们约定此列表中:'Boerner’对应类别0,'Leconte’对应类别1,…,'linnaeus’对应类别6。使用下面的程序可以得到表示名称字符串和数字类别之间映射关系的字典。
INSECT_NAMES = ['Boerner', 'Leconte', 'Linnaeus',
'acuminatus', 'armandi', 'coleoptera', 'linnaeus']
def get_insect_names():
return a dict, as following,
{'Boerner': 0,
'Leconte': 1,
'Linnaeus': 2,
'acuminatus': 3,
'armandi': 4,
'coleoptera': 5,
'linnaeus': 6
It can map the insect name into an integer label.
insect_category2id = {}
for i, item in enumerate(INSECT_NAMES):
insect_category2id[item] = i
return insect_category2id
cname2cid = get_insect_names()
{'Boerner': 0,
'Leconte': 1,
'Linnaeus': 2,
'acuminatus': 3,
'armandi': 4,
'coleoptera': 5,
'linnaeus': 6}
import os
import numpy as np
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
def get_annotations(cname2cid, datadir):
filenames = os.listdir(os.path.join(datadir, 'annotations', 'xmls'))
records = []
ct = 0
for fname in filenames:
fid = fname.split('.')[0]
fpath = os.path.join(datadir, 'annotations', 'xmls', fname)
img_file = os.path.join(datadir, 'images', fid + '.jpeg')
tree = ET.parse(fpath)
if tree.find('id') is None:
im_id = np.array([ct])
im_id = np.array([int(tree.find('id').text)])
objs = tree.findall('object')
im_w = float(tree.find('size').find('width').text)
im_h = float(tree.find('size').find('height').text)
gt_bbox = np.zeros((len(objs), 4), dtype=np.float32)
gt_class = np.zeros((len(objs), ), dtype=np.int32)
is_crowd = np.zeros((len(objs), ), dtype=np.int32)
difficult = np.zeros((len(objs), ), dtype=np.int32)
for i, obj in enumerate(objs):
cname = obj.find('name').text
gt_class[i] = cname2cid[cname]
_difficult = int(obj.find('difficult').text)
x1 = float(obj.find('bndbox').find('xmin').text)
y1 = float(obj.find('bndbox').find('ymin').text)
x2 = float(obj.find('bndbox').find('xmax').text)
y2 = float(obj.find('bndbox').find('ymax').text)
x1 = max(0, x1)
y1 = max(0, y1)
x2 = min(im_w - 1, x2)
y2 = min(im_h - 1, y2)
# 这里使用xywh格式来表示目标物体真实框
gt_bbox[i] = [(x1+x2)/2.0 , (y1+y2)/2.0, x2-x1+1., y2-y1+1.]
is_crowd[i] = 0
difficult[i] = _difficult
voc_rec = {
'im_file': img_file,
'im_id': im_id,
'h': im_h,
'w': im_w,
'is_crowd': is_crowd,
'gt_class': gt_class,
'gt_bbox': gt_bbox,
'gt_poly': [],
'difficult': difficult
if len(objs) != 0:
ct += 1
return records
TRAINDIR = '/home/aistudio/work/insects/train'
TESTDIR = '/home/aistudio/work/insects/test'
VALIDDIR = '/home/aistudio/work/insects/val'
cname2cid = get_insect_names()
records = get_annotations(cname2cid, TRAINDIR)
{'im_file': '/home/aistudio/work/insects/train/images/2140.jpeg',
'im_id': array([0]),
'h': 1222.0,
'w': 1222.0,
'is_crowd': array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=int32),
'gt_class': array([1, 1, 1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 0], dtype=int32),
'gt_bbox': array([[603. , 382. , 129. , 131. ],
[853. , 764.5, 131. , 116. ],
[531.5, 849. , 138. , 121. ],
[721. , 890. , 63. , 85. ],
[604.5, 613. , 70. , 85. ],
[814. , 471.5, 47. , 86. ],
[752.5, 610.5, 62. , 38. ],
[570. , 771.5, 79. , 116. ]], dtype=float32),
'gt_poly': [],
'difficult': array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=int32)}
### 数据读取
import cv2
def get_bbox(gt_bbox, gt_class):
# 对于一般的检测任务来说,一张图片上往往会有多个目标物体
# 设置参数MAX_NUM = 50, 即一张图片最多取50个真实框;如果真实
# 框的数目少于50个,则将不足部分的gt_bbox, gt_class和gt_score的各项数值全设置为0
MAX_NUM = 50
gt_bbox2 = np.zeros((MAX_NUM, 4))
gt_class2 = np.zeros((MAX_NUM,))
for i in range(len(gt_bbox)):
gt_bbox2[i, :] = gt_bbox[i, :]
gt_class2[i] = gt_class[i]
if i >= MAX_NUM:
return gt_bbox2, gt_class2
def get_img_data_from_file(record):
record is a dict as following,
record = {
'im_file': img_file,
'im_id': im_id,
'h': im_h,
'w': im_w,
'is_crowd': is_crowd,
'gt_class': gt_class,
'gt_bbox': gt_bbox,
'gt_poly': [],
'difficult': difficult
im_file = record['im_file']
h = record['h']
w = record['w']
is_crowd = record['is_crowd']
gt_class = record['gt_class']
gt_bbox = record['gt_bbox']
difficult = record['difficult']
img = cv2.imread(im_file)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
# check if h and w in record equals that read from img
assert img.shape[0] == int(h), \
"image height of {} inconsistent in record({}) and img file({})".format(
im_file, h, img.shape[0])
assert img.shape[1] == int(w), \
"image width of {} inconsistent in record({}) and img file({})".format(
im_file, w, img.shape[1])
gt_boxes, gt_labels = get_bbox(gt_bbox, gt_class)
# gt_bbox 用相对值
gt_boxes[:, 0] = gt_boxes[:, 0] / float(w)
gt_boxes[:, 1] = gt_boxes[:, 1] / float(h)
gt_boxes[:, 2] = gt_boxes[:, 2] / float(w)
gt_boxes[:, 3] = gt_boxes[:, 3] / float(h)
return img, gt_boxes, gt_labels, (h, w)
record = records[0]
img, gt_boxes, gt_labels, scales = get_img_data_from_file(record)
(1222, 1222, 3)
(50, 4)
array([1., 1., 0., 2., 3., 4., 5., 5., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])
(1222.0, 1222.0)
get_img_data_from_file()函数可以返回图片数据的数据,它们是图像数据img, 真实框坐标gt_boxes, 真实框包含的物体类别gt_labels, 图像尺寸scales。
import numpy as np
import cv2
from PIL import Image, ImageEnhance
import random
# 随机改变亮暗、对比度和颜色等
def random_distort(img):
# 随机改变亮度
def random_brightness(img, lower=0.5, upper=1.5):
e = np.random.uniform(lower, upper)
return ImageEnhance.Brightness(img).enhance(e)
# 随机改变对比度
def random_contrast(img, lower=0.5, upper=1.5):
e = np.random.uniform(lower, upper)
return ImageEnhance.Contrast(img).enhance(e)
# 随机改变颜色
def random_color(img, lower=0.5, upper=1.5):
e = np.random.uniform(lower, upper)
return ImageEnhance.Color(img).enhance(e)
ops = [random_brightness, random_contrast, random_color]
img = Image.fromarray(img)
img = ops[0](img)
img = ops[1](img)
img = ops[2](img)
img = np.asarray(img)
return img
# 随机填充
def random_expand(img,
if random.random() > thresh:
return img, gtboxes
if max_ratio < 1.0:
return img, gtboxes
h, w, c = img.shape
ratio_x = random.uniform(1, max_ratio)
if keep_ratio:
ratio_y = ratio_x
ratio_y = random.uniform(1, max_ratio)
oh = int(h * ratio_y)
ow = int(w * ratio_x)
off_x = random.randint(0, ow - w)
off_y = random.randint(0, oh - h)
out_img = np.zeros((oh, ow, c))
if fill and len(fill) == c:
for i in range(c):
out_img[:, :, i] = fill[i] * 255.0
out_img[off_y:off_y + h, off_x:off_x + w, :] = img
gtboxes[:, 0] = ((gtboxes[:, 0] * w) + off_x) / float(ow)
gtboxes[:, 1] = ((gtboxes[:, 1] * h) + off_y) / float(oh)
gtboxes[:, 2] = gtboxes[:, 2] / ratio_x
gtboxes[:, 3] = gtboxes[:, 3] / ratio_y
return out_img.astype('uint8'), gtboxes
import numpy as np
def multi_box_iou_xywh(box1, box2):
In this case, box1 or box2 can contain multi boxes.
Only two cases can be processed in this method:
1, box1 and box2 have the same shape, box1.shape == box2.shape
2, either box1 or box2 contains only one box, len(box1) == 1 or len(box2) == 1
If the shape of box1 and box2 does not match, and both of them contain multi boxes, it will be wrong.
assert box1.shape[-1] == 4, "Box1 shape[-1] should be 4."
assert box2.shape[-1] == 4, "Box2 shape[-1] should be 4."
b1_x1, b1_x2 = box1[:, 0] - box1[:, 2] / 2, box1[:, 0] + box1[:, 2] / 2
b1_y1, b1_y2 = box1[:, 1] - box1[:, 3] / 2, box1[:, 1] + box1[:, 3] / 2
b2_x1, b2_x2 = box2[:, 0] - box2[:, 2] / 2, box2[:, 0] + box2[:, 2] / 2
b2_y1, b2_y2 = box2[:, 1] - box2[:, 3] / 2, box2[:, 1] + box2[:, 3] / 2
inter_x1 = np.maximum(b1_x1, b2_x1)
inter_x2 = np.minimum(b1_x2, b2_x2)
inter_y1 = np.maximum(b1_y1, b2_y1)
inter_y2 = np.minimum(b1_y2, b2_y2)
inter_w = inter_x2 - inter_x1
inter_h = inter_y2 - inter_y1
inter_w = np.clip(inter_w, a_min=0., a_max=None)
inter_h = np.clip(inter_h, a_min=0., a_max=None)
inter_area = inter_w * inter_h
b1_area = (b1_x2 - b1_x1) * (b1_y2 - b1_y1)
b2_area = (b2_x2 - b2_x1) * (b2_y2 - b2_y1)
return inter_area / (b1_area + b2_area - inter_area)
def box_crop(boxes, labels, crop, img_shape):
x, y, w, h = map(float, crop)
im_w, im_h = map(float, img_shape)
boxes = boxes.copy()
boxes[:, 0], boxes[:, 2] = (boxes[:, 0] - boxes[:, 2] / 2) * im_w, (
boxes[:, 0] + boxes[:, 2] / 2) * im_w
boxes[:, 1], boxes[:, 3] = (boxes[:, 1] - boxes[:, 3] / 2) * im_h, (
boxes[:, 1] + boxes[:, 3] / 2) * im_h
crop_box = np.array([x, y, x + w, y + h])
centers = (boxes[:, :2] + boxes[:, 2:]) / 2.0
mask = np.logical_and(crop_box[:2] <= centers, centers <= crop_box[2:]).all(
boxes[:, :2] = np.maximum(boxes[:, :2], crop_box[:2])
boxes[:, 2:] = np.minimum(boxes[:, 2:], crop_box[2:])
boxes[:, :2] -= crop_box[:2]
boxes[:, 2:] -= crop_box[:2]
mask = np.logical_and(mask, (boxes[:, :2] < boxes[:, 2:]).all(axis=1))
boxes = boxes * np.expand_dims(mask.astype('float32'), axis=1)
labels = labels * mask.astype('float32')
boxes[:, 0], boxes[:, 2] = (boxes[:, 0] + boxes[:, 2]) / 2 / w, (
boxes[:, 2] - boxes[:, 0]) / w
boxes[:, 1], boxes[:, 3] = (boxes[:, 1] + boxes[:, 3]) / 2 / h, (
boxes[:, 3] - boxes[:, 1]) / h
return boxes, labels, mask.sum()
# 随机裁剪
def random_crop(img,
scales=[0.3, 1.0],
if len(boxes) == 0:
return img, boxes
if not constraints:
constraints = [(0.1, 1.0), (0.3, 1.0), (0.5, 1.0), (0.7, 1.0),
(0.9, 1.0), (0.0, 1.0)]
img = Image.fromarray(img)
w, h = img.size
crops = [(0, 0, w, h)]
for min_iou, max_iou in constraints:
for _ in range(max_trial):
scale = random.uniform(scales[0], scales[1])
aspect_ratio = random.uniform(max(1 / max_ratio, scale * scale), \
min(max_ratio, 1 / scale / scale))
crop_h = int(h * scale / np.sqrt(aspect_ratio))
crop_w = int(w * scale * np.sqrt(aspect_ratio))
crop_x = random.randrange(w - crop_w)
crop_y = random.randrange(h - crop_h)
crop_box = np.array([[(crop_x + crop_w / 2.0) / w,
(crop_y + crop_h / 2.0) / h,
crop_w / float(w), crop_h / float(h)]])
iou = multi_box_iou_xywh(crop_box, boxes)
if min_iou <= iou.min() and max_iou >= iou.max():
crops.append((crop_x, crop_y, crop_w, crop_h))
while crops:
crop = crops.pop(np.random.randint(0, len(crops)))
crop_boxes, crop_labels, box_num = box_crop(boxes, labels, crop, (w, h))
if box_num < 1:
img = img.crop((crop[0], crop[1], crop[0] + crop[2],
crop[1] + crop[3])).resize(img.size, Image.LANCZOS)
img = np.asarray(img)
return img, crop_boxes, crop_labels
img = np.asarray(img)
return img, boxes, labels
# 随机缩放
def random_interp(img, size, interp=None):
interp_method = [
if not interp or interp not in interp_method:
interp = interp_method[random.randint(0, len(interp_method) - 1)]
h, w, _ = img.shape
im_scale_x = size / float(w)
im_scale_y = size / float(h)
img = cv2.resize(
img, None, None, fx=im_scale_x, fy=im_scale_y, interpolation=interp)
return img
# 随机翻转
def random_flip(img, gtboxes, thresh=0.5):
if random.random() > thresh:
img = img[:, ::-1, :]
gtboxes[:, 0] = 1.0 - gtboxes[:, 0]
return img, gtboxes
# 随机打乱真实框排列顺序
def shuffle_gtbox(gtbox, gtlabel):
gt = np.concatenate(
[gtbox, gtlabel[:, np.newaxis]], axis=1)
idx = np.arange(gt.shape[0])
gt = gt[idx, :]
return gt[:, :4], gt[:, 4]
# 图像增广方法汇总
def image_augment(img, gtboxes, gtlabels, size, means=None):
# 随机改变亮暗、对比度和颜色等
img = random_distort(img)
# 随机填充
img, gtboxes = random_expand(img, gtboxes, fill=means)
# 随机裁剪
img, gtboxes, gtlabels, = random_crop(img, gtboxes, gtlabels)
# 随机缩放
img = random_interp(img, size)
# 随机翻转
img, gtboxes = random_flip(img, gtboxes)
# 随机打乱真实框排列顺序
gtboxes, gtlabels = shuffle_gtbox(gtboxes, gtlabels)
return img.astype('float32'), gtboxes.astype('float32'), gtlabels.astype('int32')
img, gt_boxes, gt_labels, scales = get_img_data_from_file(record)
size = 512
img, gt_boxes, gt_labels = image_augment(img, gt_boxes, gt_labels, size)
(512, 512, 3)
(50, 4)
这里得到的img数据数值需要调整,需要除以255,并且减去均值和方差,再将维度从[H, W, C]调整为[C, H, W]
img, gt_boxes, gt_labels, scales = get_img_data_from_file(record)
size = 512
img, gt_boxes, gt_labels = image_augment(img, gt_boxes, gt_labels, size)
mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
std = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
mean = np.array(mean).reshape((1, 1, -1))
std = np.array(std).reshape((1, 1, -1))
img = (img / 255.0 - mean) / std
img = img.astype('float32').transpose((2, 0, 1))
array([[[-2.117904 , -2.117904 , -2.117904 , ..., -2.117904 ,
-2.117904 , -2.117904 ],
[-2.117904 , -2.117904 , -2.117904 , ..., -2.117904 ,
-2.117904 , -2.117904 ],
[-2.117904 , -2.117904 , -2.117904 , ..., -2.117904 ,
-2.117904 , -2.117904 ],
[-2.117904 , -2.117904 , -2.117904 , ..., -2.117904 ,
-2.117904 , -2.117904 ],
[-2.117904 , -2.117904 , -2.117904 , ..., -2.117904 ,
-2.117904 , -2.117904 ],
[-2.117904 , -2.117904 , -2.117904 , ..., -2.117904 ,
-2.117904 , -2.117904 ]],
[[-2.0357144, -2.0357144, -2.0357144, ..., -2.0357144,
-2.0357144, -2.0357144],
[-2.0357144, -2.0357144, -2.0357144, ..., -2.0357144,
-2.0357144, -2.0357144],
[-2.0357144, -2.0357144, -2.0357144, ..., -2.0357144,
-2.0357144, -2.0357144],
[-2.0357144, -2.0357144, -2.0357144, ..., -2.0357144,
-2.0357144, -2.0357144],
[-2.0357144, -2.0357144, -2.0357144, ..., -2.0357144,
-2.0357144, -2.0357144],
[-2.0357144, -2.0357144, -2.0357144, ..., -2.0357144,
-2.0357144, -2.0357144]],
[[-1.8044444, -1.8044444, -1.8044444, ..., -1.8044444,
-1.8044444, -1.8044444],
[-1.8044444, -1.8044444, -1.8044444, ..., -1.8044444,
-1.8044444, -1.8044444],
[-1.8044444, -1.8044444, -1.8044444, ..., -1.8044444,
-1.8044444, -1.8044444],
[-1.8044444, -1.8044444, -1.8044444, ..., -1.8044444,
-1.8044444, -1.8044444],
[-1.8044444, -1.8044444, -1.8044444, ..., -1.8044444,
-1.8044444, -1.8044444],
[-1.8044444, -1.8044444, -1.8044444, ..., -1.8044444,
-1.8044444, -1.8044444]]], dtype=float32)
def get_img_data(record, size=640):
img, gt_boxes, gt_labels, scales = get_img_data_from_file(record)
img, gt_boxes, gt_labels = image_augment(img, gt_boxes, gt_labels, size)
mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
std = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
mean = np.array(mean).reshape((1, 1, -1))
std = np.array(std).reshape((1, 1, -1))
img = (img / 255.0 - mean) / std
img = img.astype('float32').transpose((2, 0, 1))
return img, gt_boxes, gt_labels, scales
TRAINDIR = '/home/aistudio/work/insects/train'
TESTDIR = '/home/aistudio/work/insects/test'
VALIDDIR = '/home/aistudio/work/insects/val'
cname2cid = get_insect_names()
records = get_annotations(cname2cid, TRAINDIR)
record = records[0]
img, gt_boxes, gt_labels, scales = get_img_data(record, size=480)
(3, 480, 480)
(50, 4)
array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=int32)
(1244.0, 1244.0)
# 获取一个批次内样本随机缩放的尺寸
def get_img_size(mode):
if (mode == 'train') or (mode == 'valid'):
inds = np.array([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])
ii = np.random.choice(inds)
img_size = 320 + ii * 32
img_size = 608
return img_size
# 将 list形式的batch数据 转化成多个array构成的tuple
def make_array(batch_data):
img_array = np.array([item[0] for item in batch_data], dtype = 'float32')
gt_box_array = np.array([item[1] for item in batch_data], dtype = 'float32')
gt_labels_array = np.array([item[2] for item in batch_data], dtype = 'int32')
img_scale = np.array([item[3] for item in batch_data], dtype='int32')
return img_array, gt_box_array, gt_labels_array, img_scale
# 批量读取数据,同一批次内图像的尺寸大小必须是一样的,
# 不同批次之间的大小是随机的,
# 由上面定义的get_img_size函数产生
def data_loader(datadir, batch_size= 10, mode='train'):
cname2cid = get_insect_names()
records = get_annotations(cname2cid, datadir)
def reader():
if mode == 'train':
batch_data = []
img_size = get_img_size(mode)
for record in records:
img, gt_bbox, gt_labels, im_shape = get_img_data(record,
batch_data.append((img, gt_bbox, gt_labels, im_shape))
if len(batch_data) == batch_size:
yield make_array(batch_data)
batch_data = []
img_size = get_img_size(mode)
if len(batch_data) > 0:
yield make_array(batch_data)
return reader
d = data_loader('/home/aistudio/work/insects/train', batch_size=2, mode='train')
img, gt_boxes, gt_labels, im_shape = next(d())
img.shape, gt_boxes.shape, gt_labels.shape, im_shape.shape
((2, 3, 352, 352), (2, 50, 4), (2, 50), (2, 2))
由于数据预处理耗时较长,可能会成为网络训练速度的瓶颈,所以需要对预处理部分进行优化。通过使用飞桨提供的API paddle.reader.xmap_readers可以开启多线程读取数据,具体实现代码如下。
import functools
import paddle
# 使用paddle.reader.xmap_readers实现多线程读取数据
def multithread_loader(datadir, batch_size= 10, mode='train'):
cname2cid = get_insect_names()
records = get_annotations(cname2cid, datadir)
def reader():
if mode == 'train':
img_size = get_img_size(mode)
batch_data = []
for record in records:
batch_data.append((record, img_size))
if len(batch_data) == batch_size:
yield batch_data
batch_data = []
img_size = get_img_size(mode)
if len(batch_data) > 0:
yield batch_data
def get_data(samples):
batch_data = []
for sample in samples:
record = sample[0]
img_size = sample[1]
img, gt_bbox, gt_labels, im_shape = get_img_data(record, size=img_size)
batch_data.append((img, gt_bbox, gt_labels, im_shape))
return make_array(batch_data)
mapper = functools.partial(get_data, )
return paddle.reader.xmap_readers(mapper, reader, 8, 10)
d = multithread_loader('/home/aistudio/work/insects/train', batch_size=2, mode='train')
img, gt_boxes, gt_labels, im_shape = next(d())
img.shape, gt_boxes.shape, gt_labels.shape, im_shape.shape
((2, 3, 416, 416), (2, 50, 4), (2, 50), (2, 2))
至此,我们完成了 如何查看数据集中的数据、提取数据标注信息、从文件读取图像和标注数据、图像增广、批量读取和加速等过程,通过multithread_loader可以返回img, gt_boxes, gt_labels, im_shape等数据,接下来就可以将它们输入到神经网络,应用到具体算法上了。
# 测试数据读取
# 将 list形式的batch数据 转化成多个array构成的tuple
def make_test_array(batch_data):
img_name_array = np.array([item[0] for item in batch_data])
img_data_array = np.array([item[1] for item in batch_data], dtype = 'float32')
img_scale_array = np.array([item[2] for item in batch_data], dtype='int32')
return img_name_array, img_data_array, img_scale_array
# 测试数据读取
def test_data_loader(datadir, batch_size= 10, test_image_size=608, mode='test'):
image_names = os.listdir(datadir)
def reader():
batch_data = []
img_size = test_image_size
for image_name in image_names:
file_path = os.path.join(datadir, image_name)
img = cv2.imread(file_path)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
H = img.shape[0]
W = img.shape[1]
img = cv2.resize(img, (img_size, img_size))
mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
std = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
mean = np.array(mean).reshape((1, 1, -1))
std = np.array(std).reshape((1, 1, -1))
out_img = (img / 255.0 - mean) / std
out_img = out_img.astype('float32').transpose((2, 0, 1))
img = out_img #np.transpose(out_img, (2,0,1))
im_shape = [H, W]
batch_data.append((image_name.split('.')[0], img, im_shape))
if len(batch_data) == batch_size:
yield make_test_array(batch_data)
batch_data = []
if len(batch_data) > 0:
yield make_test_array(batch_data)
return reader