swift5.0 iOS配置微信openSDK1.8.6


一、配置Universal Links,参考链接


  1. pod WechatOpenSDK插件
    pod 'WechatOpenSDK'
  2. “TARGETS”一栏,在“info”标签栏的“URL type“添加“URL scheme”为你所注册的应用程序 idswift5.0 iOS配置微信openSDK1.8.6_第1张图片
  3. “TARGETS”一栏,在 “info”标签栏的“LSApplicationQueriesSchemes“添加weixin 和weixinULAPIswift5.0 iOS配置微信openSDK1.8.6_第2张图片
  4. 桥接文件添加(默认项目已存在桥接文件并已引入项目)
    #import "WXApiObject.h"
    #import "WXApi.h"


  5. 导入这些:SystemConfiguration.framework,libz.tbd,libsqlite3.0.tbd,libc++.tbd,libWeChatSDK.a即可

    swift5.0 iOS配置微信openSDK1.8.6_第3张图片


  6. 在"Other Linker Flags"中加入"-ObjC -all_load"。注:可单独导入 -force_load $(PROJECT_DIR)/Pods/WechatOpenSDK/WeChatSDK1.8.6.1/libWeChatSDK.a(自己libWeChatSDK.a文件路径)

  7. AppDelegate配置

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        WXApi.registerApp(“wxAppId”, universalLink:“wxUniversalLink”)
        return true
    func application(_ application: UIApplication, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity, restorationHandler: @escaping ([UIUserActivityRestoring]?) -> Void) -> Bool {
        return WXApi.handleOpenUniversalLink(userActivity, delegate: self)
    func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
            let urlKey: String = options[UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey.sourceApplication] as! String
        return  WXApi.handleOpen(url, delegate: self)


  8. 代理WXApiDelegate,只有微信分享不需要写任何内容

    func onReq(_ req: BaseReq) {
    func onResp(_ resp: BaseResp) {
        if resp.errCode == 0 {
            if let myResp:SendAuthResp = resp as? SendAuthResp,let code = myResp.code {
                NotificationCenter.default.post(name: NSNotification.Name("wxAuthNotifyKey"), object: nil, userInfo: ["code" : code])


  9. 微信分享

    /*会话, 朋友圈, 收藏*/
    enum LDShareType {
        case Session, Timeline, Favorite
    func shareText(_ text: String, to scene: LDShareType) {
        let req = SendMessageToWXReq()
        req.text = text
        req.bText = true
        switch scene {
        case .Session:
            req.scene = Int32(WXSceneSession.rawValue)
        case .Timeline:
            req.scene = Int32(WXSceneTimeline.rawValue)
        case .Favorite:
            req.scene = Int32(WXSceneFavorite.rawValue)

    备注:1、ShareWebPageModel 是我自建的Model,2、图片链接需先下载图片转UIImage后再分享,3、图片需压缩到30k以下分享内容才显示小图标,压缩方法网上自己找吧

    func shareWebPage(_ model: ShareWebPageModel, to scene: LDShareType) {
        var thumb: UIImage?
        if let image = model.thumbImage {
            thumb = image
        } else {
            if let url = model.thumbImageUrl,url != "",let urlURL = URL(string: url) {
                ImageDownloader.default.downloadImage(with: urlURL, retrieveImageTask: nil, options: nil, progressBlock: nil) { (image, error, ur, _) in
                    if let img = image {
                        model.thumbImage = img
                    } else {
                        model.thumbImageUrl = ""
                    self.shareWebPage(model, to: scene)
        let webpageObject = WXWebpageObject()
        webpageObject.webpageUrl = model.webpageUrl
        let message = WXMediaMessage()
        message.title = model.title
        message.description = model.description
        if let image = thumb {
            if model.isReduce {
                let img = ImageTools.reduceImg(sourceImage: image, maxImageLenght: 150, maxSizeKB: 30)
            } else {
        message.mediaObject = webpageObject
        let req = SendMessageToWXReq()
        req.bText = false
        req.message = message
        switch scene {
        case .Session:
            req.scene = Int32(WXSceneSession.rawValue)
        case .Timeline:
            req.scene = Int32(WXSceneTimeline.rawValue)
        case .Favorite:
            req.scene = Int32(WXSceneFavorite.rawValue)
        WXApi.send(req) { (status) in


  10. 微信授权登陆,注意:NetworkTools.GetNull是自己封装的get方法(可使用自己项目已有的get方法替换)

    func sendAuthRequest() {
        if WXApi.isWXAppInstalled() {
            let req = SendAuthReq()
            req.scope = "snsapi_userinfo"
            req.state = "fangdianstate"
            WXApi.send(req, completion: nil)
        } else {
    func getAuthInfo(code: String, finishedCallback: @escaping (_ result : Any) -> ()) {
         "access_token": "8OVqz3f8JVEDEwTlFJozDeIR3WHvZWPVeZZkuJ1xoqJsGjmrPrgL7e3AEkRGg2FQ8bSmIgf85",
         "expires_in": 700,
         "refresh_token": "RBEMo5D0yirHuxODrcUslcFZG5DZWJlArz_wZEnxllTlZssfTTTw_qexxqZfCHr0qBLTagOkFvU9C2Lg2R708oyHw8Bw32FENdPjwA",
         "openid": "I",
         "scope": "snserinfo",
         "unionid": "CBhHOXTVqSM34bvLB4wk"
        NetworkTools.GetNull("https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/oauth2/access_token?", parameters: ["appid":wxAppId as Any,"secret": wxSecret as Any, "code": code as Any, "grant_type": "authorization_code"]) { (result) in
            if let resultDict = result as? [String: Any] {
                if let accessToken = resultDict["access_token"] as? String, let wxOpenID = resultDict["openid"] as? String {
                    self.setUserInfo(accessToken: accessToken, wxOpenID: wxOpenID, finishedCallback: { (res) in
                } else {
                    finishedCallback(["error": 1, "errmsg": "授权失败"])
            } else {
                finishedCallback(["error": 1, "errmsg": "授权失败"])
    func setUserInfo(accessToken: String, wxOpenID: String, finishedCallback: @escaping (_ result : Any) -> ()) {
         "openid": "ovH_u0aLE02ZBPEGtJBI",
         "nickname": "111",
         "sex": 0,
         "language": "zh_CN",
         "city": "",
         "province": "",
         "country": "CN",
         "headimgurl": "http://wx.qlogo.cn/mpen/icF4iau8Sj7b2dwmVjtU1x153dqWOrDdMksichtT9ttGsxUkicRVNRKMl2tIFZ80EHFnBNeaPjGlrczBYHHr1fQgPp18nMv11111111aHd1/0",
         "privilege": [],
         "unionid": "oicxf1C0JOXTVqSM34bk123444"
        NetworkTools.GetNull("https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/userinfo?", parameters: ["access_token": accessToken as Any,"openid": wxOpenID as Any]) { (result) in
            if let resultDict = result as? [String: Any] {
            } else {
                finishedCallback(["error": 1, "errmsg": "未获取到用户信息"])


  11. 发起授权登陆

    @IBAction func wxLoginBtnClicked(_ sender: Any) {
        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(wxLogin(noti:)), name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "wxAuthNotifyKey"), object: nil)
    deinit {
    @objc private func wxLogin(noti: Notification) {
        guard let userinfo = noti.userInfo as? [String: Any] else {
        guard let code = userinfo["code"] as? String else {
        AppDelegate.shared.getAuthInfo(code: code) { (result) in
            guard let resultDict = result as? [String: Any] else {
                self.recoverWxLoginStatus(true, false)

