
图源:Bored panda




For three years, Rehan Staton awoke before sunrise.

He would dress in his neon-yellow uniform about 4 a.m. and head to Bates Trucking & Trash Removal in Bladensburg, Md. He spent his mornings hauling trash and cleaning dumpsters, then went to class at the University of Maryland.

When there was no time to shower between work and class, he would sit at the back of the lecture hall to avoid inevitable glares and judgment from his peers, he said.

Although it wasn’t Staton’s first time being a sanitation worker, he hopes it is his last: The 24-year-old Maryland man was recently accepted to Harvard Law School.

据《华盛顿邮报》(The Washington Post)报道,斯塔顿考上哈佛这一路走来并不容易。



Rehan was born and raised in Bowie, Maryland. "Life was pretty normal until I was eight years old," Rehan says. During that time, his mother left his father and moved out of the country.

After she left, the previously stable household faced financial difficulties as Rehan's father tried to raise his two sons on his own.

After years of private school and an otherwise "solidly middle class upbringing," Rehan says, he and his older brother soon faced food insecurity while their father struggled to keep their house, often working two or even three jobs at a time to keep the bills paid.

During this time, the family of three was ostracized by many of their extended relatives and had to rely on each other for support.


Staton said growing up was tough and he used to struggle in school. One teacher even suggested he switch to a special education class.

But with help from a tutor, who worked with Staton for free, he ended up excelling.

"I actually ended up getting honor roll that same year, in 7th grade, when my teacher tried to stick me in special education. And I actually ended up getting an A in his class," he said.



Rehan continued to improve academically while training to be a professional boxer in high school.

However, his dreams were cut short when he suffered a double shoulder injury in the 12th grade. In a moment, his hopes of going pro after graduation were dashed.

He hurriedly applied to a number of colleges before the year was out but was rejected from every school he applied to.


That’s when he went to work at Bates Trucking & Trash Removal. But to his surprise, it was his co-workers there who encouraged him to reapply to college.

"It was the people that were on the bottom of the hierarchy who really lifted me up," Staton said.



图源:Bored panda

"I became the president of organizations. I was winning so many scholastic accolades — it was crazy." By the end of his second year, Rehan decided he wanted to go to law school.

Rehan's older brother, Reggie Staton, 27, was a Bowie State sophomore when his brother enrolled. Moved by the potential his brother had to flourish at school, Reggie dropped out to return to work and support his family.

Two years into his successful matriculation at Bowie State University, Rehan transferred to University of Maryland, where he graduated and was chosen to be student commencement speaker in 2018.


Although he was succeeding as a student, Staton continued to face personal hardships. In his second semester at the University of Maryland, his father suffered a stroke.

Staton started working at the trash company once again to help pay his father’s medical bills while staying in school.

Balancing work and college was not easy, Staton said, especially because he wanted to apply to law school and needed to maintain his grades.

但功夫不负有心人,从马里兰大学顺利毕业后,斯塔顿顺利地在一家咨询公司找到了工作,同时准备起了美国法学院入学考试(Law School Admissions Test)。最终,哈佛大学、哥伦比亚大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、南加州大学等都向他发出了offer!

Over the course of the following year, Rehan worked in political consulting with the Robert Bobb Group, a firm in downtown DC, while studying for the LSAT. He was accepted to law schools at Harvard, Columbia, University of Pennsylvania, the University of Southern California, and Pepperdine this Spring.


“No one can promise that life will be fair, but if you keep your eyes on the prize, everything will fall into place.”

综合来源:CNN Washington Post CBS Bored panda
