SAP CRM Product hierarchy,Category和Application的三个问题

All of these three questions are raised regarding the customizing below via tcode COMM_PRAPPLCAT:

SAP CRM Product hierarchy,Category和Application的三个问题_第1张图片

Question1: Product search supports “search by category id”.

SAP CRM Product hierarchy,Category和Application的三个问题_第2张图片

However, we can assign different categories with same id on different product hierarchies. See example below:

SAP CRM Product hierarchy,Category和Application的三个问题_第3张图片

Question 1: the category id search will only touch categories assigned to a specific hierarchy, or will simply touch all categories with id “ZJERRY” regardless of their assigned hierarchies?

We can first check via test.
First I create two products both assigned with category id ZJERRY but with different hierarchies:

SAP CRM Product hierarchy,Category和Application的三个问题_第4张图片

And then I search by ZJERRY, both products are found.

SAP CRM Product hierarchy,Category和Application的三个问题_第5张图片

Reason is: The category search implementation simply scans the following two tables connected via category guid, but not hierarchy guid.

SAP CRM Product hierarchy,Category和Application的三个问题_第6张图片

Question 2: In product creation, we need to specify a base category. Once F4 help is clicked, we see category search popup dialog with search automatically fired.

SAP CRM Product hierarchy,Category和Application的三个问题_第7张图片

Here only hierarchy R3PRODSTYP is used. Why is this very hierarchy?

SAP CRM Product hierarchy,Category和Application的三个问题_第8张图片

Answer: when category search is fired, three hiden search parameters are added automatically:
Application: 03

SAP CRM Product hierarchy,Category和Application的三个问题_第9张图片

As a result, R3PRODSTYP from customizing is used.

SAP CRM Product hierarchy,Category和Application的三个问题_第10张图片

Question 3: I have assigned several categories for a given product which come from different hierarchy:

SAP CRM Product hierarchy,Category和Application的三个问题_第11张图片

In Opportunity WebUI, only category from R3PRODHIER is displayed. Why? Because this hierarchy is assigned to application “01 Sales” in customizing.

SAP CRM Product hierarchy,Category和Application的三个问题_第12张图片

