前面的一些lightning文章讲述了aura的基础知识,aura封装的常用js以及aura下的事件处理。本篇通过官方的一个superbadge来实现一个single APP的实现。
通过步骤安装相关的app exchange即可安装相关的表结构以及初始化数据,详细可以看这个superbadge的细节描述。安装以后主要有3个表,Boat Type、Boat、BoatReview。相关表结构关系如下:
Boat Type在这个demo中用来存储 船的类型,当然这个数据也可以维护在custom setting中;
Boat Review在这个demo中用来存储船的一些评价信息。
1. 头部展示这个APP 的头部信息,包括图标标题等;
2. 搜索区域展示Boat Type数据,选中某个Boat Type点击Search后在区域3展示数据;
3. 展示2步搜索出来的数据,点击某个船的信息会在右面区域展示详细信息以及地图信息;
4. 展示一个tab,分别对应详情,评价以及添加评价;
5. 根据不同的tab展示不同的子元素信息;
6. 展示3步选中的船的图标的地理信息。
FriendsWithBoats: 一个single APP, 包含了四部分组件,分别对应 BoatHeader 、 BoatSearch 、 BoatDetails 以及 Map;
BoatSearch:上图中的2,3部分内容,包含两个子组件,分别对应 BoatSearchForm、BoatSearchResults;
BoatDetails: 上图中的4,5部分内容,包含3个子组件,分别对应 BoatDetail、BoatReviews、AddBoatReview;
AddBoatReview:对应4中切换到Add Review部分下的5部分内容;
说完这些用到的component以外再说一下实现这些功能需要用到哪些事件。我们之前在事件阶段也说过,事件分成两种,COMPONENT/APPLICATION。如果两种都可以实现功能的情况下,官方推荐使用COMPONENT类型的。COMPONENT分成bubble以及capture两种类型,不同的传播方式会执行不同的顺序,详情可以参看以前的事件阶段的博客。这个demo中,因为当我们在matching boats区域选中某个子单元情况下,信息要显示在右侧的区域详情等地方。通过上面的bom图可以看到他们不再同一个父子节点中,COMPONENT类型的event只能处理父子关系,这种兄弟关系或者类兄弟关系只能通过APPLICATION的event通过广播订阅机制去实现。下面说以下demo中设计到的几个主要的事件阶段:
以上几个事件用于 BoatTile中注册事件。
事件的传播顺序为 capture -> target -> bubble,所以上面的COMPONENT类型的事件在组件中的执行顺序应该如下:
FriendsWithBoats -> BoatSearch -> BoatSearchForm -> BoatSearch -> FriendsWithBoats
FriendsWithBoats -> BoatSearch -> BoatSearchResults -> BoatTile -> BoatSearchResults -> BoatSearch -> FriendsWithBoats
FriendsWithBoats -> BoatDetails -> AddBoatReview -> BoatDetails -> FriendsWithBoats

1 <aura:event type="COMPONENT" description="Boat Event"> 2 <aura:attribute name="boatId" type="String"/> 3 aura:event>

1 <aura:event type="APPLICATION" description="BoatSelected fired from BoatTileController's onBoatClick handler"> 2 <aura:attribute name="boat" type="Boat__c"/> 3 aura:event>

1 <aura:event type="APPLICATION" description="Event template" > 2 <aura:attribute name="sObjectId" type="String" /> 3 <aura:attribute name="lat" type="String" /> 4 <aura:attribute name="long" type="String" /> 5 <aura:attribute name="label" type="String" /> 6 aura:event>

1 <aura:event type="COMPONENT" description="Event template" > 2 <aura:attribute name="formData" type="object"/> 3 aura:event>

1 <aura:event type="COMPONENT" description="Event template" />

1 <aura:component implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes"> 2 <aura:attribute name="boat" type="Boat__c" /> 3 <aura:registerEvent name="BoatSelect" type="c:BoatSelect"/> 4 <aura:registerEvent name="BoatSelected" type="c:BoatSelected" /> 5 <aura:registerEvent name="plotMapMarker" type="c:PlotMapMarker" /> 6 <aura:attribute name='selected' type='Boolean' default='false'/> 7 <lightning:button class="{!v.selected ? 'tile selected' : 'tile'}" onclick="{!c.onBoatClick}"> 8 <div style="{!'background-image:url(\'' + v.boat.Picture__c + '\'); '}" class="innertile"> 9 <div class="lower-third"> 10 <h1 class="slds-truncate">{!v.boat.Contact__r.Name}h1> 11 div> 12 div> 13 lightning:button> 14 aura:component>

1 ({ 2 onBoatClick : function(component, event, helper) { 3 var myEvent = component.getEvent("BoatSelect"); 4 var boat=component.get("v.boat"); 5 myEvent.setParams({"boatId": boat.Id}); 6 myEvent.fire(); 7 8 var appEvent = $A.get("e.c:BoatSelected"); 9 appEvent.setParams({ 10 "boat": boat 11 }); 12 appEvent.fire(); 13 14 var plotEvent = $A.get("e.c:PlotMapMarker"); 15 plotEvent.setParams({ 16 "lat": boat.Geolocation__Latitude__s, 17 "sObjectId": boat.Id, 18 "long": boat.Geolocation__Longitude__s, 19 "label":boat.Name 20 }); 21 plotEvent.fire(); 22 } 23 })

1 .THIS.tile { 2 position:relative; 3 display: inline-block; 4 background-size: cover; 5 background-position: center; 6 background-repeat: no-repeat; 7 8 height: 220px; 9 padding: 1px !important; 10 11 } 12 .THIS.selected { 13 14 border:3px solid rgb(0, 112, 210); 15 } 16 17 .THIS .innertile { 18 background-size: cover; 19 background-position: center; 20 background-repeat: no-repeat; 21 width: 220px; 22 height: 100%; 23 } 24 25 .THIS .lower-third { 26 position: absolute; 27 bottom: 0; 28 left: 0; 29 right: 0; 30 color: #FFFFFF; 31 background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .4); 32 padding: 6px 8px; 33 }

1 2 34 5 6 7

1 <aura:component controller="BoatSearchResults" implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global"> 2 3 <aura:attribute name="boats" type="Boat__c[]" /> 4 5 <aura:attribute name="boatTypeId1" type="String"/> 6 <aura:method name="search" access="global" action="{!c.search}" > 7 <aura:attribute name="boatTypeId" type="String"/> 8 aura:method> 9 <aura:handler name="BoatSelect" event="c:BoatSelect" action="{!c.onBoatSelect}"/> 10 <aura:attribute name="selectedBoatId" type="String" default="null"/> 11 12 <lightning:layout multipleRows="true" horizontalAlign="center"> 13 <aura:iteration items="{!v.boats}" var="boat"> 14 <lightning:layoutItem flexibility="grow" class="slds-m-right_small" > 15 <c:BoatTile boat="{!boat}" selected="{!boat.Id == v.selectedBoatId ? true : false}"/> 16 lightning:layoutItem> 17 aura:iteration> 18 19 <aura:if isTrue="{!v.boats.length==0}"> 20 <lightning:layoutItem class="slds-align_absolute-center" flexibility="auto" padding="around-small"> 21 <ui:outputText value="No boats found" /> 22 lightning:layoutItem> 23 aura:if> 24 25 lightning:layout> 26 aura:component>

1 ({ 2 doInit: function(component, event, helper) { 3 }, 4 search: function(component, event, helper){ 5 var params = event.getParam('arguments'); 6 component.set("v.boatTypeId1", params.boatTypeId); 7 helper.onSearch(component,event); 8 return "search complete."; 9 }, 10 onBoatSelect: function(component, event, helper){ 11 var boatId = event.getParam("boatId"); 12 component.set("v.selectedBoatId", boatId); 13 14 } 15 })

1 ({ 2 onSearch : function(component) { 3 var currentBoatType = component.get("v.boatTypeId1") 4 var action = component.get("c.getBoats"); 5 if(currentBoatType == 'All Types'){ 6 currentBoatType = ''; 7 } 8 var action = component.get("c.getBoats"); 9 action.setParams({ 10 "boatTypeId":currentBoatType 11 }); 12 13 action.setCallback(this, function(response) { 14 15 var state = response.getState(); 16 if (component.isValid() && state === "SUCCESS") { 17 component.set("v.boats", response.getReturnValue()); 18 } else { 19 console.log("Failed with state1: " + state); 20 } 21 }); 22 $A.enqueueAction(action); 23 } 24 })

1 <aura:component controller="BoatSearchResults" implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes,force:lightningQuickAction" access="global" > 2 <aura:handler name="init" action="{!c.doInit}" value="{!this}"/> 3 <aura:attribute name="btypes" type="BoatType__c[]"/> 4 <aura:attribute name='selectedType' type='string' default='All Type'/> 5 <aura:registerEvent name="formsubmit" type="c:FormSubmit"/> 6 7 <lightning:layout horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="end" > 8 <lightning:layoutItem padding="horizontal-medium" class="slds-grid_vertical-align-center"> 9 <lightning:select aura:id="boatTypes" label="" name="selectType" onchange="{!c.handleChange}"> 10 <option value="">All Typesoption> 11 <aura:iteration items="{!v.btypes}" var="item"> 12 <option text="{!item.Name}" value="{!item.Id}" /> 13 aura:iteration> 14 lightning:select> 15 lightning:layoutItem> 16 <lightning:layoutItem class="slds-grid_vertical-align-center" padding="horizontal-medium" > 17 <lightning:button class="slds-button" variant="brand" label="Search" onclick="{!c.onFormSubmit}"/> 18 lightning:layoutItem> 19 lightning:layout> 20 21 aura:component>

1 ({ 2 doInit: function(component, event, helper) { 3 var action = component.get("c.getboattypes"); 4 action.setCallback(this, function(response) { 5 var state = response.getState(); 6 if (component.isValid() && state === "SUCCESS") { 7 component.set("v.btypes", response.getReturnValue()); 8 } 9 else { 10 console.log("Failed with state: " + state); 11 } 12 }); 13 14 // Send action off to be executed 15 $A.enqueueAction(action); 16 }, 17 onFormSubmit:function(component, event, helper) { 18 19 var boatTypeId = component.get("v.selectedType"); 20 console.log("selected type : " + boatTypeId); 21 var formSubmit = component.getEvent("formsubmit"); 22 formSubmit.setParams({"formData": 23 {"boatTypeId" : boatTypeId} 24 }); 25 formSubmit.fire(); 26 }, 27 handleChange:function(component, event, helper) { 28 var selectedBoatType = component.find("boatTypes").get("v.value"); 29 console.log("selectedBoatType : "+ selectedBoatType); 30 component.set("v.selectedType",selectedBoatType); 31 } 32 33 })

1 <aura:component controller="BoatSearchResults" implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global" > 2 <aura:attribute name="boats" type="Boat__c[]" /> 3 <lightning:card title="Find a Boat" class="slds-m-bottom_10px"> 4 <c:BoatSearchForm /> 5 lightning:card> 6 <lightning:card title="Matching Boats" > 7 <c:BoatSearchResults aura:id="BSRcmp"/> 8 lightning:card> 9 <aura:handler name="formsubmit" 10 event="c:FormSubmit" 11 action="{!c.onFormSubmit}" 12 phase="capture"/> 13 aura:component>
BoatSearchController.js:三个核心的方法:初始化boat type,改变boat type的handler以及form submit 的handler

1 ({ 2 onFormSubmit: function(component, event, helper){ 3 console.log("event received by BoatSearchController.js"); 4 var formData = event.getParam("formData"); 5 var boatTypeId = formData.boatTypeId; 6 console.log("boatTypeId : "+boatTypeId); 7 8 var BSRcmp = component.find("BSRcmp"); 9 var auraMethodResult = BSRcmp.search(boatTypeId); 10 console.log("auraMethodResult: " + auraMethodResult); 11 } 12 })
左侧的功能已经实现。左侧的功能主要是显示所有的Boat Type,选择一个Boat Type后点击search进行事件处理调用子元素进行搜索操作以及进行赋值操作,当选择子元素组件以后触发两个APPLICATION 的事件将选中的boat信息进行广播。下面的内容为右侧的部分。

1 <aura:component implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes,force:lightningQuickAction" access="global" > 2 <aura:attribute name="value" type="Integer" default='0'/> 3 <aura:attribute name="readonly" type="boolean" default='false' /> 4 <ltng:require styles="{!$Resource.fivestar + '/rating.css'}" scripts="{!$Resource.fivestar + '/rating.js'}" afterScriptsLoaded="{!c.afterScriptsLoaded}" /> 5 <aura:handler name="change" value="{!v.value}" action="{!c.onValueChange}"/> 6 <ul class="{!v.readonly ? 'readonly c-rating' : 'c-rating'}" aura:id="ratingarea" > 7 ul> 8 aura:component>

1 ({ 2 afterScriptsLoaded : function(component, event, helper) { 3 debugger 4 var domEl = component.find("ratingarea").getElement(); 5 6 var currentRating = component.get('v.value'); 7 var readOnly = component.get('v.readonly'); 8 var maxRating = 5; 9 var callback = function(rating) { 10 component.set('v.value',rating); 11 } 12 component.ratingObj = rating(domEl,currentRating,maxRating,callback,readOnly); 13 }, 14 15 onValueChange: function(component,event,helper) { 16 if (component.ratingObj) { 17 var value = component.get('v.value'); 18 component.ratingObj.setRating(value,false); 19 } 20 } 21 })

1 <aura:component implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes,force:lightningQuickAction" access="global" > 2 <aura:attribute name="boat" type="Boat__c"/> 3 <aura:handler name="init" action="{!c.doInit}" value="{!this}"/> 4 <aura:attribute name="boatReview" type="BoatReview__c"/> 5 <aura:attribute access="private" name="recordError" type="String"/> 6 <aura:registerEvent name="boatReviewAdded" type="c:BoatReviewAdded" /> 7 <force:recordData aura:id="service" 8 fields="Id,Name,Comment__c, Rating__c, Boat__c" 9 targetError="{!v.recordError}" 10 targetFields="{!v.boatReview}" 11 recordUpdated="{!c.onRecordUpdated}" 12 /> 13 14 <lightning:layout multipleRows="true"> 15 <lightning:layoutItem size="12" padding="around-small"> 16 <lightning:input name="title" label="Title" value="{!v.boatReview.Name}"/> 17 lightning:layoutItem> 18 19 <lightning:layoutItem size="12" padding="around-small"> 20 <label class="slds-form-element__label" for="input-id-01">Descriptionlabel> 21 <lightning:inputRichText value="{!v.boatReview.Comment__c}" disabledCategories="FORMAT_FONT"/> 22 lightning:layoutItem> 23 <lightning:layoutItem size="12" padding="around-small"> 24 <label class="slds-form-element__label" for="input-id-01">Ratinglabel> 25 <ul class="slds-post__footer-actions-list slds-list_horizontal"> 26 <li class="slds-col slds-item slds-m-right_medium"> 27 <c:FiveStarRating value="{!v.boatReview.Rating__c}" /> 28 29 li> 30 ul> 31 lightning:layoutItem> 32 <lightning:layoutItem size="12" class="slds-align--absolute-center"> 33 <lightning:button iconName="utility:save" label="Submit" onclick="{!c.onSave}"/> 34 lightning:layoutItem> 35 lightning:layout> 36 aura:component>

1 ({ 2 doInit: function(component, event, helper) { 3 helper.onInit(component, event,helper); 4 }, 5 onSave : function(component, event, helper) { 6 var boat = component.get("v.boat"); 7 var boatr = component.get("v.boatReview"); 8 9 component.set("v.boatReview.Boat__c",boat.Id); 10 11 component.find("service").saveRecord(function(saveResult){ 12 if(saveResult.state==="SUCCESS" || saveResult.state === "DRAFT") { 13 var resultsToast = $A.get("e.force:showToast"); 14 if(resultsToast) { 15 resultsToast.setParams({ 16 "title": "Saved", 17 "message": "Boat Review Created" 18 }); 19 resultsToast.fire(); 20 } else { 21 alert('Boat Review Created'); 22 } 23 } else if (saveResult.state === "ERROR") { 24 var errMsg=''; 25 for (var i = 0; i < saveResult.error.length; i++) { 26 errMsg += saveResult.error[i].message + "\n"; 27 } 28 component.set("v.recordError", errMsg); 29 } else { 30 console.log('Unknown problem, state: ' + saveResult.state + ', error: ' + JSON.stringify(saveResult.error)); 31 } 32 var boatReviewAddedEvnt=component.getEvent("boatReviewAdded"); 33 boatReviewAddedEvnt.fire(); 34 helper.onInit(component,event,helper); 35 }); 36 }, 37 onRecordUpdated: function(component, event, helper) { 38 } 39 })

1 ({ 2 onInit : function(component, event,helper) { 3 component.find("service").getNewRecord( 4 "BoatReview__c", // sObject type (entityAPIName) 5 null, // recordTypeId 6 false, // skip cache? 7 $A.getCallback(function() { 8 var rec = component.get("v.boatReview"); 9 var error = component.get("v.recordError"); 10 var boat=component.get("v.boat"); 11 if(error || (rec === null)) { 12 console.log("Error initializing record template: " + error); 13 } 14 else { 15 component.set("v.boatReview.Boat__c",boat.Id); 16 var test=component.get("v.boatReview"); 17 } 18 }) 19 ); 20 } 21 })
BoatReviews.cmp:声明一个aura:method方法供父类调用实现当 保存完boat的评价后可以跳转到评价列表,初始化评价信息列表。

1 <aura:component controller="BoatReviews" implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes,force:lightningQuickAction" access="global" > 2 <aura:attribute name="boat" type="Boat__c" /> 3 <aura:attribute name="boatReviews" type="BoatReview__c[]" access="private" /> 4 <aura:handler name="init" action="{!c.doInit}" value="{!this}"/> 5 6 <aura:method name="refresh" 7 action="{!c.doInit}" 8 description="invokes refresh whenever boat is updated" access="public"> 9 aura:method> 10 <aura:handler name="change" value="{!v.boat}" action="{!c.doInit}"/> 11 12 <aura:dependency resource="markup://force:navigateToSObject" type="EVENT"/> 13 <ui:scrollerWrapper class="scrollerSize"> 14 15 <aura:if isTrue="{!v.boatReviews.length==0}"> 16 <lightning:layoutItem class="slds-align_absolute-center" flexibility="auto" padding="around-small"> 17 <ui:outputText value="No Reviews Available" /> 18 lightning:layoutItem> 19 aura:if> 20 <div class="slds-feed" style="max-height: 250px;"> 21 <ul class="slds-feed__list"> 22 <aura:iteration items="{!v.boatReviews}" var="boatReview"> 23 <li class="slds-feed__item"> 24 <header class="slds-post__header slds-media"> 25 <div class="slds-media__figure"> 26 <img alt="Image" src="{!boatReview.CreatedBy.SmallPhotoUrl}" title="" /> 27 div> 28 <div class="slds-media__body"> 29 <div class="slds-grid slds-grid_align-spread slds-has-flexi-truncate"> 30 <p> 31 <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="{!c.onUserInfoClick}" data-userid="{!boatReview.CreatedBy.Id}"> 32 {!boatReview.CreatedBy.Name} 33 a> - {!boatReview.CreatedBy.CompanyName} 34 p> 35 div> 36 <p class="slds-text-body_small"> 37 <lightning:formattedDateTime value="{!boatReview.CreatedDate}" 38 year="numeric" month="short" day="numeric" 39 hour="2-digit" minute="2-digit" hour12="true"/> 40 p> 41 div> 42 header> 43 <div class="slds-post__content slds-text-longform"> 44 <div> 45 <ui:outputText value="{!boatReview.Name}" /> 46 div> 47 <div> 48 <ui:outputRichText class="slds-text-longform" value="{!boatReview.Comment__c}" /> 49 div> 50 div> 51 <footer class="slds-post__footer"> 52 <ul class="slds-post__footer-actions-list slds-list_horizontal"> 53 <li class="slds-col slds-item slds-m-right_medium"> 54 <c:FiveStarRating aura:id="FiveStarRating" value="{!boatReview.Rating__c}" readonly="true"/> 55 li> 56 ul> 57 footer> 58 li> 59 aura:iteration> 60 ul> 61 div> 62 ui:scrollerWrapper> 63 aura:component>

1 ({ 2 doInit : function(component, event, helper) { 3 helper.onInit(component, event); 4 }, 5 onUserInfoClick : function(component,event,helper){ 6 var userId = event.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-userid"); 7 var navEvt = $A.get("e.force:navigateToSObject"); 8 navEvt.setParams({ 9 "recordId" : userId, 10 }); 11 navEvt.fire() 12 13 } 14 })

1 ({ 2 onInit : function(component, event) { 3 var boat=component.get("v.boat"); 4 var action = component.get("c.getAll"); 5 action.setParams({ 6 "boatId":boat.Id 7 }); 8 action.setCallback(this, function(response) { 9 10 var state = response.getState(); 11 if (component.isValid() && state === "SUCCESS") { 12 component.set("v.boatReviews", response.getReturnValue()); 13 } 14 else { 15 console.log("Failed with state: " + state); 16 } 17 }); 18 $A.enqueueAction(action); 19 } 20 })

1 <aura:component implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes"> 2 <aura:attribute name="boat" type="Boat__c[]" /> 3 <aura:dependency resource="markup://force:navigateToSObject" type="EVENT"/> 4 <lightning:card iconName="utility:anchor"> 5 <aura:set attribute="title"> 6 {!v.boat.Contact__r.Name}'s Boat 7 aura:set> 8 9 <aura:set attribute="Actions"> 10 <aura:if isTrue='{!v.showButton}'> 11 <lightning:button label="Full Details" onclick="{!c.onFullDetails}" /> 12 aura:if> 13 aura:set> 14 15 <lightning:layout multipleRows="true"> 16 <lightning:layoutItem size="6" padding="around-small"> 17 18 <div class="slds-p-horizontal--small"> 19 <div class="boatproperty"> 20 <span class="label">Boat Name: span> 21 <span>{!v.boat.Name}span> 22 div> 23 <div class="boatproperty"> 24 <span class="label">Type:span> 25 <span>{!v.boat.BoatType__r.Name}span> 26 div> 27 <div class="boatproperty"> 28 <span class="label">Length:span> 29 <span> {!v.boat.Length__c}ftspan> 30 div> 31 <div class="boatproperty"> 32 <span class="label">Est. Price:span> 33 <span><lightning:formattedNumber value="{!v.boat.Price__c}" style="currency" 34 currencyCode="USD" currencyDisplayAs="symbol"/>span> 35 div> 36 <div class="boatproperty"> 37 <span class="label">Description:span> 38 <span><ui:outputRichText value="{!v.boat.Description__c}"/>span> 39 div> 40 div> 41 42 lightning:layoutItem> 43 44 <lightning:layoutItem size="6" padding="around-small"> 45 46 <lightning:button variant='neutral' label='Full Details' onclick='{!c.onFullDetails}'/> 47 <div class="imageview" style="{!'background-image:url(\'' + v.boat.Picture__c + '\'); '}" /> 48 lightning:layoutItem> 49 50 lightning:layout> 51 52 lightning:card> 53 54 aura:component>

1 ({ 2 onFullDetails: function(component, event, helper) { 3 var navEvt = $A.get("e.force:navigateToSObject"); 4 navEvt.setParams({ 5 "recordId": component.get("v.boat.Id") 6 7 }); 8 navEvt.fire(); 9 } 10 })

1 .THIS .label { 2 font-weight: bold; 3 display: block; 4 } 5 .THIS .boatproperty { 6 margin-bottom: 3px; 7 } 8 .THIS .imageview { 9 background-repeat: no-repeat; 10 background-size: contain; 11 height: 200px; 12 margin: 2px; 13 }
BoatDetails.cmp:包含了两个事件的handler,分别是Application Event Boat选择的事件处理以及 add boat Review的事件处理

1 <aura:component implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes,force:lightningQuickAction" access="global" > 2 <aura:attribute name="selectedTabId" type="String"/> 3 <aura:attribute name="boat" type="Boat__c"/> 4 <aura:attribute name="id" type="Id" /> 5 <aura:attribute name="recordError" type="String"/> 6 <aura:dependency resource="markup://force:navigateToSObject" type="EVENT"/> 7 <aura:handler event="c:BoatSelected" action="{!c.onBoatSelected}" /> 8 <aura:handler name="boatReviewAdded" event="c:BoatReviewAdded" action="{!c.onBoatReviewAdded}"/> 9 <force:recordData aura:id="service" 10 layoutType="FULL" 11 recordId="{!v.id}" 12 fields="Id,Name,Description__c,Price__c,Length__c,Contact__r.Name, 13 Contact__r.Email,Contact__r.HomePhone,BoatType__r.Name,Picture__c" 14 targetError="{!v.recordError}" 15 targetFields="{!v.boat}" 16 mode="EDIT" 17 recordUpdated="{!c.onRecordUpdated}" 18 /> 19 20 <lightning:tabset variant="scoped" selectedTabId="{!v.selectedTabId}" aura:id="details"> 21 <lightning:tab label="Details" id="details" > 22 <aura:if isTrue="{!not(empty(v.id))}"> 23 <c:BoatDetail boat="{!v.boat}"/> 24 aura:if> 25 lightning:tab> 26 <lightning:tab label="Reviews" id="boatreviewtab" > 27 28 <aura:if isTrue="{!not(empty(v.id))}"> 29 <c:BoatReviews boat="{!v.boat}" aura:id="BRcmp"/> 30 aura:if> 31 lightning:tab> 32 <lightning:tab label="Add Review" id="addReview" > 33 <aura:if isTrue="{!not(empty(v.id))}"> 34 <c:AddBoatReview boat="{!v.boat}"/> 35 aura:if> 36 lightning:tab> 37 lightning:tabset> 38 39 <aura:if isTrue="{!not(empty(v.recordError))}"> 40 <div class="recordError"> 41 <ui:message title="Error" severity="error" closable="true"> 42 {!v.recordError} 43 ui:message> 44 div> 45 aura:if> 46 aura:component>

1 ({ 2 init: function(component, event, helper) { 3 component.set("v.enableFullDetails", $A.get("e.force:navigateToSObject")); 4 }, 5 onBoatSelected : function(component, event, helper) { 6 var boatSelected=event.getParam("boat"); 7 component.set("v.id",boatSelected.Id); 8 component.find("service").reloadRecord() ; 9 10 }, 11 onRecordUpdated : function(component, event, helper){ 12 13 }, 14 onBoatReviewAdded : function(component, event, helper) { 15 console.log("Event received"); 16 component.find("details").set("v.selectedTabId", 'boatreviewtab'); 17 var BRcmp = component.find("BRcmp"); 18 console.log(BRcmp); 19 var auraMethodResult = BRcmp.refresh(); 20 } 21 22 })

1 <aura:component implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes,force:lightningQuickAction" access="global" > 2 <lightning:layout class="slds-box"> 3 <lightning:layoutItem > 4 <lightning:icon iconName="custom:custom54" alternativeText="FriendswithBoats"/> 5 lightning:layoutItem> 6 <lightning:layoutItem padding="horizontal-small"> 7 <div class="page-section page-header"> 8 <h1 class="slds-page-header__title slds-truncate slds-align-middle" title="FriendswithBoats">Friends with Boatsh1> 9 div> 10 lightning:layoutItem> 11 lightning:layout> 12 aura:component>

1 <aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global" > 2 3 <aura:attribute access="private" name="leafletMap" type="Object" /> 4 5 <aura:attribute name="width" type="String" default="100%" /> 6 <aura:attribute name="height" type="String" default="200px" /> 7 <aura:attribute name="location" type="SObject"/> 8 <aura:attribute name="jsLoaded" type="boolean" default="false"/> 9 <aura:handler event="c:PlotMapMarker" action="{!c.onPlotMapMarker}"/> 10 <ltng:require styles="{!$Resource.Leaflet + '/leaflet.css'}" 11 scripts="{!$Resource.Leaflet + '/leaflet-src.js'}" 12 afterScriptsLoaded="{!c.jsLoaded}" /> 13 <lightning:card title="Current Boat Location" > 14 <div aura:id="map" style="{!'width: ' + v.width + '; height: ' + v.height}"> 15 <div style="width:100%; height:100%" class="slds-align_absolute-center">Please make a selectiondiv> 16 div> 17 lightning:card> 18 aura:component>

1 .THIS { 2 width: 100%; 3 height: 100%; 4 border: 1px dashed black; 5 }

1 <design:component label="Map"> 2 <design:attribute name="width" label="Width" description="The width of the map as a percentage (100%) or pixels (100px)" /> 3 <design:attribute name="height" label="Height" description="The height of the map as a percentage (100%) or pixels (100px)" /> 4 design:component>

1 xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> 2 <svg width="100px" height="100px" viewBox="0 0 100 100" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> 3 4 <title>Slicetitle> 5 <desc>Created with Sketch.desc> 6 <defs>defs> 7 <g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"> 8 <rect id="Rectangle" fill="#62B7ED" x="0" y="0" width="100" height="100" rx="8">rect> 9 <path d="M84.225,26.0768044 L62.925,15.4268044 C61.8895833,14.9830544 60.70625,14.9830544 59.81875,15.4268044 L40.1458333,25.3372211 L20.325,15.4268044 C19.1416667,14.8351377 17.6625,14.8351377 16.6270833,15.5747211 C15.5916667,16.1663877 15,17.3497211 15,18.5330544 L15,71.7830544 C15,73.1143044 15.7395833,74.2976377 16.9229167,74.8893044 L38.2229167,85.5393044 C39.2583333,85.9830544 40.4416667,85.9830544 41.3291667,85.5393044 L61.15,75.6288877 L80.8229167,85.5393044 C81.2666667,85.8351377 81.8583333,85.9830544 82.45,85.9830544 C83.0416667,85.9830544 83.78125,85.8351377 84.3729167,85.3913877 C85.4083333,84.7997211 86,83.6163877 86,82.4330544 L86,29.1830544 C86,27.8518044 85.4083333,26.6684711 84.225,26.0768044 L84.225,26.0768044 Z M78.6041667,32.8809711 L78.6041667,60.9851377 C78.6041667,62.6122211 77.125,63.7955544 75.6458333,63.2038877 C70.1729167,61.1330544 74.6104167,51.9622211 70.6166667,46.9330544 C66.91875,42.3476377 62.1854167,47.0809711 57.6,39.8330544 C53.3104167,32.8809711 59.0791667,27.8518044 64.4041667,25.1893044 C65.14375,24.8934711 65.8833333,24.8934711 66.475,25.1893044 L77.4208333,30.6622211 C78.3083333,31.1059711 78.6041667,31.9934711 78.6041667,32.8809711 L78.6041667,32.8809711 Z M48.8729167,74.0018044 C47.9854167,74.4455544 46.95,74.2976377 46.2104167,73.7059711 C44.73125,72.3747211 43.5479167,70.3038877 43.5479167,68.2330544 C43.5479167,64.6830544 37.63125,65.8663877 37.63125,58.7663877 C37.63125,52.9976377 30.8270833,51.5184711 25.0583333,52.1101377 C23.5791667,52.2580544 22.54375,51.2226377 22.54375,49.7434711 L22.54375,28.1476377 C22.54375,26.3726377 24.31875,25.1893044 25.7979167,26.0768044 L38.51875,32.4372211 C38.6666667,32.4372211 38.8145833,32.5851377 38.8145833,32.5851377 L39.2583333,32.8809711 C44.5833333,35.9872211 43.5479167,38.5018044 41.3291667,42.3476377 C38.8145833,46.6372211 37.7791667,42.3476377 34.2291667,41.1643044 C30.6791667,39.9809711 27.1291667,42.3476377 28.3125,44.7143044 C29.4958333,47.0809711 33.0458333,44.7143044 35.4125,47.0809711 C37.7791667,49.4476377 37.7791667,52.9976377 44.8791667,50.6309711 C51.9791667,48.2643044 53.1625,49.4476377 55.5291667,51.8143044 C57.8958333,54.1809711 59.0791667,58.9143044 55.5291667,62.4643044 C53.4583333,64.5351377 52.5708333,68.9726377 51.6833333,71.9309711 C51.5354167,72.5226377 51.0916667,73.1143044 50.5,73.4101377 L48.8729167,74.0018044 L48.8729167,74.0018044 Z" id="Shape" fill="#FFFFFF">path> 10 g> 11 svg>

1 ({ 2 jsLoaded: function(component) { 3 component.set("v.jsLoaded", true); 4 } , 5 onPlotMapMarker: function(component,event,helper) { 6 debugger 7 var id = event.getParam('sObjectId'); 8 var latitude = event.getParam('lat'); 9 var longitude = event.getParam('long'); 10 var label = event.getParam('label'); 11 var leafletMap = helper.getLeafletMap(component, latitude, longitude); 12 L.tileLayer('https://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Street_Map/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}', { 13 attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors' 14 }).addTo(leafletMap); 15 16 L.marker([latitude, longitude]).addTo(leafletMap) 17 .bindPopup(label) 18 .openPopup(); 19 } 20 })

1 ({ 2 getLeafletMap : function(component, latitude, longitude) { 3 4 var leafletMap = component.get('v.leafletMap'); 5 6 if (!leafletMap) { 7 var mapContainer = component.find('map').getElement(); 8 9 leafletMap = L.map(mapContainer, {zoomControl: false, tap: false}) 10 .setView([latitude, longitude], 13); 11 component.set('v.leafletMap', leafletMap); 12 13 } else { 14 leafletMap.setView([latitude, longitude], 13); 15 } 16 return leafletMap; 17 } 18 })

1 ({ 2 rerender: function (component) { 3 4 var nodes = this.superRerender(); 5 6 var location = component.get('v.location'); 7 8 if (!location) { 9 10 } else { 11 // If the Leaflet library is not yet loaded, we can't draw the map: return 12 if (!window.L) { 13 return nodes; 14 } 15 16 // Draw the map if it hasn't been drawn yet 17 if (!component.map) { 18 var mapElement = component.find("map").getElement(); 19 component.map = L.map(mapElement, {zoomControl: true}).setView([42.356045, -71.085650], 13); 20 component.map.scrollWheelZoom.disable(); 21 window.L.tileLayer('https://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Street_Map/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}', {attribution: 'Tiles © Esri'}).addTo(component.map); 22 } 23 24 if (location && location.lat && location.long) { 25 var latLng = [location.lat, location.long]; 26 if (component.marker) { 27 component.marker.setLatLng(latLng); 28 } else { 29 component.marker = window.L.marker(latLng); 30 component.marker.addTo(component.map); 31 } 32 component.map.setView(latLng); 33 } 34 35 return nodes; 36 } 37 38 } 39 })

1 public class BoatReviews { 2 @AuraEnabled 3 public static listgetAll(Id boatId ) { 4 5 return [SELECT Id,Name,Comment__c,Rating__c,LastModifiedDate,CreatedDate,CreatedBy.Name,CreatedBy.SmallPhotoUrl,CreatedBy.CompanyName FROM BoatReview__c WHERE Boat__c=:boatId]; 6 } 7 8 }

1 public class BoatSearchResults { 2 3 public listBoats{get;set;} 4 5 @AuraEnabled 6 public static List getboattypes() { 7 return [SELECT Name, Id FROM BoatType__c]; 8 } 9 10 @AuraEnabled 11 public static List getBoats(string boatTypeId ) { 12 list obj = new list (); 13 if(boatTypeId!='') { 14 obj=[SELECT id, BoatType__c, picture__c, name,contact__r.Name, Geolocation__Latitude__s, Geolocation__Longitude__s 15 FROM Boat__c 16 WHERE BoatType__c =: boatTypeId]; 17 }else { 18 obj=[SELECT id, BoatType__c,picture__c, name,contact__r.Name, Geolocation__Latitude__s, Geolocation__Longitude__s 19 FROM Boat__c]; 20 } 21 return obj; 22 } 23 }

1 <aura:application extends="force:slds" > 2 <c.BoatHeader/> 3 <lightning:layout > 4 5 <div class="slds-col slds-size_2-of-3"> 6 <c.BoatSearch/> 7 div> 8 <div class="slds-col slds-size_1-of-3"> 9 10 <c.BoatDetails /> 11 <c.Map /> 12 div> 13 lightning:layout> 14 aura:application>