###2.1 第一次被拒绝原因(网上传言的“狗年大礼包”)
发件人 Apple
Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed
This type of app has been identified as one that may violate one or more of the following App Store Review Guidelines. Specifically, these types of apps often:
1.1.6 - Include false information, features, or misleading metadata.
2.3.0 - Undergo significant concept changes after approval
2.3.1 - Have hidden or undocumented features, including hidden "switches" that redirect to a gambling or lottery website
3.1.1 - Use payment mechanisms other than in-app purchase to unlock features or functionality in the app
4.3.0 - Are a duplicate of another app or are conspicuously similar to another app
5.2.1 - Were not submitted by the legal entity that owns and is responsible for offering any services provided by the app
5.3.4 - Do not have the necessary licensing and permissions for all the locations where the app is used
Before we can continue with our review, please confirm that this app does not violate any of the above guidelines. You may reply to this message in Resolution Center or the App Review Information section in App Store Connect to verify this app’s compliance.
Given the tendency for apps of this type to violate the aforementioned guidelines, this review will take additional time. If at any time we discover that this app is in violation of these guidelines, the app will be rejected and removed from the App Store, and it may result in the termination of your Apple Developer Program account.
Should you choose to resubmit this app without confirming this app’s compliance, the next submission of this app will still require a longer review time. Additionally, this app will not be eligible for an expedited review until we have received your confirmation.
###2.1.1 解决方案:
尊敬的苹果审核委员会, 你好。
谢谢你的耐心和认真审核, 我们认真排查了你提到的7个审核条款, 我们对此回应如下:
4.3.0:我们App内容都是我们自己开发的, 并不存在抄袭或者大量相似。
这是我们经过认真自查之后,得到的结论, 我们的App需要尽快上线,因为我们有大量推广活动在做。
Dear Apple Review Committee, hello.
Thank you for your patience and careful review. We carefully investigated the seven review clauses that you mentioned. We respond to this as follows:
1.1.6: Our App does not contain misleading features and false information. It is all true.
2.3.0: We haven’t modified any of the concepts and features of our App after it was approved by Apple.
2.3.1: Our App does not switch to any gambling or lottery website. We are a native App
3.1.1: We do not use any third party payment within our App.
4.3.0: The contents of our apps are all developed by us. There is no plagiarism or a lot of similarities.
5.2.1: Our App does not have the risk of legal entities and copyrights.
5.3.4: Our App do not have the necessary licensing and permissions for all the locations where the app is used.
This is the conclusion we got after careful self-examination. Our app needs to be online as soon as possible because we have a lot of promotional activities.
I hope the Apple audit team can continue to review and thank you.
####第三步:修改App Store 中 app 的标题、副标题、关键词、App 预览和屏幕快照等,因为可能存在敏感词汇,比如“微信”、“QQ”等
###2.2 第二次被拒绝(app中info.plist相关权限的描述语不合适)
发件人 Apple
5. 1.1 Legal: Privacy - Data Collection and Storage
Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage
We noticed that your app requests the user’s consent to access their Camera but does not clarify the use of this feature in the permission modal alert.
Please see attached screenshot for details.
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, please revise the permission modal alert to specify why the app is requesting access to the user's Camera.
For additional information and instructions on configuring and presenting an alert, please review the Requesting Permission section of the iOS Human Interface Guidelines and the Information Property List Key Reference. You may also want to review the Technical Q&A QA1937: Resolving the Privacy-Sensitive Data App Rejection page for details on how to provide a usage description for permission request alerts.
####2.2.1 解决方案
###2.3 第三次被拒绝(app中关于部分信息来源不明确,这个时候距离成功不远了)
2018年6月16日 上午6:39
发件人 Apple
2. 1 Performance: App Completeness
2. 3 Performance: Accurate Metadata
Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed
We have started the review of your app, but we are not able to continue because we need additional information about your app.
Next Steps
To help us proceed with the review of your app, please provide detailed information to the following questions. The more information you can provide upfront, the sooner we can complete your review.
- How does your app tracking the steps?
- Does your app interact with any hardware?
Once you reply to this message in Resolution Center with the requested information, we can proceed with your review.
Guidelines 2.3.7 - Performance - Accurate Metadata
We noticed that your app name or subtitle to be displayed on the App Store includes the following trademarked term or popular app name, which is not appropriate for use in these metadata items.
Specifically, your app name or subtitle included the term, 微信.
The next submission of this app may require a longer review time, and this app will not be eligible for an expedited review until this issue is resolved.
Next Steps
- Review the Accurate Metadata section of the App Store Review Guidelines.
- Ensure your app is compliant with all sections of the App Store Review Guidelines and the Terms & Conditions of the Apple Developer Program.
- Once your app is fully compliant, resubmit your app for review.
Submitting apps designed to mislead or harm customers or evade the review process may result in the termination of your Apple Developer Program account. Review the Terms & Conditions of the Apple Developer Program to learn more about our policies regarding termination.
If you believe your app is compliant with the App Store Review Guidelines, you may submit an appeal. Alternatively, you may provide additional details about your app by replying directly to this message.
####这个问题就已经不再是 2.1 相关的被拒信息,直接在回复中心回复就可以了,不用提交新的包。
2018年6月16日 上午9:00
发件人 [email protected] (xxxx|11xxxx|x)
First :
As for the two questions of Guideline 2.1-Information Needed, our answers are as follows:
1. Our app steps data source is to obtain the walking data of apple system coremotion. framework
2. Our app does not have external hardware devices to record the number of steps and directly read the walking data of apple system
Second :
As for the question of Guidelines 2.3.7 - Performance - Accurate Metadata,our answers are as follows:
1.We have modify our app name and subtitle included the sensitive words
Last :
Thank you dear Apple
App Store 搜索关键词 趣走 或者 通过链接下载 趣走-走路领趣币兑换商品
#####备注:2018 App Store Review Guidelines(2018苹果审核细则)