For specific information, please refer to the reference at the end of the article.
协程和异步,Coroutines & Asynchronous
并发和并行,Concurrency & parallelism
asyncio — Asynchronous I/O
Problem Case: The robot rotates the camera during the movement of the body, simultaneously displaying the expression and giving a voice prompt.
状态机广泛用于机器人编程,从LEGO Mindstorms(NXT-G)到ROS(Smach)。State machines are widely used in robot programming, from LEGO Mindstorms (NXT-G) to ROS (Smach).
清洁机器人通过传感器识别地板、瓷砖或地毯,应用不同的清扫策略。The cleaning robot uses sensors to identify floors, tiles or carpets and apply different cleaning strategies.
事件驱动结构,Event-Driven Architecture
Fancy State Machines
cozmo_fsm is a hierarchical, parallel, message passing state machine formalism:
机器人前进或转向后,位置的变化数据。The change in position and orientation data is output after the robot moves forward or turns.
案例 demo:
The BackItUp demo illustrates the use of fork/join to launch
parallel actions and synchronize them again. The fork is performed
by the NullTrans transition with two destinations, while the join is
performed by the CompletionTrans transition with two sources.
Behavior: Cozmo backs up by 100 mm while simultaneously beeping. He
uses DriveForward instead of Forward to avoid conflict with the Say
action. When he's done backing up, he stops beeping and says 'Safety first'.
from cozmo_fsm import *
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("Can't find the cozmo_fsm package. Check your search path.")
class BackItUp(StateMachineProgram):
def setup(self):
launcher: StateNode() =N=> {driver, speaker}
driver: Forward(-100,10)
speaker: Say('beep',duration_scalar=0.8,abort_on_stop=True) =C=> speaker
{driver,speaker} =C=> finisher: Say('Safety first!')
# Code generated by genfsm on Thu Feb 16 23:51:48 2017:
launcher = StateNode() .set_name("launcher") .set_parent(self)
driver = Forward(-100,10) .set_name("driver") .set_parent(self)
speaker = Say('beep',duration_scalar=0.8,abort_on_stop=True) .set_name("speaker") .set_parent(self)
finisher = Say('Safety first!') .set_name("finisher") .set_parent(self)
nulltrans1 = NullTrans() .set_name("nulltrans1")
nulltrans1 .add_sources(launcher) .add_destinations(driver,speaker)
completiontrans1 = CompletionTrans() .set_name("completiontrans1")
completiontrans1 .add_sources(speaker) .add_destinations(speaker)
completiontrans2 = CompletionTrans() .set_name("completiontrans2")
completiontrans2 .add_sources(driver,speaker) .add_destinations(finisher)
return self
立方体 cube