First, a disclaimer. Emma Boulton at Five Simple Steps sent me a copy of A Practical Guide to Web App Success and asked if I would read it and maybe write a review, given that I often write about business issues. I love reading business books, so was very happy to do so. The thoughts below are all my own based on my reading of the book.
首先,免责声明。 五个简单步骤中的艾玛·布尔顿(Emma Boulton)向我发送了一份《 Web应用程序成功实用指南》,并询问我是否会阅读并撰写评论,因为我经常撰写有关业务问题的文章。 我喜欢阅读商业书籍,因此非常高兴。 根据我对这本书的阅读,下面的想法都是我自己的。
As an author, a really hard challenge is to cover and do justice to a wide subject area. Making decisions as to how much to cover a particular part of that subject is tough. When I looked at the table of contents for this book, which can also be seen on the product page for the book, I did wonder how Dan Zambonini was going to do justice to subjects as diverse as market research, colour and typography, web app security, testing and deployment and marketing. Surely each one of these subject could be a book in itself? I was a little worried that the book would end up being a lightweight skim over the surface of all of these things.
作为作者,一个真正的艰巨挑战是要涵盖广泛的学科领域并做到公正。 很难决定覆盖该主题的特定部分的费用。 当我查看本书的目录(也可以在该书的产品页面上看到)时,我确实想知道Dan Zambonini如何对诸如市场研究,色彩和版式以及Web应用程序之类的主题进行公正对待安全,测试,部署和营销。 当然,这些主题中的每个主题本身都可以是一本书吗? 我有点担心这本书最终会成为所有这些东西表面上的轻量级外观。
From my own experience however, with our product Perch, I know that when you do launch a product there are 101 new things you need to have an overview of. Some of these things you, as the product owner or project manager, may not be doing yourself however understanding what these key aspects are is vital. Therefore I was intrigued by the vast TOC and also the opening paragraph on the back of the book.
但是,以我自己的经验,使用我们的产品Perch ,我知道当您发布产品时,需要了解101项新功能。 作为产品所有者或项目经理,您可能没有自己做某些事情,但是了解这些关键方面是至关重要的。 因此,我对庞大的TOC以及书背面的开篇很感兴趣。
Most existing web app books cover a specific stage of the development process, such as the technical build or user interface design. For entrepreneurs or project managers who need a complete overview of the web app development lifecycle, little material currently exists.
现有的大多数Web应用程序书籍都涵盖了开发过程的特定阶段,例如技术构建或用户界面设计。 对于需要完整了解Web应用程序开发生命周期的企业家或项目经理,目前几乎没有资料。
The book is in five parts, taking you through the entire lifecycle of an app, from coming up with and testing an idea, right through to marketing the completed product. In part one, Groundwork, I liked the attention to detail of Chapter 4 detailing time-saving tips and productivity ideas. One of the tips in this chapter – before you have even really got started on your app – is to get a Twitter account and start being a good citizen. In our own experience with Perch, Twitter has been the main way we marketed the product. With both Drew and I being long-time Twitter users, it made this far easier, than if we had suddenly just started tweeting as grabaperch, so actually participating in social networks early is definitely a great idea.
本书分为五个部分,引导您完成应用程序的整个生命周期,从提出和测试创意到营销完成的产品。 在第一部分“ 基础工作”中 ,我喜欢关注第4章的细节,其中详细介绍了节省时间的技巧和生产率的想法。 在您甚至还没有真正开始使用您的应用程序之前,本章的技巧之一就是获得一个Twitter帐户并开始成为一个好公民。 根据我们对Perch的经验,Twitter是我们推销产品的主要方式。 德鲁和我都被长期的Twitter用户,它使这个更容易,比我们突然刚刚开始啁啾为grabaperch ,因此实际参与社交网络的早期绝对是一个好主意。
Part two, Strategy, contains a really good rundown on pricing models and how to price your app. Pricing is something I have written about on this blog in the past and it is a really tricky subject. I get asked about it quite a lot and the advice I always give is that if you have based your pricing on research and concrete decisions then if people complain about it (and they will!) you are able to defend, and explain it.
第二部分, 策略 ,对定价模型以及如何对应用程序定价进行了很好的总结。 定价是我过去在此博客上写过的,这是一个非常棘手的主题。 我经常被问到这个问题,我一直给我的建议是,如果您将定价基于研究和具体的决定,那么如果人们对此表示抱怨(他们会!),您将能够辩护并进行解释。
The section of this book on Interface was the part I thought might really struggle to be condensed. However what Dan has created is an overview of the design process, what matters and why it matters so that a non-designer founder or project manager can lead and understand that part of the project. It fills in the main details, explains the difficulties of designing for the web, shows why certain techniques work well. For developers who end up designing some or all of their interface there are some excellent rules to live by here. For project managers or founders who have hired a designer this is also worth reading in order to best work with the person or company you have employed.
本书中有关接口的部分是我认为可能真的很难浓缩的部分。 但是,Dan创建的内容是对设计过程的概述,重要的内容和重要性,以便非设计师的创始人或项目经理可以领导和理解项目的那一部分。 它填写了主要细节,解释了为Web设计的困难,并说明了为什么某些技术能很好地工作。 对于最终设计了部分或全部界面的开发人员,这里有一些非常好的规则。 对于雇用了设计师的项目经理或创始人来说,这也值得一读,以便与您所雇用的人或公司进行最佳合作。
My favourite section of the book was Part 4 on development. As with the section on design it gives a primer on the fundamentals of web development – useful for the project manager who then has some idea of what his developers are talking about. The bulk of this section however is given over to key issues of security, performance and testing. The explanations are clear and give an overview into the considerations you should be making, without straying into the realm of terrifying people who are not security experts.
我最喜欢的部分是关于开发的第4部分。 与设计部分一样,它提供了Web开发基础知识的入门知识–对项目经理很有用,然后他对开发人员的想法有所了解。 但是,本节的大部分内容将讨论安全性,性能和测试等关键问题。 这些解释很清楚,并概述了您应该考虑的事项,而不会陷入使非安全专家恐惧的领域。
The final section of the book, Promotion is full of useful tips on how to market your completed product. This is the part of the book where I have the least experience and I found the section on measuring and monitoring really interesting as this is something I want to do better. There is also a very sensible introduction to sane and modern SEO techniques, explaining how to optimize your site for organic search traffic.
本书的最后一部分“ 促销”包含了许多有关如何推销完整产品的有用提示。 这是我经验最少的部分,我发现有关测量和监视的部分非常有趣,因为这是我想做得更好的。 对于理智和现代的SEO技术也有非常明智的介绍,介绍了如何针对自然搜索流量优化网站。
One thing that I thought could have had more coverage, is in regard to supporting your customers. Perch is a bit different to hosted web apps as people download and install it themselves, giving us many a support headache. We have found however that providing excellent technical support has been a really important part of our marketing of Perch. People talk about great support, and recommend us based on that alone. Support can also be a big drain on your resources if not well managed, so this is something that you do need to take into account when launching an app or other digital product.
我认为可以提供更多服务的一件事就是支持您的客户。 当人们自行下载并安装Perch时,Perch与托管的Web应用程序有所不同,这给我们带来了很多支持上的麻烦。 但是,我们发现提供出色的技术支持一直是我们Perch营销中非常重要的一部分。 人们谈论强大的支持,并仅以此为基础推荐我们。 如果管理不善,支持也会消耗大量资源,因此在启动应用程序或其他数字产品时,您必须考虑到这一点。
Dan Zambonini has written a practical book, very obviously grounded in personal experience. He has managed to hit a spot between skimming over subjects and going into too much depth for those who are not experts in that area. Refreshingly there is no “make millions from your app in 4 hours a week” to be found here. It’s a sensible and thorough primer for people selling digital products, and I can happily recommend it.
丹·赞博尼尼(Dan Zambonini)写了一本实用的书,显然是基于个人经验。 对于那些不是该领域专家的人来说,他设法在浏览主题与深入探讨之间找到了一个位置。 令人耳目一新的是,这里没有“每周4个小时从您的应用中赚百万美元”的信息。 对于销售数字产品的人来说,这是一本明智而详尽的入门书,我可以很高兴地推荐它。
翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2012/08/18/book-review-a-practical-guide-to-web-app-success/