

BOOL Write2Bitmap(BYTE *pData,CString filename,int width,int height,int bitcount) { FILE *fe; int i; int index = 0; unsigned char rgbquad[4]; BITMAPFILEHEADER bitmapFileHeader; BITMAPINFOHEADER bitmapInfoHeader; int widthbytes = (int)((width*bitcount+31)/32)*4; switch(bitcount) { case 1: { index = 2; bitmapFileHeader.bfOffBits = (DWORD)(sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 2*4); break; } case 4: { index = 16; bitmapFileHeader.bfOffBits = (DWORD)(sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 16*4); break; } case 8: { index = 256; bitmapFileHeader.bfOffBits = (DWORD)(sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 256*sizeof(RGBQUAD)); break; } case 24: case 32: { index = 0; bitmapFileHeader.bfOffBits = (DWORD)(sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); break; } default: return FALSE; } bitmapFileHeader.bfType = 0x4d42; bitmapFileHeader.bfReserved1 = 0; bitmapFileHeader.bfReserved2 = 0; bitmapFileHeader.bfSize = (DWORD)(bitmapFileHeader.bfOffBits + height * widthbytes); // write BITMAPFILEHEADER fe = fopen(filename,"wb"); if(fwrite((void *)&bitmapFileHeader,1,sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER),fe)!= sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)) { fclose(fe); //MessageBox("写文件头"); return FALSE; } // write BITMAPINFOHEADER bitmapInfoHeader.biBitCount = bitcount; bitmapInfoHeader.biClrImportant = 0; bitmapInfoHeader.biClrUsed = 0; bitmapInfoHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; bitmapInfoHeader.biHeight = height; bitmapInfoHeader.biWidth = width; bitmapInfoHeader.biPlanes = 1; bitmapInfoHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bitmapInfoHeader.biSizeImage = height * widthbytes; bitmapInfoHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; bitmapInfoHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; if(fwrite((void *)&bitmapInfoHeader,1,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER),fe) != sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)) { fclose(fe); return FALSE; } // write RGBQUAD if(bitcount == 8) { rgbquad[3] = 0; for(i = 0; i < index; i++) { rgbquad[0] = rgbquad[1] = rgbquad[2] = i; if(fwrite((void*)rgbquad, 1, sizeof(RGBQUAD), fe) != sizeof(RGBQUAD)) { fclose(fe); return FALSE; } } } if(bitcount == 1) { rgbquad[3] = 0; for(i = 0; i < index; i++) { rgbquad[0] = rgbquad[1] = rgbquad[2] = (256 - i)%256; if(fwrite((void*)rgbquad, 1, sizeof(RGBQUAD), fe) != sizeof(RGBQUAD)) { fclose(fe); return FALSE; } } } // write ImageData if(fwrite((void *)pData,1,height * widthbytes,fe) != height * widthbytes) { fclose(fe); return FALSE; } fclose(fe); return TRUE; }





// // // BitmapLib.h: Definition of class CBitmapLib // // Author: // Gerd Esser // Germany // eMail: [email protected] // // // History: // 13.09.2000 - Creation // // #ifndef BITMAPLIB_H #define BITMAPLIB_H #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 #include #include // // // The class CBitmapLib has basically 2 functions: // // + counting number of used colors within a bitmap // + changing color depth of a bitmap // // class CBitmapLib { public: // error index enum { blUnsupportedCompression = -1, blColorOverflow = -2, blNotEnoughMemory = -3, }; public: // // standard constructor / destructor // CBitmapLib(); virtual ~CBitmapLib(); // // static int CBitmapLib::GetUsedColors( BITMAPINFO const * pBmi, // BYTE const * pBits, // UINT const nStartScanLine, // UINT const nScanLines, // RGBQUAD * pColorTable, // WORD const wMaxColorTableSize, // WORD & wUsedColors ); // // Parameters: // pBmi - pointer to a BITMAPINFO structure of the bitmap // pBits - pointer to pixel data of the bitmap // nStartScanLine - number of pixel line, at which the // scanning will start // nScanLines - number of pixel lines which will be scanned // beginning from nStartScanLine // pColorTable - pointer to a color table // wMaxColorTableSize - max. entries within pColorTable // wUsedColors - number of colors within pColorTable // // GetUsedColors() counts the number of used colors within a // bitmap, which is stored in memory. // // The scanning starts at line position nStartScanLines and // nScanLines will be scanned. This can be used for scanning // also great bitmaps by banding it into smaller parts. // // The colors that will be found are stored into a color // table pColorTable. If pColorTable is a blanc one, // wUsedColors has to be set to 0. In that case GetUsedColors() // indentifies new colors, add's them to pColorTable and // returns the number of colors in wUsedColors. If the bitmap // contains more than wMaxColorTableSize colors, the method // aborts whith return code blColorOverflow. // // If a prefilled pColorTable is given to GetUsedColord(), // the method will add only those colors, that are not // yet stored in pColorTable. The method returns the // used colors in wUsedColors, but which is not // the number of colors in the present bitmap or // bitmap band. This makes sence in "banding" mode, where // the same bitmap is treated in a loop of bands, allways // giving the same color table to the method. The result // is the overall number of colors in the bitmap. // // The method handles only bitmaps of compression type BI_RGB. // // The method returns the number of used colors in // color table pColorTable (identical to wUsedColors). // In case of an error, the return value is negativ: // blUnsupportedCompression - compression format // of bitmap is something other than // BI_RGB // blColorOverflow - the number of colors is greater than // wMaxColorTableSize. // static int GetUsedColors( BITMAPINFO const * pBmi, BYTE const * pBits, UINT const nStartScanLine, UINT const nScanLines, RGBQUAD * pColorTable, WORD const wMaxColorTableSize, WORD & wCurColorTableSize ); // // static int GetUsedColors( CString const & stSrcBitmapFile, // RGBQUAD * pColorTable, // WORD const wMaxColorTableSize, // CProgressCtrl * pProgressCtrl = NULL ); // // Parameters: // stSrcBitmapFile - name of source bitmap file // pColorTable - pointer to a color table // wMaxColorTableSize - max. entries within pColorTable // pProgressCtrl - pointer of standard MFC progress control as // part of a dialog box. The progress control // will initialized and stepped by the method. // If pProgressCtrl is NULL, no progress control // will be managed. // // GetUsedColors() counts the number of used colors within a // file based bitmap. // // The colors that will be found are stored into a color // table pColorTable. If the bitmap // contains more than wMaxColorTableSize colors, the method // aborts whith return code blColorOverflow. // // The method also handles great bitmaps. For this case a // progress control within a dialog box can be managed, because // the operation than needs a certain time. // // The method handles only bitmaps of compression type BI_RGB. // // The method returns the number of used colors in // color table pColorTable. // In case of an error, the return value is negativ: // blUnsupportedCompression - compression format // of bitmap is something other than // BI_RGB // blColorOverflow - the number of colors is greater than // wMaxColorTableSize. // blNotEnoughMemory - not enough memory for reading a bitmap // band // static int GetUsedColors( CString const & stSrcBitmapFile, RGBQUAD * pColorTable, WORD const wMaxColorTableSize, CProgressCtrl * pProgressCtrl = NULL ); // // static BOOL ChangeColorDepth( CString const & stSrcBitmapFile, // CString const & stDstBitmapFile, // WORD const wDstBitCount, // CProgressCtrl * pProgressCtrl = NULL ); // // stSrcBitmapFile - name of source bitmap file // stDstBitmapFile - name of destination bitmap file // wDstBitCount - number of bits per pixel (color depth) of // the destination bitmap // pProgressCtrl - pointer of standard MFC progress control as // part of a dialog box. The progress control // will initialized and stepped by the method. // If pProgressCtrl is NULL, no progress control // will be managed. // // ChangeColorDepth() changes the bits per pixel of a bitmap, by // increasing or decreasing the number of bits per pixel. Valid // values for wDstBitCount are 1, 4, 8, 16, 24 and 32. By doing this // the method also changes the bitmap from a device independent // bitmap (wDstBitCount 1 to 8) to a device dependent bitmap // (wDstBitCount 16 to 32) or the way back. // // ChangeColorDepth() maps the bitmap into a memory DC. If the // DC is not sufficient enough, the colors will be slightly // affected at operations decreasing the color depth. // // The method also handles great bitmaps. For this case a // progress control within a dialog box can be managed, because // the operation than needs a certain time. // // The method handles only bitmaps of compression type BI_RGB. // // The method returns FALSE in case of error, otherwise TRUE. // static BOOL ChangeColorDepth( CString const & stSrcBitmapFile, CString const & stDstBitmapFile, WORD const wDstBitCount, CProgressCtrl * pProgressCtrl = NULL ); private: typedef struct tagColorEntry { WORD wIndex; RGBQUAD rgb; } COLORENTRY; private: // // Gets a RGB value out of a bitmap (device independent or dependent). // static RGBQUAD GetRGB( BITMAPINFO const * pBmi, UINT const uLine, UINT const uCol, BYTE const * pBits ); // // Sets a pixel into a device independent bitmap. // static void SetDIBPixel( BITMAPINFO const * pBmi, UINT const uLine, UINT const uCol, BYTE * pBits, BYTE const sPixelVal ); // // Sets a pixel into a device dependent bitmap. // static void SetRGBPixel( BITMAPINFO const * pBmi, UINT const uLine, UINT const uCol, BYTE * pBits, RGBQUAD rgbPixel ); }; // class CBitmapLib #endif // BITMAPLIB_H


// // // BitmapLib.cpp: Implementation of class CBitmapLib. // // Author: // Gerd Esser // Germany // eMail: [email protected] // // // History: // 13.09.2000 - Creation // 14.02.2002 - Error correction in GetRGB() case 16 (bit), expand ranges from 32 to 256 // Thanks for comment of "ForJest" // // #include "stdafx.h" #include "BitmapLib.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__; #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif #define LINES_PER_BAND 100 // // // // CBitmapLib::CBitmapLib() { } // // // // CBitmapLib::~CBitmapLib() { } // // // // int CBitmapLib::GetUsedColors( CString const & stSrcBitmapFile, RGBQUAD * pColorTable, WORD const wMaxColorTableSize, CProgressCtrl * pProgressCtrl ) { ASSERT( pColorTable ); CFile SrcFile; if ( !SrcFile.Open( stSrcBitmapFile, CFile::typeBinary | CFile::modeRead ) ) return FALSE; // init progress control if ( pProgressCtrl ) { pProgressCtrl->SetRange32( 0, SrcFile.GetLength( ) ); pProgressCtrl->SetPos( 0 ); } BITMAPFILEHEADER bmfhSrc; // read bitmapfileheader of source bitmap SrcFile.Read( &bmfhSrc, sizeof( bmfhSrc ) ); if ( pProgressCtrl ) pProgressCtrl->SetPos( SrcFile.GetPosition( ) ); BITMAPINFO * pBmiSrc = ( BITMAPINFO * ) new BYTE[ bmfhSrc.bfOffBits - sizeof( bmfhSrc ) ]; if ( !pBmiSrc ) { SrcFile.Close( ); return blNotEnoughMemory; } // read bitmapinfo header of source bitmap, including the color palette SrcFile.Read( pBmiSrc, bmfhSrc.bfOffBits - sizeof( bmfhSrc ) ); if ( pProgressCtrl ) pProgressCtrl->SetPos( SrcFile.GetPosition( ) ); // only uncompressed bitmaps are possible, because its a bitwise operation if ( pBmiSrc->bmiHeader.biCompression != BI_RGB ) { delete [] pBmiSrc; SrcFile.Close( ); return blUnsupportedCompression; } WORD wUsedColors = 0; UINT uSrcBytesPerLine = pBmiSrc->bmiHeader.biSizeImage / pBmiSrc->bmiHeader.biHeight; // only reserve memory for small bitmap bands, thus working also on fat sized bitmaps BYTE * pBitsSrc = new BYTE[ uSrcBytesPerLine * LINES_PER_BAND ]; // perform each band in a loop for ( UINT i = 0; i < ( UINT ) pBmiSrc->bmiHeader.biHeight; i += LINES_PER_BAND ) { // uCurLines may be smaller at the last loop UINT uCurLines = min( LINES_PER_BAND, pBmiSrc->bmiHeader.biHeight - i ); // read source bitmap data SrcFile.Read( pBitsSrc, uCurLines * uSrcBytesPerLine ); if ( pProgressCtrl ) pProgressCtrl->SetPos( SrcFile.GetPosition( ) ); int nReturn = GetUsedColors( pBmiSrc, pBitsSrc, 0, uCurLines, pColorTable, wMaxColorTableSize, wUsedColors ); if ( nReturn < 0 ) { delete [] pBitsSrc; delete [] pBmiSrc; SrcFile.Close( ); return nReturn; } } delete [] pBitsSrc; delete [] pBmiSrc; SrcFile.Close( ); // reset progress control if ( pProgressCtrl ) pProgressCtrl->SetPos( 0 ); return wUsedColors; } // // // // int CBitmapLib::GetUsedColors( BITMAPINFO const * pBmi, BYTE const * pBits, UINT const nStartScanLine, UINT const nScanLines, RGBQUAD * pColorTable, WORD const wMaxColorTableSize, WORD & wUsedColors ) { ASSERT( pBmi ); ASSERT( pBits ); ASSERT( pColorTable ); BITMAPINFOHEADER const * pBmih = &pBmi->bmiHeader; RGBQUAD rgb; if ( pBmih->biCompression != BI_RGB ) return blUnsupportedCompression; // unsupported bitmap format, no compression for ( UINT i = nStartScanLine; i < nStartScanLine + nScanLines; i++ ) { for ( UINT j = 0; j < ( UINT ) pBmih->biWidth; j++ ) { rgb = GetRGB( pBmi, i, j, pBits ); // search color table for current color for ( WORD k = 0; k < wUsedColors; k++ ) if ( pColorTable[k].rgbBlue == rgb.rgbBlue && pColorTable[k].rgbGreen == rgb.rgbGreen && pColorTable[k].rgbRed == rgb.rgbRed ) break; // if color could not be found if ( k == wUsedColors ) { // table full, no more entries and thus color count possible if ( wUsedColors == wMaxColorTableSize ) return blColorOverflow; // error: color table overflow else { // append new color at color table pColorTable[wUsedColors] = rgb; wUsedColors++; } } } } return wUsedColors; } // CBitmapLib::GetUsedColors( ) // // // // BOOL CBitmapLib::ChangeColorDepth( CString const & stSrcBitmapFile, CString const & stDstBitmapFile, WORD const wDstBitCount, CProgressCtrl * pProgressCtrl ) { ASSERT( stSrcBitmapFile != stDstBitmapFile ); CFile SrcFile; CFile DstFile; if ( !SrcFile.Open( stSrcBitmapFile, CFile::typeBinary | CFile::modeRead ) ) return FALSE; // init progress control if ( pProgressCtrl ) { pProgressCtrl->SetRange32( 0, SrcFile.GetLength( ) ); pProgressCtrl->SetPos( 0 ); } // if bitcount is greater than 8 bits, no device independent bitmap is requested BOOL bDstIsDIB = TRUE; if ( wDstBitCount > 8 ) bDstIsDIB = FALSE; BITMAPFILEHEADER bmfhSrc; // read bitmapfileheader of source bitmap SrcFile.Read( &bmfhSrc, sizeof( bmfhSrc ) ); if ( pProgressCtrl ) pProgressCtrl->SetPos( SrcFile.GetPosition( ) ); BITMAPINFO * pBmiSrc = ( BITMAPINFO * ) new BYTE[ bmfhSrc.bfOffBits - sizeof( bmfhSrc ) ]; if ( !pBmiSrc ) { SrcFile.Close( ); return FALSE; } // read bitmapinfo header of source bitmap, including the color palette SrcFile.Read( pBmiSrc, bmfhSrc.bfOffBits - sizeof( bmfhSrc ) ); if ( pProgressCtrl ) pProgressCtrl->SetPos( SrcFile.GetPosition( ) ); // only uncompressed bitmaps are possible, because its a bitwise operation if ( pBmiSrc->bmiHeader.biCompression != BI_RGB ) { delete [] pBmiSrc; SrcFile.Close( ); return FALSE; } if ( !DstFile.Open( stDstBitmapFile, CFile::typeBinary | CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite ) ) { delete [] pBmiSrc; SrcFile.Close( ); return FALSE; } BITMAPINFO * pBmiDst; // create destination bitmapinfo header, due to wether it's a DIB or not (with or without color palette) if ( bDstIsDIB ) { pBmiDst = ( BITMAPINFO * ) new BYTE[ sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) + ( 1 << wDstBitCount ) * sizeof( RGBQUAD ) ]; pBmiDst->bmiHeader = pBmiSrc->bmiHeader; pBmiDst->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = ( 1 << wDstBitCount ); pBmiDst->bmiHeader.biClrImportant = ( 1 << wDstBitCount ); } else { pBmiDst = ( BITMAPINFO * ) new BYTE[ sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) ]; pBmiDst->bmiHeader = pBmiSrc->bmiHeader; pBmiDst->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0; pBmiDst->bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0; } pBmiDst->bmiHeader.biBitCount = wDstBitCount; pBmiDst->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = ( ( ( ( pBmiDst->bmiHeader.biWidth * pBmiDst->bmiHeader.biBitCount ) + 31 ) & ~31 ) >> 3 ) * pBmiDst->bmiHeader.biHeight; // init color table in case of a DIB if ( bDstIsDIB ) for ( WORD j = 0; j < pBmiDst->bmiHeader.biClrUsed; j++ ) { pBmiDst->bmiColors[j].rgbBlue = 255; pBmiDst->bmiColors[j].rgbGreen = 255; pBmiDst->bmiColors[j].rgbRed = 255; pBmiDst->bmiColors[j].rgbReserved = 0; } // create a bitmapfileheader of destination bitmap BITMAPFILEHEADER bmfhDst = bmfhSrc; bmfhDst.bfOffBits = sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ) + pBmiDst->bmiHeader.biSize + pBmiDst->bmiHeader.biClrUsed * sizeof( RGBQUAD ); bmfhDst.bfSize = bmfhDst.bfOffBits + pBmiDst->bmiHeader.biSizeImage; // write bitmapfileheader of destination bitmap DstFile.Write( &bmfhDst, sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ) ); // write bitmapinfo struct of destination bitmap including a real space for the color // palette, which will be detected and written later DstFile.Write( pBmiDst, pBmiDst->bmiHeader.biSize + pBmiDst->bmiHeader.biClrUsed * sizeof( RGBQUAD ) ); WORD wColorTableSize = 0; // only used for bDstIsDIB = TRUE UINT uSrcBytesPerLine = pBmiSrc->bmiHeader.biSizeImage / pBmiSrc->bmiHeader.biHeight; UINT uDstBytesPerLine = pBmiDst->bmiHeader.biSizeImage / pBmiDst->bmiHeader.biHeight; // only reserve memory for small bitmap bands, thus working also on fat sized bitmaps BYTE * pBitsSrc = new BYTE[ uSrcBytesPerLine * LINES_PER_BAND ]; BYTE * pBitsDst = new BYTE[ uDstBytesPerLine * LINES_PER_BAND ]; // perform each band in a loop for ( UINT i = 0; i < ( UINT ) pBmiSrc->bmiHeader.biHeight; i += LINES_PER_BAND ) { // uCurLines may be smaller at the last loop UINT uCurLines = min( LINES_PER_BAND, pBmiSrc->bmiHeader.biHeight - i ); // read source bitmap data SrcFile.Read( pBitsSrc, uCurLines * uSrcBytesPerLine ); if ( pProgressCtrl ) pProgressCtrl->SetPos( SrcFile.GetPosition( ) ); // build up destination color palette at a DIB if ( bDstIsDIB ) if ( GetUsedColors( pBmiSrc, pBitsSrc, 0, uCurLines, pBmiDst->bmiColors, ( WORD ) pBmiDst->bmiHeader.biClrUsed, wColorTableSize ) < 0 ) { delete [] pBitsDst; delete [] pBitsSrc; delete [] pBmiSrc; delete [] pBmiDst; DstFile.Close( ); SrcFile.Close( ); return FALSE; } // init destination buffer (needed for bitmaps smaller 8bit bitcount) memset( pBitsDst, 0, uCurLines * uDstBytesPerLine ); // loops over each pixel for ( UINT m = 0; m < uCurLines; m++ ) { for ( UINT n = 0; n < ( UINT ) pBmiSrc->bmiHeader.biWidth; n++ ) { RGBQUAD rgb = GetRGB( pBmiSrc, m, n, pBitsSrc ); if ( bDstIsDIB ) { for ( WORD k = 0; k < wColorTableSize; k++ ) { if ( pBmiDst->bmiColors[k].rgbBlue == rgb.rgbBlue && pBmiDst->bmiColors[k].rgbGreen == rgb.rgbGreen && pBmiDst->bmiColors[k].rgbRed == rgb.rgbRed ) { // sets a DIB pixel SetDIBPixel( pBmiDst, m, n, pBitsDst, ( BYTE ) k ); break; } } ASSERT( k < wColorTableSize ); } else // sets a high or true color pixel SetRGBPixel( pBmiDst, m, n, pBitsDst, rgb ); } } // write destination bitmap band DstFile.Write( pBitsDst, uCurLines * uDstBytesPerLine ); } // write color table to file if ( bDstIsDIB ) { DstFile.Seek( sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ) + pBmiDst->bmiHeader.biSize, CFile::begin ); DstFile.Write( pBmiDst->bmiColors, pBmiDst->bmiHeader.biClrUsed * sizeof( RGBQUAD ) ); } delete [] pBitsDst; delete [] pBitsSrc; delete [] pBmiSrc; delete [] pBmiDst; DstFile.Close( ); SrcFile.Close( ); // reset progress control if ( pProgressCtrl ) pProgressCtrl->SetPos( 0 ); return TRUE; } // // // // RGBQUAD CBitmapLib::GetRGB( BITMAPINFO const * pBmi, UINT const uLine, UINT const uCol, BYTE const * pBits ) { BITMAPINFOHEADER const * pBmih = &pBmi->bmiHeader; RGBQUAD const * pRgb = pBmi->bmiColors; RGBQUAD rgb = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; DWORD dwBytesPerLine = pBmih->biSizeImage / pBmih->biHeight; switch ( pBmih->biBitCount ) { case 1: { DWORD dwBytePos = uLine * dwBytesPerLine + ( uCol >> 3 ); WORD wIndex = pBits[ dwBytePos ]; wIndex = ( WORD ) ( ( wIndex >> ~( ( BYTE ) uCol & 0x7 ) ) & 0x1 ); rgb = pRgb[wIndex]; } break; case 4: { DWORD dwBytePos = uLine * dwBytesPerLine + ( uCol >> 1 ); WORD wIndex = pBits[ dwBytePos ]; wIndex = ( WORD ) ( ( wIndex >> ( ( ( ( BYTE ) uCol & 0x1 ) ^ 0x1 ) << 2 ) ) & 0xf ); rgb = pRgb[wIndex]; } break; case 8: rgb = pRgb[ pBits[ uLine * dwBytesPerLine + uCol ] ]; break; case 16: { WORD wCol = ( ( WORD * ) pBits )[ uLine * dwBytesPerLine / 2 + uCol ]; rgb.rgbRed = ( BYTE ) ( ( ( wCol >> 10 ) & 0x1f ) << 3 ); rgb.rgbGreen = ( BYTE ) ( ( ( wCol >> 5 ) & 0x1f ) << 3 ); rgb.rgbBlue = ( BYTE ) ( ( wCol & 0x1f ) << 3 ); rgb.rgbReserved = 0; } break; case 24: rgb.rgbRed = pBits[ uLine * dwBytesPerLine + uCol * 3 + 2 ]; rgb.rgbGreen = pBits[ uLine * dwBytesPerLine + uCol * 3 + 1 ]; rgb.rgbBlue = pBits[ uLine * dwBytesPerLine + uCol * 3 ]; rgb.rgbReserved = 0; break; case 32: { DWORD dwCol = ( ( DWORD * ) pBits )[ uLine * dwBytesPerLine / 4 + uCol ]; rgb.rgbRed = ( BYTE ) ( ( dwCol >> 16 ) & 0xff ); rgb.rgbGreen = ( BYTE ) ( ( dwCol >> 8 ) & 0xff ); rgb.rgbBlue = ( BYTE ) ( dwCol & 0xff ); rgb.rgbReserved = 0; } break; default: ASSERT( FALSE ); // error: unsupported bitmap format, bitcount break; } return rgb; } // CBitmapLib::GetRGB( ) // // // // void CBitmapLib::SetDIBPixel( BITMAPINFO const * pBmi, UINT const uLine, UINT const uCol, BYTE * pBits, BYTE const sPixelVal ) { BITMAPINFOHEADER const * pBmih = &pBmi->bmiHeader; DWORD dwBytesPerLine = pBmih->biSizeImage / pBmih->biHeight; switch ( pBmih->biBitCount ) { // device independent bitmaps case 1: { DWORD dwBytePos = uLine * dwBytesPerLine + ( uCol >> 3 ); pBits[ dwBytePos ] |= ( sPixelVal & 0x1 ) << ~( ( BYTE ) uCol & 0x7 ); } break; case 4: { DWORD dwBytePos = uLine * dwBytesPerLine + ( uCol >> 1 ); if ( uCol % 2 == 1 ) pBits[ dwBytePos ] |= ( sPixelVal & 0xf ); else pBits[ dwBytePos ] |= ( sPixelVal & 0xf ) << 4; } break; case 8: pBits[ uLine * dwBytesPerLine + uCol ] = ( BYTE ) ( sPixelVal & 0xff ); break; // device dependent bitmaps case 16: case 24: case 32: ASSERT( FALSE ); break; default: ASSERT( FALSE ); // error: unsupported bitmap format, bitcount break; } } // CBitmapLib::SetDIBPixel( ) // // // // void CBitmapLib::SetRGBPixel( BITMAPINFO const * pBmi, UINT const uLine, UINT const uCol, BYTE * pBits, RGBQUAD rgbPixel ) { BITMAPINFOHEADER const * pBmih = &pBmi->bmiHeader; DWORD dwBytesPerLine = pBmih->biSizeImage / pBmih->biHeight; switch ( pBmih->biBitCount ) { // device independent bitmaps case 1: case 4: case 8: ASSERT( FALSE ); break; // device dependent bitmaps case 16: { // set rgb ranges to 5 bit, reduce ranges from 256 to 32 rgbPixel.rgbBlue >>= 3; rgbPixel.rgbGreen >>= 3; rgbPixel.rgbRed >>= 3; WORD wColVal = ( WORD ) ( ( WORD ) rgbPixel.rgbBlue << 10 | ( WORD ) rgbPixel.rgbGreen << 5 | ( WORD ) rgbPixel.rgbRed ); ( ( WORD * ) pBits )[ uLine * dwBytesPerLine / 2 + uCol ] = wColVal; } break; case 24: pBits[ uLine * dwBytesPerLine + uCol * 3 + 2 ] = rgbPixel.rgbRed; pBits[ uLine * dwBytesPerLine + uCol * 3 + 1 ] = rgbPixel.rgbGreen; pBits[ uLine * dwBytesPerLine + uCol * 3 ] = rgbPixel.rgbBlue; break; case 32: { DWORD dwColVal = ( DWORD ) rgbPixel.rgbRed << 16 | ( DWORD ) rgbPixel.rgbGreen << 8 | ( DWORD ) rgbPixel.rgbBlue; ( ( DWORD * ) pBits )[ uLine * dwBytesPerLine / 4 + uCol ] = dwColVal; } break; default: ASSERT( FALSE ); // error: unsupported bitmap format, bitcount break; } } // CBitmapLib::SetRGBPixel( ) // // // //


CBitmapLib test; CString stSrcBitmapFile="E://TestSvg//test.bmp"; CString stDstBitmapFile="E://TestSvg//1234.bmp"; test. ChangeColorDepth(stSrcBitmapFile,stDstBitmapFile,8,NULL);


