简单易懂的零知识证明说明 An intuitive explanation of zero knowledge theory for dummies

An intuitive explanation of zero knowledge theory for dummies (From https://github.com/jancarlsson/snarklib)

We are well acquainted with encryption of data. Plaintext is encrypted into
ciphertext. Ideally, this ciphertext is not malleable. Nothing should be done
with the ciphertext until it is decrypted.

Zero knowledge involves the encryption of algorithms for decision problems, a
program which determines satisfiability, i.e. outputs true or false. A program
is represented as a circuit with gates for logical and arithmetic operations.
The circuit is equivalent to a large system of quadratic equations called a
rank-1 constraint system.

Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) allows more general algorithms.
This is largely theoretical as the cost is computationally infeasible.

To summarize so far:

  1. start with decision problem
  2. write an algorithmic program to solve it
  3. convert the program to an arithmetic circuit
  4. convert the circuit to quadratic polynomials

We have encoded a program as a system of polynomials. Alternatively, program
code for an algorithm is equivalent to arithmetic. If we perform the arithmetic
over finite fields, then we can use cryptography. Program code has been mapped
into cryptographic arithmetic.

Unlike data encryption, zero knowledge relies on malleability to work. The most
efficient construction known is the “common reference string” model.
Intuitively, we draw a small amount of (ideally true) randomness and use this
as a seed to generate a pseudorandom sequence. Each polynomial variable has an
associated value from this sequence. These values can be used to evaluate the
polynomial, effectively “hashing” it down to a few numbers.

The common reference string is itself ciphertext. Yet, we are using it to do
arithmetic in evaluating a polynomial. Each equation in a rank-1 constraint
system involves the product of two 1st degree polynomials.

(a0*x0 + a1*x1 +...) * (b0*y0 + b1*y1 +...) = (c0*z0 + c1*z1 +...)

To evaluate the 1st degree polynomials, two operators are needed.

  • scalar * variable = term
  • term + term = linear combination

These operations are linear. The arithmetic is easy but must be concealed. We
can hide it “in the exponent” using the one-wayness of the discrete logarithm
problem over a group. In effect, we can do arithmetic in ciphertext without
revealing the original plaintext values.

Raising a group generator to a power is one-way:

y = g^x

Given ciphertext y, finding plaintext x is intractably difficult:

x = log_g(y)

The plaintext value x is kept secret. The ciphertext value y is public. The
exponentiation operation is an isomorphism (one-to-one mapping) from x to y.
However, the one-wayness of the discrete logarithm problem means that while
it is easy to calculate y from x, it is very hard to go the other way and
find x given y. This is what conceals the polynomials and, by extension, the
algorithmic decision problem which generated them.

To evaluate the product of polynomials, multiplication is needed. The product
is not 1st degree. It is 2nd degree. So we need another operator.

  • linear combination * linear combination = …something…

However, note that we don’t need the product as an actual polynomial. Only
the value is required. There is a magical way to do this using a construction
called a bilinear group. This is also called a group pairing. It is a mapping
from two groups to one that preserves linearity. With a bilinear group, the
multiplication is implicit in the structure of the mapping.

To summarize so far:

One rank-1 constraint of many:

(a0*x0 + a1*x1 +...) * (b0*y0 + b1*y1 +...) = (c0*z0 + c1*z1 +...)

Evaluate each linear polynomial with addition and scalar multiplication:

A = a0*x0 + a1*x1 +...
B = b0*y0 + b1*y1 +...
C = c0*z0 + c1*z1 +...

Use a bilinear group for multiplication:

A * B = C

If the evaluated equations (remember this is done “in the exponent” with
ciphertext) are true, then the decision problem which generated them must be
satisfied. Yet, it is very hard (effectively impossible) to go backwards and
recover the original program from the constraint system after it has been
“hashed” using the common reference string.

This gives a way of encrypting algorithms for decision problems which can be
used without ever decrypting them. Execution and verification of output occurs
in ciphertext. Ideally, the algorithm falls through the one-way trapdoor and
reveals no information except for the single bit that indicates the constraint
system is satisfied. If it is, then so is the decision problem. However, that
is all we know. The decision problem itself is not revealed.

Where does the trust go?

The common reference string (proving key) is generated with randomness. This
same randomness is used to generate a verification key to check satisfiability
of the constraint system. The entity holding the randomness is trusted.

However, that trust is “offline” rather than “online” as with certificate
authorities in public-key cryptography. Once the proving and verification key
pair is generated, then if the randomness used in generation is discarded, no
trust is required. The key pair works without any trusted parties.

The risk is that the entity or multi-party process that generates the key pair
cheats and keeps the randomness instead of destroying it. This randomness used
in key pair generation is the secret in this form of zero knowledge. An
adversary who holds the original random samples which generated proving and
verification keys can cheat.

Whoever generates the proving and verification key pair is a trusted entity.

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