【以太坊主网每日数据】2019 年 4 月 3 日,以太币交易总额为 4,108,262 ETH ,比前日上升 0.79%;日活跃用户量 217,929,比前日下降 6.97%;新增合约 7,488 个,比前日下降 37.24%;平均交易费用为 16.67 GWEI,比前日上升 20.68%;最活跃合约为 ELECTRONIC ENERGY COIN (E2C);通证代币交易总额为 387,341 个,比前日下降 4.29%。
【Daily Ethereum Mainnet Stats】April 3, 2019, ETH transferred volume is 4,108,262 ETH, increasing 0.79% (compared to April 2); the number of daily active users is 217,929, decreasing 6.97%; the number of new contracts is 7,488, decreasing 37.24%; average fees are 16.67 GWEI, increasing 20.68%; the most active contract is ELECTRONIC ENERGY COIN (E2C); tokens transferred volume is 387,341, decreasing 4.29%.
V 神向韩国表示:分离区块链和加密货币“很困难”
以太坊联合创始人 V 神告诉韩国国会议员,区块链技术和加密货币几乎是不可分割的。在韩国国会特别召开的区块链会议上,V 神发表了上述言论。该国政府多次表示,将其在区块链技术方面的支持立场与对国内加密货币行业的严格监管一分为二。虽然首尔政府承诺在区块链技术上进行大规模的公共投资,并将其视为经济增长的引擎,但加密货币在一定程度上仍处于阴影之中。尽管主流学者、区块链和加密货币商业领袖以及许多有影响力的政治家一再呼吁,但政府没有表现出会退让的迹象。V 神说:“区块链和加密货币很难分离......公共区块链非常依赖加密货币。因此,加密货币是绝对必要的。” V神还指出,由于去中心化网络不限制参与者,因此必须以加密货币的形式向参与者提供奖励。
Buterin Tells Korea: Separating Blockchain & Crypto ‘Is Difficult’
Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has told South Korean parliamentarians that blockchain technology and cryptocurrency are virtually inseparable. Buterin was speaking at a specially convened blockchain meeting at the South Korean parliament, the National Assembly. The government has spoken on numerous occasions of separating its pro-growth stance on blockchain technology from its firm policing of the domestic cryptocurrency industry. While Seoul has pledged massive public investment in blockchain technology, which it sees as a growth engine for the economy, cryptocurrency has been left somewhat in the shade.Despite repeated calls from leading academics, blockchain and crypto business leaders and many influential politicians, the government has shown no sign that it is prepared to compromise its stance. Per News1, Buterin stated, “Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are difficult to separate. […] Public blockchains rely heavily on cryptocurrencies. As such, cryptocurrencies are absolutely necessary.” Buterin indicated that decentralized networks that do not restrict their participants must provide incentives to their participants – in the form of cryptocurrencies.
根据身份管理公司 Okta 的一项调查,全球有 61% 的数码公司正在投资区块链技术。Okta 根据其“数码企业报告”调查了来自总收入超 10 亿美元的公司决策者,采访了 1050 名信息技术、安全和工程决策者。报告关注的一个问题是对新兴技术的投资。报告发现,大多数公司会选择投资于物联网(72%),紧随其后的是人工智能(68%)、区块链(61%),以及增强现实(58%)。报告指出,90% 的受访者(他们的组织正在进行正式的数字化转型)在投资其中至少一项或多项前瞻性技术。
3 in 5 digital companies invest in blockchain, research shows
Sixty-one per cent of digital companies worldwide are investing in blockchain technology, according to a survey by identity management firm Okta. Okta based its “Digital Enterprise Report” on surveying decision-makers from firms with at least $1 billion in revenue—in total, interviewing 1,050 IT, security and engineering decision-makers. One issue the report looked at was investments in emerging technologies. It found most companies invest in the Internet of Things—72 per cent, closely followed by artificial intelligence—68 per cent, blockchain 61 per cent, and augmented reality—58 per cent. "Bundled together, 90% of the respondents whose organizations are working on a formal digital transformation are also investing in at least one or more of these forward-looking technologies," the report reads.
加密货币初创公司成为日本第二家市值 10 亿美元的科技独角兽企业
日本加密货币平台 Liquid.com 宣布成功完成其 C 轮融资,标志着公司总估值超过 10 亿美元,成为该国创业领域中仅有的两个科技独角兽企业之一。在不到五年的时间内,他们就拿到了这个价值 10 亿美元的头衔。C 轮融资将用于全球扩张和产品开发。Liquid 的 C 轮融资由 IDG Capital 和 Bitmain Technologies 牵头,后者是全球最大(也是最具争议的)加密货币采矿设备制造商和用户之一。IDG Capital 已投资 Coinbase、Ripple、Bitmain 和 Kakao 等加密货币公司,Bitmain Technologies 则最近投资了一个加密资产衍生品交易平台 ErisX,目的是从商品期货交易委员会获得许可证。
Cryptocurrency Startup Becomes Japan’S 2Nd Billion-Dollar Tech Unicorn
Liquid.com, a Japan-based cryptocurrency platform, announced the successful closure of its Series C fundraising round, which saw the company achieve a total valuation of over US$1 billion — making it one of only two tech unicorns in the country’s startup industry. It took Liquid less than five years to achieve this prized $1 billion title. Series C funds will be used for the purposes of global expansion and product development. Liquid’s Series C investment round was spearheaded by IDG Capital and Bitmain Technologies, one of the world’s largest (and most controversial) makers and users of cryptocurrency mining rigs. The former company is already invested in Coinbase, Ripple, Bitmain, and Kakao’s cryptocurrency company, while the latter has recently invested in ErisX, a derivatives-and-crypto asset trading platform with goals to gain a license from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
WEF 报告:40 家中央银行正在考虑采用数字货币和区块链技术
根据世界经济论坛(WEF)最近的一份报告,不久后将有数十家世界各地的中央银行会试行中央银行数字货币(CBDC)。WEF 援引国际清算银行(BIS)2019 年 1 月的一份报告称,全球至少有 40 家中央银行正在利用区块链技术开展研究和试点项目,旨在解决金融包容性、支付效率和网络安全等问题。报告指出,CBDC 是在分布式分类账上发布的,可以以点对点的方式进行交易,所以可使交易更快、更节省成本。该报告列出了 CBDC 最值得关注的优点,包括改善了解你的客户(KYC)和反洗钱(AML)程序、减少逃税、腐败和非法活动、挑战商业银行对零售存款的垄断权,以及可能提供私营企业支付技术的替代方案。
WEF Report: 40 Central Banks Are Considering Digital Currencies, Blockchain Tech
Dozens of central banks around the world are currently or soon will be experimenting with central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), according to a recent report from the World Economic Forum. Citing a January 2019 report by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the WEF states that at least 40 central banks across globally are conducting research projects and pilots with blockchain technology that aim to address such issues as financial inclusion, payments efficiency and cybersecurity. The report states that CBDCs, which are issued on distributed ledgers and can be transacted in a peer-to-peer manner, will purportedly enable faster and more cost-efficient transactions. Among the most noteworthy benefits of CBDC, the report lists the potential to improve Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) procedures procedures, reduce tax evasion, corruption and illicit activities, challenge commercial bank monopoly power of retail deposits, and potentially provide alternatives to private sector payments technologies.
Joseph Young
比特币媒体的 FUD 周期:
「Unitimes注:FUD,即 Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt,英文意思为惧、惑、疑。 」
Bitcoin media FUD cycle:
Bitcoin surges -> ignore bitcoin price -> bitcoin spends too much energy -> it's a bubble -> it's a fad -> bitcoin surges again and comes positive coverage
Jimmy Song
Money is a base layer, dare I say, a foundation of civilization itself.
A foundation shouldn't be soft or malleable.
Erik Voorhees
ShapeShift 首席执行官
随着其采用率的提高,比特币等资产在将来几年不会持续上涨。比如,一旦看到某项资产在几个月内可以每月增值 5%,理性的人总会先发制人,导致不可避免的泡沫和随后的泡沫破裂。对此别无他法。
An asset like Bitcoin cannot rise steadily over years as adoption advances. For upon seeing an asset rise by, say, 5% per month for XX months, rational actors will front run that growth, causing inevitable bubble and burst. There is no other way.
Joseph Young
对于比特币的反弹来说,之前 3 个月的不景气是值得的。
3 months of stagnation was worth it for this bitcoin rally.
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