

org.eclipse.osgi-3.6.0 源码




OSGI的bundle类加载,大致过程是,先委托给父类加载器,如果找不到,再委托导出了 本bundle需要导入的package 的bundle加载,再是Required Bundle,再是尝试动态导入选项,再是用自己的类加载器去加载。(这一过程请参考《深入理解OSGI》一书,或者看源码:org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClass )

	public Class findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
		return findClass(name, true);

	Class findClass(String name, boolean checkParent) throws ClassNotFoundException {
		ClassLoader parentCL = getParentClassLoader();
		if (checkParent && parentCL != null && name.startsWith(JAVA_PACKAGE))
			// 1) if startsWith "java." delegate to parent and terminate search
			// we want to throw ClassNotFoundExceptions if a java.* class cannot be loaded from the parent.
			return parentCL.loadClass(name);
		try {
			return findClassInternal(name, checkParent, parentCL);
		} finally {

	private Class findClassInternal(String name, boolean checkParent, ClassLoader parentCL) throws ClassNotFoundException {
		if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.DEBUG_LOADER)
			Debug.println("BundleLoader[" + this + "].loadBundleClass(" + name + ")"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
		String pkgName = getPackageName(name);
		boolean bootDelegation = false;
		// follow the OSGi delegation model
		if (checkParent && parentCL != null && bundle.getFramework().isBootDelegationPackage(pkgName))
			// 2) if part of the bootdelegation list then delegate to parent and continue of failure
			try {
				return parentCL.loadClass(name);
			} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
				// we want to continue
				bootDelegation = true;
		Class result = null;
		try {
			result = (Class) searchHooks(name, PRE_CLASS);
		} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
			throw e;
		} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
			// will not happen
		if (result != null)
			return result;
		// 3) search the imported packages
		PackageSource source = findImportedSource(pkgName, null);
		if (source != null) {
			// 3) found import source terminate search at the source
			result = source.loadClass(name);
			if (result != null)
				return result;
			throw new ClassNotFoundException(name);
		// 4) search the required bundles
		source = findRequiredSource(pkgName, null);
		if (source != null)
			// 4) attempt to load from source but continue on failure
			result = source.loadClass(name);
		// 5) search the local bundle
		if (result == null)
			result = findLocalClass(name);
		if (result != null)
			return result;
		// 6) attempt to find a dynamic import source; only do this if a required source was not found
		if (source == null) {
			source = findDynamicSource(pkgName);
			if (source != null) {
				result = source.loadClass(name);
				if (result != null)
					return result;
				// must throw CNFE if dynamic import source does not have the class
				throw new ClassNotFoundException(name);

		if (result == null)
			try {
				result = (Class) searchHooks(name, POST_CLASS);
			} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
				throw e;
			} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
				// will not happen
		// do buddy policy loading
		if (result == null && policy != null)
			result = policy.doBuddyClassLoading(name);
		if (result != null)
			return result;
		// hack to support backwards compatibiility for bootdelegation
		// or last resort; do class context trick to work around VM bugs
		if (parentCL != null && !bootDelegation && ((checkParent && bundle.getFramework().compatibiltyBootDelegation) || isRequestFromVM()))
			// we don't need to continue if a CNFE is thrown here.
			try {
				return parentCL.loadClass(name);
			} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
				// we want to generate our own exception below
		throw new ClassNotFoundException(name);





	// System property used to set the parent classloader type (boot is the default)
	private static final String PROP_PARENT_CLASSLOADER = "osgi.parentClassloader"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	// A parent classloader type that specifies the application classloader
	private static final String PARENT_CLASSLOADER_APP = "app"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	// A parent classloader type that specifies the extension classlaoder
	private static final String PARENT_CLASSLOADER_EXT = "ext"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	// A parent classloader type that specifies the boot classlaoder
	private static final String PARENT_CLASSLOADER_BOOT = "boot"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	// A parent classloader type that specifies the framework classlaoder
	private static final String PARENT_CLASSLOADER_FWK = "fwk"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	// The BundleClassLoader parent to use when creating BundleClassLoaders.
	private static ClassLoader bundleClassLoaderParent;
	static {
		// check property for specified parent
		String type = FrameworkProperties.getProperty(BaseAdaptor.PROP_PARENT_CLASSLOADER, BaseAdaptor.PARENT_CLASSLOADER_BOOT);
		if (BaseAdaptor.PARENT_CLASSLOADER_FWK.equalsIgnoreCase(type))
			bundleClassLoaderParent = FrameworkAdaptor.class.getClassLoader();
		else if (BaseAdaptor.PARENT_CLASSLOADER_APP.equalsIgnoreCase(type))
			bundleClassLoaderParent = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
		else if (BaseAdaptor.PARENT_CLASSLOADER_EXT.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
			ClassLoader appCL = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
			if (appCL != null)
				bundleClassLoaderParent = appCL.getParent();
		// default to boot classloader
		if (bundleClassLoaderParent == null)
			bundleClassLoaderParent = new ClassLoader(Object.class.getClassLoader()) {/* boot class loader*/};

上面这段代码的意思就是,首先读取 osgi.parentClassloader 这个属性,如果设置成如下值,分别处理:

 app : 使用AppClassLoader 作为父加载器,加载器关系为 DefaultClassLoader -> AppClassLoader -> ExtClassLoader -> BootstrapClassLoader

 ext :使用ExtClassLoader 作为父加载器,关系为  DefaultClassLoader  -> ExtClassLoader -> BootstrapClassLoader

 boot : 使用BootstrapClassLoader作为父加载器,关系为DefaultClassLoader -> ClassLoader -> BootstrapClassLoader

 fwk : 使用FrameworkAdaptor类的加载器作为父加载器,这个就看具体实现了,如果没有自己写一个类加载器的话,那么FrameworkAdaptor的加载器会是AppClassLoader ,也就是说,等同于第一种情况。如果自己写了类加载器,那么就完全是自定义了。具体要怎么做暂时还没研究出来。

如果没有配置osgi.parentClassloader 这个属性,显然就是走的boot流程,也就是使用的BaseAdaptor里面一个临时的匿名的类加载器做父加载器。这样是没办法用这个父加载器做任何事情的。


step 1 ~~


FrameworkProperties.setProperty("osgi.parentClassloader", "app");


step 2 ~~



Manifest-Version: 1.0
Main-Class: test.Main
Class-Path: org.eclipse.osgi-3.7.1.jar 
step 3 ~~

