vue编译报错 Gradient has outdated direction syntax. New syntax is like `to left` instead of `right`.

vue编译报错vue编译报错 Gradient has outdated direction syntax. New syntax is like `to left` instead of `right`._第1张图片vue编译报错 Gradient has outdated direction syntax. New syntax is like `to left` instead of `right`._第2张图片

翻译了报错信息,Gradient has outdated direction syntax. New syntax is like to left instead of right.

翻译:渐变有过时的方向语法。新语法与 “to left” 类似

意思是这个写法过时了,需要加上 to

vue编译报错 Gradient has outdated direction syntax. New syntax is like `to left` instead of `right`._第3张图片
