了解Dnsmasq,还是从研究openstack neutron网络开始的,在openstack的网络中,dnsmasq为指定网络提供dhcp和dns功能,后台起的进程如下:
dnsmasq --no-hosts --no-resolv --strict-order --except-interface=lo --pid-file=/var/lib/neutron/dhcp/35b593af-7e57-4a4b-8346-975d227c557c/pid --dhcp-hostsfile=/var/lib/neutron/dhcp/35b593af-7e57-4a4b-8346-975d227c557c/host --addn-hosts=/var/lib/neutron/dhcp/35b593af-7e57-4a4b-8346-975d227c557c/addn_hosts --dhcp-optsfile=/var/lib/neutron/dhcp/35b593af-7e57-4a4b-8346-975d227c557c/opts --dhcp-leasefile=/var/lib/neutron/dhcp/35b593af-7e57-4a4b-8346-975d227c557c/leases --dhcp-match=set:ipxe,175 --bind-interfaces --interface=tap3043df67-be --dhcp-range=set:tag0,,static,86400s --dhcp-option-force=option:mtu,1450 --dhcp-lease-max=256 --conf-file=/etc/neutron/dnsmasq.conf --server= --server= --domain=sample.openstack.org.
dnsmasq --no-hosts --no-resolv --strict-order --except-interface=lo --pid-file=/var/lib/neutron/dhcp/07b37097-c902-4f19-9214-6e23befd476b/pid --dhcp-hostsfile=/var/lib/neutron/dhcp/07b37097-c902-4f19-9214-6e23befd476b/host --addn-hosts=/var/lib/neutron/dhcp/07b37097-c902-4f19-9214-6e23befd476b/addn_hosts --dhcp-optsfile=/var/lib/neutron/dhcp/07b37097-c902-4f19-9214-6e23befd476b/opts --dhcp-leasefile=/var/lib/neutron/dhcp/07b37097-c902-4f19-9214-6e23befd476b/leases --dhcp-match=set:ipxe,175 --bind-interfaces --interface=tapf2df91fa-f7 --dhcp-range=set:tag0,,static,,86400s --dhcp-option-force=option:mtu,1450 --dhcp-lease-max=65536 --conf-file=/etc/neutron/dnsmasq.conf --server= --server= --domain=openstacklocal
dnsmasq --no-hosts --no-resolv --strict-order --except-interface=lo --pid-file=/var/lib/neutron/dhcp/07b37097-c902-4f19-9214-6e23befd476b/pid --dhcp-hostsfile=/var/lib/neutron/dhcp/07b37097-c902-4f19-9214-6e23befd476b/host --addn-hosts=/var/lib/neutron/dhcp/07b37097-c902-4f19-9214-6e23befd476b/addn_hosts --dhcp-optsfile=/var/lib/neutron/dhcp/07b37097-c902-4f19-9214-6e23befd476b/opts --dhcp-leasefile=/var/lib/neutron/dhcp/07b37097-c902-4f19-9214-6e23befd476b/leases --dhcp-match=set:ipxe,175 --bind-interfaces --interface=tapf2df91fa-f7 --dhcp-range=set:tag0,,static,,86400s --dhcp-range=set:tag1,,static,,86400s --dhcp-option-force=option:mtu,1450 --dhcp-lease-max=65792 --conf-file=/etc/neutron/dnsmasq.conf --server= --server= --domain=openstacklocal
Dnsmasq (dnsmasq)
提供 DNS 缓存和 DHCP 服务功能。作为域名解析服务器(DNS),dnsmasq可以通过缓存 DNS 请求来提高我们对访问过的网址的连接速度。而作为DHCP 服务器,dnsmasq 可以为局域网(比如openstack中的网络)电脑(云主机)提供内网ip地址和路由。DNS和DHCP两个功能可以同时或分别单独实现。dnsmasq轻量且易配置,适用于个人用户或少于50台主机的网络。
下面说一下dnsmasq的配置,dnsmasq的配置文件在/etc/dnsmasq.conf,也可能会因为你linux版本的不同位于/etc/default/dnsmasq、/etc/dnsmasq.d/,或者 /etc/dnsmasq.d-available/目录下,我们也可以在启动dnsmasq的进程时指定配置文件地址或者在配置文件里面通过conf-file= 选项来调用其他的配置文件,这些根据需求可以灵活定义。
不读取任何服务器 默认 /etc/resolv.conf 可以使用resolv-file自定义
不加载本地的 /etc/hosts 文件
添加读取额外的 hosts 文件路径,可以多次指定。如果指定为目录,则读取目录中的所有文件。
指定DNS的端口,默认53,设置 port=0 将完全禁用 DNS 功能,仅使用 DHCP/TFTP
定义dnsmasq从哪里获取上游DNS服务器的地址, 默认是从/etc/resolv.conf获取
限制 Dnsmasq 监听的网络接口
指定不提供 DHCP 或 TFTP 服务的接口,仅提供 DNS 服务。
# dhcp-host=00:0C:38:52:42:61,
# dhcp-host=00:0C:38:52:43:62,,infinite 无限租期
设置默认路由出口,option 3为default route,为网关
dnsmasq --test 测试配置是否正确
-w, --help #帮助命令
-v, --version #打印版本号
-H, --addn-hosts=
-d, --no-daemon #前台运行该进程
-x, --pid-file= 将进程的pid号写到指定文件
-I, --except-interface=
-2, --no-dhcp-interface=
-a, --listen-address=
-z, --bind-interfaces
-r, --resolv-file=
-R, --no-resolv
-o, --strict-order
-S, --local, --server=[/[]/[domain/]][[#][@|[#]]
-G, --dhcp-host=[][,id:|*][,set:][,][,][,][,ignore]
dnsmasq --no-hosts #不加载本地的 /etc/hosts 文件
--no-resolv #不读取/etc/resolv.conf.,获取dns只从命令行或者dnsmasq配置文件读取
--strict-order #严格按照resolv.conf中的顺序进行查找
--except-interface=lo #不监听lo网卡
--pid-file=/var/lib/neutron/dhcp/07b37097-c902-4f19-9214-6e23befd476b/pid 保存dnsmasq进程pid号的文件
--dhcp-hostsfile=/var/lib/neutron/dhcp/07b37097-c902-4f19-9214-6e23befd476b/host 读取该文件保存的dhcp 主机信息
--addn-hosts=/var/lib/neutron/dhcp/07b37097-c902-4f19-9214-6e23befd476b/addn_hosts #添加读取额外的 hosts 文件路径
--dhcp-optsfile=/var/lib/neutron/dhcp/07b37097-c902-4f19-9214-6e23befd476b/opts #从指定的文件中读取DHCP选项信息
--dhcp-leasefile=/var/lib/neutron/dhcp/07b37097-c902-4f19-9214-6e23befd476b/leases #保存租约的文件
--dhcp-match=set:ipxe,175 #设置dhcp tag
--bind-interfaces #绑定接口,开启此项将仅监听指定的接口
--interface=tapf2df91fa-f7 #要监听的端口
--dhcp-range=set:tag0,,static,,86400s #1)设置网络的tag,2)dhcp监听的网络范围 3)static表示dnsmasq为指定的网络启用DHCP,而不是动态分配IP地址 4)租约时间
--dhcp-option-force=option:mtu,1450 为DHCP客户端指定不同的或额外的选项,这里为客户端指定mtu=1450
--dhcp-lease-max=65536 指定dnsmasq为dhcp提供租约的最大个数,默认为1000
--conf-file=/etc/neutron/dnsmasq.conf #调用其他的配置文件
--server= --server= #指定上游域名服务器
--domain=openstacklocal #为dhcp服务指定dns域名
[root@test centos]# yum install dnsmasq
base | 3.6 kB 00:00:00
epel | 3.2 kB 00:00:00
extras | 3.4 kB 00:00:00
updates | 3.4 kB 00:00:00
(1/7): epel/x86_64/group_gz | 88 kB 00:00:00
(2/7): base/7/x86_64/group_gz | 166 kB 00:00:00
(3/7): epel/x86_64/updateinfo | 932 kB 00:00:00
(4/7): base/7/x86_64/primary_db | 5.9 MB 00:00:00
(5/7): epel/x86_64/primary | 3.6 MB 00:00:00
(6/7): extras/7/x86_64/primary_db | 174 kB 00:00:00
(7/7): updates/7/x86_64/primary_db | 5.0 MB 00:00:00
epel 12650/12650
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package dnsmasq.x86_64 0:2.76-5.el7 will be installed
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Dependencies Resolved
Package Arch Version Repository Size
dnsmasq x86_64 2.76-5.el7 base 277 k
Transaction Summary
Install 1 Package
Total download size: 277 k
Installed size: 586 k
Is this ok [y/d/N]: y
Downloading packages:
warning: /var/cache/yum/x86_64/7/base/packages/dnsmasq-2.76-5.el7.x86_64.rpm: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID f4a80eb5: NOKEY
Public key for dnsmasq-2.76-5.el7.x86_64.rpm is not installed
dnsmasq-2.76-5.el7.x86_64.rpm | 277 kB 00:00:00
Retrieving key from file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-7
Importing GPG key 0xF4A80EB5:
Userid : "CentOS-7 Key (CentOS 7 Official Signing Key) "
Fingerprint: 6341 ab27 53d7 8a78 a7c2 7bb1 24c6 a8a7 f4a8 0eb5
Package : centos-release-7-4.1708.el7.centos.x86_64 (installed)
From : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-7
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Running transaction check
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded
Running transaction
Installing : dnsmasq-2.76-5.el7.x86_64 1/1
Verifying : dnsmasq-2.76-5.el7.x86_64 1/1
dnsmasq.x86_64 0:2.76-5.el7
[root@test centos]# dnsmasq --test
dnsmasq: syntax check OK.
[root@test centos]# dnsmasq --version
Dnsmasq version 2.76 Copyright (c) 2000-2016 Simon Kelley
Compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt DBus no-i18n IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP no-conntrack ipset auth no-DNSSEC loop-detect inotify
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
Dnsmasq is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or 3.
[root@test centos]# dnsmasq --help Usage: dnsmasq [options] Valid options are: -a, --listen-address=
Specify local address(es) to listen on. -A, --address=/ / Return ipaddr for all hosts in specified domains. -b, --bogus-priv Fake reverse lookups for RFC1918 private address ranges. -B, --bogus-nxdomain= Treat ipaddr as NXDOMAIN (defeats Verisign wildcard). -c, --cache-size= Specify the size of the cache in entries (defaults to 150). -C, --conf-file= Specify configuration file (defaults to /etc/dnsmasq.conf). -d, --no-daemon Do NOT fork into the background: run in debug mode. -D, --domain-needed Do NOT forward queries with no domain part. -e, --selfmx Return self-pointing MX records for local hosts. -E, --expand-hosts Expand simple names in /etc/hosts with domain-suffix. -f, --filterwin2k Don't forward spurious DNS requests from Windows hosts. -F, --dhcp-range= ,... Enable DHCP in the range given with lease duration. -g, --group= Change to this group after startup (defaults to dip). -G, --dhcp-host= Set address or hostname for a specified machine. --dhcp-hostsfile= Read DHCP host specs from file. --dhcp-optsfile= Read DHCP option specs from file. --dhcp-hostsdir= Read DHCP host specs from a directory. --dhcp-optsdir= Read DHCP options from a directory. --tag-if=tag-expression Evaluate conditional tag expression. -h, --no-hosts Do NOT load /etc/hosts file. -H, --addn-hosts= Specify a hosts file to be read in addition to /etc/hosts. --hostsdir= Read hosts files from a directory. -i, --interface= Specify interface(s) to listen on. -I, --except-interface= Specify interface(s) NOT to listen on. -j, --dhcp-userclass=set: , Map DHCP user class to tag. --dhcp-circuitid=set: , Map RFC3046 circuit-id to tag. --dhcp-remoteid=set: , Map RFC3046 remote-id to tag. --dhcp-subscrid=set: , Map RFC3993 subscriber-id to tag. -J, --dhcp-ignore=tag: ... Don't do DHCP for hosts with tag set. --dhcp-broadcast[=tag: ...] Force broadcast replies for hosts with tag set. -k, --keep-in-foreground Do NOT fork into the background, do NOT run in debug mode. -K, --dhcp-authoritative Assume we are the only DHCP server on the local network. -l, --dhcp-leasefile= Specify where to store DHCP leases (defaults to /var/lib/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.leases). -L, --localmx Return MX records for local hosts. -m, --mx-host= , , Specify BOOTP options to DHCP server. -n, --no-poll Do NOT poll /etc/resolv.conf file, reload only on SIGHUP. -N, --no-negcache Do NOT cache failed search results. -o, --strict-order Use nameservers strictly in the order given in /etc/resolv.conf. -O, --dhcp-option= Specify options to be sent to DHCP clients. --dhcp-option-force= DHCP option sent even if the client does not request it. -p, --port= Specify port to listen for DNS requests on (defaults to 53). -P, --edns-packet-max= Maximum supported UDP packet size for EDNS.0 (defaults to 4096). -q, --log-queries Log DNS queries. -Q, --query-port= Force the originating port for upstream DNS queries. -R, --no-resolv Do NOT read resolv.conf. -r, --resolv-file= Specify path to resolv.conf (defaults to /etc/resolv.conf). --servers-file= Specify path to file with server= options -S, --server=/ / Specify address(es) of upstream servers with optional domains. --rev-server= / , / Never forward queries to specified domains. -s, --domain= [, ] Specify the domain to be assigned in DHCP leases. -t, --mx-target= Specify default target in an MX record. -T, --local-ttl= Specify time-to-live in seconds for replies from /etc/hosts. --neg-ttl= Specify time-to-live in seconds for negative caching. --max-ttl= Specify time-to-live in seconds for maximum TTL to send to clients. --max-cache-ttl= Specify time-to-live ceiling for cache. --min-cache-ttl= Specify time-to-live floor for cache. -u, --user= Change to this user after startup. (defaults to nobody). -U, --dhcp-vendorclass=set: , Map DHCP vendor class to tag. -v, --version Display dnsmasq version and copyright information. -V, --alias= , , Translate IPv4 addresses from upstream servers. -W, --srv-host= , ,... Specify a SRV record. -w, --help Display this message. Use --help dhcp or --help dhcp6 for known DHCP options. -x, --pid-file= Specify path of PID file (defaults to /var/run/dnsmasq.pid). -X, --dhcp-lease-max= Specify maximum number of DHCP leases (defaults to 1000). -y, --localise-queries Answer DNS queries based on the interface a query was sent to. -Y, --txt-record= , [, , Specify PTR DNS record. --interface-name= , Give DNS name to IPv4 address of interface. -z, --bind-interfaces Bind only to interfaces in use. -Z, --read-ethers Read DHCP static host information from /etc/ethers. -1, --enable-dbus[= ] Enable the DBus interface for setting upstream servers, etc. -2, --no-dhcp-interface= Do not provide DHCP on this interface, only provide DNS. -3, --bootp-dynamic[=tag: ]... Enable dynamic address allocation for bootp. -4, --dhcp-mac=set: , Map MAC address (with wildcards) to option set. --bridge-interface= , ..Treat DHCP requests on aliases as arriving from interface. -5, --no-ping Disable ICMP echo address checking in the DHCP server. -6, --dhcp-script= Shell script to run on DHCP lease creation and destruction. --dhcp-luascript=path Lua script to run on DHCP lease creation and destruction. --dhcp-scriptuser= Run lease-change scripts as this user. --script-arp Call dhcp-script with changes to local ARP table. -7, --conf-dir= Read configuration from all the files in this directory. -8, --log-facility= | Log to this syslog facility or file. (defaults to DAEMON) -9, --leasefile-ro Do not use leasefile. -0, --dns-forward-max= Maximum number of concurrent DNS queries. (defaults to 150) --clear-on-reload Clear DNS cache when reloading /etc/resolv.conf. --dhcp-ignore-names[=tag: ]... Ignore hostnames provided by DHCP clients. --dhcp-no-override Do NOT reuse filename and server fields for extra DHCP options. --enable-tftp[= [, ]] Enable integrated read-only TFTP server. --tftp-root= [,
] Export files by TFTP only from the specified subtree. --tftp-unique-root Add client IP address to tftp-root. --tftp-secure Allow access only to files owned by the user running dnsmasq. --tftp-no-fail Do not terminate the service if TFTP directories are inaccessible. --tftp-max= Maximum number of conncurrent TFTP transfers (defaults to 50). --tftp-mtu= Maximum MTU to use for TFTP transfers. --tftp-no-blocksize Disable the TFTP blocksize extension. --tftp-lowercase Convert TFTP filenames to lowercase --tftp-port-range= , Ephemeral port range for use by TFTP transfers. --log-dhcp Extra logging for DHCP. --log-async[= ] Enable async. logging; optionally set queue length. --stop-dns-rebind Stop DNS rebinding. Filter private IP ranges when resolving. --rebind-localhost-ok Allow rebinding of, for RBL servers. --rebind-domain-ok=/ / Inhibit DNS-rebind protection on this domain. --all-servers Always perform DNS queries to all servers. --dhcp-match=set: , Set tag if client includes matching option in request. --dhcp-alternate-port[= ] Use alternative ports for DHCP. --naptr-record= , Specify NAPTR DNS record. --min-port= Specify lowest port available for DNS query transmission. --max-port= Specify highest port available for DNS query transmission. --dhcp-fqdn Use only fully qualified domain names for DHCP clients. --dhcp-generate-names[=tag: ] Generate hostnames based on MAC address for nameless clients. --dhcp-proxy[= ]... Use these DHCP relays as full proxies. --dhcp-relay= , [,Relay DHCP requests to a remote server --cname= , [, ] Specify alias name for LOCAL DNS name. --pxe-prompt= ,[ ] Prompt to send to PXE clients. --pxe-service= Boot service for PXE menu. --test Check configuration syntax. --add-mac[=base64|text] Add requestor's MAC address to forwarded DNS queries. --add-subnet= [, ] Add specified IP subnet to forwarded DNS queries. --add-cpe-id= Add client identification to forwarded DNS queries. --proxy-dnssec Proxy DNSSEC validation results from upstream nameservers. --dhcp-sequential-ip Attempt to allocate sequential IP addresses to DHCP clients. --conntrack Copy connection-track mark from queries to upstream connections. --dhcp-client-update Allow DHCP clients to do their own DDNS updates. --enable-ra Send router-advertisements for interfaces doing DHCPv6 --dhcp-duid= , Specify DUID_EN-type DHCPv6 server DUID --host-record= , [,
, ,[]Specify arbitrary DNS resource record --bind-dynamic Bind to interfaces in use - check for new interfaces --auth-server= , Export local names to global DNS --auth-zone= ,[ ...] Domain to export to global DNS --auth-ttl= Set TTL for authoritative replies --auth-soa= [,...] Set authoritive zone information --auth-sec-servers= [, ...] Secondary authoritative nameservers for forward domains --auth-peer= [, ...] Peers which are allowed to do zone transfer --ipset=/ / [, ..Specify ipsets to which matching domains should be added --synth-domain= , ,[ ,[ ],..Specify trust anchor key digest. --dnssec-debug Disable upstream checking for DNSSEC debugging. --dnssec-check-unsigned Ensure answers without DNSSEC are in unsigned zones. --dnssec-no-timecheck Don't check DNSSEC signature timestamps until first cache-reload --dnssec-timestamp= Timestamp file to verify system clock for DNSSEC --ra-param= ,[high,|low,] Ignore DNS responses containing ipaddr. --dhcp-ttl= Set TTL in DNS responses with DHCP-derived addresses.
简单的一个网络拓扑如下:在ovs+kvm环境中搭建如下网络,dnsmasq进程监听DHCP tap1设备,主机host1和host2发出的dhcp广播包被tap1接受,dnsmasq进程会到对应的host文件中找到匹配mac的ip并下发给主机,如果没找到,主机获取ip失败。
[root@cnc dhcp]# pwd
[root@cnc dhcp]# ls
host pid
[root@cnc dhcp]# cat pid
[root@cnc dhcp]# cat host
[root@cnc ~]# dnsmasq --no-hosts --no-resolv --strict-order --except-interface=lo --pid-file=/root/dnsmasq/dhcp/pid --dhcp-hostsfile=/root/dnsmasq/dhcp/host --dhcp-match=set:ipxe,175 --bind-interfaces --interface=dhcp_tap --dhcp-range=,static,86400s --dhcp-option-force=option:mtu,1450 --dhcp-lease-max=512 --dhcp-option=3, --dhcp-option=6,
[root@cnc ~]# virsh console 2
Connected to domain cirros-test-vm2
Escape character is ^]
$ sudo ifup eth0
udhcpc (v1.20.1) started
Sending discover...
Sending select for
Lease of obtained, lease time 86400
deleting routers
adding dns
$ route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface UG 0 0 0 eth0 U 0 0 0 eth0
[root@cnc dhcp]# virsh console 9
Connected to domain cirros-test-vm
Escape character is ^]
$ sudo ifup eth0
udhcpc (v1.20.1) started
Sending discover...
Sending select for
Lease of obtained, lease time 86400
deleting routers
adding dns
$ route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface UG 0 0 0 eth0 U 0 0 0 eth0
[root@cnc ~]# dnsmasq -d --no-hosts --no-resolv --strict-order --except-interface=lo --pid-file=/root/dnsmasq/dhcp/pid --dhcp-hostsfile=/root/dnsmasq/dhcp/host --dhcp-match=set:ipxe,175 --bind-interfaces --interface=dhcp_tap --dhcp-range=,static,86400s --dhcp-option-force=option:mtu,1450 --dhcp-lease-max=512 --dhcp-option=3, --dhcp-option=6,
dnsmasq: started, version 2.76 cachesize 150
dnsmasq: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt DBus no-i18n IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP no-conntrack ipset auth no-DNSSEC loop-detect inotify
dnsmasq: warning: no upstream servers configured
dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCP, static leases only on, lease time 1d
dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCP, sockets bound exclusively to interface dhcp_tap
dnsmasq: cleared cache
dnsmasq-dhcp: read /root/dnsmasq/dhcp/host
dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(dhcp_tap) 52:54:00:aa:69:dd
dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(dhcp_tap) 52:54:00:aa:69:dd
dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(dhcp_tap) 52:54:00:aa:69:dd
dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(dhcp_tap) 52:54:00:aa:69:dd
dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(dhcp_tap) 52:54:00:aa:69:cc
dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(dhcp_tap) 52:54:00:aa:69:cc
dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(dhcp_tap) 52:54:00:aa:69:cc
dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(dhcp_tap) 52:54:00:aa:69:cc
容器中启动dnsmasq,需要容器以net=host的网络模式启动,如此才可以监控主机上的dhcp_tap接口,host 、pid等文件保存到容器内部。
[root@cnc ~]# docker exec -it 3da033d6c511 bash
[root@cnc dhcp]# pwd
[root@cnc dhcp]# ls
host pid
[root@cnc dhcp]# cat pid
[root@cnc dhcp]# cat host
[root@cnc dhcp]# dnsmasq -d --no-hosts --no-resolv --strict-order --except-interface=lo --pid-file=/dnsmasq/dhcp/pid --dhcp-hostsfile=/dnsmasq/dhcp/host --dhcp-match=set:ipxe,175 --bind-interfaces --interface=dhcp_tap --dhcp-range=,static,86400s --dhcp-option-force=option:mtu,1450 --dhcp-lease-max=512 --dhcp-option=3, --dhcp-option=6,
dnsmasq: started, version 2.76 cachesize 150
dnsmasq: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt DBus no-i18n IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP no-conntrack ipset auth no-DNSSEC loop-detect inotify
dnsmasq: warning: no upstream servers configured
dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCP, static leases only on, lease time 1d
dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCP, sockets bound exclusively to interface dhcp_tap
dnsmasq: cleared cache
dnsmasq-dhcp: read /dnsmasq/dhcp/host
dnsmasq-dhcp: ARP-cache injection failed: Operation not permitted
[root@cnc ~]# docker run -it --privileged --net=host library/centos /bin/bash
$ sudo ifup eth0
udhcpc (v1.20.1) started
Sending discover...
Sending select for
Lease of obtained, lease time 86400
deleting routers
adding dns
$ sudo ifup eth0
udhcpc (v1.20.1) started
Sending discover...
Sending select for
Lease of obtained, lease time 86400
deleting routers
adding dns
[root@cnc dhcp]# dnsmasq -d --no-hosts --no-resolv --strict-order --except-interface=lo --pid-file=/dnsmasq/dhcp/pid --dhcp-hostsfile=/dnsmasq/dhcp/host --dhcp-match=set:ipxe,175 --bind-interfaces --interface=dhcp_tap --dhcp-range=,static,86400s --dhcp-option-force=option:mtu,1450 --dhcp-lease-max=512 --dhcp-option=3, --dhcp-option=6,
dnsmasq: started, version 2.76 cachesize 150
dnsmasq: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt DBus no-i18n IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP no-conntrack ipset auth no-DNSSEC loop-detect inotify
dnsmasq: warning: no upstream servers configured
dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCP, static leases only on, lease time 1d
dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCP, sockets bound exclusively to interface dhcp_tap
dnsmasq: cleared cache
dnsmasq-dhcp: read /dnsmasq/dhcp/host
dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(dhcp_tap) 52:54:00:aa:69:cc
dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(dhcp_tap) 52:54:00:aa:69:cc
dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(dhcp_tap) 52:54:00:aa:69:cc
dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(dhcp_tap) 52:54:00:aa:69:cc
dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPRELEASE(dhcp_tap) 52:54:00:aa:69:dd unknown lease
dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(dhcp_tap) 52:54:00:aa:69:dd
dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(dhcp_tap) 52:54:00:aa:69:dd
dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(dhcp_tap) 52:54:00:aa:69:dd
dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(dhcp_tap) 52:54:00:aa:69:dd