
8:46:20 PM (LSPManager) Loading programming language services…
8:47:50 PM (LSPManager) Programming language services have been loaded.
9:01:34 PM (Content) All changes have been saved in all open files
9:02:47 PM (Space Builder) No spaces are available for this organization, or the user does not have a Developer role.
9:08:30 PM (HTML5 application runner) Starting module “/mta_FioriDemo/FioriDemo”.
9:09:43 PM (MTA BUILD) Build of “mta_FioriDemo” started.
9:09:43 PM (Executor) The “Task for mta build” process started.
9:09:52 PM (Executor) Starting process: “cd /projects/mta_FioriDemo; /usr/local/scripts/mbt/”
9:09:52 PM (Executor) [2020-02-09 13:09:52] INFO Cloud MTA Build Tool version 1.0.6
9:09:52 PM (Executor) [2020-02-09 13:09:52] INFO generating the “Makefile_20200209130952.mta” file…
9:09:52 PM (Executor) [2020-02-09 13:09:52] INFO done
9:09:52 PM (Executor) [2020-02-09 13:09:52] INFO executing the “make -f Makefile_20200209130952.mta p=cf mtar= strict=true mode=” command…
9:09:52 PM (Executor) [2020-02-09 13:09:52] INFO validating the MTA project
9:09:52 PM (Executor) [2020-02-09 13:09:52] INFO validating the MTA project
9:09:52 PM (Executor) [2020-02-09 13:09:52] INFO building the “mta_FioriDemo_appRouter” module…
9:09:52 PM (Executor) [2020-02-09 13:09:52] INFO executing the “npm install --production” command…
9:09:55 PM (Executor) npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: scmp v2 uses improved core crypto comparison since Node v6.6.0
9:09:58 PM (HTML5 application runner) Module “/mta_FioriDemo/FioriDemo” is running.
9:10:01 PM (Executor) …
9:10:01 PM (Executor) > @sap/[email protected] install /projects/mta_FioriDemo/mta_FioriDemo_appRouter/node_modules/@sap/node-jwt
9:10:01 PM (Executor) > node ./build.js
9:10:01 PM (Executor)
9:10:01 PM (Executor) linux-x64-v8-6.2 exists; testing
9:10:01 PM (Executor) Binary is fine; exiting
9:10:02 PM (Executor) npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file.
9:10:02 PM (Executor) npm WARN html5-apps-approuter@ No repository field.
9:10:02 PM (Executor) npm WARN html5-apps-approuter@ No license field.
9:10:02 PM (Executor)
9:10:02 PM (Executor) added 245 packages from 133 contributors and audited 406 packages in 8.365s
9:10:02 PM (Executor) found 1 high severity vulnerability
9:10:02 PM (Executor) run npm audit fix to fix them, or npm audit for details
9:10:02 PM (Executor) [2020-02-09 13:10:01] INFO the build results of the “mta_FioriDemo_appRouter” module will be packed and saved in the “/projects/mta_FioriDemo/.mta_FioriDemo_mta_build_tmp/mta_FioriDemo_appRouter” folder
9:10:03 PM (Executor) [2020-02-09 13:10:02] INFO finished building the “mta_FioriDemo_appRouter” module
9:10:03 PM (Executor) [2020-02-09 13:10:02] INFO building the “FioriDemo” module…
9:10:03 PM (Executor) [2020-02-09 13:10:02] INFO executing the “npm install” command…
9:10:04 PM (Executor) npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: CoffeeScript on NPM has moved to “coffeescript” (no hyphen)
9:10:04 PM (Executor) npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Use the built-in module in node 9.0.0 or newer, instead
9:10:04 PM (Executor) npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: core-js@❤️ is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js@3.
9:10:05 PM (Executor) npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This module is no longer maintained, try this instead:
9:10:05 PM (Executor) npm WARN deprecated npm i nyc
9:10:05 PM (Executor) npm WARN deprecated Visit for other alternatives.
9:10:06 PM (Executor) npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: CircularJSON is in maintenance only, flatted is its successor.
9:10:06 PM (Executor) npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: All versions below 4.0.1 of Nodemailer are deprecated. See
9:10:06 PM (Executor) npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This package has been deprecated in favour of @sinonjs/samsam
9:10:07 PM (Executor) npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This project is unmaintained
9:10:07 PM (Executor) npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: If using 2.x branch, please upgrade to at least 2.1.6 to avoid a serious bug with socket data flow and an import issue introduced in 2.1.0
9:10:07 PM (Executor) npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: New code is available at
9:10:07 PM (Executor) npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Use uuid module instead
9:10:07 PM (Executor) npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This module moved to @hapi/hawk. Please make sure to switch over as this distribution is no longer supported and may contain bugs and critical security issues.
9:10:07 PM (Executor) npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This project is unmaintained
9:10:07 PM (Executor) npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: CircularJSON is in maintenance only, flatted is its successor.
9:10:08 PM (Executor) npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This version has been deprecated in accordance with the hapi support policy ( Please upgrade to the latest version to get the best features, bug fixes, and security patches. If you are unable to upgrade at this time, paid support is available for older versions (
9:10:08 PM (Executor) npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This version has been deprecated in accordance with the hapi support policy ( Please upgrade to the latest version to get the best features, bug fixes, and security patches. If you are unable to upgrade at this time, paid support is available for older versions (
9:10:08 PM (Executor) npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This version has been deprecated in accordance with the hapi support policy ( Please upgrade to the latest version to get the best features, bug fixes, and security patches. If you are unable to upgrade at this time, paid support is available for older versions (
9:10:08 PM (Executor) npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This module moved to @hapi/sntp. Please make sure to switch over as this distribution is no longer supported and may contain bugs and critical security issues.
9:10:18 PM (Executor) …
9:10:18 PM (Executor) > [email protected] install /projects/mta_FioriDemo/FioriDemo/node_modules/uws
9:10:18 PM (Executor) > node-gyp rebuild > build_log.txt 2>&1 || exit 0
9:10:18 PM (Executor)
9:10:18 PM (Executor)
9:10:18 PM (Executor) > [email protected] postinstall /projects/mta_FioriDemo/FioriDemo/node_modules/core-js
9:10:18 PM (Executor) > node -e “try{require(’./postinstall’)}catch(e){}”
9:10:18 PM (Executor)
9:10:18 PM (Executor) Thank you for using core-js ( ) for polyfilling JavaScript standard library!
9:10:18 PM (Executor)
9:10:18 PM (Executor) The project needs your help! Please consider supporting of core-js on Open Collective or Patreon:
9:10:18 PM (Executor) > �[0m
9:10:18 PM (Executor) > �[0m
9:10:18 PM (Executor)
9:10:18 PM (Executor) Also, the author of core-js ( ) is looking for a good job -)
9:10:18 PM (Executor)
9:10:18 PM (Executor)
9:10:18 PM (Executor) > [email protected] postinstall /projects/mta_FioriDemo/FioriDemo/node_modules/sinon
9:10:18 PM (Executor) > node scripts/support-sinon.js
9:10:18 PM (Executor)
9:10:18 PM (Executor) .Have some ❤️ for Sinon? You can support the project via Open Collective:
9:10:18 PM (Executor) >
9:10:18 PM (Executor)
9:10:19 PM (Executor) npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file.
9:10:19 PM (Executor) npm WARN FioriDemo@ No description
9:10:19 PM (Executor) npm WARN FioriDemo@ No repository field.
9:10:19 PM (Executor) npm WARN FioriDemo@ No license field.
9:10:19 PM (Executor) npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: [email protected] (node_modules/fsevents):
9:10:19 PM (Executor) npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for [email protected]: wanted {“os”:“darwin”,“arch”:“any”} (current: {“os”:“linux”,“arch”:“x64”})
9:10:19 PM (Executor)
9:10:19 PM (Executor) added 928 packages from 1379 contributors and audited 4635 packages in 16.364s
9:10:19 PM (Executor) found 34 vulnerabilities (12 low, 12 moderate, 10 high)
9:10:19 PM (Executor) run npm audit fix to fix them, or npm audit for details
9:10:19 PM (Executor) [2020-02-09 13:10:19] INFO executing the “grunt” command…
9:10:20 PM (Executor) distDir/projects/mta_FioriDemo/FioriDemo/dist
9:10:20 PM (Executor)
9:10:20 PM (Executor) Running “clean:dist” (clean) task
9:10:20 PM (Executor) >> 0 paths cleaned.
9:10:20 PM (Executor) .
9:10:20 PM (Executor) Running “clean:coverage” (clean) task
9:10:20 PM (Executor) >> 0 paths cleaned.
9:10:20 PM (Executor)
9:10:20 PM (Executor) Running “lint” task
9:10:20 PM (Executor)
9:10:20 PM (Executor) Running “mkdir:dist” (mkdir) task
9:10:20 PM (Executor) Creating “/projects/mta_FioriDemo/FioriDemo/dist”…OK
9:10:20 PM (Executor)
9:10:20 PM (Executor) Running “lint-js” task
9:10:20 PM (Executor)
9:10:20 PM (Executor) Running “lint-xml” task
9:10:21 PM (Executor)
9:10:21 PM (Executor) Running “lint-json” task
9:10:21 PM (Executor)
9:10:21 PM (Executor) Running “writeLintResults” task
9:10:21 PM (Executor)
9:10:21 PM (Executor) Running “bundleChanges” task
9:10:21 PM (Executor)
9:10:21 PM (Executor) Running “copy:copyToTmp” (copy) task
9:10:21 PM (Executor) Copied 9 files
9:10:21 PM (Executor)
9:10:21 PM (Executor) Running “devxUpdateManifest” task
9:10:21 PM (Executor) >> devxUpdateManifest - datasource.uri attribute in the manifest.json file was not found or incorrect. Therefore, update this attribute to be reletive uri is irrelevant.
9:10:21 PM (Executor)
9:10:21 PM (Executor) Running “cssmin:build” (cssmin) task
9:10:21 PM (Executor) >> 1 file created. 35 B → 0 B
9:10:21 PM (Executor)
9:10:21 PM (Executor) Running “openui5_preload:preloadTmp” (openui5_preload) task
9:10:21 PM (Executor) File /projects/mta_FioriDemo/FioriDemo/dist/tmp/Component-preload.js created with 6 files (2.96 kB → 2.42 kB)
9:10:21 PM (Executor)
9:10:21 PM (Executor) Running “copy:copyToDbg” (copy) task
9:10:21 PM (Executor) Copied 4 files
9:10:21 PM (Executor)
9:10:21 PM (Executor) Running “copy:copyDbgToDist” (copy) task
9:10:21 PM (Executor) Copied 4 files
9:10:21 PM (Executor)
9:10:21 PM (Executor) Running “copy:copyProjectFilesToDist” (copy) task
9:10:21 PM (Executor) Copied 2 files
9:10:21 PM (Executor)
9:10:21 PM (Executor) Running “uglify:uglifyPreload” (uglify) task
9:10:21 PM (Executor) >> 1 file created 3.05 kB → 2.77 kB
9:10:21 PM (Executor)
9:10:21 PM (Executor) Running “copy:copyTmpToDist” (copy) task
9:10:21 PM (Executor) Created 5 directories, copied 10 files
9:10:21 PM (Executor)
9:10:21 PM (Executor) Running “devxUpdateNeoApp” task
9:10:21 PM (Executor)
9:10:21 PM (Executor) Running “createManifestBundle” task
9:10:21 PM (Executor)
9:10:21 PM (Executor) Running “cleanTmp” task
9:10:21 PM (Executor)
9:10:21 PM (Executor) Running “createsCachebusterInfoJson” task
9:10:21 PM (Executor)
9:10:21 PM (Executor) Running “cleanupChanges” task
9:10:21 PM (Executor)
9:10:21 PM (Executor) Running “createResourcesJson” task
9:10:21 PM (Executor)
9:10:21 PM (Executor) Done.
9:10:21 PM (Executor) [2020-02-09 13:10:21] INFO finished building the “FioriDemo” module
9:10:21 PM (Executor) [2020-02-09 13:10:21] INFO building the “mta_FioriDemo_ui_deployer” module…
9:10:21 PM (Executor) [2020-02-09 13:10:21] INFO copying files matching the [./,…] patterns from the “/projects/mta_FioriDemo/FioriDemo/dist” folder to the “/projects/mta_FioriDemo/mta_FioriDemo_ui_deployer/resources/FioriDemo” folder
9:10:21 PM (Executor) [2020-02-09 13:10:21] INFO the “/projects/mta_FioriDemo/mta_FioriDemo_ui_deployer/resources/FioriDemo” folder has been created
9:10:21 PM (Executor) [2020-02-09 13:10:21] INFO copying the "./
" pattern from the “/projects/mta_FioriDemo/FioriDemo/dist” folder to the “/projects/mta_FioriDemo/mta_FioriDemo_ui_deployer/resources/FioriDemo” folder
9:10:21 PM (Executor) [2020-02-09 13:10:21] INFO executing the “npm install --production” command…
9:10:22 PM (Executor) npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This module moved to @hapi/hawk. Please make sure to switch over as this distribution is no longer supported and may contain bugs and critical security issues.
9:10:22 PM (Executor) npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This version has been deprecated in accordance with the hapi support policy ( Please upgrade to the latest version to get the best features, bug fixes, and security patches. If you are unable to upgrade at this time, paid support is available for older versions (
9:10:22 PM (Executor) npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This version has been deprecated in accordance with the hapi support policy ( Please upgrade to the latest version to get the best features, bug fixes, and security patches. If you are unable to upgrade at this time, paid support is available for older versions (
9:10:22 PM (Executor) npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This version has been deprecated in accordance with the hapi support policy ( Please upgrade to the latest version to get the best features, bug fixes, and security patches. If you are unable to upgrade at this time, paid support is available for older versions (
9:10:22 PM (Executor) npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This module moved to @hapi/sntp. Please make sure to switch over as this distribution is no longer supported and may contain bugs and critical security issues.
9:10:23 PM (Executor) npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file.
9:10:23 PM (Executor) npm WARN approuterUIDeployer@ No description
9:10:23 PM (Executor) npm WARN approuterUIDeployer@ No repository field.
9:10:23 PM (Executor) npm WARN approuterUIDeployer@ No license field.
9:10:23 PM (Executor)
9:10:23 PM (Executor) …added 101 packages from 86 contributors and audited 249 packages in 2.147s
9:10:23 PM (Executor) found 5 vulnerabilities (4 moderate, 1 high)
9:10:23 PM (Executor) run npm audit fix to fix them, or npm audit for details
9:10:23 PM (Executor) [2020-02-09 13:10:23] INFO the build results of the “mta_FioriDemo_ui_deployer” module will be packed and saved in the “/projects/mta_FioriDemo/.mta_FioriDemo_mta_build_tmp/mta_FioriDemo_ui_deployer” folder
9:10:24 PM (Executor) [2020-02-09 13:10:24] INFO finished building the “mta_FioriDemo_ui_deployer” module
9:10:24 PM (Executor) [2020-02-09 13:10:24] INFO generating the metadata…
9:10:24 PM (Executor) [2020-02-09 13:10:24] INFO generating the MTA archive…
9:10:24 PM (Executor) [2020-02-09 13:10:24] INFO the MTA archive generated at: /projects/mta_FioriDemo/mta_archives/mta_FioriDemo_0.0.1.mtar
9:10:24 PM (Executor) [2020-02-09 13:10:24] INFO cleaning temporary files…
9:10:25 PM (Executor) adding: mta_archives/mta_FioriDemo_0.0.1.mtar (deflated 0%)
9:10:30 PM (mtaBuildTask) Build of “mta_FioriDemo” completed.
9:12:04 PM (DeploymentToCF) Deployment of the “mta_FioriDemo” project started.
9:12:05 PM (DeployService) Deployment in progress.
9:12:05 PM (DeployService) Deploying /mta_FioriDemo/mta_archives/mta_FioriDemo_0.0.1.mtar to endpoint:, organization: Digital_Innovation_Space_Jerry-subDomain, space: dev.
9:12:29 PM (DeployService) Target: to deploy /mta_FioriDemo/mta_archives/mta_FioriDemo_0.0.1.mtarPrepare deployment filesChecking if there are conflicting processesFound 0 conflicting processesUploading mtar archiveStarting deploymentDeploying in org “Digital_Innovation_Space_Jerry-subDomain” and space "dev"Detected MTA schema version: "3"No deployed MTA detected - this is initial deploymentDetected new MTA version: "0.0.1"Processing service “dest_mta_FioriDemo”…Creating service “dest_mta_FioriDemo” from MTA resource “dest_mta_FioriDemo”…Processing service “mta_FioriDemo_html5_repo_runtime”…Creating service “mta_FioriDemo_html5_repo_runtime” from MTA resource “mta_FioriDemo_html5_repo_runtime”…Processing service “mta_FioriDemo_html5_repo_host”…Processing service “uaa_mta_FioriDemo”…Setting service “uaa_mta_FioriDemo” parameters from "xs-security.json"Creating service “mta_FioriDemo_html5_repo_host” from MTA resource “mta_FioriDemo_html5_repo_host”…Creating service “uaa_mta_FioriDemo” from MTA resource “uaa_mta_FioriDemo”…Service operation failed: Controller operation failed: 404 Updating service “mta_FioriDemo_html5_repo_host” failed: Not Found: Error creating service “mta_FioriDemo_html5_repo_host” from offering “html5-apps-repo” and plan “app-host”: Could not create service instance “mta_FioriDemo_html5_repo_host”. Service plan “app-host” from service offering “html5-apps-repo” was not found. To download logs of the process, use the multi-target application plug-in for the Cloud Foundry CLI command “cf dmol -i ca19114b-4b3d-11ea-a8ac-eeee0a8c3ec9” directly in your Cloud Foundry space.For more information see failed.
9:12:29 PM (DeploymentToCF) Deployment of the “mta_FioriDemo” project failed.(Response state is FAILED)
9:22:26 PM (DeploymentToCF) Deployment of the “mta_FioriDemo” project started.
9:22:26 PM (DeployService) Deployment in progress.
9:22:26 PM (DeployService) Deploying /mta_FioriDemo/mta_archives/mta_FioriDemo_0.0.1.mtar to endpoint:, organization: Digital_Innovation_Space_Jerry-subDomain, space: dev.
9:24:20 PM (DeployService) Target: to deploy /mta_FioriDemo/mta_archives/mta_FioriDemo_0.0.1.mtarPrepare deployment filesChecking if there are conflicting processesFound 1 conflicting processesAborting process ca19114b-4b3d-11ea-a8ac-eeee0a8c3ec9Uploading mtar archiveStarting deploymentDeploying in org “Digital_Innovation_Space_Jerry-subDomain” and space "dev"Detected MTA schema version: "3"No deployed MTA detected - this is initial deploymentDetected new MTA version: "0.0.1"Service “mta_FioriDemo_html5_repo_runtime” exists but doesnt have any bound applicationsService “uaa_mta_FioriDemo” exists but doesnt have any bound applicationsService “dest_mta_FioriDemo” exists but doesnt have any bound applicationsProcessing service “mta_FioriDemo_html5_repo_host”…Creating service “mta_FioriDemo_html5_repo_host” from MTA resource “mta_FioriDemo_html5_repo_host”…Processing service “dest_mta_FioriDemo”…Processing service “mta_FioriDemo_html5_repo_runtime”…Processing service “uaa_mta_FioriDemo”…Setting service “uaa_mta_FioriDemo” parameters from "xs-security.json"Updating service “uaa_mta_FioriDemo”…

Service operation failed: Controller operation failed: 502 Updating service “mta_FioriDemo_html5_repo_host” failed: Bad Gateway: Error creating service “mta_FioriDemo_html5_repo_host” from offering “html5-apps-repo” and plan “app-host”: Service broker error: Service broker html5-apps-repo-sb failed with: Failed to report quota consumption To download logs of the process, use the multi-target application plug-in for the Cloud Foundry CLI command “cf dmol -i 631bf23c-4b3f-11ea-8c65-eeee0a81ca09” directly in your Cloud Foundry space.For more information see failed.
9:24:20 PM (DeploymentToCF) Deployment of the “mta_FioriDemo” project failed.(Response state is FAILED)

cf dmol -i 631bf23c-4b3f-11ea-8c65-eeee0a81ca09



