val bidDetailDf=ss.sql(
select app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType, sum(cnt) as cnt,sum(request) as request, sum(response) as response, sum(bid) as bid, sum(timeout) as timeout
,sum(status) as status,sum(ccount) as ccount,sum(remarketing) as remarketing,sum(banner) as banner,sum(video) as video,sum(mediatype) as mediatype,sum(publisher) as publisher,sum(ifa) as ifa,sum(qps) as qps,sum(budget) as budget,
sum(cat) as cat,sum(error) as error,sum(bidfloor) as bidfloor,sum(seatbid) as seatbid,sum(admerror) as admerror
select app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType,count(1) as cnt,
0 as request,
0 as response,
0 as bid,
sum(case when filter='timeout' then 1 else 0 end) as timeout,
sum(case when filter='status' then 1 else 0 end) as status,
sum(case when filter='country' then 1 else 0 end) as ccount,
sum(case when filter='remarketing' then 1 else 0 end) as remarketing,
sum(case when filter='banner' then 1 else 0 end) as banner,
sum(case when filter='video' then 1 else 0 end) as video,
sum(case when filter='mediatype' then 1 else 0 end) as mediatype,
sum(case when filter='publisher' then 1 else 0 end) as publisher,
sum(case when filter='ifa' then 1 else 0 end) as ifa,
sum(case when filter='qps' then 1 else 0 end) as qps,
sum(case when filter='budget' then 1 else 0 end) as budget,
sum(case when filter='cat' then 1 else 0 end) as cat,
sum(case when filter='error' then 1 else 0 end) as error,
sum(case when filter='bidfloor' then 1 else 0 end) as bidfloor,
sum(case when filter='seatbid' then 1 else 0 end) as seatbid,
sum(case when filter='admerror' then 1 else 0 end) as admerror
select rr.app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType,rr.filter
from (
select day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType,split(regexp_replace(regexp_extract(allapps,'^\\\\[(.+)\\\\]',1),'\\\\}\\\\,\\\\{', '\\\\}\\\\|\\\\|\\\\{'),'\\\\|\\\\|') as str
from mediabuy_dsp.t_dsp_bid_detail_tbl
where day='%s') pp
lateral view explode(pp.str) ss as col
lateral view json_tuple(ss.col,'app','filter') rr as app, filter
) t where app<>'NULL' group by app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType
union all
select app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType, 0 as cnt, count(1) as request, 0 as response, 0 as bid, 0 as timeout,
0 as status,0 as ccount,0 as remarketing,0 as banner,0 as video,0 as mediatype,0 as publisher,0 as ifa,0 as qps,0 as budget,
0 as cat,0 as error,0 as bidfloor,0 as seatbid,0 as admerror
lateral view explode(split(regexp_replace(appsitemfinal,'\\\\[|\\\\]|"',''), ',')) aa as app
where day='%s' and app <>'NULL' and app is not null and app <> ''
group by app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType
union all
select appName as app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType,0 as cnt, 0 as request, sum(case when httpStatus='200' then 1 else 0 end) as response, 0 as bid, 0 as timeout,
0 as status,0 as ccount,0 as remarketing,0 as banner,0 as video,0 as mediatype,0 as publisher,0 as ifa,0 as qps,0 as budget,
0 as cat,0 as error,0 as bidfloor,0 as seatbid,0 as admerror
select rr.appName,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType, rr.httpStatus
from (
select day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType, split(regexp_replace(regexp_extract(appitemresponse,'\\\\[(.+)\\\\]',1),'\\\\}\\\\,\\\\{', '\\\\}\\\\|\\\\|\\\\{'),'\\\\|\\\\|') as str
where day='%s'
) pp lateral view explode(pp.str) ss as col
lateral view json_tuple(ss.col,'appName','httpStatus') rr as appName, httpStatus
) t where appName<>'NULL' group by appName,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType
union all
select appname as app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType, 0 as cnt ,0 as request, 0 as response, count(1) as bid, 0 as timeout,
0 as status,0 as ccount,0 as remarketing,0 as banner,0 as video,0 as mediatype,0 as publisher,0 as ifa,0 as qps,0 as budget,
0 as cat,0 as error,0 as bidfloor,0 as seatbid,0 as admerror
where day='%s' and trim(appname)<>''
group by appname,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType
) t where app<>'' group by app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType
原来是个特别大的sql 一张表要扫描4次,然后把结果 union到一块,这个sql的执行速度就特别慢,原来还好只要1.5个小时,最进不知道是哪里出现了问题一度跑4-6个小时,我就把这几个union 的 小sql单独跑,发现每个最慢也就40min就跑完了,因为这几个sql跑起来比较费时间,所以我每次跑一个sql 我都把结果insert到四个中间表中
然后把4张中间表union,再group by 这样时间就短了,而且就算万一数据跑失败,只要是再这四个表后面发生的错误,我可以改下程序让从四张中间表中取数据,然后就会节省很多时间,补数据现在只需要5分钟
val CurDayFinalDirPath1 = s"s3://baidu.taobao.tenent.com/hive_dataware/mediabuy_dsp/t_dsp_bid_middle_detail_tbl_1/updatedate=$yesterDay"
FileSystem.get(new URI("s3://baidu.taobao.tenent.com"), ss.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration).
delete(new Path(CurDayFinalDirPath1), true)
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE mediabuy_dsp.t_dsp_bid_middle_detail_tbl_1
PARTITION (updatedate = '%s')
select app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType, sum(cnt) as cnt,sum(request) as request, sum(response) as response, sum(bid) as bid, sum(timeout) as timeout
,sum(status) as status,sum(ccount) as ccount,sum(remarketing) as remarketing,sum(banner) as banner,sum(video) as video,sum(mediatype) as mediatype,sum(publisher) as publisher,sum(ifa) as ifa,sum(qps) as qps,sum(budget) as budget,
sum(cat) as cat,sum(error) as error,sum(bidfloor) as bidfloor,sum(seatbid) as seatbid,sum(admerror) as admerror
select app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType,count(1) as cnt,
0 as request,
0 as response,
0 as bid,
sum(case when filter='timeout' then 1 else 0 end) as timeout,
sum(case when filter='status' then 1 else 0 end) as status,
sum(case when filter='country' then 1 else 0 end) as ccount,
sum(case when filter='remarketing' then 1 else 0 end) as remarketing,
sum(case when filter='banner' then 1 else 0 end) as banner,
sum(case when filter='video' then 1 else 0 end) as video,
sum(case when filter='mediatype' then 1 else 0 end) as mediatype,
sum(case when filter='publisher' then 1 else 0 end) as publisher,
sum(case when filter='ifa' then 1 else 0 end) as ifa,
sum(case when filter='qps' then 1 else 0 end) as qps,
sum(case when filter='budget' then 1 else 0 end) as budget,
sum(case when filter='cat' then 1 else 0 end) as cat,
sum(case when filter='error' then 1 else 0 end) as error,
sum(case when filter='bidfloor' then 1 else 0 end) as bidfloor,
sum(case when filter='seatbid' then 1 else 0 end) as seatbid,
sum(case when filter='admerror' then 1 else 0 end) as admerror
select rr.app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType,rr.filter
from (
select day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType,split(regexp_replace(regexp_extract(allapps,'^\\\\[(.+)\\\\]',1),'\\\\}\\\\,\\\\{', '\\\\}\\\\|\\\\|\\\\{'),'\\\\|\\\\|') as str
from mediabuy_dsp.t_dsp_bid_detail_tbl
where day='%s') pp
lateral view explode(pp.str) ss as col
lateral view json_tuple(ss.col,'app','filter') rr as app, filter
) t where app<>'NULL' and app<>'' group by app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType
) t where app<>'' group by app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType
val CurDayFinalDirPath2 = s"s3://baidu.taobao.tenent.com/hive_dataware/mediabuy_dsp/t_dsp_bid_middle_detail_tbl_2/updatedate=$yesterDay"
FileSystem.get(new URI("s3://baidu.taobao.tenent.com"), ss.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration).
delete(new Path(CurDayFinalDirPath2), true)
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE mediabuy_dsp.t_dsp_bid_middle_detail_tbl_2
PARTITION (updatedate = '%s')
select app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType, sum(cnt) as cnt,sum(request) as request, sum(response) as response, sum(bid) as bid, sum(timeout) as timeout
,sum(status) as status,sum(ccount) as ccount,sum(remarketing) as remarketing,sum(banner) as banner,sum(video) as video,sum(mediatype) as mediatype,sum(publisher) as publisher,sum(ifa) as ifa,sum(qps) as qps,sum(budget) as budget,
sum(cat) as cat,sum(error) as error,sum(bidfloor) as bidfloor,sum(seatbid) as seatbid,sum(admerror) as admerror
select app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType, 0 as cnt, count(1) as request, 0 as response, 0 as bid, 0 as timeout,
0 as status,0 as ccount,0 as remarketing,0 as banner,0 as video,0 as mediatype,0 as publisher,0 as ifa,0 as qps,0 as budget,
0 as cat,0 as error,0 as bidfloor,0 as seatbid,0 as admerror
lateral view explode(split(regexp_replace(appsitemfinal,'\\\\[|\\\\]|"',''), ',')) aa as app
where day='%s' and app <>'NULL' and app is not null and app <> ''
group by app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType
) t where app<>'' group by app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType
// //ssssssssssssss3333333333333333333333
val CurDayFinalDirPath3 = s"s3://baidu.taobao.tenent.com/hive_dataware/mediabuy_dsp/t_dsp_bid_middle_detail_tbl_3/updatedate=$yesterDay"
FileSystem.get(new URI("s3://baidu.taobao.tenent.com"), ss.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration).
delete(new Path(CurDayFinalDirPath3), true)
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE mediabuy_dsp.t_dsp_bid_middle_detail_tbl_3
PARTITION (updatedate = '%s')
select app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType, sum(cnt) as cnt,sum(request) as request, sum(response) as response, sum(bid) as bid, sum(timeout) as timeout
,sum(status) as status,sum(ccount) as ccount,sum(remarketing) as remarketing,sum(banner) as banner,sum(video) as video,sum(mediatype) as mediatype,sum(publisher) as publisher,sum(ifa) as ifa,sum(qps) as qps,sum(budget) as budget,
sum(cat) as cat,sum(error) as error,sum(bidfloor) as bidfloor,sum(seatbid) as seatbid,sum(admerror) as admerror
select appName as app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType,0 as cnt, 0 as request, sum(case when httpStatus='200' then 1 else 0 end) as response, 0 as bid, 0 as timeout,
0 as status,0 as ccount,0 as remarketing,0 as banner,0 as video,0 as mediatype,0 as publisher,0 as ifa,0 as qps,0 as budget,
0 as cat,0 as error,0 as bidfloor,0 as seatbid,0 as admerror
select rr.appName,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType, rr.httpStatus
from (
select day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType, split(regexp_replace(regexp_extract(appitemresponse,'\\\\[(.+)\\\\]',1),'\\\\}\\\\,\\\\{', '\\\\}\\\\|\\\\|\\\\{'),'\\\\|\\\\|') as str
where day='%s'
) pp lateral view explode(pp.str) ss as col
lateral view json_tuple(ss.col,'appName','httpStatus') rr as appName, httpStatus
) t where appName<>'NULL' group by appName,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType
) t where app<>'' group by app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType
val CurDayFinalDirPath4 = s"s3://baidu.taobao.tenent.com/hive_dataware/mediabuy_dsp/t_dsp_bid_middle_detail_tbl_4/updatedate=$yesterDay"
FileSystem.get(new URI("s3://baidu.taobao.tenent.com"), ss.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration).
delete(new Path(CurDayFinalDirPath4), true)
ss.sql( s"""
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE mediabuy_dsp.t_dsp_bid_middle_detail_tbl_4
PARTITION (updatedate = '%s')
select app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType, sum(cnt) as cnt,sum(request) as request, sum(response) as response, sum(bid) as bid, sum(timeout) as timeout
,sum(status) as status,sum(ccount) as ccount,sum(remarketing) as remarketing,sum(banner) as banner,sum(video) as video,sum(mediatype) as mediatype,sum(publisher) as publisher,sum(ifa) as ifa,sum(qps) as qps,sum(budget) as budget,
sum(cat) as cat,sum(error) as error,sum(bidfloor) as bidfloor,sum(seatbid) as seatbid,sum(admerror) as admerror
select appname as app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType, 0 as cnt ,0 as request, 0 as response, count(1) as bid, 0 as timeout,
0 as status,0 as ccount,0 as remarketing,0 as banner,0 as video,0 as mediatype,0 as publisher,0 as ifa,0 as qps,0 as budget,
0 as cat,0 as error,0 as bidfloor,0 as seatbid,0 as admerror
where day='%s' and trim(appname)<>''
group by appname,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType
) t where app<>'' group by app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType
val bidDetailDf= ss.sql(
|select app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType, sum(cnt) as cnt,sum(request) as request, sum(response) as response, sum(bid) as bid, sum(timeout) as timeout
|,sum(status) as status,sum(ccount) as ccount,sum(remarketing) as remarketing,sum(banner) as banner,sum(video) as video,sum(mediatype) as mediatype,sum(publisher) as publisher,sum(ifa) as ifa,sum(qps) as qps,sum(budget) as budget,
|sum(cat) as cat,sum(error) as error,sum(bidfloor) as bidfloor,sum(seatbid) as seatbid,sum(admerror) as admerror
|select app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType,cnt,request,response,bid,timeout,status,ccount,remarketing,banner,video,mediatype,publisher,ifa,qps,budget,cat,error,bidfloor,seatbid,admerror from mediabuy_dsp.t_dsp_bid_middle_detail_tbl_1 where updatedate='$yesterDay'
|union all
|select app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType,cnt,request,response,bid,timeout,status,ccount,remarketing,banner,video,mediatype,publisher,ifa,qps,budget,cat,error,bidfloor,seatbid,admerror from mediabuy_dsp.t_dsp_bid_middle_detail_tbl_2 where updatedate='$yesterDay'
|union all
|select app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType,cnt,request,response,bid,timeout,status,ccount,remarketing,banner,video,mediatype,publisher,ifa,qps,budget,cat,error,bidfloor,seatbid,admerror from mediabuy_dsp.t_dsp_bid_middle_detail_tbl_3 where updatedate='$yesterDay'
|union all
|select app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType,cnt,request,response,bid,timeout,status,ccount,remarketing,banner,video,mediatype,publisher,ifa,qps,budget,cat,error,bidfloor,seatbid,admerror from mediabuy_dsp.t_dsp_bid_middle_detail_tbl_4 where updatedate='$yesterDay'
|)group by app,day,hour,adx,os,osv,country,impType