



  • 新建表:
    create table tablename(
    id varchar(300) primary key,
    name varchar(200) not null

  • 插入数据
    insert into tablename(id,name) values (‘aa’,’bb’);

  • 更新数据
    update tablename set id = ‘bb’ where id=’cc’;

  • 删除数据
    delete from tablename where id =’cc’;

  • 删除表
    drop table tablename;

  • 修改表名:
    alter table tablename1 rename to tablename2;

  • 表数据复制:
    insert into tablename1 (select * from tablename2);

  • 复制表结构:
    create table tableName2 as select * from tableName1 where 1<>1

  • 复制表结构和数据:
    create table tableName2 as select * from tableName1

  • 复制指定字段:
    create table tablename1 as select id, name from tablename2 where 1<>1;

  • 条件查询:
    select (case gender when 0 then ‘男’ when 1 then ‘女’ end ) gender from tablename

  • 新增字段:
    语法:alter table tablename add (column datatype [default value][null/not null],….);
    说明:alter table 表名 add (字段名 字段类型 默认值 是否为空);
    例:alter tablename add (columnname varchar2(30) default ‘无’ not null);

  • 修改字段:
    语法:alter table tablename modify (column datatype [default value][null/not null],….);
    说明:alter table 表名 modify (字段名 字段类型 默认值 是否为空);
    例:alter table tablename modify (BILLCODE number(4));

  • 删除字段:
    语法:alter table tablename drop (column);
    说明:alter table 表名 drop column 字段名;
    例:alter table tablename drop column columnname;

  • 重命名字段:
    说明:alter table tablename rename column ordname to newname
    例:alter table tablename rename column PIC to NEWPIC;
    备注:有别于表重命名(说明:alter table 表名 rename to 新表名)


  • 绝对值:abs()
    select abs(-2) value from dual; –(2)

  • 取整函数(大):ceil()
    select ceil(-2.001) value from dual; –(-2)

  • 取整函数(小):floor()
    select floor(-2.001) value from dual; –(-3)

  • 取整函数(截取):trunc()
    select trunc(-2.001) value from dual; – (-2)

  • 四舍五入:round()
    select round(1.234564,4) value from dual; –(1.2346)

  • 取平方:Power(m,n)
    select power(4,2) value from dual; –(16)

  • 取平方根:SQRT()
    select sqrt(16) value from dual; –(4)

  • 取随机数:dbms_random(minvalue,maxvalue)
    select dbms_random.value() from dual; (默认是0到1之间)
    select dbms_random.value(2,4) value from dual; (2-4之间随机数)

  • 取符号:Sign()
    select sign(-3) value from dual; –(-1)
    select sign(3) value from dual; –(1)

  • 取集合的最大值:greatest(value)
    select greatest(-1,3,5,7,9) value from dual; –(9)

  • 取集合的最小值:least(value)
    select least(-1,3,5,7,9) value from dual; –(-1)

  • 处理Null值:nvl(空值,代替值)
    select nvl(null,10) value from dual; –(10)
    select nvl(score,10) score from student;


select substr('abcdefg',1,5)substr,                     --字符串截取
       instr('abcdefg','bc') instr,                     --查找子串

       'Hello'||'World' concat,                         --连接

       trim('  wish  ') trim,                           --去前后空格
       rtrim('wish  ') rtrim,                           --去后面空格
       ltrim('  wish') ltrim,                           --去前面空格

       trim(leading 'w' from 'wish') deleteprefix,      --去前缀
       trim(trailing 'h' from 'wish') deletetrailing,   --去后缀
       trim('w' from 'wish') trim1,

       ascii('A') A1, 
       ascii('a') A2,                                   --ascii(转换为对应的十进制数)
       chr(65) C1, 
       chr(97) C2,                                      --chr(十进制转对应字符)

       length('abcdefg') len,                           --length 

       initcap('wish')initcap,                            --大小写变换

       replace('wish1','1','youhappy') replace,           --替换

       translate('wish1','1','y')translate,               --转换,对应一位(前面的位数大于等于后面的位数)

       concat('11','22') concat                     --连接

from dual;


select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')currenttime, 
       to_char(sysdate,'yyyy') year,--结果:2018
       to_char(sysdate,'mm') month,--结果:01
       to_char(sysdate,'dd') day,--结果:17
       to_char(sysdate,'day') week,--结果:星期五
       to_char(sysdate,'mi') minute,--结果:23
       to_char(sysdate,'ss') second--结果:21
from dual;


  • count:
select count(1) as count from student;--效率最高
select count(*) as count from student;    
select count(distinct score) from student;--排除相同值    
  • avg:
select avg(score) score from student;
select avg(distinct score) from student;
select classno,avg(score) score from student group by classno;
  • max or min:
select max(score) from student;
select classno, max(score) score from student group by classno;
select min(score) from student;
select classno, min(score) score from student group by classno;
  • sum:
select sum(score) from student;
select classno, sum(score) score from student group by classno;
  • madian:中位数
select median(score) from student;
select classno, median(score) score from student group by classno;
  • stddev:
select stddev(score) from student;
select classno, stddev(score) score from student group by classno;
  • 零散方法:
select to_number('0123')number1,            --结果:123
       trunc(to_number('0123.123'),2) number2,--结果:123.12
       to_number('120.11','999.99') number3,--结果:120.11
     to_number('0a','xx') number4,        --结果:10(十六进制)
from dual;

