1.定义MRP scope(运行MD01的时候需要填写这个参数)
material management-->Consumption-Based Planning → Planning → Define Scope of Planning for Total Planning
2.T-code:WDIS 可以直接进入MRP菜单,如下图:
3.Planning horizon
IMG-->material management--->consumption based planning-->overall maintaince of plant parameters or overall maintaince of MRP groups for each MRP group
Hint: If materials were created before MRP was activated for a plant,
you must generate an entry in the planning file for all MRP-relevant
materials in this plant. You set up the planning file either in Customizing
for Materials Management under Consumption-Based Planning →
Planning → Activate Material Requirements Planning, or from the SAP
Easy Access menu by choosing Logistics → Materials Management
→ Material Requirements Planning (MRP) → MRP → Planning →
Planning File Entry → Set Up in Background.
Because the entries in the planning file are permanent, you must regularly
check their MRP-relevance. For example, if a plant is subsequently
excluded from MRP, the materials in this plant are still included in the
planning file. The same goes for materials that are subsequently assigned
MRP type ND (No MRP) and therefore, excluded completely from MRP.
In these cases, delete the entries in the planning file. You therefore need
to execute a consistency check at regular intervals in Customizing for
Materials Management under Consumption-Based Planning → Planning
→ Activate Material Requirements Planning. Alternatively, go to the
SAP Easy Access menu and choose: Logistics → Materials Management
→ Material Requirements Planning (MRP) → MRP → Planning →
Planning File Entry → Consistency Check (MDRE).
4. low-level code
The low-level code is the lowest level at which a material appears in all BOMs. Hint: If a material is not included in a BOM, the highest level (999) is
set automatically (999 or blank).
5. process key (planning run types)
NEUPL regenerative planning
NETPL net change planning in the planning horizon
NETCH net change planning in the total horizon 。
5.planning mode
To find out the when the particular planning mode is set in the planning profile ,see SAP ease accsess-->logistics-->material mamagement--> consumption-based planning -->planning processes-->checking the planning file -->planning mode
A MRP can be suggested as default due to the material type in the material master record, if you have defined the corresponding settings in Customizing for Materials Management under Consumption-Based Planning → MRP Groups →Define MRP Group for Each Material Type.
MRP组中的参数优先级高于plant paremeters If setting is possible on several levels, the setting in the MRP group that is assigned to the material has priority over the setting in the plant parameters.
7.查看planning horizon
8.Planning Results
1) purchase proposal
2) MRP List
MRP List
logistics-->material management-->material requirements planning -->MRP-->evaluations-->MRP list-->Coll.Displ(MD06)
MRP list is static,if you have changed the quanlity of the palnning reault,in the MRP list,the data is still not change.
Any changes made after the planning date are not considered. The list is static.
But in the stock/requirements list changes made after the planning date are displayed directly,The list is dynamic.