- iniparser库的位置:
Github: https://github.com/ndevilla/iniparser
我下载下来的文件: iniparser-master.zip
- 项目中经常遇到需要解析ini配置文件的需求。ini配置文件的格式,如下
name = niubi
version =
date = 2018.10.2
name = dashen
age = 18
date = 2018.1.2
注释: 要以分号开头或者是用#号,都可以作为注释开头。不能使用c,c++的注释方式,即// 和 /***/
######### this is ok
;;;;;;;;; this is ok
// this is error
/**this is error*/
#include "iniparser.h"
#include "dictionary.h"
int main()
printf("hello world\n");
dictionary *dic;
/** 这一段是直接摘自iniparser.c中的函数说明,敬请参考。
@brief Parse an ini file and return an allocated dictionary object
@param ininame Name of the ini file to read.
@return Pointer to newly allocated dictionary
This is the parser for ini files. This function is called, providing
the name of the file to be read. It returns a dictionary object that
should not be accessed directly, but through accessor functions
The returned dictionary must be freed using iniparser_freedict().
if(NULL == (dic = iniparser_load("./setting.ini"))){
printf("ERROR: open file failed!\n");
return -1;
//向stdout 流中输出dic解析出的配置信息
iniparser_dump_ini(dic, stdout);
int count = 0;
if(1 != (count = iniparser_getlongint(dic,"running:auto_run_count",1))){
printf("auto_run_count is %d \n",count);
printf("can't find auto_run_count");
return 0;
如下是测试用的 setting.ini 配置文件中的信息。
auto_run_count = 10
auto_run_arg1 = main
auto_run_arg2 = zzz
auto_run_arg3 = ui
通过,gcc 编译并运行后的结果如下:
Test_useInilib# gcc -c useIniparserTest.cpp
Test_useInilib# gcc -o use useIniparserTest.o dictionary.o iniparser.o
Test_useInilib# ./use
hello world
name = Yu_Ricardo
auto_run_count = 10
auto_run_arg1 = main
auto_run_arg2 = zzz
auto_run_arg3 = ui
auto_run_count is 10
int iniparser_getnsec(dictionary * d); //获取dictionary对象的section个数
char * iniparser_getsecname(dictionary * d, int n); //获取dictionary对象的第n个section的名字
void iniparser_dump_ini(dictionary * d, FILE * f); //保存dictionary对象到file
void iniparser_dumpsection_ini(dictionary * d, char * s, FILE * f); //保存dictionary对象一个section到file
void iniparser_dump(dictionary * d, FILE * f); //保存dictionary对象到file
int iniparser_getsecnkeys(dictionary * d, char * s); //获取dictionary对象某个section下的key个数
char ** iniparser_getseckeys(dictionary * d, char * s); //获取dictionary对象某个section下所有的key
char * iniparser_getstring(dictionary * d, const char * key, char * def); //返回dictionary对象的section:key对应的字串值
int iniparser_getint(dictionary * d, const char * key, int notfound); //返回idictionary对象的section:key对应的整形值
double iniparser_getdouble(dictionary * d, const char * key, double notfound); //返回dictionary对象的section:key对应的双浮点值
int iniparser_getboolean(dictionary * d, const char * key, int notfound); //返回dictionary对象的section:key对应的布尔值
int iniparser_set(dictionary * ini, const char * entry, const char * val); //设置dictionary对象的某个section:key的值
void iniparser_unset(dictionary * ini, const char * entry); //删除dictionary对象中某个section:key
int iniparser_find_entry(dictionary * ini, const char * entry) ; //判断dictionary对象中是否存在某个section:key
dictionary * iniparser_load(const char * ininame); //解析dictionary对象并返回(分配内存)dictionary对象
void iniparser_freedict(dictionary * d); //释放dictionary对象(内存)