

基础 (The basics)

Dim MyArray()
Guide to Writing Understandable and Maintainable Code article and so you would do it more like this. 《编写可理解和可维护的代码指南》一文,因此您应该这样做。
Dim strCustomerArray() As String

更好的方法 (A better way)

上面描述的两个数组分别为String和Double类型,很多人不知道,而这种更好的方法的基础是程序员可以创建自己的类型。 这是在UserForm,Form,Sheet或Code模块顶部的声明部分中完成的(必须在此处完成)。 为了我们的目的,我们可以如下创建类型
Private Type CustomerData ' May be Public in a code module
    strCustName As String
    dblSales As Double
End Type
exactly like any of the built-in types, and so you can do the following in a procedure.
Dim CustData() As CustomerData
CustData(intEntry).strCustName = ...
CustData(intEntry).dblSales = ...
CustData(UBound(CustData)).strCustName = ...
CustData(UBound(CustData)).dblSales = ...
blah1 = CustData(intEntry).strCustName
blah2 = CustData(intEntry).dblSales

结论 (Conclusion)


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翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/23399/How-to-store-data-of-different-types-in-the-same-array.html

