[oracle@11g ~]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
[oracle@11g admin]$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat Feb 24 01:58:36 2018
Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
SQL> select file_name from dba_data_files;
SQL> create tablespace perfstat
2 datafile '/oradata/ORCL/datafile/perfstat.dbf'
3 size 500M
4 extent management local;
Tablespace created.
SQL> !ls sp*
spadvrpt.sql spawrrac.sql spctab.sql spdrop.sql sppurge.sql spreport.sql sptrunc.sql spup10.sql spup816.sql spup92.sql
spauto.sql spcpkg.sql spcusr.sql spdtab.sql sprepcon.sql sprepsql.sql spuexp.par spup1101.sql spup817.sql
spawrio.sql spcreate.sql spdoc.txt spdusr.sql sprepins.sql sprsqins.sql spup102.sql spup11201.sql spup90.sql
SQL> @spcreate
Choose the PERFSTAT user's password
Not specifying a password will result in the installation FAILING
Enter value for perfstat_password: shihong
Choose the Default tablespace for the PERFSTAT user
Below is the list of online tablespaces in this database which can
store user data. Specifying the SYSTEM tablespace for the user's
default tablespace will result in the installation FAILING, as
using SYSTEM for performance data is not supported.
Choose the PERFSTAT users's default tablespace. This is the tablespace
in which the STATSPACK tables and indexes will be created.
------------------------------ --------- ----------------------------
Pressing will result in STATSPACK's recommended default
tablespace (identified by *) being used.
Enter value for default_tablespace: PERFSTAT
Using tablespace PERFSTAT as PERFSTAT default tablespace.
Choose the Temporary tablespace for the PERFSTAT user
Below is the list of online tablespaces in this database which can
store temporary data (e.g. for sort workareas). Specifying the SYSTEM
tablespace for the user's temporary tablespace will result in the
installation FAILING, as using SYSTEM for workareas is not supported.
Choose the PERFSTAT user's Temporary tablespace.
------------------------------ --------- --------------------------
Pressing will result in the database's default Temporary
tablespace (identified by *) being used.
Enter value for temporary_tablespace: TEMP
Using tablespace TEMP as PERFSTAT temporary tablespace.
... Creating PERFSTAT user
... Installing required packages
... Creating views
... Granting privileges
SPCUSR complete. Please check spcusr.lis for any errors.
SQL> --
SQL> -- Build the tables and synonyms
SQL> connect perfstat/&&perfstat_password
SQL> @@spctab
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/spctab.sql /st_rdbms_11.2.0/3 2012/03/06 15:07:48 shsong Exp $
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem spctab.sql
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem Copyright (c) 1999, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
SQL> Rem All rights reserved.
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem spctab.sql
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem SQL*PLUS command file to create tables to hold
SQL> Rem start and end "snapshot" statistical information
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem Should be run as STATSPACK user, PERFSTAT
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem kchou 08/11/10 - Bug#9800868 - Add Missing Idle Events for
SQL> Rem Statspack & Standby Statspack
SQL> Rem kchou 08/11/10 - Bug#9800868 - Add missing idle events to
SQL> Rem cgervasi 05/13/09 - add idle event: cell worker idle
SQL> Rem cgervasi 04/02/09 - bug8395154: missing idle events
SQL> Rem rhlee 02/22/08 -
> Rem cdgreen 03/14/07 - 11 F2
SQL> Rem shsong 06/14/07 - Add idle events
SQL> Rem cdgreen 02/28/07 - 5908354
SQL> Rem cdgreen 04/26/06 - 11 F1
SQL> Rem cdgreen 06/26/06 - Increase column length
SQL> Rem cdgreen 05/10/06 - 5215982
SQL> Rem cdgreen 05/24/05 - 4246955
SQL> Rem cdgreen 04/18/05 - 4228432
SQL> Rem cdgreen 03/08/05 - 10gR2 misc
SQL> Rem vbarrier 02/18/05 - 4081984
SQL> Rem cdgreen 10/29/04 - 10gR2_sqlstats
SQL> Rem cdgreen 07/16/04 - 10gR2
SQL> Rem cdialeri 03/25/04 - 3516921
SQL> Rem vbarrier 02/12/04 - 3412853
SQL> Rem cdialeri 12/04/03 - 3290482
SQL> Rem cdialeri 11/05/03 - 3202706
SQL> Rem cdialeri 10/14/03 - 10g - streams - rvenkate
SQL> Rem cdialeri 08/05/03 - 10g F3
SQL> Rem cdialeri 02/27/03 - 10g F2: baseline, purge
SQL> Rem vbarrier 02/25/03 - 10g RAC
SQL> Rem cdialeri 11/15/02 - 10g F1
SQL> Rem cdialeri 09/27/02 - sleep4
SQL> Rem vbarrier 03/20/02 - 2143634
SQL> Rem vbarrier 03/05/02 - Segment Statistics
SQL> Rem cdialeri 02/07/02 - 2218573
SQL> Rem cdialeri 01/30/02 - 2184717
SQL> Rem cdialeri 01/11/02 - 9.2 - features 2
SQL> Rem cdialeri 11/30/01 - 9.2 - features 1
SQL> Rem cdialeri 04/22/01 - Undostat changes
SQL> Rem cdialeri 03/02/01 - 9.0
SQL> Rem cdialeri 09/12/00 - sp_1404195
SQL> Rem cdialeri 04/07/00 - 1261813
SQL> Rem cdialeri 03/20/00 - Support for purge
SQL> Rem cdialeri 02/16/00 - 1191805
SQL> Rem cdialeri 01/26/00 - 1169401
SQL> Rem cdialeri 11/01/99 - Enhance, 1059172
SQL> Rem cmlim 07/17/97 - Added STATS$SQLAREA to store top sql stmts
SQL> Rem gwood 10/16/95 - Version to run as sys without using many views
SQL> Rem cellis.uk 11/15/89 - Created
SQL> Rem
SQL> set showmode off echo off;
If this script is automatically called from spcreate (which is
the supported method), all STATSPACK segments will be created in
the PERFSTAT user's default tablespace.
Using PERFSTAT tablespace to store Statspack objects
... Creating STATS$SNAPSHOT_ID Sequence
Sequence created.
Synonym created.
... Creating STATS$... tables
Table created.
Synonym created.
Table created.
1 row created.
1 row created.
1 row created.
1 row created.
1 row created.
Commit complete.
Synonym created.
Table created.
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1 row created.
1 row created.
1 row created.
1 row created.
1 row created.
1 row created.
Commit complete.
Synonym created.
Synonym created.
SPCTAB complete. Please check spctab.lis for any errors.
SQL> -- Create the statistics Package
SQL> @@spcpkg
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/spcpkg.sql /st_rdbms_11.2.0/2 2012/03/06 15:07:48 shsong Exp $
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem spcpkg.sql
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem Copyright (c) 1999, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
SQL> Rem All rights reserved.
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem spcpkg.sql
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem SQL*PLUS command file to create statistics package
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem Must be run as the STATSPACK owner, PERFSTAT
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem arogers 01/23/08 - 6523482 - change VM_IN/OUT_BYTES id numbers
SQL> Rem cdgreen 03/14/07 - 11 F2
SQL> Rem shsong 06/14/07 - Fix BUFFER_GETS
SQL> Rem cdgreen 04/05/07 - 5691086
SQL> Rem cdgreen 03/02/07 - use _FG for v$system_event
SQL> Rem cdgreen 03/02/07 - 5913378
SQL> Rem cdgreen 05/16/06 - 11 F1
SQL> Rem cdgreen 05/10/06 - 5215982
SQL> Rem cdgreen 05/24/05 - 4246955
SQL> Rem cdgreen 04/18/05 - 4228432
SQL> Rem cdgreen 02/28/05 - 10gR2 misc
SQL> Rem vbarrier 02/18/05 - 4081984
SQL> Rem cdgreen 01/25/05 - 4143812
SQL> Rem cdgreen 10/29/04 - 10gR2_sqlstats
SQL> Rem cdgreen 10/25/04 - 3970898
SQL> Rem cdgreen 07/16/04 - 10g R2
SQL> Rem vbarrier 03/18/04 - 3517841
SQL> Rem vbarrier 02/12/04 - 3412853
SQL> Rem cdialeri 12/04/03 - 3290482
SQL> Rem cdialeri 11/05/03 - 3202706
SQL> Rem cdialeri 10/14/03 - 10g - streams - rvenkate
SQL> Rem cdialeri 08/05/03 - 10g F3
SQL> Rem cdialeri 07/31/03 - 2804307
SQL> Rem vbarrier 02/25/03 - 10g RAC
SQL> Rem cdialeri 01/28/03 - 10g F2: baseline, purge
SQL> Rem cdialeri 11/15/02 - 10g F1
SQL> Rem cdialeri 10/29/02 - 2648471
SQL> Rem cdialeri 09/11/02 - 1995145
SQL> Rem vbarrier 04/18/02 - 2271895
SQL> Rem vbarrier 03/20/02 - 2184504
SQL> Rem spommere 03/19/02 - 2274095
SQL> Rem vbarrier 03/05/02 - Segment Statistics
SQL> Rem spommere 02/14/02 - cleanup RAC stats that are no longer needed
SQL> Rem spommere 02/08/02 - 2212357
SQL> Rem cdialeri 02/07/02 - 2218573
SQL> Rem cdialeri 01/30/02 - 2184717
SQL> Rem cdialeri 01/09/02 - 9.2 - features 2
SQL> Rem cdialeri 11/30/01 - 9.2 - features 1
SQL> Rem hbergh 08/23/01 - 1940915: use substrb on sql_text
SQL> Rem cdialeri 04/26/01 - 9.0
SQL> Rem cdialeri 09/12/00 - sp_1404195
SQL> Rem cdialeri 04/07/00 - 1261813
SQL> Rem cdialeri 03/28/00 - sp_purge
SQL> Rem cdialeri 02/16/00 - 1191805
SQL> Rem cdialeri 11/01/99 - Enhance, 1059172
SQL> Rem cgervasi 06/16/98 - Remove references to wrqs
SQL> Rem cmlim 07/30/97 - Modified system events
SQL> Rem gwood.uk 02/30/94 - Modified
SQL> Rem densor.uk 03/31/93 - Modified
SQL> Rem cellis.uk 11/15/89 - Created
SQL> Rem
SQL> set echo off;
Creating Package STATSPACK...
Package created.
No errors.
Creating Package Body STATSPACK...
Package body created.
No errors.
SPCPKG complete. Please check spcpkg.lis for any errors.
SQL> !ls *.lis
spcpkg.lis spctab.lis spcusr.lis
SQL> !grep ORA- spcpkg.lis
SQL> !grep ORA- *.lis
SQL> !grep err *.lis
spcpkg.lis:No errors.
spcpkg.lis:No errors.
spcpkg.lis:SPCPKG complete. Please check spcpkg.lis for any errors.
spctab.lis:SPCTAB complete. Please check spctab.lis for any errors.
spcusr.lis:SPCUSR complete. Please check spcusr.lis for any errors.
SQL> execute statspack.snap
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> execute statspack.snap
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> @spreport.sql
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem $Header: spreport.sql 22-apr-2001.15:44:01 cdialeri Exp $
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem spreport.sql
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1999, 2000. All Rights Reserved.
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem spreport.sql
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem This script defaults the dbid and instance number to that of the
SQL> Rem current instance connected-to, then calls sprepins.sql to produce
SQL> Rem the standard Statspack report.
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem Usually run as the STATSPACK owner, PERFSTAT
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem cdialeri 03/20/01 - 1747076
SQL> Rem cdialeri 03/12/01 - Created
SQL> --
SQL> -- Get the current database/instance information - this will be used
SQL> -- later in the report along with bid, eid to lookup snapshots
SQL> column inst_num heading "Inst Num" new_value inst_num format 99999;
SQL> column inst_name heading "Instance" new_value inst_name format a12;
SQL> column db_name heading "DB Name" new_value db_name format a12;
SQL> column dbid heading "DB Id" new_value dbid format 9999999999 just c;
SQL> prompt
SQL> prompt Current Instance
Current Instance
SQL> prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
SQL> select d.dbid dbid
2 , d.name db_name
3 , i.instance_number inst_num
4 , i.instance_name inst_name
5 from v$database d,
6 v$instance i;
DB Id DB Name Inst Num Instance
----------- ------------ -------- ------------
1447019099 ORCL 1 orcl
1 row selected.
SQL> @@sprepins
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/sprepins.sql /st_rdbms_11.2.0/2 2012/03/06 15:07:48 shsong Exp $
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem sprepins.sql
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem Copyright (c) 2001, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
SQL> Rem All rights reserved.
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem sprepins.sql - StatsPack Report Instance
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem SQL*Plus command file to report on differences between
SQL> Rem values recorded in two snapshots.
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem This script requests the user for the dbid and instance number
SQL> Rem of the instance to report on, before producing the standard
SQL> Rem Statspack report.
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem Usually run as the STATSPACK owner, PERFSTAT
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem yberezin 07/27/09 - bug 8639400
SQL> Rem pmurthy 12/10/08 - Fix for Bug - 7149145
SQL> Rem bnayak 09/23/08 - To fix Bug 7385751
SQL> Rem cdgreen 12/03/07 - Streams - AWR sync
SQL> Rem cdgreen 08/20/07 - 6317857
SQL> Rem cdgreen 08/10/07 - 6335987
SQL> Rem cdgreen 03/14/07 - 11 F2
SQL> Rem cdgreen 03/02/07 - use _FG for v$system_event
SQL> Rem cdgreen 05/11/06 - 11 F1
SQL> Rem cdgreen 01/30/06 - 4631691
SQL> Rem cdgreen 05/05/06 - 5145816
SQL> Rem cdgreen 05/10/06 - 5215982
SQL> Rem cdgreen 05/23/05 - 4246955
SQL> Rem cdgreen 02/28/05 - 10gR2 misc
SQL> Rem vbarrier 02/18/05 - 4081984/4071648
SQL> Rem cdgreen 10/29/04 - 10gR2_sqlstats
SQL> Rem cdgreen 10/25/04 - 3970898
SQL> Rem vbarrier 09/03/04 - Wait Event Histogram
SQL> Rem cdgreen 07/15/04 - sp_10_r2
SQL> Rem cdialeri 03/30/04 - 3356242
SQL> Rem vbarrier 03/18/04 - 3517841
SQL> Rem vbarrier 02/12/04 - 3412853/3378066
SQL> Rem vbarrier 01/30/04 - 3411063/3411129
SQL> Rem cdialeri 12/03/03 - 3290482
SQL> Rem cdialeri 10/14/03 - 10g - streams - rvenkate
SQL> Rem cdialeri 08/06/03 - 10g F3
SQL> Rem vbarrier 02/25/03 - 10g RAC
SQL> Rem cdialeri 11/15/02 - 10g R1
SQL> Rem cdialeri 10/29/02 - 2648471
SQL> Rem cdialeri 09/26/02 - 10.0
SQL> Rem vbarrier 07/14/02 - Segment Statistics: outerjoin + order by
SQL> Rem vbarrier 07/10/02 - Input checking + capt/tot SQL + snapdays
SQL> Rem vbarrier 03/20/02 - Module in SQL reporting + 2188360
SQL> Rem vbarrier 03/05/02 - Segment Statistics
SQL> Rem spommere 02/14/02 - cleanup RAC stats that are no longer needed
SQL> Rem spommere 02/08/02 - 2212357
SQL> Rem cdialeri 02/07/02 - 2218573
SQL> Rem cdialeri 01/30/02 - 2184717
SQL> Rem cdialeri 01/09/02 - 9.2 - features 2
SQL> Rem ykunitom 12/21/01 - 1396578: fixed '% Non-Parse CPU'
SQL> Rem cdialeri 12/19/01 - 9.2 - features 1
SQL> Rem cdialeri 09/20/01 - 1767338,1910458,1774694
SQL> Rem cdialeri 04/26/01 - Renamed from spreport.sql
SQL> Rem cdialeri 03/02/01 - 9.0
SQL> Rem cdialeri 09/12/00 - sp_1404195
SQL> Rem cdialeri 07/10/00 - 1349995
SQL> Rem cdialeri 06/21/00 - 1336259
SQL> Rem cdialeri 04/06/00 - 1261813
SQL> Rem cdialeri 03/28/00 - sp_purge
SQL> Rem cdialeri 02/16/00 - 1191805
SQL> Rem cdialeri 11/01/99 - Enhance, 1059172
SQL> Rem cgervasi 06/16/98 - Remove references to wrqs
SQL> Rem cmlim 07/30/97 - Modified system events
SQL> Rem gwood.uk 02/30/94 - Modified
SQL> Rem densor.uk 03/31/93 - Modified
SQL> Rem cellis.uk 11/15/89 - Created
SQL> Rem
SQL> --
SQL> -- Get the report settings
SQL> @@sprepcon.sql
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem $Header: sprepcon.sql 02-mar-2005.11:50:27 cdgreen Exp $
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem sprepcon.sql
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem Copyright (c) 2001, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem sprepcon.sql - StatsPack REPort CONfiguration
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem SQL*Plus command file which allows configuration of certain
SQL> Rem aspects of the instance report
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem To change the default settings, this file should be copied by
SQL> Rem the user, then modified with the desired settings
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem cdgreen 03/02/05 - 10gR2 misc
SQL> Rem cdgreen 01/19/05 - Undostat threshold
SQL> Rem cdgreen 07/30/04 - sp_10_r2
SQL> Rem vbarrier 02/12/04 - 3412853
SQL> Rem cdialeri 10/14/03 - 10g - streams - rvenkate
SQL> Rem cdialeri 10/07/03 - cdialeri_sp_10_f3
SQL> Rem cdialeri 08/06/03 - Created
SQL> Rem
SQL> Rem ------------- Beginning of -----------
> Rem ------------- Customer Configurable Report Settings -----------
SQL> --
SQL> -- Snapshot related report settings
SQL> -- The default number of days of snapshots to list when displaying the
SQL> -- list of snapshots to choose the begin and end snapshot Ids from.
SQL> --
SQL> -- List all snapshots
SQL> define num_days = '';
SQL> --
SQL> -- List last 31 days
SQL> -- define num_days = 31;
SQL> --
SQL> -- List no (i.e. 0) snapshots
SQL> -- define num_days = 0;
SQL> -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQL> --
SQL> -- SQL related report settings
SQL> -- Number of Rows of SQL to display in each SQL section of the report
SQL> define top_n_sql = 65;
SQL> -- Number of rows of SQL Text to print in the SQL sections of the report
SQL> -- for each hash_value
SQL> define num_rows_per_hash = 4;
SQL> -- Filter which restricts the rows of SQL shown in the SQL sections of the
SQL> -- report to be the top N pct
SQL> define top_pct_sql = 1.0;
SQL> -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQL> --
SQL> -- Segment related report settings
SQL> -- The number of top segments to display in each of the High-Load Segment
SQL> -- sections of the report
SQL> define top_n_segstat = 5;
SQL> -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQL> --
SQL> -- Rollback Segment and Auto-Undo segment stats
SQL> --
SQL> -- Whether or not to display rollback segment stats. Value of N is only
SQL> -- honoured only if Auto-Undo is enabled. Valid values are N or Y
SQL> -- Display Rollstat stats
SQL> --define display_rollstat = 'Y';
SQL> -- Do not display Rollstat stats
SQL> define display_rollstat = 'N';
SQL> -- Whether or not to Auto-undo segment stats. Valid values are N or Y
SQL> -- Display unodstat stats
SQL> define display_undostat = 'Y';
SQL> -- Do not display unodstat stats
SQL> --define display_undostat = 'N';
SQL> -- Number of undostat entries to show
SQL> define top_n_undostat = 35;
SQL> -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQL> --
SQL> -- File IO statistics related report settings
SQL> --
SQL> -- BEWARE - only comment this section out if you KNOW you do not have
SQL> -- IO problems!
SQL> -- Display file-level statistics in the report
SQL> define display_file_io = 'Y';
SQL> -- Do not display file-level statistics in the report
SQL> --define display_file_io = 'N';
SQL> -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQL> --
SQL> -- File and Event Histogram Stats
SQL> --
SQL> -- File Histogram statistics related report settings
SQL> -- Do not print File Histogram stats in the report
SQL> --define file_histogram = N;
SQL> -- Display File Histogram stats in the report
SQL> define file_histogram = 'Y';
SQL> --
SQL> -- Event Histogram statistics related report settings
SQL> -- (whether or not to display histogram statistics in the report)
SQL> -- Do not print Event Histogram stats
SQL> --define event_histogram = N;
SQL> -- Print Event histogram stats
SQL> define event_histogram = 'Y';
SQL> -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQL> --
SQL> -- Streams related report settings
SQL> --
SQL> define streams_top_n = 25
SQL> -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQL> --
SQL> -- RAC Global Cache Transfer Statistics related report setting
SQL> -- (should the cache transfer statistics be detailed per instance)
SQL> -- Print aggregated cache transfer statistics
SQL> --define cache_xfer_per_instance = 'N';
SQL> -- Print per instance cache transfer statistics
SQL> define cache_xfer_per_instance = 'Y';
SQL> -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQL> --
SQL> -- SGA Stat report settings
SQL> define sgastat_top_n = 35
SQL> -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQL> --
SQL> -- Wait Events - average wait time granularity for System Event section
SQL> -- of Instance report
SQL> -- NOTE: when increasing the width of avwt_fmt, you might also want to
SQL> -- increase report linesize width.
SQL> -- Changing the defaults for the two values below is only recommended for
SQL> -- benchmark situations which require finer granularity timings.
SQL> define avwt_fmt = 99990
SQL> define linesize_fmt = 80
SQL> --define avwt_fmt = 99990.99
SQL> --define linesize_fmt = 83
SQL> -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQL> Rem ------------- End of -----------
> Rem ------------- Customer Configurable Report Settings -----------
> -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
SQL> --
SQL> --
SQL> clear break compute;
SQL> repfooter off;
SQL> ttitle off;
SQL> btitle off;
SQL> set timing off veri off space 1 flush on pause off termout on numwidth 10;
SQL> set echo off feedback off pagesize 60 newpage 1 recsep off;
Instances in this Statspack schema
DB Id Inst Num DB Name Instance Host
----------- -------- ------------ ------------ ------------
1447019099 1 ORCL orcl 11g
Using 1447019099 for database Id
Using 1 for instance number
Specify the number of days of snapshots to choose from
Entering the number of days (n) will result in the most recent
(n) days of snapshots being listed. Pressing without
specifying a number lists all completed snapshots.
Listing all Completed Snapshots
Instance DB Name Snap Id Snap Started Level Comment
------------ ------------ --------- ----------------- ----- --------------------
orcl ORCL 1 24 Feb 2018 02:12 5
11 24 Feb 2018 03:10 5
Specify the Begin and End Snapshot Ids
Enter value for begin_snap: 1
Begin Snapshot Id specified: 1
Enter value for end_snap: 11
End Snapshot Id specified: 11
Specify the Report Name
The default report file name is sp_1_11. To use this name,
press to continue, otherwise enter an alternative.
Enter value for report_name: sp_1_11.txt
Using the report name sp_1_11.txt
STATSPACK report for
Database DB Id Instance Inst Num Startup Time Release RAC
~~~~~~~~ ----------- ------------ -------- --------------- ----------- ---
1447019099 orcl 1 24-Feb-18 01:55 NO
Host Name Platform CPUs Cores Sockets Memory (G)
~~~~ ---------------- ---------------------- ----- ----- ------- ------------
11g Linux x86 64-bit 1 0 0 2.4
Snapshot Snap Id Snap Time Sessions Curs/Sess Comment
~~~~~~~~ ---------- ------------------ -------- --------- ------------------
Begin Snap: 1 24-Feb-18 02:12:12 31 1.0
End Snap: 11 24-Feb-18 03:10:33 27 1.2
Elapsed: 58.35 (mins) Av Act Sess: 0.0
DB time: 0.03 (mins) DB CPU: 0.02 (mins)
Cache Sizes Begin End
~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------- ----------
Buffer Cache: 800M Std Block Size: 8K
Shared Pool: 336M Log Buffer: 8,320K
Load Profile Per Second Per Transaction Per Exec Per Call
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------ ----------------- ----------- -----------
DB time(s): 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.01
DB CPU(s): 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.01
Redo size: 2,440.8 251,330.2
Logical reads: 75.7 7,790.4
Block changes: 16.6 1,711.3
Physical reads: 1.1 113.0
Physical writes: 0.8 81.4
User calls: 0.0 3.9
Parses: 2.0 207.2
Hard parses: 0.4 40.2
W/A MB processed: 0.1 5.6
Logons: 0.0 1.2
Executes: 6.7 687.2
Rollbacks: 0.0 0.0
Transactions: 0.0
Instance Efficiency Indicators
Buffer Nowait %: 100.00 Redo NoWait %: 100.00
Buffer Hit %: 98.55 Optimal W/A Exec %: 100.00
Library Hit %: 83.13 Soft Parse %: 80.60
Execute to Parse %: 69.85 Latch Hit %: 100.00
Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %: 57.25 % Non-Parse CPU: 74.40
Shared Pool Statistics Begin End
------ ------
Memory Usage %: 90.02 90.65
% SQL with executions>1: 58.61 61.86
% Memory for SQL w/exec>1: 67.11 69.87
Top 5 Timed Events Avg %Total
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wait Call
Event Waits Time (s) (ms) Time
----------------------------------------- ------------ ----------- ------ ------
CPU time 9 29.8
control file parallel write 1,228 7 6 23.9
db file sequential read 1,705 5 3 18.3
db file async I/O submit 766 3 4 11.6
log file parallel write 168 3 16 9.2
Host CPU (CPUs: 1 Cores: 0 Sockets: 0)
~~~~~~~~ Load Average
Begin End User System Idle WIO WCPU
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------
0.05 0.00 0.31 0.03 99.66 0.43
Instance CPU
~~~~~~~~~~~~ % Time (seconds)
-------- --------------
Host: Total time (s): 3,417.4
Host: Busy CPU time (s): 11.7
% of time Host is Busy: 0.3
Instance: Total CPU time (s): 16.6
% of Busy CPU used for Instance: 142.9
Instance: Total Database time (s): 54.0
%DB time waiting for CPU (Resource Mgr): 0.0
Memory Statistics Begin End
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------ ------------
Host Mem (MB): 2,450.4 2,450.4
SGA use (MB): 1,194.6 1,194.6
PGA use (MB): 153.1 149.0
% Host Mem used for SGA+PGA: 55.0 54.8
Time Model System Stats DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> Ordered by % of DB time desc, Statistic name
Statistic Time (s) % DB time
----------------------------------- -------------------- ---------
DB CPU 1.1 75.1
sql execute elapsed time 1.1 74.5
parse time elapsed 0.5 31.9
hard parse elapsed time 0.5 30.0
PL/SQL execution elapsed time 0.0 2.1
PL/SQL compilation elapsed time 0.0 .9
sequence load elapsed time 0.0 .6
repeated bind elapsed time 0.0 .1
hard parse (sharing criteria) elaps 0.0 .1
DB time 1.5
background elapsed time 52.5
background cpu time 15.5
Foreground Wait Events DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> Only events with Total Wait Time (s) >= .001 are shown
-> ordered by Total Wait Time desc, Waits desc (idle events last)
Avg %Total
%Tim Total Wait wait Waits Call
Event Waits out Time (s) (ms) /txn Time
---------------------------- ------------ ---- ---------- ------ -------- ------
log file sync 9 0 0 26 0.3 .8
latch: shared pool 3 0 0 1 0.1 .0
SQL*Net message from client 1 0 3,500 ###### 0.0
jobq slave wait 960 100 481 501 28.2
Background Wait Events DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> Only events with Total Wait Time (s) >= .001 are shown
-> ordered by Total Wait Time desc, Waits desc (idle events last)
Avg %Total
%Tim Total Wait wait Waits Call
Event Waits out Time (s) (ms) /txn Time
---------------------------- ------------ ---- ---------- ------ -------- ------
control file parallel write 1,228 0 7 6 36.1 23.9
db file sequential read 1,701 0 5 3 50.0 18.3
db file async I/O submit 766 0 3 4 22.5 11.6
log file parallel write 168 0 3 16 4.9 9.2
db file scattered read 204 0 1 5 6.0 3.7
os thread startup 34 0 0 13 1.0 1.5
log file sync 4 0 0 45 0.1 .6
ADR block file read 20 0 0 4 0.6 .3
direct path sync 2 0 0 18 0.1 .1
control file sequential read 3,936 0 0 0 115.8 .1
ADR block file write 5 0 0 3 0.1 .0
LGWR wait for redo copy 11 0 0 1 0.3 .0
enq: PV - syncstart 1 0 0 3 0.0 .0
latch: shared pool 4 0 0 0 0.1 .0
latch: redo allocation 1 0 0 2 0.0 .0
latch free 4 0 0 0 0.1 .0
Disk file operations I/O 69 0 0 0 2.0 .0
rdbms ipc message 17,357 99 56,355 3247 510.5
DIAG idle wait 6,989 100 6,995 1001 205.6
Space Manager: slave idle wa 1,231 98 6,075 4935 36.2
dispatcher timer 59 100 3,540 60005 1.7
pmon timer 1,167 100 3,502 3001 34.3
Streams AQ: qmn coordinator 250 50 3,501 14005 7.4
Streams AQ: qmn slave idle w 125 0 3,501 28009 3.7
shared server idle wait 116 100 3,481 30007 3.4
smon timer 16 63 3,219 ###### 0.5
Wait Events (fg and bg) DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> s - second, cs - centisecond, ms - millisecond, us - microsecond
-> %Timeouts: value of 0 indicates value was < .5%. Value of null is truly 0
-> Only events with Total Wait Time (s) >= .001 are shown
-> ordered by Total Wait Time desc, Waits desc (idle events last)
Avg %Total
%Tim Total Wait wait Waits Call
Event Waits out Time (s) (ms) /txn Time
---------------------------- ------------ ---- ---------- ------ -------- ------
control file parallel write 1,228 0 7 6 36.1 23.9
db file sequential read 1,705 0 5 3 50.1 18.3
db file async I/O submit 766 0 3 4 22.5 11.6
log file parallel write 168 0 3 16 4.9 9.2
db file scattered read 204 0 1 5 6.0 3.7
os thread startup 34 0 0 13 1.0 1.5
log file sync 13 0 0 32 0.4 1.4
ADR block file read 20 0 0 4 0.6 .3
direct path sync 2 0 0 18 0.1 .1
control file sequential read 4,277 0 0 0 125.8 .1
ADR block file write 5 0 0 3 0.1 .0
LGWR wait for redo copy 11 0 0 1 0.3 .0
latch: shared pool 7 0 0 1 0.2 .0
enq: PV - syncstart 1 0 0 3 0.0 .0
latch: redo allocation 1 0 0 2 0.0 .0
latch free 4 0 0 0 0.1 .0
Disk file operations I/O 71 0 0 0 2.1 .0
rdbms ipc message 17,357 99 56,355 3247 510.5
DIAG idle wait 6,989 100 6,995 1001 205.6
Space Manager: slave idle wa 1,231 98 6,075 4935 36.2
dispatcher timer 59 100 3,540 60005 1.7
pmon timer 1,167 100 3,502 3001 34.3
Streams AQ: qmn coordinator 250 50 3,501 14005 7.4
Streams AQ: qmn slave idle w 125 0 3,501 28009 3.7
SQL*Net message from client 1 0 3,500 ###### 0.0
shared server idle wait 116 100 3,481 30007 3.4
smon timer 16 63 3,219 ###### 0.5
jobq slave wait 960 100 481 501 28.2
Wait Event Histogram DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> Total Waits - units: K is 1000, M is 1000000, G is 1000000000
-> % of Waits - column heading: <=1s is truly <1024ms, >1s is truly >=1024ms
-> % of Waits - value: .0 indicates value was <.05%, null is truly 0
-> Ordered by Event (idle events last)
Total ----------------- % of Waits ------------------
Event Waits <1ms <2ms <4ms <8ms <16ms <32ms <=1s >1s
-------------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
ADR block file read 20 75.0 20.0 5.0
ADR block file write 5 40.0 40.0 20.0
ADR file lock 6 100.0
Disk file operations I/O 71 100.0
LGWR wait for redo copy 11 63.6 27.3 9.1
asynch descriptor resize 34 100.0
buffer busy waits 2 100.0
control file parallel writ 1228 5.5 69.2 .7 3.4 5.9 14.5 .7
control file sequential re 4277 100.0
db file async I/O submit 766 57.6 31.3 3.3 1.3 2.7 2.6 1.0 .1
db file scattered read 204 54.4 9.8 5.4 7.4 13.7 7.4 2.0
db file sequential read 1705 76.2 1.4 1.5 4.5 9.7 5.9 .8
direct path sync 2 50.0 50.0
direct path write 1 100.0
direct path write temp 3 100.0
enq: PV - syncstart 1 100.0
latch free 4 75.0 25.0
latch: In memory undo latc 1 100.0
latch: redo allocation 1 100.0
latch: shared pool 7 71.4 28.6
log file parallel write 168 10.7 41.1 6.0 2.4 7.7 14.9 17.3
log file sync 13 15.4 7.7 23.1 23.1 30.8
os thread startup 34 20.6 55.9 23.5
reliable message 9 100.0
DIAG idle wait 6989 100.0
SQL*Net message from clien 1 100.0
SQL*Net message to client 1 100.0
Space Manager: slave idle 1231 .3 .1 .8 98.8
Streams AQ: qmn coordinato 250 49.6 .4 50.0
Streams AQ: qmn slave idle 125 100.0
class slave wait 18 100.0
dispatcher timer 59 100.0
jobq slave wait 960 100.0
pmon timer 1167 100.0
rdbms ipc message 17K .2 .0 .0 .1 .1 .1 40.8 58.7
shared server idle wait 116 100.0
smon timer 16 6.3 18.8 75.0
SQL ordered by CPU DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> Total DB CPU (s): 1
-> Captured SQL accounts for 210.3% of Total DB CPU
-> SQL reported below exceeded 1.0% of Total DB CPU
CPU CPU per Elapsd Old
Time (s) Executions Exec (s) %Total Time (s) Buffer Gets Hash Value
---------- ------------ ---------- ------ ---------- --------------- ----------
0.81 1 0.81 71.1 0.96 17,650 2522684317
Module: SQL*Plus
BEGIN statspack.snap; END;
0.33 1 0.33 29.1 0.56 10,937 2194213621
BEGIN ordsys.CARTRIDGE.dbms_feature_multimedia(:feature_boolean,
:aux_cnt, :feature_info); END;
0.27 1 0.27 23.5 0.27 10,542 3072675103
BEGIN ordsys.CARTRIDGE.dbms_feature_dicom(:feature_boolean, :aux
_cnt, :feature_info); END;
0.18 150 0.00 15.9 0.18 20 87488304
select size_for_estimate, size_factor * 100
f, estd_physical_read_time, e
std_physical_reads from v$db_cache_advice where id
= '3'
0.18 1 0.18 15.6 0.18 30,728 3580914890
BEGIN sys.dbms_java.dbms_feature_system_ojvm(:feature_boolean, :
aux_cnt, :feature_info); END;
0.08 1 0.08 7.3 0.61 7,207 623300290
BEGIN DBMS_FEATURE_XDB(:feature_boolean, :aux_cnt, :feature_info
); END;
0.05 1,104 0.00 4.1 0.08 3,700 3665763022
update sys.col_usage$ set equality_preds = equality_preds
+ decode(bitand(:flag,1),0,0,1), equijoin_preds = equijoi
n_preds + decode(bitand(:flag,2),0,0,1), nonequijoin_preds
= nonequijoin_preds + decode(bitand(:flag,4),0,0,1), range_pre
0.04 509 0.00 3.5 0.13 3,543 3694268570
select i.obj#,i.ts#,i.file#,i.block#,i.intcols,i.type#,i.flags,i
0.04 651 0.00 3.4 0.05 2,117 839312984
select name,intcol#,segcol#,type#,length,nvl(precision#,0),decod
rage,nvl(deflength,0),default$,rowid,col#,property, nvl(charseti
0.04 4,300 0.00 3.2 0.10 11,059 4274598960
select /*+ rule */ bucket_cnt, row_cnt, cache_cnt, null_cnt, tim
estamp#, sample_size, minimum, maximum, distcnt, lowval, hival,
density, col#, spare1, spare2, avgcln from hist_head$ where obj#
=:1 and intcol#=:2
0.03 1,424 0.00 3.0 0.03 5,616 828281227
select obj#,type#,ctime,mtime,stime, status, dataobj#, flags, oi
SQL ordered by CPU DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> Total DB CPU (s): 1
-> Captured SQL accounts for 210.3% of Total DB CPU
-> SQL reported below exceeded 1.0% of Total DB CPU
CPU CPU per Elapsd Old
Time (s) Executions Exec (s) %Total Time (s) Buffer Gets Hash Value
---------- ------------ ---------- ------ ---------- --------------- ----------
d$, spare1, spare2 from obj$ where owner#=:1 and name=:2 and nam
espace=:3 and remoteowner is null and linkname is null and subna
me is null
0.03 408 0.00 2.6 6.99 5,608 3285818817
select owner#,name,namespace,remoteowner,linkname,p_timestamp,p_
obj#, nvl(property,0),subname,type#,d_attrs from dependency$ d,
obj$ o where d_obj#=:1 and p_obj#=obj#(+) order by order#
0.02 251 0.00 2.2 0.51 2,475 986338823
select /*+ index(idl_ub1$ i_idl_ub11) +*/ piece#,length,piece fr
om idl_ub1$ where obj#=:1 and part=:2 and version=:3 order by pi
0.02 2,520 0.00 1.9 0.02 11,907 2482976222
select intcol#,nvl(pos#,0),col#,nvl(spare1,0) from ccol$ where c
0.02 408 0.00 1.8 0.25 4,479 1198893840
select order#,columns,types from access$ where d_obj#=:1
0.02 9 0.00 1.8 0.07 16 3011400993
select user#,password,datats#,tempts#,type#,defrole,resource$, p
s),spare1,spare4,ext_username,spare2 from user$ where name=:1
0.02 121 0.00 1.8 0.19 650 1530761211
select decode(u.type#, 2, u.ext_username, u.name), o.name,
t.update$, t.insert$, t.delete$, t.enabled, decode(bita
nd(t.property, 8192),8192, 1, 0), decode(bitand(t.propert
y, 65536), 65536, 1, 0), decode(bitand(t.property, 131072)
0.02 251 0.00 1.7 0.30 1,205 386388955
select /*+ index(idl_ub2$ i_idl_ub21) +*/ piece#,length,piece fr
om idl_ub2$ where obj#=:1 and part=:2 and version=:3 order by pi
0.02 132 0.00 1.5 0.37 357 311489723
select cols,audit$,textlength,intcols,property,flags,rowid from
view$ where obj#=:1
0.02 442 0.00 1.4 0.02 1,819 3047156589
select t.ts#,t.file#,t.block#,nvl(t.bobj#,0),nvl(t.tab#,0),t.int
0.01 701 0.00 1.3 0.01 4,912 2030260024
select pos#,intcol#,col#,spare1,bo#,spare2,spare3 from icol$ whe
re obj#=:1
0.01 518 0.00 1.1 0.10 6,584 1749333492
SQL ordered by CPU DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> Total DB CPU (s): 1
-> Captured SQL accounts for 210.3% of Total DB CPU
-> SQL reported below exceeded 1.0% of Total DB CPU
CPU CPU per Elapsd Old
Time (s) Executions Exec (s) %Total Time (s) Buffer Gets Hash Value
---------- ------------ ---------- ------ ---------- --------------- ----------
select position#,sequence#,level#,argument,type#,charsetid,chars
etform,properties,nvl(length, 0), nvl(precision#, 0),nvl(scale,
0),nvl(radix, 0), type_owner,type_name,type_subname,type_linknam
e,pls_type from argument$ where obj#=:1 and procedure#=:2 order
0.01 150 0.00 1.1 0.04 11 1301067080
select shared_pool_size_for_estimate s, shared_pool_siz
e_factor * 100 f, estd_lc_load_time l, 0 fr
om v$shared_pool_advice
SQL ordered by Elapsed time for DB: ORCL Instance: orcl Snaps: 1 -11
-> Total DB Time (s): 2
-> Captured SQL accounts for 372.2% of Total DB Time
-> SQL reported below exceeded 1.0% of Total DB Time
Elapsed Elap per CPU Old
Time (s) Executions Exec (s) %Total Time (s) Physical Reads Hash Value
---------- ------------ ---------- ------ ---------- --------------- ----------
6.99 408 0.02 462.9 0.03 60 3285818817
select owner#,name,namespace,remoteowner,linkname,p_timestamp,p_
obj#, nvl(property,0),subname,type#,d_attrs from dependency$ d,
obj$ o where d_obj#=:1 and p_obj#=obj#(+) order by order#
0.96 1 0.96 63.8 0.81 10 2522684317
Module: SQL*Plus
BEGIN statspack.snap; END;
0.61 1 0.61 40.6 0.08 1,072 623300290
BEGIN DBMS_FEATURE_XDB(:feature_boolean, :aux_cnt, :feature_info
); END;
0.56 1 0.56 37.1 0.33 107 2194213621
BEGIN ordsys.CARTRIDGE.dbms_feature_multimedia(:feature_boolean,
:aux_cnt, :feature_info); END;
0.51 251 0.00 34.1 0.02 299 986338823
select /*+ index(idl_ub1$ i_idl_ub11) +*/ piece#,length,piece fr
om idl_ub1$ where obj#=:1 and part=:2 and version=:3 order by pi
0.37 132 0.00 24.4 0.02 39 311489723
select cols,audit$,textlength,intcols,property,flags,rowid from
view$ where obj#=:1
0.37 160 0.00 24.2 0.01 27 3378994511
select node,owner,name from syn$ where obj#=:1
0.30 251 0.00 20.0 0.02 72 386388955
select /*+ index(idl_ub2$ i_idl_ub21) +*/ piece#,length,piece fr
om idl_ub2$ where obj#=:1 and part=:2 and version=:3 order by pi
0.27 1 0.27 17.9 0.27 0 3072675103
BEGIN ordsys.CARTRIDGE.dbms_feature_dicom(:feature_boolean, :aux
_cnt, :feature_info); END;
0.25 408 0.00 16.9 0.02 52 1198893840
select order#,columns,types from access$ where d_obj#=:1
0.21 251 0.00 13.8 0.01 29 2954231783
select /*+ index(idl_sb4$ i_idl_sb41) +*/ piece#,length,piece fr
om idl_sb4$ where obj#=:1 and part=:2 and version=:3 order by pi
0.19 121 0.00 12.9 0.02 13 1530761211
select decode(u.type#, 2, u.ext_username, u.name), o.name,
t.update$, t.insert$, t.delete$, t.enabled, decode(bita
nd(t.property, 8192),8192, 1, 0), decode(bitand(t.propert
y, 65536), 65536, 1, 0), decode(bitand(t.property, 131072)
SQL ordered by Elapsed time for DB: ORCL Instance: orcl Snaps: 1 -11
-> Total DB Time (s): 2
-> Captured SQL accounts for 372.2% of Total DB Time
-> SQL reported below exceeded 1.0% of Total DB Time
Elapsed Elap per CPU Old
Time (s) Executions Exec (s) %Total Time (s) Physical Reads Hash Value
---------- ------------ ---------- ------ ---------- --------------- ----------
0.18 150 0.00 11.9 0.18 0 87488304
select size_for_estimate, size_factor * 100
f, estd_physical_read_time, e
std_physical_reads from v$db_cache_advice where id
= '3'
0.18 1 0.18 11.8 0.18 0 3580914890
BEGIN sys.dbms_java.dbms_feature_system_ojvm(:feature_boolean, :
aux_cnt, :feature_info); END;
0.15 251 0.00 10.1 0.00 23 336764478
select /*+ index(idl_char$ i_idl_char1) +*/ piece#,length,piece
from idl_char$ where obj#=:1 and part=:2 and version=:3 order by
0.13 509 0.00 8.7 0.04 16 3694268570
select i.obj#,i.ts#,i.file#,i.block#,i.intcols,i.type#,i.flags,i
0.11 490 0.00 7.5 0.01 8 204386021
select col#, grantee#, privilege#,max(mod(nvl(option$,0),2)) fro
m objauth$ where obj#=:1 and col# is not null group by privilege
#, col#, grantee# order by col#, grantee#
0.10 518 0.00 6.8 0.01 29 1749333492
select position#,sequence#,level#,argument,type#,charsetid,chars
etform,properties,nvl(length, 0), nvl(precision#, 0),nvl(scale,
0),nvl(radix, 0), type_owner,type_name,type_subname,type_linknam
e,pls_type from argument$ where obj#=:1 and procedure#=:2 order
0.10 4,300 0.00 6.6 0.04 19 4274598960
select /*+ rule */ bucket_cnt, row_cnt, cache_cnt, null_cnt, tim
estamp#, sample_size, minimum, maximum, distcnt, lowval, hival,
density, col#, spare1, spare2, avgcln from hist_head$ where obj#
=:1 and intcol#=:2
0.08 1,104 0.00 5.3 0.05 1 3665763022
update sys.col_usage$ set equality_preds = equality_preds
+ decode(bitand(:flag,1),0,0,1), equijoin_preds = equijoi
n_preds + decode(bitand(:flag,2),0,0,1), nonequijoin_preds
= nonequijoin_preds + decode(bitand(:flag,4),0,0,1), range_pre
0.07 9 0.01 4.5 0.02 0 3011400993
select user#,password,datats#,tempts#,type#,defrole,resource$, p
s),spare1,spare4,ext_username,spare2 from user$ where name=:1
0.05 651 0.00 3.3 0.04 0 839312984
select name,intcol#,segcol#,type#,length,nvl(precision#,0),decod
SQL ordered by Elapsed time for DB: ORCL Instance: orcl Snaps: 1 -11
-> Total DB Time (s): 2
-> Captured SQL accounts for 372.2% of Total DB Time
-> SQL reported below exceeded 1.0% of Total DB Time
Elapsed Elap per CPU Old
Time (s) Executions Exec (s) %Total Time (s) Physical Reads Hash Value
---------- ------------ ---------- ------ ---------- --------------- ----------
rage,nvl(deflength,0),default$,rowid,col#,property, nvl(charseti
0.05 531 0.00 3.1 0.01 4 947984246
select con#,type#,condlength,intcols,robj#,rcon#,match#,refact,n
,spare3 from cdef$ where obj#=:1
0.04 700 0.00 2.7 0.01 0 1178168971
select job, nvl2(last_date, 1, 0) from sys.job$ where (((:1 <= n
ext_date) and (next_date <= :2)) or ((last_date is null) and
(next_date < :3))) and (field1 = :4 or (field1 = 0 and 'Y' = :5
)) and (this_date is null) and ((dbms_logstdby.db_is_logstdby =
0.04 150 0.00 2.7 0.01 0 1301067080
select shared_pool_size_for_estimate s, shared_pool_siz
e_factor * 100 f, estd_lc_load_time l, 0 fr
om v$shared_pool_advice
0.04 113 0.00 2.5 0.00 2 1232162599
select l.col#, l.intcol#, l.lobj#, l.ind#, l.ts#, l.file#, l.blo
ck#, l.chunk, l.pctversion$, l.flags, l.property, l.retention, l
.freepools from lob$ l where l.obj# = :1 order by l.intcol# asc
0.03 219 0.00 2.2 0.01 27 199663413
select /*+ rule */ bucket, endpoint, col#, epvalue from histgrm$
where obj#=:1 and intcol#=:2 and row#=:3 order by bucket
0.03 1,424 0.00 2.2 0.03 0 828281227
select obj#,type#,ctime,mtime,stime, status, dataobj#, flags, oi
d$, spare1, spare2 from obj$ where owner#=:1 and name=:2 and nam
espace=:3 and remoteowner is null and linkname is null and subna
me is null
0.02 495 0.00 1.6 0.01 1 1980305124
select grantee#,privilege#,nvl(col#,0),max(mod(nvl(option$,0),2)
)from objauth$ where obj#=:1 group by grantee#,privilege#,nvl(co
l#,0) order by grantee#
0.02 2,520 0.00 1.6 0.02 17 2482976222
select intcol#,nvl(pos#,0),col#,nvl(spare1,0) from ccol$ where c
0.02 531 0.00 1.4 0.01 3 3255980345
select con#,obj#,rcon#,enabled,nvl(defer,0),spare2,spare3 from c
def$ where robj#=:1
0.02 150 0.00 1.3 0.01 0 303149640
select java_pool_size_for_estimate s, java_pool_size_f
actor * 100 f, estd_lc_load_time l, 0 from
SQL ordered by Elapsed time for DB: ORCL Instance: orcl Snaps: 1 -11
-> Total DB Time (s): 2
-> Captured SQL accounts for 372.2% of Total DB Time
-> SQL reported below exceeded 1.0% of Total DB Time
Elapsed Elap per CPU Old
Time (s) Executions Exec (s) %Total Time (s) Physical Reads Hash Value
---------- ------------ ---------- ------ ---------- --------------- ----------
0.02 138 0.00 1.2 0.00 3 340778183
select audit$,options from procedure$ where obj#=:1
0.02 23 0.00 1.1 0.00 1 93519384
select pctfree_stg, pctused_stg, size_stg,initial_stg, next_stg,
minext_stg, maxext_stg, maxsiz_stg, lobret_stg,mintim_stg, pcti
nc_stg, initra_stg, maxtra_stg, optimal_stg, maxins_stg,frlins_s
tg, flags_stg, bfp_stg, enc_stg, cmpflag_stg, cmplvl_stg from de
0.02 442 0.00 1.1 0.02 0 3047156589
select t.ts#,t.file#,t.block#,nvl(t.bobj#,0),nvl(t.tab#,0),t.int
SQL ordered by Gets DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> End Buffer Gets Threshold: 10000 Total Buffer Gets: 264,872
-> Captured SQL accounts for 33.8% of Total Buffer Gets
-> SQL reported below exceeded 1.0% of Total Buffer Gets
CPU Elapsd Old
Buffer Gets Executions Gets per Exec %Total Time (s) Time (s) Hash Value
--------------- ------------ -------------- ------ -------- --------- ----------
30,728 1 30,728.0 11.6 0.18 0.18 3580914890
BEGIN sys.dbms_java.dbms_feature_system_ojvm(:feature_boolean, :
aux_cnt, :feature_info); END;
17,650 1 17,650.0 6.7 0.81 0.96 2522684317
Module: SQL*Plus
BEGIN statspack.snap; END;
11,907 2,520 4.7 4.5 0.02 0.02 2482976222
select intcol#,nvl(pos#,0),col#,nvl(spare1,0) from ccol$ where c
11,059 4,300 2.6 4.2 0.04 0.10 4274598960
select /*+ rule */ bucket_cnt, row_cnt, cache_cnt, null_cnt, tim
estamp#, sample_size, minimum, maximum, distcnt, lowval, hival,
density, col#, spare1, spare2, avgcln from hist_head$ where obj#
=:1 and intcol#=:2
10,937 1 10,937.0 4.1 0.33 0.56 2194213621
BEGIN ordsys.CARTRIDGE.dbms_feature_multimedia(:feature_boolean,
:aux_cnt, :feature_info); END;
10,542 1 10,542.0 4.0 0.27 0.27 3072675103
BEGIN ordsys.CARTRIDGE.dbms_feature_dicom(:feature_boolean, :aux
_cnt, :feature_info); END;
7,207 1 7,207.0 2.7 0.08 0.61 623300290
BEGIN DBMS_FEATURE_XDB(:feature_boolean, :aux_cnt, :feature_info
); END;
6,584 518 12.7 2.5 0.01 0.10 1749333492
select position#,sequence#,level#,argument,type#,charsetid,chars
etform,properties,nvl(length, 0), nvl(precision#, 0),nvl(scale,
0),nvl(radix, 0), type_owner,type_name,type_subname,type_linknam
e,pls_type from argument$ where obj#=:1 and procedure#=:2 order
5,616 1,424 3.9 2.1 0.03 0.03 828281227
select obj#,type#,ctime,mtime,stime, status, dataobj#, flags, oi
d$, spare1, spare2 from obj$ where owner#=:1 and name=:2 and nam
espace=:3 and remoteowner is null and linkname is null and subna
me is null
5,608 408 13.7 2.1 0.03 6.99 3285818817
select owner#,name,namespace,remoteowner,linkname,p_timestamp,p_
obj#, nvl(property,0),subname,type#,d_attrs from dependency$ d,
obj$ o where d_obj#=:1 and p_obj#=obj#(+) order by order#
4,912 701 7.0 1.9 0.01 0.01 2030260024
select pos#,intcol#,col#,spare1,bo#,spare2,spare3 from icol$ whe
re obj#=:1
4,479 408 11.0 1.7 0.02 0.25 1198893840
SQL ordered by Gets DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> End Buffer Gets Threshold: 10000 Total Buffer Gets: 264,872
-> Captured SQL accounts for 33.8% of Total Buffer Gets
-> SQL reported below exceeded 1.0% of Total Buffer Gets
CPU Elapsd Old
Buffer Gets Executions Gets per Exec %Total Time (s) Time (s) Hash Value
--------------- ------------ -------------- ------ -------- --------- ----------
select order#,columns,types from access$ where d_obj#=:1
3,975 531 7.5 1.5 0.01 0.05 947984246
select con#,type#,condlength,intcols,robj#,rcon#,match#,refact,n
,spare3 from cdef$ where obj#=:1
3,700 1,104 3.4 1.4 0.05 0.08 3665763022
update sys.col_usage$ set equality_preds = equality_preds
+ decode(bitand(:flag,1),0,0,1), equijoin_preds = equijoi
n_preds + decode(bitand(:flag,2),0,0,1), nonequijoin_preds
= nonequijoin_preds + decode(bitand(:flag,4),0,0,1), range_pre
3,543 509 7.0 1.3 0.04 0.13 3694268570
select i.obj#,i.ts#,i.file#,i.block#,i.intcols,i.type#,i.flags,i
SQL ordered by Reads DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> End Disk Reads Threshold: 1000 Total Disk Reads: 3,842
-> Captured SQL accounts for 18.6% of Total Disk Reads
-> SQL reported below exceeded 1.0% of Total Disk Reads
CPU Elapsd
Physical Rds Executions Rds per Exec %Total Time (s) Time (s) Hash Value
--------------- ------------ -------------- ------ -------- --------- ----------
1,072 1 1,072.0 27.9 0.08 0.61 623300290
BEGIN DBMS_FEATURE_XDB(:feature_boolean, :aux_cnt, :feature_info
); END;
299 251 1.2 7.8 0.02 0.51 986338823
select /*+ index(idl_ub1$ i_idl_ub11) +*/ piece#,length,piece fr
om idl_ub1$ where obj#=:1 and part=:2 and version=:3 order by pi
107 1 107.0 2.8 0.33 0.56 2194213621
BEGIN ordsys.CARTRIDGE.dbms_feature_multimedia(:feature_boolean,
:aux_cnt, :feature_info); END;
72 251 0.3 1.9 0.02 0.30 386388955
select /*+ index(idl_ub2$ i_idl_ub21) +*/ piece#,length,piece fr
om idl_ub2$ where obj#=:1 and part=:2 and version=:3 order by pi
60 408 0.1 1.6 0.03 6.99 3285818817
select owner#,name,namespace,remoteowner,linkname,p_timestamp,p_
obj#, nvl(property,0),subname,type#,d_attrs from dependency$ d,
obj$ o where d_obj#=:1 and p_obj#=obj#(+) order by order#
52 408 0.1 1.4 0.02 0.25 1198893840
select order#,columns,types from access$ where d_obj#=:1
39 132 0.3 1.0 0.02 0.37 311489723
select cols,audit$,textlength,intcols,property,flags,rowid from
view$ where obj#=:1
SQL ordered by Executions DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> End Executions Threshold: 100 Total Executions: 23,366
-> Captured SQL accounts for 92.5% of Total Executions
-> SQL reported below exceeded 1.0% of Total Executions
CPU per Elap per Old
Executions Rows Processed Rows per Exec Exec (s) Exec (s) Hash Value
------------ --------------- ---------------- ----------- ---------- ----------
4,300 2,459 0.6 0.00 0.00 4274598960
select /*+ rule */ bucket_cnt, row_cnt, cache_cnt, null_cnt, tim
estamp#, sample_size, minimum, maximum, distcnt, lowval, hival,
density, col#, spare1, spare2, avgcln from hist_head$ where obj#
=:1 and intcol#=:2
2,520 3,444 1.4 0.00 0.00 2482976222
select intcol#,nvl(pos#,0),col#,nvl(spare1,0) from ccol$ where c
1,424 1,343 0.9 0.00 0.00 828281227
select obj#,type#,ctime,mtime,stime, status, dataobj#, flags, oi
d$, spare1, spare2 from obj$ where owner#=:1 and name=:2 and nam
espace=:3 and remoteowner is null and linkname is null and subna
me is null
1,104 1,029 0.9 0.00 0.00 3665763022
update sys.col_usage$ set equality_preds = equality_preds
+ decode(bitand(:flag,1),0,0,1), equijoin_preds = equijoi
n_preds + decode(bitand(:flag,2),0,0,1), nonequijoin_preds
= nonequijoin_preds + decode(bitand(:flag,4),0,0,1), range_pre
736 734 1.0 0.00 0.00 2926525797
select type#,blocks,extents,minexts,maxexts,extsize,extpct,user#
,iniexts,NVL(lists,65535),NVL(groups,65535),cachehint,hwmincr, N
VL(spare1,0),NVL(scanhint,0),NVL(bitmapranges,0) from seg$ where
ts#=:1 and file#=:2 and block#=:3
701 1,755 2.5 0.00 0.00 2030260024
select pos#,intcol#,col#,spare1,bo#,spare2,spare3 from icol$ whe
re obj#=:1
700 6 0.0 0.00 0.00 1178168971
select job, nvl2(last_date, 1, 0) from sys.job$ where (((:1 <= n
ext_date) and (next_date <= :2)) or ((last_date is null) and
(next_date < :3))) and (field1 = :4 or (field1 = 0 and 'Y' = :5
)) and (this_date is null) and ((dbms_logstdby.db_is_logstdby =
651 9,253 14.2 0.00 0.00 839312984
select name,intcol#,segcol#,type#,length,nvl(precision#,0),decod
rage,nvl(deflength,0),default$,rowid,col#,property, nvl(charseti
625 620 1.0 0.00 0.00 214372507
select o.owner#,o.name,o.namespace,o.remoteowner,o.linkname,o.su
bname from obj$ o where o.obj#=:1
531 2,520 4.7 0.00 0.00 947984246
select con#,type#,condlength,intcols,robj#,rcon#,match#,refact,n
,spare3 from cdef$ where obj#=:1
SQL ordered by Executions DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> End Executions Threshold: 100 Total Executions: 23,366
-> Captured SQL accounts for 92.5% of Total Executions
-> SQL reported below exceeded 1.0% of Total Executions
CPU per Elap per Old
Executions Rows Processed Rows per Exec Exec (s) Exec (s) Hash Value
------------ --------------- ---------------- ----------- ---------- ----------
531 119 0.2 0.00 0.00 3255980345
select con#,obj#,rcon#,enabled,nvl(defer,0),spare2,spare3 from c
def$ where robj#=:1
518 2,471 4.8 0.00 0.00 1749333492
select position#,sequence#,level#,argument,type#,charsetid,chars
etform,properties,nvl(length, 0), nvl(precision#, 0),nvl(scale,
0),nvl(radix, 0), type_owner,type_name,type_subname,type_linknam
e,pls_type from argument$ where obj#=:1 and procedure#=:2 order
509 701 1.4 0.00 0.00 3694268570
select i.obj#,i.ts#,i.file#,i.block#,i.intcols,i.type#,i.flags,i
495 218 0.4 0.00 0.00 1980305124
select grantee#,privilege#,nvl(col#,0),max(mod(nvl(option$,0),2)
)from objauth$ where obj#=:1 group by grantee#,privilege#,nvl(co
l#,0) order by grantee#
490 3 0.0 0.00 0.00 204386021
select col#, grantee#, privilege#,max(mod(nvl(option$,0),2)) fro
m objauth$ where obj#=:1 and col# is not null group by privilege
#, col#, grantee# order by col#, grantee#
442 442 1.0 0.00 0.00 3047156589
select t.ts#,t.file#,t.block#,nvl(t.bobj#,0),nvl(t.tab#,0),t.int
408 1,834 4.5 0.00 0.00 1198893840
select order#,columns,types from access$ where d_obj#=:1
408 1,990 4.9 0.00 0.02 3285818817
select owner#,name,namespace,remoteowner,linkname,p_timestamp,p_
obj#, nvl(property,0),subname,type#,d_attrs from dependency$ d,
obj$ o where d_obj#=:1 and p_obj#=obj#(+) order by order#
358 504 1.4 0.00 0.00 2275360153
select /*+ connect_by_filtering */ privilege#,level from sysauth
$ connect by grantee#=prior privilege# and privilege#>0 start wi
th grantee#=:1 and privilege#>0
341 138 0.4 0.00 0.00 2018736380
select timestamp, flags from fixed_obj$ where obj#=:1
294 294 1.0 0.00 0.00 3468666020
select text from view$ where rowid=:1
SQL ordered by Executions DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> End Executions Threshold: 100 Total Executions: 23,366
-> Captured SQL accounts for 92.5% of Total Executions
-> SQL reported below exceeded 1.0% of Total Executions
CPU per Elap per Old
Executions Rows Processed Rows per Exec Exec (s) Exec (s) Hash Value
------------ --------------- ---------------- ----------- ---------- ----------
251 105 0.4 0.00 0.00 336764478
select /*+ index(idl_char$ i_idl_char1) +*/ piece#,length,piece
from idl_char$ where obj#=:1 and part=:2 and version=:3 order by
251 251 1.0 0.00 0.00 386388955
select /*+ index(idl_ub2$ i_idl_ub21) +*/ piece#,length,piece fr
om idl_ub2$ where obj#=:1 and part=:2 and version=:3 order by pi
251 621 2.5 0.00 0.00 986338823
select /*+ index(idl_ub1$ i_idl_ub11) +*/ piece#,length,piece fr
om idl_ub1$ where obj#=:1 and part=:2 and version=:3 order by pi
251 350 1.4 0.00 0.00 2954231783
select /*+ index(idl_sb4$ i_idl_sb41) +*/ piece#,length,piece fr
om idl_sb4$ where obj#=:1 and part=:2 and version=:3 order by pi
SQL ordered by Parse Calls DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> End Parse Calls Threshold: 1000 Total Parse Calls: 7,045
-> Captured SQL accounts for 63.9% of Total Parse Calls
-> SQL reported below exceeded 1.0% of Total Parse Calls
% Total Old
Parse Calls Executions Parses Hash Value
------------ ------------ -------- ----------
470 1,104 6.67 3665763022
update sys.col_usage$ set equality_preds = equality_preds
+ decode(bitand(:flag,1),0,0,1), equijoin_preds = equijoi
n_preds + decode(bitand(:flag,2),0,0,1), nonequijoin_preds
= nonequijoin_preds + decode(bitand(:flag,4),0,0,1), range_pre
408 408 5.79 1198893840
select order#,columns,types from access$ where d_obj#=:1
408 408 5.79 3285818817
select owner#,name,namespace,remoteowner,linkname,p_timestamp,p_
obj#, nvl(property,0),subname,type#,d_attrs from dependency$ d,
obj$ o where d_obj#=:1 and p_obj#=obj#(+) order by order#
358 358 5.08 2275360153
select /*+ connect_by_filtering */ privilege#,level from sysauth
$ connect by grantee#=prior privilege# and privilege#>0 start wi
th grantee#=:1 and privilege#>0
341 341 4.84 2018736380
select timestamp, flags from fixed_obj$ where obj#=:1
294 294 4.17 3468666020
select text from view$ where rowid=:1
251 251 3.56 336764478
select /*+ index(idl_char$ i_idl_char1) +*/ piece#,length,piece
from idl_char$ where obj#=:1 and part=:2 and version=:3 order by
251 251 3.56 386388955
select /*+ index(idl_ub2$ i_idl_ub21) +*/ piece#,length,piece fr
om idl_ub2$ where obj#=:1 and part=:2 and version=:3 order by pi
251 251 3.56 986338823
select /*+ index(idl_ub1$ i_idl_ub11) +*/ piece#,length,piece fr
om idl_ub1$ where obj#=:1 and part=:2 and version=:3 order by pi
251 251 3.56 2954231783
select /*+ index(idl_sb4$ i_idl_sb41) +*/ piece#,length,piece fr
om idl_sb4$ where obj#=:1 and part=:2 and version=:3 order by pi
138 138 1.96 340778183
select audit$,options from procedure$ where obj#=:1
126 126 1.79 3447189756
insert into sys.mon_mods$ (obj#, inserts, updates, deletes, time
stamp, flags, drop_segments) values (:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7)
SQL ordered by Parse Calls DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> End Parse Calls Threshold: 1000 Total Parse Calls: 7,045
-> Captured SQL accounts for 63.9% of Total Parse Calls
-> SQL reported below exceeded 1.0% of Total Parse Calls
% Total Old
Parse Calls Executions Parses Hash Value
------------ ------------ -------- ----------
123 123 1.75 2803285
update sys.mon_mods$ set inserts = inserts + :ins, updates = upd
ates + :upd, deletes = deletes + :del, flags = (decode(bitand(fl
ags, :flag), :flag, flags, flags + :flag)), drop_segments = drop
_segments + :dropseg, timestamp = :time where obj# = :objn
121 121 1.72 1530761211
select decode(u.type#, 2, u.ext_username, u.name), o.name,
t.update$, t.insert$, t.delete$, t.enabled, decode(bita
nd(t.property, 8192),8192, 1, 0), decode(bitand(t.propert
y, 65536), 65536, 1, 0), decode(bitand(t.property, 131072)
113 113 1.60 1232162599
select l.col#, l.intcol#, l.lobj#, l.ind#, l.ts#, l.file#, l.blo
ck#, l.chunk, l.pctversion$, l.flags, l.property, l.retention, l
.freepools from lob$ l where l.obj# = :1 order by l.intcol# asc
111 111 1.58 3354524165
select intcol#, col# , type#, spare1, segcol#, charsetform from
partcol$ where obj# = :1 order by pos#
78 78 1.11 4123566729
select parttype, partcnt, partkeycols, flags, defts#, defpctfree
, defpctused, definitrans, defmaxtrans, deftiniexts, defextsize,
defminexts, defmaxexts, defextpct, deflists, defgroups, deflogg
ing, spare1, mod(spare2, 256) subparttype, mod(trunc(spare2/256)
Instance Activity Stats DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
Statistic Total per Second per Trans
--------------------------------- ------------------ -------------- ------------
Batched IO (bound) vector count 0 0.0 0.0
Batched IO (full) vector count 0 0.0 0.0
Batched IO block miss count 2 0.0 0.1
Batched IO buffer defrag count 0 0.0 0.0
Batched IO double miss count 0 0.0 0.0
Batched IO same unit count 0 0.0 0.0
Batched IO single block count 0 0.0 0.0
Batched IO vector block count 0 0.0 0.0
Batched IO vector read count 0 0.0 0.0
Block Cleanout Optim referenced 6 0.0 0.2
CCursor + sql area evicted 61 0.0 1.8
CPU used by this session 879 0.3 25.9
CPU used when call started 535 0.2 15.7
CR blocks created 4 0.0 0.1
Commit SCN cached 2 0.0 0.1
DB time 48,241 13.8 1,418.9
DBWR checkpoint buffers written 2,763 0.8 81.3
DBWR checkpoints 0 0.0 0.0
DBWR transaction table writes 59 0.0 1.7
DBWR undo block writes 581 0.2 17.1
HSC Heap Segment Block Changes 11,722 3.4 344.8
Heap Segment Array Inserts 181 0.1 5.3
Heap Segment Array Updates 78 0.0 2.3
IMU Flushes 6 0.0 0.2
IMU Redo allocation size 44,424 12.7 1,306.6
IMU commits 24 0.0 0.7
IMU contention 1 0.0 0.0
IMU ktichg flush 0 0.0 0.0
IMU undo allocation size 119,472 34.1 3,513.9
Requests to/from client 1 0.0 0.0
RowCR attempts 1 0.0 0.0
RowCR hits 1 0.0 0.0
SMON posted for undo segment shri 2 0.0 0.1
SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 1 0.0 0.0
active txn count during cleanout 138 0.0 4.1
background timeouts 17,155 4.9 504.6
buffer is not pinned count 114,176 32.6 3,358.1
buffer is pinned count 83,462 23.8 2,454.8
bytes received via SQL*Net from c 299 0.1 8.8
bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 171 0.1 5.0
calls to get snapshot scn: kcmgss 37,018 10.6 1,088.8
calls to kcmgas 1,615 0.5 47.5
calls to kcmgcs 2,231 0.6 65.6
cell physical IO interconnect byt 153,474,048 43,837.2 4,513,942.6
change write time 11 0.0 0.3
cleanout - number of ktugct calls 143 0.0 4.2
cleanouts and rollbacks - consist 0 0.0 0.0
cleanouts only - consistent read 5 0.0 0.2
cluster key scan block gets 21,026 6.0 618.4
cluster key scans 15,913 4.6 468.0
commit batch/immediate performed 4 0.0 0.1
commit batch/immediate requested 4 0.0 0.1
commit cleanout failures: block l 0 0.0 0.0
commit cleanout failures: callbac 10 0.0 0.3
commit cleanouts 2,082 0.6 61.2
commit cleanouts successfully com 2,072 0.6 60.9
Instance Activity Stats DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
Statistic Total per Second per Trans
--------------------------------- ------------------ -------------- ------------
commit immediate performed 4 0.0 0.1
commit immediate requested 4 0.0 0.1
commit txn count during cleanout 50 0.0 1.5
concurrency wait time 45 0.0 1.3
consistent changes 7,024 2.0 206.6
consistent gets 202,998 58.0 5,970.5
consistent gets - examination 42,272 12.1 1,243.3
consistent gets from cache 202,998 58.0 5,970.5
consistent gets from cache (fastp 156,705 44.8 4,609.0
cursor authentications 178 0.1 5.2
data blocks consistent reads - un 2 0.0 0.1
db block changes 58,184 16.6 1,711.3
db block gets 61,874 17.7 1,819.8
db block gets direct 5 0.0 0.2
db block gets from cache 61,869 17.7 1,819.7
db block gets from cache (fastpat 12,740 3.6 374.7
deferred (CURRENT) block cleanout 1,123 0.3 33.0
enqueue conversions 750 0.2 22.1
enqueue releases 32,603 9.3 958.9
enqueue requests 32,603 9.3 958.9
enqueue timeouts 0 0.0 0.0
enqueue waits 1 0.0 0.0
execute count 23,366 6.7 687.2
file io service time 2,736 0.8 80.5
file io wait time 9,896,861 2,826.9 291,084.2
free buffer requested 7,043 2.0 207.2
heap block compress 28 0.0 0.8
immediate (CR) block cleanout app 5 0.0 0.2
immediate (CURRENT) block cleanou 369 0.1 10.9
in call idle wait time 8,362,977 2,388.7 245,969.9
index crx upgrade (positioned) 0 0.0 0.0
index fast full scans (full) 17 0.0 0.5
index fetch by key 158,856 45.4 4,672.2
index scans kdiixs1 30,687 8.8 902.6
leaf node 90-10 splits 16 0.0 0.5
leaf node splits 40 0.0 1.2
lob reads 1,021 0.3 30.0
lob writes 2,399 0.7 70.6
lob writes unaligned 2,399 0.7 70.6
logical read bytes from cache 2,169,790,464 619,763.1 ############
logons cumulative 42 0.0 1.2
max cf enq hold time 40 0.0 1.2
messages received 946 0.3 27.8
messages sent 946 0.3 27.8
min active SCN optimization appli 135 0.0 4.0
no buffer to keep pinned count 64 0.0 1.9
no work - consistent read gets 152,945 43.7 4,498.4
non-idle wait count 8,626 2.5 253.7
non-idle wait time 2,071 0.6 60.9
opened cursors cumulative 20,406 5.8 600.2
parse count (describe) 12 0.0 0.4
parse count (failures) 5 0.0 0.2
parse count (hard) 1,367 0.4 40.2
parse count (total) 7,045 2.0 207.2
parse time cpu 225 0.1 6.6
parse time elapsed 393 0.1 11.6
Instance Activity Stats DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
Statistic Total per Second per Trans
--------------------------------- ------------------ -------------- ------------
physical read IO requests 1,891 0.5 55.6
physical read bytes 31,473,664 8,989.9 925,696.0
physical read total IO requests 6,186 1.8 181.9
physical read total bytes 101,695,488 29,047.6 2,991,043.8
physical read total multi block r 65 0.0 1.9
physical reads 3,842 1.1 113.0
physical reads cache 3,842 1.1 113.0
physical reads cache prefetch 1,951 0.6 57.4
physical reads prefetch warmup 0 0.0 0.0
physical write IO requests 770 0.2 22.7
physical write bytes 22,675,456 6,476.9 666,925.2
physical write total IO requests 2,168 0.6 63.8
physical write total bytes 51,778,560 14,789.7 1,522,898.8
physical write total multi block 96 0.0 2.8
physical writes 2,768 0.8 81.4
physical writes direct 5 0.0 0.2
physical writes direct (lob) 2 0.0 0.1
physical writes direct temporary 3 0.0 0.1
physical writes from cache 2,763 0.8 81.3
physical writes non checkpoint 2,276 0.7 66.9
pinned cursors current 0 0.0 0.0
process last non-idle time 0 0.0 0.0
recovery blocks read 0 0.0 0.0
recursive calls 135,557 38.7 3,987.0
recursive cpu usage 539 0.2 15.9
redo KB read 0 0.0 0.0
redo blocks checksummed by FG (ex 2,962 0.9 87.1
redo blocks read for recovery 0 0.0 0.0
redo blocks written 17,546 5.0 516.1
redo entries 27,237 7.8 801.1
redo k-bytes read for recovery 0 0.0 0.0
redo ordering marks 4 0.0 0.1
redo size 8,545,228 2,440.8 251,330.2
redo size for direct writes 16,456 4.7 484.0
redo synch long waits 2 0.0 0.1
redo synch time 43 0.0 1.3
redo synch time (usec) 418,077 119.4 12,296.4
redo synch time overhead (usec) 1,392,430,209 397,723.6 ############
redo synch time overhead count (< 1 0.0 0.0
redo synch time overhead count (< 13 0.0 0.4
redo synch time overhead count (< 0 0.0 0.0
redo synch time overhead count (< 0 0.0 0.0
redo synch time overhead count (> 1 0.0 0.0
redo synch writes 15 0.0 0.4
redo wastage 45,588 13.0 1,340.8
redo write info find 15 0.0 0.4
redo write time 271 0.1 8.0
redo writes 168 0.1 4.9
rollback changes - undo records a 0 0.0 0.0
rollbacks only - consistent read 2 0.0 0.1
rows fetched via callback 4,261 1.2 125.3
session connect time 0 0.0 0.0
session cursor cache hits 20,211 5.8 594.4
session logical reads 264,872 75.7 7,790.4
session pga memory 12,652,448 3,614.0 372,130.8
session pga memory max 13,242,272 3,782.4 389,478.6
Instance Activity Stats DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
Statistic Total per Second per Trans
--------------------------------- ------------------ -------------- ------------
session uga memory 9,746,664 2,784.0 286,666.6
session uga memory max 57,075,144 16,302.5 1,678,680.7
shared hash latch upgrades - no w 2,507 0.7 73.7
sorts (memory) 6,464 1.9 190.1
sorts (rows) 43,889 12.5 1,290.9
sql area evicted 1,205 0.3 35.4
sql area purged 9 0.0 0.3
switch current to new buffer 195 0.1 5.7
table fetch by rowid 64,926 18.5 1,909.6
table fetch continued row 364 0.1 10.7
table scan blocks gotten 60,959 17.4 1,792.9
table scan rows gotten 3,527,286 1,007.5 103,743.7
table scans (long tables) 0 0.0 0.0
table scans (short tables) 455 0.1 13.4
total cf enq hold time 170 0.1 5.0
total number of cf enq holders 52 0.0 1.5
total number of times SMON posted 6 0.0 0.2
undo change vector size 3,712,540 1,060.4 109,192.4
user I/O wait time 652 0.2 19.2
user calls 132 0.0 3.9
user commits 34 0.0 1.0
user logons cumulative 0 0.0 0.0
user logouts cumulative 0 0.0 0.0
user rollbacks 0 0.0 0.0
workarea executions - optimal 3,472 1.0 102.1
write clones created in backgroun 0 0.0 0.0
Instance Activity Stats DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> Statistics with absolute values (should not be diffed)
Statistic Begin Value End Value
--------------------------------- --------------- ---------------
logons current 31 27
opened cursors current 32 32
session cursor cache count 1,408 2,034
Instance Activity Stats DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> Statistics identified by '(derived)' come from sources other than SYSSTAT
Statistic Total per Hour
--------------------------------- ------------------ ---------
log switches (derived) 0 .00
OS Statistics DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> ordered by statistic type (CPU use, Virtual Memory, Hardware Config), Name
Statistic Total
------------------------- ----------------------
IDLE_TIME 340,577
OS Statistics - detail DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
Snap Snapshot
Id Day Time Load %Busy %User %System %WIO %WCPU
------ --------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------ ------
1 Sat 24 02:12:12 .0
11 Sat 24 03:10:33 .0 .3 .3 .0 0.4
IO Stat by Function - summary DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
->Data Volume values suffixed with M,G,T,P are in multiples of 1024,
other values suffixed with K,M,G,T,P are in multiples of 1000
->ordered by Data Volume (Read+Write) desc
---------- Read --------- --------- Write -------- --- Wait ----
Data Requests Data Data Requests Data Avg
Function Volume /sec Vol/sec Volume /sec Vol/sec Count Tm(ms)
--------------- ------ -------- -------- ------ -------- -------- ------ ------
Others 66M 1.2 .0M 19M .4 .0M 6751 0.0
Buffer Cache Re 30M .5 .0M 1892 0.0
IO Stat by Function - detail DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
->ordered by Data Volume (Read+Write) desc
----------- Read ---------- ----------- Write ---------
Small Large Small Large Small Large Small Large
Read Read Data Data Write Write Data Data
Function Reqs Reqs Read Read Reqs Reqs Writn Writn
------------------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
Others 4295 66M 1228 19M
Buffer Cache Reads 1827 65 19M 11M
Tablespace IO Stats DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
->ordered by IOs (Reads + Writes) desc
Av Av Av Av Buffer Av Buf
Reads Reads/s Rd(ms) Blks/Rd Writes Writes/s Waits Wt(ms)
-------------- ------- ------ ------- ------------ -------- ---------- ------
807 0 2.6 2.2 361 0 0 0.0
1,082 0 4.0 1.9 74 0 0 0.0
0 0 0.0 173 0 0 0.0
0 0 0.0 159 0 2 0.0
3 0 0.0 1.0 3 0 0 0.0
File IO Stats DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
->Mx Rd Bkt: Max bucket time for single block read
->ordered by Tablespace, File
Tablespace Filename
------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------
Av Mx Av
Av Rd Rd Av Av Buffer BufWt
Reads Reads/s (ms) Bkt Blks/Rd Writes Writes/s Waits (ms)
-------------- ------- ----- --- ------- ------------ -------- ---------- ------
PERFSTAT /oradata/ORCL/datafile/perfstat.dbf
0 0 173 0 0
SYSAUX /oradata/ORCL/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux_ctdyf4f3_.dbf
807 0 2.6 64 2.2 361 0 0
SYSTEM /oradata/ORCL/datafile/o1_mf_system_ctdyf4d0_.dbf
1,082 0 4.0 64 1.9 74 0 0
TEMP /oradata/ORCL/datafile/o1_mf_temp_ctdyhg1s_.tmp
3 0 0.0 1.0 3 0 0
UNDOTBS1 /oradata/ORCL/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_ctdyf4fg_.dbf
0 0 159 0 2 0.0
File Read Histogram Stats DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
->Number of single block reads in each time range
->Tempfiles are not included
->ordered by Tablespace, File
Tablespace Filename
------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------
0 - 2 ms 2 - 4 ms 4 - 8 ms 8 - 16 ms 16 - 32 ms 32+ ms
------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
SYSTEM /oradata/ORCL/datafile/o1_mf_system_ctdyf4d0_.dbf
704 8 47 113 72 7
SYSAUX /oradata/ORCL/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux_ctdyf4f3_.dbf
600 17 30 53 28 6
Instance Recovery Stats DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> B: Begin snapshot, E: End snapshot
Targt Estd Log File Log Ckpt Log Ckpt
MTTR MTTR Recovery Actual Target Size Timeout Interval
(s) (s) Estd IOs Redo Blks Redo Blks Redo Blks Redo Blks Redo Blks
- ----- ----- ---------- --------- --------- ---------- --------- ------------
B 0 18 1237 3132 1273968 1273968
E 0 18 311 1679 3021 1273968 3021
Memory Dynamic Components DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> Op - memory resize Operation
-> Cache: D: Default, K: Keep, R: Recycle
-> Mode: DEF: DEFerred mode, IMM: IMMediate mode
Begin Snap End Snap Op Last Op
Cache Size (M) Size (M) Count Type/Mode Last Op Time
---------------------- ---------- -------- ------- ---------- ---------------
D:buffer cache 800 0 SHRINK/DEF 24-Feb 02:06:42
PGA Target 304 0 STATIC
SGA Target 1,200 0 STATIC
java pool 16 0 STATIC
large pool 32 0 SHRINK/DEF 24-Feb 01:56:15
shared pool 336 0 GROW/DEF 24-Feb 02:06:42
Buffer Pool Advisory DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl End Snap: 11
-> Only rows with estimated physical reads >0 are displayed
-> ordered by Pool, Block Size, Buffers For Estimate
Phys Estimated Est
Size for Size Buffers Read Phys Reads Est Phys % dbtime
P Est (M) Factr (thousands) Factr (thousands) Read Time for Rds
--- -------- ----- ------------ ------ -------------- ------------ --------
D 80 .1 10 1.1 16 73 74.5
D 160 .2 20 1.0 14 62 63.3
D 240 .3 30 1.0 14 62 63.3
D 320 .4 39 1.0 14 62 63.3
D 400 .5 49 1.0 14 62 63.3
D 480 .6 59 1.0 14 62 63.3
D 560 .7 69 1.0 14 62 63.3
D 640 .8 79 1.0 14 62 63.3
D 720 .9 89 1.0 14 62 63.3
D 800 1.0 98 1.0 14 62 63.3
D 880 1.1 108 1.0 14 62 63.3
D 960 1.2 118 1.0 14 62 63.3
D 1,040 1.3 128 1.0 14 62 63.3
D 1,120 1.4 138 1.0 14 62 63.3
D 1,200 1.5 148 1.0 14 62 63.3
D 1,280 1.6 158 1.0 14 62 63.3
D 1,360 1.7 167 1.0 14 62 63.3
D 1,440 1.8 177 1.0 14 62 63.3
D 1,520 1.9 187 1.0 14 62 63.3
D 1,600 2.0 197 1.0 14 62 63.3
Buffer Pool Statistics DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> Standard block size Pools D: default, K: keep, R: recycle
-> Default Pools for other block sizes: 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k, 32k
-> Buffers: the number of buffers. Units of K, M, G are divided by 1000
Free Writ Buffer
Pool Buffer Physical Physical Buffer Comp Busy
P Buffers Hit% Gets Reads Writes Waits Wait Waits
--- ------- ---- -------------- ------------ ----------- ------- ---- ----------
D 98K 99 265,524 3,843 2,763 0 0 2
Buffer wait Statistics DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc
Class Waits Total Wait Time (s) Avg Time (ms)
---------------------- ----------- ------------------- -------------
undo header 3 0 0
PGA Aggr Target Stats DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> B: Begin snap E: End snap (rows identified with B or E contain data
which is absolute i.e. not diffed over the interval)
-> PGA cache hit % - percentage of W/A (WorkArea) data processed only in-memory
-> Auto PGA Target - actual workarea memory target
-> W/A PGA Used - amount of memory used for all WorkAreas (manual + auto)
-> %PGA W/A Mem - percentage of PGA memory allocated to WorkAreas
-> %Auto W/A Mem - percentage of WorkArea memory controlled by Auto Mem Mgmt
-> %Man W/A Mem - percentage of WorkArea memory under Manual control
PGA Cache Hit % W/A MB Processed Extra W/A MB Read/Written
--------------- ---------------- -------------------------
100.0 190 0
%PGA %Auto %Man
PGA Aggr Auto PGA PGA Mem W/A PGA W/A W/A W/A Global Mem
Target(M) Target(M) Alloc(M) Used(M) Mem Mem Mem Bound(K)
- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------ ------ ----------
B 300 158 153.1 0.0 .0 .0 .0 61,440
E 300 160 149.0 0.0 .0 .0 .0 61,440
PGA Aggr Target Histogram DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> Optimal Executions are purely in-memory operations
Low High
Optimal Optimal Total Execs Optimal Execs 1-Pass Execs M-Pass Execs
------- ------- -------------- ------------- ------------ ------------
2K 4K 3,423 3,423 0 0
64K 128K 9 9 0 0
128K 256K 2 2 0 0
256K 512K 6 6 0 0
512K 1024K 34 34 0 0
1M 2M 67 67 0 0
2M 4M 10 10 0 0
4M 8M 6 6 0 0
PGA Memory Advisory DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl End Snap: 11
-> When using Auto Memory Mgmt, minimally choose a pga_aggregate_target value
where Estd PGA Overalloc Count is 0
Estd Extra Estd
PGA Aggr W/A MB Estd Time PGA Estd PGA
Target Size W/A MB Read/Written to Process Cache Overalloc
Est (MB) Factr Processed to Disk Bytes (s) Hit % Count
---------- ------ -------------- -------------- ---------- ------ ----------
38 0.1 264 10 0.0 96.0 3
75 0.3 264 10 0.0 96.0 3
150 0.5 264 0 0.0 100.0 0
225 0.8 264 0 0.0 100.0 0
300 1.0 264 0 0.0 100.0 0
360 1.2 264 0 0.0 100.0 0
420 1.4 264 0 0.0 100.0 0
480 1.6 264 0 0.0 100.0 0
540 1.8 264 0 0.0 100.0 0
600 2.0 264 0 0.0 100.0 0
900 3.0 264 0 0.0 100.0 0
1,200 4.0 264 0 0.0 100.0 0
1,800 6.0 264 0 0.0 100.0 0
2,400 8.0 264 0 0.0 100.0 0
Process Memory Summary Stats DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> B: Begin snap E: End snap
-> All rows below contain absolute values (i.e. not diffed over the interval)
-> Max Alloc is Maximum PGA Allocation size at snapshot time
Hist Max Alloc is the Historical Max Allocation for still-connected processes
-> Num Procs or Allocs: For Begin/End snapshot lines, it is the number of
processes. For Category lines, it is the number of allocations
-> ordered by Begin/End snapshot, Alloc (MB) desc
Hist Num
Avg Std Dev Max Max Procs
Alloc Used Freeabl Alloc Alloc Alloc Alloc or
Category (MB) (MB) (MB) (MB) (MB) (MB) (MB) Allocs
- -------- --------- --------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------ ------
B -------- 153.2 125.8 17.4 4.6 6.9 28 28 33
Other 134.6 4.1 6.7 27 27 33
Freeable 17.4 .0 1.9 2.4 7 9
PL/SQL .7 .5 .0 .1 0 11 31
SQL .5 .1 .0 .1 0 7 8
E -------- 149.0 123.0 16.1 5.1 7.2 28 28 29
Other 131.8 4.5 7.0 27 27 29
Freeable 16.1 .0 1.8 2.1 6 9
PL/SQL .7 .5 .0 .1 0 11 27
SQL .4 .1 .0 .0 0 7 8
Top Process Memory (by component) DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> ordered by Begin/End snapshot, Alloc (MB) desc
Alloc Used Freeabl Max Hist Max
PId Category (MB) (MB) (MB) Alloc (MB) Alloc (MB)
- ------ ------------- ------- ------- -------- ---------- ----------
B 22 ARC2 -------- 28.3 25.9 1.1 28.3 28.3
Other 27.2 27.2 27.2
Freeable 1.1 .0 1.1
PL/SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
21 ARC1 -------- 19.0 16.9 1.1 19.0 19.0
Other 18.0 18.0 18.0
Freeable 1.1 .0 1.1
PL/SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
20 ARC0 -------- 18.0 16.9 .0 18.0 18.0
Other 18.0 18.0 18.0
PL/SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
23 ARC3 -------- 18.0 16.9 .0 18.0 18.0
Other 18.0 18.0 18.0
PL/SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
11 LGWR -------- 11.7 10.9 .1 11.7 11.7
Other 11.5 11.5 11.5
Freeable .1 .0 .1
PL/SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
19 TNS V1-V3 --- 11.0 3.5 7.4 11.0 27.7
Freeable 7.4 .0 7.4
Other 3.2 3.2 3.2
PL/SQL .3 .1 .3 10.6
SQL .2 .0 .2 7.0
10 DBW0 -------- 7.4 6.8 .0 7.4 7.4
Other 7.4 7.4 7.4
PL/SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
8 DIA0 -------- 5.4 4.9 .2 5.4 5.4
Other 5.2 5.2 5.2
Freeable .2 .0 .2
PL/SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
13 SMON -------- 5.1 1.0 3.9 5.1 5.1
Freeable 3.9 .0 3.9
Other 1.1 1.1 1.1
SQL .1 .0 .1 2.1
PL/SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
25 CJQ0 -------- 3.7 1.4 2.1 3.7 3.7
Freeable 2.1 .0 2.1
Other 1.5 1.5 1.5
SQL .1 .0 .1 .6
PL/SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
15 MMON -------- 3.7 2.1 1.2 3.7 3.7
Other 2.3 2.3 2.3
Freeable 1.2 .0 1.2
SQL .1 .0 .1 1.0
PL/SQL .1 .1 .1 .1
26 Q000 -------- 1.7 1.3 .3 1.7 1.7
Other 1.2 1.2 1.2
Freeable .3 .0 .3
PL/SQL .2 .2 .2 .2
SQL .0 .0 .0 .2
17 D000 -------- 1.4 1.3 .0 1.4 1.4
Other 1.4 1.4 1.4
29 W000 -------- 1.2 1.0 .0 1.2 1.2
Top Process Memory (by component) DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> ordered by Begin/End snapshot, Alloc (MB) desc
Alloc Used Freeabl Max Hist Max
PId Category (MB) (MB) (MB) Alloc (MB) Alloc (MB)
- ------ ------------- ------- ------- -------- ---------- ----------
B 29 Other 1.2 1.2 1.2
SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
PL/SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
7 DBRM -------- 1.2 .8 .0 1.2 1.2
Other 1.2 1.2 1.2
PL/SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
SQL .0 .0 .0 .1
12 CKPT -------- 1.1 .8 .0 1.1 1.1
Other 1.1 1.1 1.1
PL/SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
14 RECO -------- 1.1 .9 .0 1.1 1.1
Other 1.1 1.1 1.1
SQL .0 .0 .0 .1
PL/SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
16 MMNL -------- 1.0 .8 .0 1.0 1.0
Other 1.0 1.0 1.0
PL/SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
E 22 ARC2 -------- 28.3 25.9 1.1 28.3 28.3
Other 27.2 27.2 27.2
Freeable 1.1 .0 1.1
PL/SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
21 ARC1 -------- 19.0 16.9 1.1 19.0 19.0
Other 18.0 18.0 18.0
Freeable 1.1 .0 1.1
PL/SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
20 ARC0 -------- 18.0 16.9 .0 18.0 18.0
Other 18.0 18.0 18.0
PL/SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
23 ARC3 -------- 18.0 16.9 .0 18.0 18.0
Other 18.0 18.0 18.0
PL/SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
11 LGWR -------- 11.7 10.9 .1 11.7 11.7
Other 11.5 11.5 11.5
Freeable .1 .0 .1
PL/SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
19 TNS V1-V3 --- 10.3 3.8 6.3 10.3 27.7
Freeable 6.4 .0 6.4
Other 3.5 3.5 3.7
PL/SQL .3 .2 .3 10.6
SQL .1 .0 .1 7.0
10 DBW0 -------- 7.4 6.8 .0 7.4 7.4
Other 7.4 7.4 7.4
PL/SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
8 DIA0 -------- 5.4 4.9 .2 5.4 5.4
Other 5.2 5.2 5.2
Freeable .2 .0 .2
PL/SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
13 SMON -------- 5.1 1.1 3.9 5.1 5.1
Freeable 3.9 .0 3.9
Other 1.2 1.2 1.2
SQL .0 .0 .0 2.1
PL/SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
Top Process Memory (by component) DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> ordered by Begin/End snapshot, Alloc (MB) desc
Alloc Used Freeabl Max Hist Max
PId Category (MB) (MB) (MB) Alloc (MB) Alloc (MB)
- ------ ------------- ------- ------- -------- ---------- ----------
E 25 CJQ0 -------- 3.7 1.4 2.1 3.7 3.7
Freeable 2.1 .0 2.1
Other 1.5 1.5 1.5
SQL .1 .0 .1 .6
PL/SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
15 MMON -------- 3.7 2.1 1.1 3.7 3.7
Other 2.4 2.4 2.4
Freeable 1.1 .0 1.1
PL/SQL .1 .1 .1 .1
SQL .1 .0 .1 1.0
26 Q000 -------- 1.7 1.3 .3 1.7 1.7
Other 1.2 1.2 1.2
Freeable .3 .0 .3
PL/SQL .2 .2 .2 .2
SQL .0 .0 .0 .2
17 D000 -------- 1.4 1.1 .0 1.4 1.4
Other 1.4 1.4 1.4
29 W000 -------- 1.2 1.0 .0 1.2 1.2
Other 1.2 1.2 1.2
SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
PL/SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
7 DBRM -------- 1.2 .8 .0 1.2 1.2
Other 1.2 1.2 1.2
PL/SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
SQL .0 .0 .0 .1
12 CKPT -------- 1.1 .8 .0 1.1 1.1
Other 1.1 1.1 1.1
PL/SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
14 RECO -------- 1.1 .9 .0 1.1 1.1
Other 1.1 1.1 1.1
SQL .0 .0 .0 .1
PL/SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
16 MMNL -------- 1.0 .8 .0 1.0 1.0
Other 1.0 1.0 1.0
PL/SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
SQL .0 .0 .0 .0
Enqueue activity DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> only enqueues with waits are shown
-> Enqueue stats gathered prior to 10g should not be compared with 10g data
-> ordered by Wait Time desc, Waits desc
Enqueue Type (Request Reason)
Requests Succ Gets Failed Gets Waits Wt Time (s) Av Wt Time(ms)
------------ ------------ ----------- ----------- ------------ --------------
PV-KSV slave startup (syncstart)
18 18 0 1 0 .00
Undo Segment Summary DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> Min/Max TR (mins) - Min and Max Tuned Retention (minutes)
-> STO - Snapshot Too Old count, OOS - Out Of Space count
-> Undo segment block stats:
uS - unexpired Stolen, uR - unexpired Released, uU - unexpired reUsed
eS - expired Stolen, eR - expired Released, eU - expired reUsed
Undo Num Undo Number of Max Qry Max Tx Min/Max STO/ uS/uR/uU/
TS# Blocks (K) Transactions Len (s) Concy TR (mins) OOS eS/eR/eU
---- ---------- --------------- -------- ---------- --------- ----- -----------
2 .9 2,755 938 5 19.5/29.7 0/0 0/0/0/0/0/0
Undo Segment Stats DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> Most recent 35 Undostat rows, ordered by End Time desc
Num Undo Number of Max Qry Max Tx Tun Ret STO/ uS/uR/uU/
End Time Blocks Transactions Len (s) Concy (mins) OOS eS/eR/eU
------------ ----------- ------------ ------- ------- ------- ----- -----------
24-Feb 03:05 84 327 330 3 20 0/0 0/0/0/0/0/0
24-Feb 02:55 0 15 932 1 30 0/0 0/0/0/0/0/0
24-Feb 02:45 0 11 332 0 20 0/0 0/0/0/0/0/0
24-Feb 02:35 344 373 935 2 30 0/0 0/0/0/0/0/0
24-Feb 02:25 6 12 335 1 20 0/0 0/0/0/0/0/0
24-Feb 02:15 458 2,017 938 5 30 0/0 0/0/0/0/0/0
Latch Activity DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
->"Get Requests", "Pct Get Miss" and "Avg Slps/Miss" are statistics for
willing-to-wait latch get requests
->"NoWait Requests", "Pct NoWait Miss" are for no-wait latch get requests
->"Pct Misses" for both should be very close to 0.0
Pct Avg Wait Pct
Get Get Slps Time NoWait NoWait
Latch Requests Miss /Miss (s) Requests Miss
------------------------ -------------- ------ ------ ------ ------------ ------
AQ deq hash table latch 2 0.0 0 0
ASM db client latch 2,352 0.0 0 0
ASM map operation hash t 2 0.0 0 0
ASM network state latch 56 0.0 0 0
AWR Alerted Metric Eleme 22,791 0.0 0 0
Change Notification Hash 1,169 0.0 0 0
Consistent RBA 168 0.0 0 0
DML lock allocation 2,562 0.0 0 0
Event Group Locks 78 0.0 0 0
FAL Queue 142 0.0 0 0
FOB s.o list latch 142 0.0 0 0
File State Object Pool P 2 0.0 0 0
I/O Staticstics latch 2 0.0 0 0
IPC stats buffer allocat 2 0.0 0 0
In memory undo latch 1,782 0.1 1.0 0 771 0.0
JS Sh mem access 8 37.5 1.0 0 0
JS mem alloc latch 4 0.0 0 0
JS queue access latch 6 0.0 0 0
JS queue state obj latch 25,414 0.0 0 0
JS slv state obj latch 34 0.0 0 0
KFC FX Hash Latch 2 0.0 0 0
KFC Hash Latch 2 0.0 0 0
KFCL LE Freelist 2 0.0 0 0
KGNFS-NFS:SHM structure 2 0.0 0 0
KJC message pool free li 2 0.0 0 0
KJCT flow control latch 2 0.0 0 0
KMG MMAN ready and start 1,166 0.0 0 0
KTF sga latch 19 0.0 0 1,135 0.0
KWQP Prop Status 1 0.0 0 0
Locator state objects po 2 0.0 0 0
Lsod array latch 2 0.0 0 0
MQL Tracking Latch 0 0 70 0.0
Memory Management Latch 2 0.0 0 1,166 0.0
Memory Queue 2 0.0 0 0
Memory Queue Message Sub 2 0.0 0 0
Memory Queue Message Sub 2 0.0 0 0
Memory Queue Message Sub 2 0.0 0 0
Memory Queue Message Sub 2 0.0 0 0
Memory Queue Subscriber 2 0.0 0 0
MinActiveScn Latch 40 0.0 0 0
Mutex 2 0.0 0 0
Mutex Stats 2 0.0 0 0
NLS data objects 4 0.0 0 0
OS process 320 0.0 0 0
OS process allocation 7,170 0.0 0 0
OS process: request allo 72 0.0 0 0
PL/SQL warning settings 341 0.0 0 0
PX hash array latch 2 0.0 0 0
QMT 2 0.0 0 0
Latch Activity DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
->"Get Requests", "Pct Get Miss" and "Avg Slps/Miss" are statistics for
willing-to-wait latch get requests
->"NoWait Requests", "Pct NoWait Miss" are for no-wait latch get requests
->"Pct Misses" for both should be very close to 0.0
Pct Avg Wait Pct
Get Get Slps Time NoWait NoWait
Latch Requests Miss /Miss (s) Requests Miss
------------------------ -------------- ------ ------ ------ ------------ ------
Real-time plan statistic 16 0.0 0 2 0.0
Result Cache: RC Latch 2 0.0 0 0
SGA blob parent 2 0.0 0 0
SGA bucket locks 2 0.0 0 0
SGA heap locks 2 0.0 0 0
SGA pool locks 2 0.0 0 0
SQL memory manager latch 2 0.0 0 1,164 0.0
SQL memory manager worka 78,690 0.0 0 0
Shared B-Tree 130 0.0 0 0
Streams Generic 2 0.0 0 0
Testing 2 0.0 0 0
Token Manager 2 0.0 0 0
WCR: sync 2 0.0 0 0
Write State Object Pool 2 0.0 0 0
X$KSFQP 1 0.0 0 0
XDB NFS Security Latch 2 0.0 0 0
XDB unused session pool 2 0.0 0 0
XDB used session pool 2 0.0 0 0
active checkpoint queue 1,933 0.0 0 0
active service list 7,388 0.0 0 3,133 0.0
archive control 121 0.0 0 0
archive process latch 426 0.0 0 0
begin backup scn array 1 0.0 0 0
buffer pool 2 0.0 0 0
business card 2 0.0 0 0
cache buffer handles 621 0.0 0 0
cache buffers chains 604,043 0.0 0 9,462 0.0
cache buffers lru chain 10,415 0.0 0 6,275 0.0
cache table scan latch 204 0.0 0 204 0.0
call allocation 2,940 0.0 0 0
cas latch 2 0.0 0 0
change notification clie 2 0.0 0 0
channel handle pool latc 75 0.0 0 0
channel operations paren 19,082 0.0 0 0
checkpoint queue latch 27,303 0.0 0 2,042 0.0
client/application info 84 0.0 0 0
compile environment latc 42 0.0 0 0
cp cmon/server latch 2 0.0 0 0
cp pool latch 2 0.0 0 0
cp server hash latch 2 0.0 0 0
cp sga latch 56 0.0 0 0
cvmap freelist lock 2 0.0 0 0
deferred cleanup latch 56 0.0 0 0
dml lock allocation 180 0.0 0 0
done queue latch 2 0.0 0 0
dummy allocation 90 0.0 0 0
eighth spare latch - X p 2 0.0 0 0
eleventh spare latch - c 2 0.0 0 0
enqueue freelist latch 3 33.3 1.0 0 60,303 0.0
enqueue hash chains 65,935 0.0 0 0
Latch Activity DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
->"Get Requests", "Pct Get Miss" and "Avg Slps/Miss" are statistics for
willing-to-wait latch get requests
->"NoWait Requests", "Pct NoWait Miss" are for no-wait latch get requests
->"Pct Misses" for both should be very close to 0.0
Pct Avg Wait Pct
Get Get Slps Time NoWait NoWait
Latch Requests Miss /Miss (s) Requests Miss
------------------------ -------------- ------ ------ ------ ------------ ------
enqueues 461 0.0 0 0
fifteenth spare latch - 2 0.0 0 0
file cache latch 246 0.0 0 0
flashback copy 2 0.0 0 0
fourteenth spare latch - 2 0.0 0 0
fourth Audit Vault latch 2 0.0 0 0
gc element 2 0.0 0 0
gcs commit scn state 2 0.0 0 0
gcs partitioned table ha 2 0.0 0 0
gcs pcm hashed value buc 2 0.0 0 0
gcs resource freelist 2 0.0 0 0
gcs resource hash 2 0.0 0 0
gcs resource scan list 2 0.0 0 0
gcs resource validate li 2 0.0 0 0
gcs shadows freelist 2 0.0 0 0
ges domain table 2 0.0 0 0
ges enqueue table freeli 2 0.0 0 0
ges group table 2 0.0 0 0
ges process hash list 2 0.0 0 0
ges process parent latch 2 0.0 0 0
ges resource hash list 2 0.0 0 0
ges resource scan list 2 0.0 0 0
ges resource table freel 2 0.0 0 0
ges value block free lis 2 0.0 0 0
global tx hash mapping 2 0.0 0 0
granule operation 2 0.0 0 0
hash table column usage 863 0.0 0 170,098 0.0
hash table modification 129 0.0 0 0
heartbeat check 2 0.0 0 0
internal temp table obje 13 0.0 0 0
intra txn parallel recov 2 0.0 0 0
io pool granule metadata 2 0.0 0 0
job workq parent latch 10 0.0 0 8 0.0
job_queue_processes free 22 0.0 0 0
job_queue_processes para 769 0.0 0 0
k2q lock allocation 2 0.0 0 0
kcfis latch 8 0.0 0 0
kdlx hb parent latch 2 0.0 0 0
kgb parent 2 0.0 0 0
kgnfs mount latch 2 0.0 0 0
kokc descriptor allocati 58 0.0 0 0
ksfv messages 2 0.0 0 0
ksim group membership ca 2 0.0 0 0
kss move lock 38 0.0 0 0
ksuosstats global area 357 0.0 0 0
ksv allocation latch 132 0.0 0 0
ksv class latch 82 0.0 0 0
ksv msg queue latch 2 0.0 0 0
ksz_so allocation latch 72 0.0 0 0
ktm global data 68 0.0 0 0
Latch Activity DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
->"Get Requests", "Pct Get Miss" and "Avg Slps/Miss" are statistics for
willing-to-wait latch get requests
->"NoWait Requests", "Pct NoWait Miss" are for no-wait latch get requests
->"Pct Misses" for both should be very close to 0.0
Pct Avg Wait Pct
Get Get Slps Time NoWait NoWait
Latch Requests Miss /Miss (s) Requests Miss
------------------------ -------------- ------ ------ ------ ------------ ------
kwqbsn:qsga 128 0.0 0 0
lgwr LWN SCN 1,270 0.0 0 0
list of block allocation 61 0.0 0 0
loader state object free 72 0.0 0 0
lob segment dispenser la 2 0.0 0 0
lob segment hash table l 14 0.0 0 0
lob segment query latch 2 0.0 0 0
lock DBA buffer during m 2 0.0 0 0
logical standby cache 2 0.0 0 0
logminer context allocat 2 0.0 0 0
logminer local 2 0.0 0 0
logminer work area 2 0.0 0 0
longop free list parent 2 0.0 0 0
managed standby latch 142 0.0 0 0
mapped buffers lru chain 2 0.0 0 0
message pool operations 74 0.0 0 0
messages 36,543 0.0 0 0
mostly latch-free SCN 1,270 0.0 0 0
msg queue latch 2 0.0 0 0
multiblock read objects 480 0.0 0 0
name-service namespace b 2 0.0 0 0
ncodef allocation latch 56 0.0 0 0
nineth spare latch - X p 2 0.0 0 0
object queue header heap 2,434 0.0 0 273 0.0
object queue header oper 19,105 0.0 0 0
object stats modificatio 1,134 0.0 0 0
parallel query alloc buf 466 0.0 0 0
parallel query stats 2 0.0 0 0
parameter list 140 0.0 0 0
parameter table manageme 170 0.0 0 0
peshm 2 0.0 0 0
pesom_free_list 2 0.0 0 0
pesom_hash_node 2 0.0 0 0
post/wait queue 1,767 0.0 0 1,626 0.0
process allocation 106 0.0 0 34 0.0
process group creation 72 0.0 0 0
process queue 2 0.0 0 0
process queue reference 2 0.0 0 0
qmn task queue latch 509 0.0 0 0
query server freelists 2 0.0 0 0
queued dump request 12 0.0 0 0
queuing load statistics 2 0.0 0 0
recovery domain hash lis 2 0.0 0 0
redo allocation 2,982 0.0 1.0 0 27,133 0.0
redo copy 2 0.0 0 27,133 0.1
redo writing 4,884 0.0 0 0
resmgr group change latc 14 0.0 0 0
resmgr:active threads 90 0.0 0 0
resmgr:actses change gro 28 0.0 0 0
resmgr:actses change sta 2 0.0 0 0
Latch Activity DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
->"Get Requests", "Pct Get Miss" and "Avg Slps/Miss" are statistics for
willing-to-wait latch get requests
->"NoWait Requests", "Pct NoWait Miss" are for no-wait latch get requests
->"Pct Misses" for both should be very close to 0.0
Pct Avg Wait Pct
Get Get Slps Time NoWait NoWait
Latch Requests Miss /Miss (s) Requests Miss
------------------------ -------------- ------ ------ ------ ------------ ------
resmgr:free threads list 88 0.0 0 0
resmgr:plan CPU method 2 0.0 0 0
resmgr:resource group CP 2 0.0 0 0
resmgr:schema config 2 0.0 0 0
resmgr:session queuing 2 0.0 0 0
rm cas latch 2 0.0 0 0
row cache objects 479,277 0.0 0 2,482 0.0
rules engine rule set st 100 0.0 0 0
second Audit Vault latch 2 0.0 0 0
sequence cache 84 0.0 0 0
session allocation 293 0.0 0 0
session idle bit 350 0.0 0 0
session queue latch 2 0.0 0 0
session state list latch 128 0.0 0 0
session switching 96 0.0 0 0
session timer 1,167 0.0 0 0
seventh spare latch - X 2 0.0 0 0
shared pool 131,082 0.0 1.0 0 0
shared pool sim alloc 98 0.0 0 0
shared pool simulator 9,726 0.0 0 0
sim partition latch 2 0.0 0 0
simulator hash latch 28,381 0.0 0 0
simulator lru latch 2,111 0.0 0 25,314 0.0
sixth spare latch - X pa 2 0.0 0 0
sort extent pool 122 0.0 0 0
space background state o 12 0.0 0 0
space background task la 4,822 0.0 0 2,336 0.0
state object free list 4 0.0 0 0
statistics aggregation 560 0.0 0 0
tablespace key chain 10 0.0 0 0
temp lob duration state 4 0.0 0 0
temporary table state ob 2 0.0 0 0
tenth spare latch - X pa 2 0.0 0 0
test excl. parent l0 2 0.0 0 0
test excl. parent2 l0 2 0.0 0 0
thirteenth spare latch - 2 0.0 0 0
threshold alerts latch 141 0.0 0 0
transaction allocation 367 0.0 0 0
twelfth spare latch - ch 2 0.0 0 0
twenty-fifth spare latch 2 0.0 0 0
twenty-first spare latch 2 0.0 0 0
twenty-fourth spare latc 2 0.0 0 0
twenty-second spare latc 2 0.0 0 0
twenty-third spare latch 2 0.0 0 0
undo global data 4,396 0.0 0 0
virtual circuit buffers 2 0.0 0 0
virtual circuit holder 2 0.0 0 0
virtual circuit queues 2 0.0 0 0
write info latch 0 0 168 0.0
Latch Activity DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
->"Get Requests", "Pct Get Miss" and "Avg Slps/Miss" are statistics for
willing-to-wait latch get requests
->"NoWait Requests", "Pct NoWait Miss" are for no-wait latch get requests
->"Pct Misses" for both should be very close to 0.0
Pct Avg Wait Pct
Get Get Slps Time NoWait NoWait
Latch Requests Miss /Miss (s) Requests Miss
------------------------ -------------- ------ ------ ------ ------------ ------
Latch Sleep breakdown DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> ordered by misses desc
Get Spin
Latch Name Requests Misses Sleeps Gets
-------------------------- --------------- ------------ ----------- -----------
shared pool 131,082 7 7 0
JS Sh mem access 8 3 3 0
redo allocation 2,982 1 1 0
enqueue freelist latch 3 1 1 0
In memory undo latch 1,782 1 1 0
Latch Miss Sources DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> only latches with sleeps are shown
-> ordered by name, sleeps desc
NoWait Waiter
Latch Name Where Misses Sleeps Sleeps
------------------------ -------------------------- ------- ---------- --------
In memory undo latch ktichg: child 0 1 0
JS Sh mem access jsksGetShMemLatch 0 3 3
enqueue freelist latch ksqdeli 0 1 0
redo allocation kcrfw_redo_gen: redo alloc 0 1 0
shared pool kghalo 0 5 3
shared pool kghupr1 0 1 3
shared pool kghalp 0 1 0
Dictionary Cache Stats DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
->"Pct Misses" should be very low (< 2% in most cases)
->"Final Usage" is the number of cache entries being used in End Snapshot
Get Pct Scan Pct Mod Final
Cache Requests Miss Reqs Miss Reqs Usage
------------------------- ------------ ------ ------- ----- -------- ----------
dc_awr_control 72 0.0 0 3 1
dc_files 34 5.9 0 0 6
dc_global_oids 150 18.7 0 0 28
dc_histogram_data 3,509 6.2 0 0 249
dc_histogram_defs 58,222 7.4 0 9 2,051
dc_object_grants 13 84.6 0 0 11
dc_objects 16,753 7.7 0 17 1,392
dc_profiles 10 0.0 0 0 1
dc_rollback_segments 827 0.0 0 0 22
dc_segments 5,955 13.7 0 210 540
dc_sequences 12 100.0 0 12 6
dc_tablespace_quotas 488 0.0 0 0 0
dc_tablespaces 35,576 0.0 0 0 8
dc_users 36,648 0.0 0 0 73
global database name 2,356 0.0 0 0 1
outstanding_alerts 30 16.7 0 0 5
sch_lj_oids 4 50.0 0 0 2
Library Cache Activity DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
->"Pct Misses" should be very low
Get Pct Pin Pct Invali-
Namespace Requests Miss Requests Miss Reloads dations
--------------- ------------ ------ -------------- ------ ---------- --------
SQL AREA 3,345 68.6 31,049 10.7 247 57
TABLE/PROCEDURE 6,272 20.8 11,575 26.1 549 0
BODY 93 43.0 137 32.1 2 0
INDEX 71 78.9 71 93.0 2 0
CLUSTER 176 1.7 176 1.7 0 0
EDITION 22 13.6 30 23.3 1 0
DBLINK 2 100.0 0 0 0
OBJECT ID 4 100.0 0 0 0
SCHEMA 1,881 0.4 0 0 0
SQL AREA STATS 1,082 90.9 1,082 90.9 0 0
SQL AREA BUILD 1,128 94.3 0 0 0
Rule Sets DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> * indicates Rule Set activity (re)started between Begin/End snaps
-> Top 25 ordered by Evaluations desc
Rule * Eval/sec Reloads/sec Eval % Eval %
----------------------------------- - ------------ ----------- ------ ------
Shared Pool Advisory DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl End Snap: 11
-> SP: Shared Pool Est LC: Estimated Library Cache Factr: Factor
-> Note there is often a 1:Many correlation between a single logical object
in the Library Cache, and the physical number of memory objects associated
with it. Therefore comparing the number of Lib Cache objects (e.g. in
v$librarycache), with the number of Lib Cache Memory Objects is invalid
Est LC Est LC Est LC Est LC
Shared SP Est LC Time Time Load Load Est LC
Pool Size Size Est LC Saved Saved Time Time Mem
Size (M) Factr (M) Mem Obj (s) Factr (s) Factr Obj Hits
---------- ----- -------- ------------ ------- ------ ------- ------ -----------
336 1.0 25 1,685 1,247 1.0 22 1.0 45,407
352 1.0 40 2,479 1,247 1.0 22 1.0 46,003
368 1.1 55 3,255 1,251 1.0 18 .8 46,317
384 1.1 69 4,267 1,254 1.0 15 .7 46,756
400 1.2 85 5,284 1,258 1.0 11 .5 46,917
416 1.2 100 6,125 1,258 1.0 11 .5 46,947
432 1.3 106 6,611 1,258 1.0 11 .5 46,947
448 1.3 106 6,611 1,258 1.0 11 .5 46,947
464 1.4 106 6,611 1,258 1.0 11 .5 46,947
480 1.4 106 6,611 1,258 1.0 11 .5 46,947
528 1.6 106 6,611 1,258 1.0 11 .5 46,947
576 1.7 106 6,611 1,258 1.0 11 .5 46,947
624 1.9 106 6,611 1,258 1.0 11 .5 46,947
672 2.0 106 6,611 1,258 1.0 11 .5 46,947
SGA Target Advisory DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl End Snap: 11
SGA Target SGA Size Est DB Est DB Est Physical
Size (M) Factor Time (s) Time Factor Reads
---------- -------- -------- ----------- --------------
600 .5 102 1.0 14,011
900 .8 98 1.0 14,011
1,200 1.0 98 1.0 14,011
1,500 1.3 98 1.0 14,011
1,800 1.5 98 1.0 14,011
2,100 1.8 98 1.0 14,011
2,400 2.0 98 1.0 14,011
SGA Memory Summary DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
End Size (Bytes)
SGA regions Begin Size (Bytes) (if different)
------------------------------ -------------------- --------------------
Database Buffers 838,860,800
Fixed Size 2,252,824
Redo Buffers 8,892,416
Variable Size 402,657,256
-------------------- --------------------
sum 1,252,663,296
SGA breakdown difference DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
-> Top 35 rows by size, ordered by Pool, Name (note rows with null values for
Pool column, or Names showing free memory are always shown)
-> Null value for Begin MB or End MB indicates the size of that Pool/Name was
insignificant, or zero in that snapshot
Pool Name Begin MB End MB % Diff
------ ------------------------------ -------------- -------------- --------
java p free memory 16.0 16.0 0.00
large PX msg pool .5 .5 0.00
large free memory 31.5 31.5 0.00
shared DML lock 3.4 3.4 0.00
shared FileOpenBlock 15.2 15.2 0.00
shared KCB Table Scan Buffer 4.0 4.0 0.00
shared KGLH0 10.9 14.8 35.58
shared KGLS 4.2 4.9 17.13
shared KGLSG 5.0 5.0 0.00
shared KSFD SGA I/O b 4.0 4.0 0.00
shared KTI-UNDO 16.7 16.7 0.00
shared PLDIA 4.7 -100.00
shared SQLA 8.9 7.5 -15.31
shared VIRTUAL CIRCUITS 7.5 7.5 0.00
shared buffer handles 5.0 5.0 0.00
shared dbktb: trace buffer 23.4 23.4 0.00
shared dbwriter coalesce buffer 4.0 4.0 0.00
shared enqueue 5.6 5.6 0.00
shared event statistics per sess 28.5 28.5 0.00
shared free memory 33.5 31.4 -6.28
shared kglsim hash table bkts 4.0 4.0 0.00
shared ksunfy : SSO free list 27.1 27.1 0.00
shared private strands 32.3 32.3 0.00
shared procs: ksunfy 6.1 6.1 0.00
shared row cache 8.2 8.2 0.00
shared transaction 6.2 6.2 0.00
shared write state object 4.3 4.3 0.00
buffer_cache 800.0 800.0 0.00
fixed_sga 2.1 2.1 0.00
log_buffer 8.5 8.5 0.00
SQL Memory Statistics DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
Begin End % Diff
-------------- -------------- --------------
Avg Cursor Size (KB): 21.68 24.41 11.18
Cursor to Parent ratio: 1.07 1.03 -3.87
Total Cursors: 634 465 -36.34
Total Parents: 592 451 -31.26
init.ora Parameters DB/Inst: ORCL/orcl Snaps: 1-11
End value
Parameter Name Begin value (if different)
----------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------
audit_file_dest /u01/app/oracle/admin/orcl/adump
audit_trail DB
control_files /oradata/ORCL/controlfile/o1_mf_c
db_block_size 8192
db_create_file_dest /oradata
db_name orcl
diagnostic_dest /u01/app/oracle
dispatchers (PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=orclXDB)
log_archive_dest_1 LOCATION=/arch
log_archive_format %t_%s_%r.dbf
open_cursors 300
pga_aggregate_target 314572800
processes 1500
remote_login_passwordfile EXCLUSIVE
sessions 2272
sga_target 1258291200
undo_tablespace UNDOTBS1
End of Report ( sp_1_11.txt )
SQL> select max(snap_id) from stats$snapshot;
SQL> delete from stats$snapshot where snap_id < = 11;
2 rows deleted.
SQL> quit
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