对系统而言,希望吞吐量最大最好。对单个任务而言,希望响应速度越快越好 - 为了较好的用户体验,系统需要保证最坏响应时间,而不是平均响应时间。
单个服务窗口,响应速度是1person/1s。如果同时有8个服务窗口对外服务,则该办公厅的吞吐量是8 person/s
2M, 4M, 8M 带宽意味着什么?上网速度翻倍?
一是基本上所有的网站都提速了,二是偶猜测因为带宽的限制(与网络有关?),电信model对每个用户的上网速度作了限制(receive window 的限制?).
We start by introducing two important measures that we use to compare the performance of
protocols. Consider a system (like a network) where jobs (like messages) arrive, and after completion
leave the network. Throughput roughly measures the number of jobs completed per second. Latency
measures the time (worst-case or average, we will typically consider worst-case) to complete a job.
The owners of a system want to maximize throughput to maximize revenues, while users of a
system want low latencies so they don't waste their time. Consider a doctor's oce. Often they
keep you waiting for a long time so that you will be ready when the doctor is ready. They are
optimizing for throughput, not to minimize your latency. A busy trac signal should typically
maximize for throughput by having each signal direction stay on for a long time; this minimizes the
startup overhead every time the signal changes. However, that means that even if there is nobody
at the intersection, you may have to wait a long time till the signal light changes if you are unlucky
and arrive just as your light changes to red.
Another interesting point (exemplied by the trac light example) is throughput is more in-
teresting for busy systems and latency is more important for idle systems.
One might think that throughput is just the reciprocal of latency. That is not true when the
system is pipelined | i.e., the number of users that may being serviced at the same time inside
the system. For example, if the system consists of 8 service stations that take 1 unit of time each.
If each job must go through each station, the throughput can be 1 job per unit time, while the
latency is 8. On the other hand, suppose each job needs only 1 service station and any service
station will do. Then the throughput can be 8 jobs per unit time, and the latency is 1.
For networks, the jobs are messages and the system is a network. The service stations correspond
to a series of hops. However, in this lecture we will conne ourselves to a single hop.