react 图像识别_无法在React中基于URL查找图像

react 图像识别

If you're new to React and are having trouble accessing images stored locally, you're not alone.


Imagine you have your images stored in a directory next to a component like this:


    - component1
    - component2
  - img1
  - img2

And you're trying to access the images in the /img directory from component2:


import React, { Component, useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom'
import { useTransition, animated, config } from "react-spring";
import imgArr from './images';
import '../App.css';

const Slideshow = () => {
  const [index, set] = useState(0)
  const transitions = useTransition(imgArr[index], item =>, {
    from: { opacity: 0 },
    enter: {opacity: 1 },
    leave: { opacity: 0 },
    config: config.molasses,
  useEffect(() => void setInterval(() => set(state => (state + 1) % 4), 2000), [])
  return{ item, props, key }) => (

const slideshowContainerStyle = {
 width: '80%',
 height: '300px'

export default Slideshow;

You've tried the paths ../img/img1.jpg and ..img/img1.jpg, but get Error: Cannot find module '' .

您已经尝试了../img/img1.jpg..img/img1.jpg路径,但得到Error: Cannot find module ''

So what's going on here?


关于create-react-app (A little about create-react-app)

Like most people, you probably used create-react-app to bootstrap your project.


In that case, using relative paths can be a bit tricky because create-react-app builds the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files to an output folder:


  - index.html
  - bundle.js
  - style.css

There are a number of ways to use images with create-react-app, but one of the easiest is to include your images into /public. When your project is built, /public serves as the root directory.

通过create-react-app有多种使用图像的方法,但是最简单的方法之一就是将图像包含在/public 。 构建项目时, /public充当根目录。

You can read more about adding images or other assets in the Create React App docs.

您可以在Create React App文档中阅读有关添加图像或其他资产的更多信息。

汇入图片 (Importing images)

If you took a look at the docs, you'll notice that the code includes import statements to load assets like images and fonts.


Importing is useful when your asset, in this case an image, is in the same directory or near the component that uses it, and won't be used anywhere else. For example, if you have an input component with buttons that use SVGs for thumbs up and thumbs down icons.

当您的资产(在这种情况下为映像)位于使用该资产的目录中或该组件附近,并且在其他任何地方都不会使用时,导入很有用。 例如,如果您有一个带有按钮的输入组件,这些按钮使用SVG表示大拇指和大拇指向下的图标。

A bit advantage of using import is that it will throw an error during build time if there's a typo. This sort of checking helps ensure users won't see a broken image that slipped by.

使用import一个优点是,如果有错字,它将在构建期间引发错误。 这种检查有助于确保用户不会看到滑动的破损图像。


react 图像识别
