How to pass data to a Flex application using SWFObject 2.0



I want to display a Flex application in my webpage and pass it some parameters?



I'll use the swfobject project which will allow me to display my application and pass it some parameters really properly




Detailed explanation<解决方法:>

Here is my Flex application, have you can see the "parseParameters" method is important. It will display the name and the value of every parameters I passed to my application :

package com.palleas
  import mx.controls.TextArea;
  import spark.components.Application;
  public class Facade extends Application
    protected var logBox:TextArea;
    public function Facade()
      logBox = new TextArea();
      logBox.width = 500;
      logBox.height = 300;
      addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, creationCompleteHandler);
    protected function creationCompleteHandler(e:FlexEvent):void
      removeEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, creationCompleteHandler);
    * This method display the name and the value
    * of every parameters passed to the Flex Application
    protected function parseParameters():void
      logBox.text = "";
      var currentParamIndex:uint = 1;
      for(var parameterName:String in parameters)
        logBox.text += "Parameter #"+currentParamIndex + ": ";
        logBox.text += parameterName + " " + parameters[parameterName] + "/n";

My webpage is really cheap, all I want is my flex Application so :

  Load some parameters



Woops, it seems you don't have Flash player installed, shame on you! ;-)



As you can see, swfobject makes really easy to add a Flex application to a webpage and pass it some parameters properly. You don't have to write the object, embed, params HTML tags by yourself anymore, how cool is that ?
