mybatis 批量处理时自动提交的问题

Spring 中默认的事务工厂 SpringTransactionFactory 时每次执行 flushStatements() 方法后事务会立即提交,代码中的 SqlSession.commit(), SqlSession.rollback() or SqlSession.close() 不能影响 Spring 管理的SqlSession,不管 autocommit 怎么设置,在 Spring 事务外面执行 SqlSession 的任何数据操作或者调用 mapper 中的方法都会立即提交[参见资料2]。

MyBatis SqlSession provides you with specific methods to handle transactions programmatically. But when using MyBatis-Spring your beans will be injected with a Spring managed SqlSession or a Spring managed mapper. That means that Spring will always handle your transactions.

You cannot call SqlSession.commit(), SqlSession.rollback() or SqlSession.close() over a Spring managed SqlSession. If you try to do so, a UnsupportedOperationException exception will be thrown. Note these methods are not exposed in injected mapper classes.

Regardless of your JDBC connection's autocommit setting, any execution of a SqlSession data method or any call to a mapper method outside a Spring transaction will be automatically committed.

解决办法:使用 JDBC 事务工厂


1. SpringManagedTransactionFactory always ignore autoCommit.
2. mybatis-spring Transactions.
3. mybatis Java API(中文版).
4. mybatis Java API.
5. mybatis Configuration.
6. mybatis全局配置文件mybatis-config.xml.
7. 谈jdbcTemplate与mybatis.

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