ORACLE 重命名数据文件

ORACLE 重命名数据文件


方法1:Alter tablespace data file rename


We can use the alter tablespace renaume datafile command, but the tablespace most be offline and you must re-name the data file while the tablespace is offline:

step1.  offline operation

alter tablespace userdata offline;

step2. move file in os command

! mv /u01/oradata_old/userdata01.dbf /u02/oradata_new/userdata01.dbf;

step3.  rename operation

alter tablespace userdata 
rename datafile '/u01/oradata_old/userdat01.dbf' 
to '/u02/oradata_new/userdata01.dbf';

step4. reset online

alter tablespace userdata online;

方法2:Alter Database data file rename


We can also use the alter database rename datafile command, but the data file must be renamed in the OS (using the mv linux command) while the database is down and the rename data file must be done while the database is un-opened (in the mount stage):

step1. stop db

shutdown immediate;

step2. move file to new place

! mv '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/oldname.dbf' '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/newname.dbf';

step3. mount db

startup mount;

step4. rename datafile

alter database
rename file '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/oldname.dbf' 
to '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/newname.dbf';

step5. open db

alter database open;

