Java SecurityManager checkConnect()方法与示例



    public void checkConnect(String host_add, int port_no);
    public void checkConnect(String host_add, int port_no, Object cntxt);

SecurityManager类的checkConnect()方法 (SecurityManager Class checkConnect() method)

  • checkConnect() method is available in java.lang package.


  • checkConnect(String host_add, int port_no) method is called checkPermission with SocketPermission(host ":" + port_no,"connect") if and only if when port_no is not equal to -1 otherwise it calls checkPermission with SocketPermission(host_add,"resolve") if and only if port_no is equal to 1.

    当且仅当port_no不等于-1时,才 checkConnect(String host_add,int port_no)方法称为checkPermission和SocketPermission(host“:” + port_no,“ connect”) ,否则,将调用带有SocketPermission(host_add,“ resolve”的checkPermission) )仅当port_no等于1。

  • checkConnect(String host_add, int port_no, Object cntxt) method is calls checkPermission with SocketPermission(host ":" + port_no,"connect") if and only when port_no is not equal to -1 and cntxt parameter is an instance of AccessControlContext otherwise it calls checkPermission with SocketPermission(host_add,"resolve") if and only if when port_no is equal to -1 and cntxt parameter is an instance of AccessControlContext.

    当且仅当port_no不等于-1并且cntxt参数是AccessControlContext的实例时, checkConnect(String host_add,int port_no,Object cntxt)方法才SocketPermission(host“:” + port_no,“ connect”)调用checkPermission当且仅当port_no等于-1并且cntxt参数是AccessControlContext的实例时,才使用SocketPermission(host_add,“ resolve”)调用checkPermission。

  • checkConnect(String host_add, int port_no), checkConnect(String host_add, int port_no, Object cntxt) methods may throw an exception at the time of checking connection.

    checkConnect(String host_add,int port_no)checkConnect(String host_add,int port_no,Object cntxt)方法在检查连接时可能会引发异常。

    • checkConnect(String host_add, int port_no) - This exception may throw when the calling thread does not have the authority to open a socket connection to the given host and port_no.checkConnect(String host_add,int port_no) -当调用线程无权打开与给定主机和port_no的套接字连接时,可能会引发此异常。
    • checkConnect(String host_add, int port_no, Object cntxt) - This exception may throw when the given cntxt (context) does not have authority to open a socket connection to the given host and port_no.checkConnect(String host_add,int port_no,Object cntxt) -当给定的cntxt(上下文)无权打开与给定的主机和port_no的套接字连接时,可能会抛出此异常。
  • These methods are non-static methods, it is accessible with the class object only and, if we try to access these methods with the class name then we will get an error.




  • In the first case, "String host_add, int port_no"

    在第一种情况下, “字符串host_add,int port_no”

    String host_add - This parameter represents the host to connect to protocol.


    int port_no – This parameter represents the port number to connect to.

    int port_no –此参数表示要连接的端口号。

  • In the second case, "String host_add, int port_no, Object cntxt"

    在第二种情况下, “字符串host_add,int port_no,对象cntxt”

    String host_add – Similar as defined in the first case.

    字符串host_add –与第一种情况下定义的相似。

    int port_no - Similar as defined in the second case.

    int port_no-与第二种情况中定义的类似。

    Object cntxt – This parameter represents the system-specific security context.

    对象cntxt –此参数表示系统特定的安全上下文。

Return value:


The return type of this method is void, it returns nothing.

此方法的返回类型为void ,不返回任何内容。



// Java program to demonstrate the example 
// of checkConnect () method of SecurityManager class


public class CheckConnect {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String host_add = "";
        int port_no = 8080;

        AccessControlContext cntxt = AccessController.getContext();

        // By using setProperty() method is to set the policy property 
        // with security manager
        System.setProperty("", "file:/C:/java.policy");

        // Instantiating a SecurityManager object
        SecurityManager smgr = new SecurityManager();

        // By using setSecurityManager() method is to set the
        // security manager

        // By using checkConnect(host_add,port_no) method is to //check that
        // connection is enabled or not
        smgr.checkConnect(host_add, port_no);

        // By using checkConnect(host_add,port_no,cntxt) method is //to check that
        // connection is enabled or not or when cntxt is an instance of 
        // AccessControlContext
        smgr.checkConnect(host_add, port_no, cntxt);

        // Display the message when connection is enabled



Exception in thread "main" access denied ("" "" "connect,resolve")
	at java.base/
	at java.base/
	at java.base/java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(
	at java.base/java.lang.SecurityManager.checkConnect(
	at CheckConnect.main(

