

/** * @class Ext.tree.ColumnCheckNodeUI * @extends Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI * * 对 Ext.tree.ColumnNodeUI 进行checkbox功能的扩展,后台返回的结点信息不用非要包含checked属性 * * 扩展的功能点有: * 一、支持只对树的叶子进行选择 * 只有当返回的树结点属性leaf = true 时,结点才有checkbox可选 * 使用时,只需在声明树时,加上属性 onlyLeafCheckable: true 既可,默认是false * * 二、支持对树的单选 * 只允许选择一个结点 * 使用时,只需在声明树时,加上属性 checkModel: "single" 既可 * * 二、支持对树的级联多选 * 当选择结点时,自动选择该结点下的所有子结点,以及该结点的所有父结点(根结点除外),特别是支持异步,当子结点还没显示时,会从后台取得子结点,然后将其选中/取消选中 * 使用时,只需在声明树时,加上属性 checkModel: "cascade" 既可 * * 三、添加"check"事件 * 该事件会在树结点的checkbox发生改变时触发 * 使用时,只需给树注册事件,如: * tree.on("check",function(node,checked){alert(" = "+checked)}); * 四、去掉checkbox * 使用时,只需在声明树时,加上属性 noCheck:true 即可 * * 默认情况下,checkModel为'multiple',也就是多选,onlyLeafCheckable为false,所有结点都可选 * * 例如: * * var root = new Ext.tree.AsyncColumnTreeNode({ * text:'Tasks' * }); * * var store = new{ * root : 'data', // 数据集合 * rootNode : root, // 配置树的根节点 * totalProperty : 'totalCount', // 总行数 * proxy : new { * url : 'grid-page.jsp' //请求地址 * }), * fields: ['id', 'name', 'age', 'birth', 'bz'] // 数据属性名 * }); * * var tree = new Ext.tree.ColumnCheckTree({ * width: 900, * height: 600, * rootVisible:false, // false不显示根节点;true 为显示 * autoScroll:true, * checkModel : 'cascade', // 级联多选 * title: 'columnCheckTree', * renderTo: Ext.getBody(), * columns:[{ * header:'编号', * width:330, * dataIndex:'id' * },{ * header:'名称', * width:100, * dataIndex:'name' * },{ * header:'年龄', * width:100, * dataIndex:'age' * },{ * header:'生日', * width:100, * dataIndex:'birth' * },{ * header:'备注', * width:100, * dataIndex:'bz' * }], * store : store, // 数据源 * bbar : new Ext.TreePagingToolbar( { // 配置 翻页工具条 * store : store, * displayInfo : true * }), * root: root * }); * * 拼接JSON: * sb.append("{success:true,data:"); * sb.append("["); * { * for(int i = s ; i < s+l; i ++){ * sb.append("{leaf:false,cls:'master-task',iconCls:'task-folder',id:'").append(i); * sb.append("',name:'").append("bob" + i); * sb.append("',age:'").append(i); * sb.append("',birth:'").append("2010-12-20"); * sb.append("',children:[{leaf:true,name:'ss',iconCls:'task',id:'").append(i+ "" + i).append("'}],"); * sb.append("bz:'").append("备注").append(i==s+l-1?"'}":"'},"); * } * } * sb.append("],totalCount:100}"); * */ Ext.tree.ColumnCheckTree = Ext.extend(Ext.tree.TreePanel, { lines : false, borderWidth : Ext.isBorderBox ? 0 : 2, // the combined left/right border clearOnLoad : true, cls : 'x-column-tree', onRender : function() { Ext.tree.ColumnCheckTree.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments); this.headers = this.body.createChild( {cls : 'x-tree-headers'}, this.innerCt.dom); var cols = this.columns, c; var totalWidth = 0; for ( var i = 0, len = cols.length; i < len; i++) { c = cols[i]; totalWidth += c.width; this.headers.createChild( { cls : 'x-tree-hd ' + (c.cls ? c.cls + '-hd' : ''), cn : { cls : 'x-tree-hd-text', html : c.header }, style : 'width:' + (c.width - this.borderWidth) + 'px;' }); } this.headers.createChild( { cls : 'x-clear' }); // prevent floats from wrapping when clipped this.headers.setWidth(totalWidth); this.innerCt.setWidth(totalWidth); }, getStore : function(){ return; }, getSelectionModel : function(){ if(!this.selModel){ this.selModel = new Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel({ onNodeClick : function(node, e){; if(node.getUI().checkbox){ node.getUI().check(!node.attributes.checked); } } }); } return this.selModel; } }); Ext.tree.ColumnCheckNodeUI = Ext.extend(Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI,{ focus : Ext.emptyFn, // prevent odd scrolling behavior renderElements : function(n, a, targetNode, bulkRender) { this.indentMarkup = n.parentNode ? n.parentNode.ui.getChildIndent() : ''; var t = n.getOwnerTree(); var cols = t.columns; var bw = t.borderWidth; var c = cols[0]; var cb = !t.noCheck&&(!t.onlyLeafCheckable||a.leaf); var buf = [ '

  • ', '
    ', '',this.indentMarkup,"", '', '', cb?'': '/>'):'', '', '', n.text|| (c.renderer ? c.renderer(a[c.dataIndex], n, a): a[c.dataIndex]), "", "
    " ]; for ( var i = 1, len = cols.length; i < len; i++) { c = cols[i]; buf.push('
    ', '
    ',(c.renderer ? c.renderer(a[c.dataIndex], n,a) : a[c.dataIndex]), "
    ", "
    "); } buf.push('
  • "); if (bulkRender !== true && n.nextSibling&& n.nextSibling.ui.getEl()) { this.wrap = Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml("beforeBegin",n.nextSibling.ui.getEl(), buf.join("")); } else { this.wrap = Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml("beforeEnd",targetNode, buf.join("")); } this.elNode = this.wrap.childNodes[0]; this.ctNode = this.wrap.childNodes[1]; var cs = this.elNode.firstChild.childNodes; this.indentNode = cs[0]; this.ecNode = cs[1]; this.iconNode = cs[2]; var index = 3; if(cb){ this.checkbox = cs[index];'click',this.check.createDelegate(this,[null])); index++; } this.anchor = cs[index]; this.textNode = cs[index].firstChild; }, // private check : function(checked) { var n = this.node; var tree = n.getOwnerTree(); this.checkModel = tree.checkModel || this.checkModel; if (checked === null) { checked = this.checkbox.checked; } else { this.checkbox.checked = checked; } n.attributes.checked = checked; if(checked){ tree.getSelectionModel().select(n); }else{ tree.getSelectionModel().unselect(n); } tree.fireEvent('check', n, checked); if(!this.onlyLeafCheckable && this.checkModel =='cascade'){ var parentNode = n.parentNode; if (parentNode !== null) { this.parentCheck(parentNode, checked); parentNode.expand(); } if (!n.expanded && !n.childrenRendered) { n.expand(false, false, this.childCheck); } else { this.childCheck(n); } }else if(this.checkModel == 'single'){ var checkedNodes = tree.getChecked(); for(var i=0;i 0) { for ( var i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++) { if (childNodes[i].getUI().checkbox.checked) return true; } } return false; }, // private onCheckChange : function() { var checked = this.checkbox.checked; // fix for IE6 this.checkbox.defaultChecked = checked; this.node.attributes.checked = checked; this.check(checked); this.fireEvent('checkchange', this.node, checked); }, toggleCheck : function(value) { var cb = this.checkbox; if (cb) { var checked = (value === undefined ? !cb.checked: value); this.check(checked); } } }); Ext.tree.AsyncColumnTreeNode = Ext.extend(Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode,{ loaded : false, expand : function(deep, anim, callback){ if(this.loading){ // if an async load is already running, waiting til it's done var timer; var f = function(){ if(!this.loading){ // done loading clearInterval(timer); this.expand(deep, anim, callback); } }.createDelegate(this); timer = setInterval(f, 200); return; } if(!this.loaded){ if(this.fireEvent("beforeload", this) === false){ return; } this.loading = true; this.ui.beforeLoad(this); var s = || || this.getOwnerTree().getStore(); if(s){ s.load({},this,this.loadComplete.createDelegate(this, [deep, anim, callback])); } }, deep, anim, callback); }, loadComplete : function(deep, anim, callback){ this.loading = false; this.loaded = true; this.ui.afterLoad(this); this.fireEvent("load", this); this.expand(deep, anim, callback); } }); = Ext.extend(,{ clearOnLoad : true, loadNode : this.rootNode, loadData : function(o, node){ if(!node){ node = this.rootNode; }else{ this.loadNode = node; } if(node|!node.render){ // attributes passed node =,true); } while(node.firstChild){ node.removeChild(node.firstChild); } node.beginUpdate(); for(var i = 0, len = o.length; i < len; i++){ if(!o[i].children){ o[i].leaf = true; } var n = this.createNode(o[i]); if(n){ node.appendChild(n); } } node.endUpdate(); node.expand(); }, load : function(options,node,callback){ if(!node){ node = this.rootNode; this.loadNode = node; }else{ this.loadNode = node; } if(node){ if(this.clearOnLoad){ while(node.firstChild){ node.removeChild(node.firstChild); } } if(this.doPreload(node)){ // preloaded json children if(typeof callback == "function"){ callback(); } }else if(this.proxy.conn.dataUrl||this.proxy.conn.url){ this.requestData(options, node, callback); node.loaded = true; node.loading = false; this.start = options&&options.params&&options.params.start?options.params.start:0; } return false; } }, doPreload : function(node){ if(node.attributes.children){ if(node.childNodes.length < 1){ // preloaded? var cs = node.attributes.children; node.beginUpdate(); for(var i = 0, len = cs.length; i < len; i++){ var cn = node.appendChild(this.createNode(cs[i])); if(this.preloadChildren){ this.doPreload(cn); } } node.endUpdate(); } return true; }else { return false; } }, requestData : function(options, node, callback){ if(this.fireEvent("beforeload", this, node, callback) !== false){ this.transId = Ext.Ajax.request({ method:this.requestMethod, url: this.proxy.conn.dataUrl||this.proxy.conn.url, success: this.handleResponse, failure: this.handleFailure, scope: this, argument: {callback: callback, node: node}, params: this.getParams(node,options) }); }else{ // if the load is cancelled, make sure we notify // the node that we are done if(typeof callback == "function"){ callback(); } } }, getParams: function(node,options){ var buf = [], bp = this.baseParams; for(var key in bp){ if(typeof bp[key] != "function"){ buf.push(encodeURIComponent(key), "=", encodeURIComponent(bp[key]), "&"); } } if(options&&options.params){ for(var key in options.params){ if(typeof options.params[key] != "function"){ buf.push(encodeURIComponent(key), "=", encodeURIComponent(options.params[key]), "&"); } } } buf.push("node=", encodeURIComponent(; return buf.join(""); }, createNode : function(attr,asyn){ if(this.baseAttrs){ Ext.applyIf(attr, this.baseAttrs); } if(this.applyLoader !== false){ = this; } attr.uiProvider = eval('Ext.tree.ColumnCheckNodeUI'); if(attr.nodeType){ return new Ext.tree.TreePanel.nodeTypes[attr.nodeType](attr); }else{ return attr.leaf | asyn ? new Ext.tree.TreeNode(attr) : new Ext.tree.AsyncColumnTreeNode(attr); } }, processResponse : function(response, node, callback){ var json = response.responseText; try { var o = eval("("+json+")"); node.beginUpdate(); for(var i = 0, len =; i < len; i++){ var n = this.createNode([i]); if(n){ node.appendChild(n); } } node.endUpdate(); node.expand(); if(typeof callback == "function"){ callback(this, node); }; =; =; this.totalLength = o.totalCount; }catch(e){ this.handleFailure(response); } }, handleResponse : function(response){ this.transId = false; var a = response.argument; this.processResponse(response, a.node, a.callback); this.fireEvent("load", this, a.node,{params:{start : this.start}} ); }, handleFailure : function(response){ this.transId = false; var a = response.argument; this.fireEvent("loadexception", this, a.node, response); if(typeof a.callback == "function"){ a.callback(this, a.node); } } }); Ext.TreePagingToolbar = Ext.extend(Ext.PagingToolbar,{ updateInfo : function(){ if(this.displayEl){ if( != return; var count =; var msg = count == 0 ? this.emptyMsg : String.format( this.displayMsg, this.cursor+1, this.cursor+count, ); this.displayEl.update(msg); } } }); 
