Heif/Heic 转 JPG 免费工具




HEIF is the new photo format that Apple is using to replace JPEG. And it “probably will replace JPEGs, because the iPhone is the most popular, most-used camera in the world, and as of iOS 11, most iPhones will be switching from JPEG to HEIF”.

This tool is to convert Heif files(*.heic) to Jpg files. It is for windows, UI based file or directory selection, and convert the files to JPG by using libheif(https://github.com/strukturag/libheif).

This tool has no advertising, no plugin, no virus, no installation.

It is free.

How to use

Download the package, and double click Heif2Jpg.exe

It will convert the xxx.heic file to xxx.jpg file, xxx.heic file will be kept.


Heif/Heic 转 JPG 免费工具_第1张图片
