The summary of the second half semester of the freshman years

I don't know why but I want to say it by English , thought my English is poor .

Well , this semester  I think I am a loser.

I did't  accompany anything what I want to do such like finsihing the Analysis of the mathematical by HuiMing Xie . I also didn't  fulfil my plan of finsihing the advanced algebra . And my data structure is poorly bad .

My profession is the  Information and computational science . This  profession  combines math and computer science . I love math as well as the computer science ,that 's why I choose the  I C S , neither math or C S  , maybe  I will abandon math  and choose to CS beacuse of the pressure of the living , but I still hope I can learn more about the math , maybe I weill never use them when I work , but maybe just because I love it.

And It never rain but it pours I saw the girl I love company with other boy , maybe they are not the relationship what I though but it distress me ,,,,,,,,,,Maybe I am naive  but I just hope I can grow stronger and stronger 

In this  semester ,  the lower effciency  was reason why I became a loser , there is no doubut that effciency is more important  than anything , even if the attitude , I think in twice , my way of studying was poorly wrong , I  seldom connect the knowledge with knowledge , I  never sum up the knowledge , I speculate about the way of stduying ,  connect the knowledge with knowldege fluently is the most important things , , the more you do , the more efficient you can be , do more  think more and say less, but I think written Blog in English is in need fot me  , I think I need to reinforce my Englisgh , I hope I will  write my summary weekly , I think I don't have time to be sorrow , I need to became stronger for the my dream , for the girl I love .

(英语渣渣,,,,如果有错误欢迎指正,thank you )


你可能感兴趣的:(The summary of the second half semester of the freshman years)