
http://blog.csdn.net/u012949263/article/details/54379996 提供了英文版
  • Question:

Deconvolution networks use deconvolution layers to infer sparse feature maps and filters (this is the same as convolutional sparse coding).

In the context of Fully Convolutional Networks that perform pixel-wise segmentation, does deconvolution just mean upsampling (e.g. bilinear interpolation)? Is this is different to deconvolutional layers in Deconv Nets?

As far as I understand unpooling just mean using switches to position values in the switch positions with the rest of the values in between set to zero?

It would be great if someone could clarify the differences between these terms.

  • 2 Answers:

Christian Baumgartner 
Christian Baumgartner, 5 years of experience in using machine learning for medical image analysis 
Written Nov 10 
Upsampling refers to any technique that, well, upsamples your image to a higher resolution.

The easiest way is using resampling and interpolation. This is taking an input image, rescaling it to the desired size and then calculating the pixel values at each point using a interpolation method such as bilinear interpolation.

Unpooling is commonly used in the context of convolutional neural networks to denote reverse max pooling. Citing from this paper: Unpooling: In the convnet, the max pooling operation is non-invertible, however we can obtain an approximate inverse by recording the locations of the maxima within each pooling region in a set of switch variables. In the deconvnet, the unpooling operation uses these switches to place the reconstructions from the layer above into appropriate locations, preserving the structure of the stimulus.

Deconvolution in the context of convolutional neural networks is often used to denote a sort of reverse convolution, which importantly and confusingly is not actually a proper mathematical deconvolution. In contrast to unpooling, using ‘deconvolution’ the upsampling of an image can be learned. It is often used for upsampling the output of a convnet to the original image resolution. I wrote another answer on this topic here. Deconvolution is more appropriately also referred to as convolution with fractional strides, or transpose convolution.

Then there is proper deconvolution which reverses the effect of a convolution (Deconvolution - Wikipedia). I don’t think people actually use this in the context of convolutional neural networks.

I don’t know much about convolutional sparse coding but it appears to me from glancing at a few papers, that those approaches use of the former kind of ‘deconvolution’, i.e. tranpose convolution, to allow you to go from a sparse image representation obtained using convnets, back to the original image resolution. (Happy to be corrected on this.)





反卷积常被认为是空洞卷积或者转置卷积 ,这也更为恰当一些。

对于一个卷积,存在一个合适的反卷积反转/消除它的影响/作用(反卷积 - 维基百科)。我不认为人们实际上在CNN上下文中使用这个(定义)。

我对卷积稀疏编码知之甚少,但在浏览一些论文的过程中我发现,这些论文使用了前一种“反卷积”,即转置卷积,使图像从卷积生成的稀疏图像表示回到原始图像分辨率。 (很高兴这一点能够被纠正。)


