Asynchronous Method Invocation 【翻译】 (一)


In this article, I am going to explain asynchronous method calls and how to use them. After playing with delegates, threads, and asynchronous invocation for so long, it would be a sin not to share some of my wisdom and knowledge on the subject, so hopefully, you won�t be looking at an MSDN article at 1 AM wondering why you decided to go into computers. I will try to use baby steps and lots of examples� Overall, I will cover how to call methods asynchronously, how to pass parameters to such methods, and how to find out when a method completes execution. Finally, I will show the Command Pattern in use for simplifying some of the code. The big advantage with .NET asynchronous method invocation is that you can take any method you have in your project, and you can call it asynchronously without touching the code of your method. Although most of the magic is within the .NET framework, it is important to see what is going on in the back, and that�s what we are going to study here.





Synchronous vs. Asynchronous

Let me try to explain synchronous and asynchronous method invocations with an example, because I know people on The Code Project like to see code and not read War and Peace (not that I have anything against this book).



private void Foo() { // sleep for 10 seconds. Thread.Sleep(10000); }


Normally, when your application calls the functionFoo(), it will need to wait 10 seconds untilFoo() is finished and control is returned to the calling thread. Now, suppose you want to callFoo() 100 times, then we know that it would take 1000 seconds for the control to return to the calling thread. This type of a method invocation is Synchronous.

  1. Call Foo()
  2. Foo() is executed
  3. Control goes back to the calling thread


   1. 调用Foo()

   2. Foo()执行

   3. 控制权返回到调用的原线程


Let's now call Foo() using delegates because most of the work we will do here is based on delegates. Luckily for us, there is already a delegate within the .NET framework that allows us to call a function that takes no parameter and has no return value. The delegate is called MethodeInvoker. Let's play with it a little.



// create a delegate of MethodInvoker poiting // to our Foo() function. MethodInvoker simpleDelegate = new MethodInvoker(Foo); // Calling Foo simpleDelegate.Invoke();

Even with the example above, we are still calling Foo() synchronously. The calling thread still needs to wait for the Invoke() function to complete until the control is returned to the calling thread.



Asynchronous method invocation

But what if I wanted to call Foo() and not wait for it to finish executing? In fact, to make things interesting, what if I didn�t care when it is finished? Let�s say, I just wanted to callFoo 100 times without waiting for any of the function calls to complete. Basically, doing something calledFire and Forget. You call the function, you don�t wait for it, and you just forget about it. And� let�s not forget! I am not willing to change a line of code in my super complicated fancyFoo() function.




 // create a delegate of MethodInvoker poiting to // our Foo function. MethodInvoker simpleDelegate = new MethodInvoker(Foo); // Calling Foo Async for(int i=0; i<100; i++) simpleDelegate.BeginInvoke(null, null);

Let me make a few comments about the code above.



  • Notice that BeginInvoke() is the line of code that executes theFoo() function. However, the control is returned to the caller right away, without waiting forFoo() to complete.
  • The code above does not know when a call to Foo() completes, I will cover that later.
  • BeginInvoke() is used instead of Invoke(). For now, don�t worry about the parameters this function takes; I will cover that in more detail later.

* 注意代码里那个BeginInvoke(),用来执行Foo()函数的。然而,不用等待Foo()执行完毕,控制权马上就好返回原来的调用者那了。

* 上面的代码不知道Foo()函数什么时候能执行完毕,关于这点我在后面会做一定的解释说明

* BeginInvoke()代替了Invoke().目前不要去关心参数问题,我们马上会做这方面更详细的解释的。

What is the magic that .NET is doing in the background

Once you ask the framework to call something asynchronously, it needs a thread to do the work. It can not be the current thread, because that would make the invocation synchronous (blocking). Instead, the runtime queues a request to execute the function on a thread from the .NET Thread Pool. You don�t really need to code anything for it, all of it happens in the background. But, just because it is all transparent doesn�t mean you should care about it. There are a few things to remember:



一旦你然framework去做异步调用,这就需要用到线程。这可不是当前线程,因为它是一个异步的回调(阻塞). 而且,运行时用了.net的线程池,并用队列请求的方式去执行功能函数。如果你没自己编写代码去做这些事情,.net的后台机制会自动完成这些操作。它们浅显,但并不意味着你应该去关心这些。还是有些事情需要注意和记住的:

  • Foo() is executed on a separate thread, a thread that belongs to the .NET Thread Pool.
  • A .NET Thread Pool normally has 25 threads in it (you can change that limit), and each timeFoo() is called, it is going to be executed on one of these threads. You can't control which one.
  • The Thread Pool has its limits! Once all the threads are used, an async method invocation is queued until one of the threads from the pool is freed. This is calledThread Pool Starvation, and normally when it comes to that, performance is compromised.

* Foo()的执行是在独立的线程上的,这个线程属于.NET的线程池。

* 一个.NET线程池一般可以存有25个线程(你可以修改线程个数),而且Foo()调用的时候,这个操作就在线程池里执行。你没有控制权。

* 线程池是有限制的。一旦所以线程都在使用,一个异步调用就要排队,直到有线程从线程池里释放。这叫做Thread Pool Starvation,


Don�t dive too deep into the thread pool, you might run out of oxygen!


So, let's see an example of when the Thread Pool is starved. Let's modify our Foo function to wait for 30 seconds, and also let it report the following:

  • Number of avaible threads on the pool
  • If the thread is on the thread pool
  • The thread ID.

We know that initially the thread pool contains 25 threads, so I am going to call myFoo function asynchronously 30 times (to see what happens after the 25th call).



* 可利用的线程数

* 如果线程在线程池中

* 线程ID号



private void CallFoo30AsyncTimes() { // create a delegate of MethodInvoker // poiting to our Foo function. MethodInvoker simpleDelegate = new MethodInvoker(Foo); // Calling Foo Async 30 times. for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { // call Foo() simpleDelegate.BeginInvoke(null, null); } }


private void Foo() { int intAvailableThreads, intAvailableIoAsynThreds; // ask the number of avaialbe threads on the pool, //we really only care about the first parameter. ThreadPool.GetAvailableThreads(out intAvailableThreads, out intAvailableIoAsynThreds); // build a message to log string strMessage = String.Format(@"Is Thread Pool: {1}, Thread Id: {2} Free Threads {3}", Thread.CurrentThread.IsThreadPoolThread.ToString(), Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode(), intAvailableThreads); // check if the thread is on the thread pool. Trace.WriteLine(strMessage); // create a delay... Thread.Sleep(30000); return; }

Output window:


Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 7 Free Threads 24 Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 12 Free Threads 23 Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 13 Free Threads 22 Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 14 Free Threads 21 Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 15 Free Threads 20 Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 16 Free Threads 19 Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 17 Free Threads 18 Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 18 Free Threads 17 Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 19 Free Threads 16 Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 20 Free Threads 15 Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 21 Free Threads 14 Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 22 Free Threads 13 Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 23 Free Threads 12 Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 24 Free Threads 11 Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 25 Free Threads 10 Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 26 Free Threads 9 Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 27 Free Threads 8 Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 28 Free Threads 7 Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 29 Free Threads 6 Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 30 Free Threads 5 Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 31 Free Threads 4 Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 32 Free Threads 3 Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 33 Free Threads 2 Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 34 Free Threads 1 Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 35 Free Threads 0 Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 7 Free Threads 0 Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 12 Free Threads 0 Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 13 Free Threads 0 Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 14 Free Threads 0 Is Thread Pool: True, Thread Id: 15 Free Threads 0


Let�s make a few notes about the output:

  • Notice, first of all, that all the threads are on the thread pool.
  • Notice that each time Foo is called, another thread ID is assigned. However, you can see that some of the threads are recycled.
  • After calling Foo() 25 times, you can see that there are no more free threads on the pool. At this point, the application �waits� for a free thread.
  • Once a thread is freed, the program grabs it right away, calling Foo(), and still there are 0 free threads on the pool. This continues to happen untilFoo() is called 30 times.




*  第25次调用以后,线程池里就没有空闲线程了。这种情况下,程序等待空闲的线程出现。

*  一旦有线程被释放,程序会立刻获取,然后调用Foo(),所以这时候线程池里依然是0个空闲线程。这种情况一直持续到Foo()被调用30次


So right away, not doing anything too fancy, we can make a few comments about calling methods asynchronously.

  • Know that your code will run in a separate thread, so some thread safety issues may apply. This is a topic on its own, and I will not cover it here.
  • Remember that the pool has its limits. If you plan to call many functions asynchronously and if they take a long time to execute, Thread Pool Starvation might occur.



*  记住,线程池是有限制的。如果你计划调用很多异步操作而且操作还很消耗时间,线程池枯竭就的情况就会发生了


