

由于手工统计代码行数费时费力,不如来一个简单的python 脚本来的快速便捷。顺便练习一下刚刚学习的python语言。


# 根据输入的目录,统计该目录下代码行数

import os
from os import listdir
from os.path import isdir, isfile

def CountAFileLines(fileName):
    file = open(fileName, 'r')
    allLines = file.readlines();
    i = 0
    for li in allLines:
        if li != '':
            i = i+1        
    return i

def CodeCount(in_path):
    # First, check the input path if is valid directory
        assert(isdir(in_path) == True)
    except AssertionError:
        in_path = None
        print ('The input path is not a valid directory!\n')
        print ('Please input another right path:')

    # list all files or dirs in input directory
    # if is a dir, call back
    # else if is a cpp/h/cs file, count the liens
    line_number = 0
        for one in listdir(in_path):
            one = "/".join([in_path, one])
            curNum = 0
            if (isdir(one)):                
                curNum = CodeCount(one)
            elif (isfile(one)):
                (filename, extention) = os.path.splitext(one)
                if(extention == '.h' or extention == '.cpp' or extention == '.cs'):
                    #print all calculate files
                    print (one)
                    curNum = CountAFileLines(one)
            line_number = line_number + curNum
    return line_number

inputPathStr = input('Please input the code path you want count: \n')
print ('\n')
print ('List all calculate files: ')
line_number = CodeCount(inputPathStr)
print ('\nAll codes line number is: ', line_number)
