


    void lead() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        self.end_fle = Time.currentElapsedTime();
        long electionTimeTaken = self.end_fle - self.start_fle;
        LOG.info("LEADING - LEADER ELECTION TOOK - {} {}", electionTimeTaken,
        self.start_fle = 0;
        self.end_fle = 0;

        zk.registerJMX(new LeaderBean(this, zk), self.jmxLocalPeerBean);

        try {

            leaderStateSummary = new StateSummary(self.getCurrentEpoch(), zk.getLastProcessedZxid());

            // Start thread that waits for connection requests from
            // new followers.
            cnxAcceptor = new LearnerCnxAcceptor();

            long epoch = getEpochToPropose(self.getId(), self.getAcceptedEpoch());

            zk.setZxid(ZxidUtils.makeZxid(epoch, 0));

                lastProposed = zk.getZxid();

            newLeaderProposal.packet = new QuorumPacket(NEWLEADER, zk.getZxid(),
                   null, null);

            if ((newLeaderProposal.packet.getZxid() & 0xffffffffL) != 0) {
                LOG.info("NEWLEADER proposal has Zxid of "
                        + Long.toHexString(newLeaderProposal.packet.getZxid()));

            QuorumVerifier lastSeenQV = self.getLastSeenQuorumVerifier();
            QuorumVerifier curQV = self.getQuorumVerifier();
            if (curQV.getVersion() == 0 && curQV.getVersion() == lastSeenQV.getVersion()) {
                // This was added in ZOOKEEPER-1783. The initial config has version 0 (not explicitly
                // specified by the user; the lack of version in a config file is interpreted as version=0).
                // As soon as a config is established we would like to increase its version so that it
                // takes presedence over other initial configs that were not established (such as a config
                // of a server trying to join the ensemble, which may be a partial view of the system, not the full config).
                // We chose to set the new version to the one of the NEWLEADER message. However, before we can do that
                // there must be agreement on the new version, so we can only change the version when sending/receiving UPTODATE,
                // not when sending/receiving NEWLEADER. In other words, we can't change curQV here since its the committed quorum verifier,
                // and there's still no agreement on the new version that we'd like to use. Instead, we use
                // lastSeenQuorumVerifier which is being sent with NEWLEADER message
                // so its a good way to let followers know about the new version. (The original reason for sending
                // lastSeenQuorumVerifier with NEWLEADER is so that the leader completes any potentially uncommitted reconfigs
                // that it finds before starting to propose operations. Here we're reusing the same code path for
                // reaching consensus on the new version number.)

                // It is important that this is done before the leader executes waitForEpochAck,
                // so before LearnerHandlers return from their waitForEpochAck
                // hence before they construct the NEWLEADER message containing
                // the last-seen-quorumverifier of the leader, which we change below
               try {
                   QuorumVerifier newQV = self.configFromString(curQV.toString());
                   self.setLastSeenQuorumVerifier(newQV, true);
               } catch (Exception e) {
                   throw new IOException(e);

            if (self.getLastSeenQuorumVerifier().getVersion() > self.getQuorumVerifier().getVersion()){

            // We have to get at least a majority of servers in sync with
            // us. We do this by waiting for the NEWLEADER packet to get
            // acknowledged

             waitForEpochAck(self.getId(), leaderStateSummary);
            self.setLeaderAddressAndId(self.getQuorumAddress(), self.getId());

             try {
                 waitForNewLeaderAck(self.getId(), zk.getZxid());
             } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                 shutdown("Waiting for a quorum of followers, only synced with sids: [ "
                         + newLeaderProposal.ackSetsToString() + " ]");
                 HashSet<Long> followerSet = new HashSet<Long>();

                 for(LearnerHandler f : getLearners()) {
                     if (self.getQuorumVerifier().getVotingMembers().containsKey(f.getSid())){
                 boolean initTicksShouldBeIncreased = true;
                 for (Proposal.QuorumVerifierAcksetPair qvAckset:newLeaderProposal.qvAcksetPairs) {
                     if (!qvAckset.getQuorumVerifier().containsQuorum(followerSet)) {
                         initTicksShouldBeIncreased = false;
                 if (initTicksShouldBeIncreased) {
                     LOG.warn("Enough followers present. "+
                             "Perhaps the initTicks need to be increased.");


             * WARNING: do not use this for anything other than QA testing
             * on a real cluster. Specifically to enable verification that quorum
             * can handle the lower 32bit roll-over issue identified in
             * ZOOKEEPER-1277. Without this option it would take a very long
             * time (on order of a month say) to see the 4 billion writes
             * necessary to cause the roll-over to occur.
             * This field allows you to override the zxid of the server. Typically
             * you'll want to set it to something like 0xfffffff0 and then
             * start the quorum, run some operations and see the re-election.
            String initialZxid = System.getProperty("zookeeper.testingonly.initialZxid");
            if (initialZxid != null) {
                long zxid = Long.parseLong(initialZxid);
                zk.setZxid((zk.getZxid() & 0xffffffff00000000L) | zxid);

            if (!System.getProperty("zookeeper.leaderServes", "yes").equals("no")) {


            // Everything is a go, simply start counting the ticks
            // WARNING: I couldn't find any wait statement on a synchronized
            // block that would be notified by this notifyAll() call, so
            // I commented it out
            //synchronized (this) {
            //    notifyAll();
            // We ping twice a tick, so we only update the tick every other
            // iteration
            boolean tickSkip = true;
            // If not null then shutdown this leader
            String shutdownMessage = null;

            while (true) {
                synchronized (this) {
                    long start = Time.currentElapsedTime();
                    long cur = start;
                    long end = start + self.tickTime / 2;
                    while (cur < end) {
                        wait(end - cur);
                        cur = Time.currentElapsedTime();

                    if (!tickSkip) {

                    // We use an instance of SyncedLearnerTracker to
                    // track synced learners to make sure we still have a
                    // quorum of current (and potentially next pending) view.
                    SyncedLearnerTracker syncedAckSet = new SyncedLearnerTracker();
                    if (self.getLastSeenQuorumVerifier() != null
                            && self.getLastSeenQuorumVerifier().getVersion() > self
                                    .getQuorumVerifier().getVersion()) {


                    for (LearnerHandler f : getLearners()) {
                        if (f.synced()) {

                    // check leader running status
                    if (!this.isRunning()) {
                        // set shutdown flag
                        shutdownMessage = "Unexpected internal error";

                    if (!tickSkip && !syncedAckSet.hasAllQuorums()) {
                        // Lost quorum of last committed and/or last proposed
                        // config, set shutdown flag
                        shutdownMessage = "Not sufficient followers synced, only synced with sids: [ "
                                + syncedAckSet.ackSetsToString() + " ]";
                    tickSkip = !tickSkip;
                for (LearnerHandler f : getLearners()) {
            if (shutdownMessage != null) {
                // leader goes in looking state
        } finally {

    void shutdown(String reason) {
        LOG.info("Shutting down");

        if (isShutdown) {

        LOG.info("Shutdown called",
                new Exception("shutdown Leader! reason: " + reason));

        if (cnxAcceptor != null) {

        // NIO should not accept conenctions
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.warn("Ignoring unexpected exception during close",e);
        // shutdown the previous zk
        if (zk != null) {
        synchronized (learners) {
            for (Iterator<LearnerHandler> it = learners.iterator(); it
                    .hasNext();) {
                LearnerHandler f = it.next();
        isShutdown = true;


  • 1.计算出选举用时并进行性能指标统计
  • 2.注册JMX服务
  • 3.恢复数据和会话,并创建新的数据快照
  • 4.创建Leader和Learner之间通讯的Acceptor线程并启动它
  • 5.获取当前集群领导纪元并计算出zxid
  • 6.根据当前投票验证器版本判断是否需要更新版本为zxid
  • 7.针对NEWLEADER消息创建一个提案并添加相应的投票验证器
  • 8.等待initLimit * tickTime时间周期的领导纪元的ack,投票通过后设置currentEpoch并设置Leader的投票地址和serverId
  • 9.等待initLimit * tickTime时间周期的NEWLEADER消息的ack,如果没有通过投票并且多数Follower与Leader已经建立了连接,那么就需要延长投票时间;然后会关闭之前创建的Acceptor线程并且清理缓存的LeaderZooKeeperServer,接下来会关闭ServerSocket并关闭所有已经建立的连接,再把LeaderZooKeeperServer停止,然后将LearnerHandler的引用清除并设置停止标志;接下来又将进入Leader选举流程
  • 10.如果通过了NEWLEADER的投票,接下来启动LeaderZooKeeperServer服务
  • 11.循环的在一个tickTime周期内发送两次PING消息给Follower,并建立一个跟踪Follower是否跟Leader同步的投票统计器,在发送PING消息之前需要判断是否有多数Follower跟Leader同步,如果投票未通过则会退出Leader流程,这里需要注意的是这个投票在一个tickTime周期内只会进行一次而不是两次;接下来会跟第9步时一样shutdown当前LeaderZookeeperServer并注销掉JMX服务
    public void loadData() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
         * When a new leader starts executing Leader#lead, it
         * invokes this method. The database, however, has been
         * initialized before running leader election so that
         * the server could pick its zxid for its initial vote.
         * It does it by invoking QuorumPeer#getLastLoggedZxid.
         * Consequently, we don't need to initialize it once more
         * and avoid the penalty of loading it a second time. Not
         * reloading it is particularly important for applications
         * that host a large database.
         * The following if block checks whether the database has
         * been initialized or not. Note that this method is
         * invoked by at least one other method:
         * ZooKeeperServer#startdata.
         * See ZOOKEEPER-1642 for more detail.
        else {

        // Clean up dead sessions
        List<Long> deadSessions = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Long session : zkDb.getSessions()) {
            if (zkDb.getSessionWithTimeOuts().get(session) == null) {

        for (long session : deadSessions) {
            // XXX: Is lastProcessedZxid really the best thing to use?
            killSession(session, zkDb.getDataTreeLastProcessedZxid());

        // Make a clean snapshot


  • 1.判断zookeeper数据库ZKDataBase是否已经加载,如果没初始化则进行加载,然后便设置zxid
  • 2.清理失效会话
  • 3.创建新的数据快照
清理失效会话:killSession(long sessionId, long zxid)
    protected void killSession(long sessionId, long zxid) {
        zkDb.killSession(sessionId, zxid);
        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
            ZooTrace.logTraceMessage(LOG, ZooTrace.SESSION_TRACE_MASK,
                                         "ZooKeeperServer --- killSession: 0x"
                    + Long.toHexString(sessionId));
        if (sessionTracker != null) {

    - DataTree.killSession(long session, long zxid)
    void killSession(long session, long zxid) {
        // the list is already removed from the ephemerals
        // so we do not have to worry about synchronizing on
        // the list. This is only called from FinalRequestProcessor
        // so there is no need for synchronization. The list is not
        // changed here. Only create and delete change the list which
        // are again called from FinalRequestProcessor in sequence.
        Set<String> list = ephemerals.remove(session);
        if (list != null) {
            for (String path : list) {
                try {
                    deleteNode(path, zxid);
                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                .debug("Deleting ephemeral node " + path
                                        + " for session 0x"
                                        + Long.toHexString(session));
                } catch (NoNodeException e) {
                    LOG.warn("Ignoring NoNodeException for path " + path
                            + " while removing ephemeral for dead session 0x"
                            + Long.toHexString(session));


  • 1.循环获取失效的sessionId,然后从临时节点列表中移除相应的数据
  • 2.移除之后获得一个已移除的节点路径列表,然后循环删除DataTree中的数据节点
  • 3.如果存在会话管理器,那么也会移除会话管理器中的失效会话
    public void takeSnapshot() {

    public void takeSnapshot(boolean syncSnap){
        long start = Time.currentElapsedTime();
        try {
            txnLogFactory.save(zkDb.getDataTree(), zkDb.getSessionWithTimeOuts(), syncSnap);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.error("Severe unrecoverable error, exiting", e);
            // This is a severe error that we cannot recover from,
            // so we need to exit
        long elapsed = Time.currentElapsedTime() - start;
        LOG.info("Snapshot taken in " + elapsed + " ms");

    - FileTxnSnapLog.save(DataTree dataTree, ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Integer> sessionsWithTimeouts, boolean syncSnap)
    public void save(DataTree dataTree,
                     ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Integer> sessionsWithTimeouts,
                     boolean syncSnap)
        throws IOException {
        long lastZxid = dataTree.lastProcessedZxid;
        File snapshotFile = new File(snapDir, Util.makeSnapshotName(lastZxid));
        LOG.info("Snapshotting: 0x{} to {}", Long.toHexString(lastZxid),
        try {
            snapLog.serialize(dataTree, sessionsWithTimeouts, snapshotFile, syncSnap);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            if (snapshotFile.length() == 0) {
                /* This may be caused by a full disk. In such a case, the server
                 * will get stuck in a loop where it tries to write a snapshot
                 * out to disk, and ends up creating an empty file instead.
                 * Doing so will eventually result in valid snapshots being
                 * removed during cleanup. */
                if (snapshotFile.delete()) {
                    LOG.info("Deleted empty snapshot file: " +
                } else {
                    LOG.warn("Could not delete empty snapshot file: " +
            } else {
                /* Something else went wrong when writing the snapshot out to
                 * disk. If this snapshot file is invalid, when restarting,
                 * ZooKeeper will skip it, and find the last known good snapshot
                 * instead. */
            throw e;
    - FileSnap. serialize(DataTree dt, Map<Long, Integer> sessions, File snapShot, boolean fsync)
    public synchronized void serialize(DataTree dt, Map<Long, Integer> sessions, File snapShot, boolean fsync)
            throws IOException {
        if (!close) {
            try (CheckedOutputStream snapOS = SnapStream.getOutputStream(snapShot)) {
                OutputArchive oa = BinaryOutputArchive.getArchive(snapOS);
                FileHeader header = new FileHeader(SNAP_MAGIC, VERSION, dbId);
                serialize(dt, sessions, oa, header);
                SnapStream.sealStream(snapOS, oa);
                lastSnapshotInfo = new SnapshotInfo(
                        Util.getZxidFromName(snapShot.getName(), SNAPSHOT_FILE_PREFIX),
                        snapShot.lastModified() / 1000);

    - FileSnap. serialize(DataTree dt, Map<Long, Integer> sessions, OutputArchive oa, FileHeader header)
    protected void serialize(DataTree dt,Map<Long, Integer> sessions,
            OutputArchive oa, FileHeader header) throws IOException {
        // this is really a programmatic error and not something that can
        // happen at runtime
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "Snapshot's not open for writing: uninitialized header");
        header.serialize(oa, "fileheader");

    - SerializeUtils.serializeSnapshot(DataTree dt,OutputArchive oa,Map<Long, Integer> sessions)
    public static void serializeSnapshot(DataTree dt,OutputArchive oa,
            Map<Long, Integer> sessions) throws IOException {
        HashMap<Long, Integer> sessSnap = new HashMap<Long, Integer>(sessions);
        oa.writeInt(sessSnap.size(), "count");
        for (Entry<Long, Integer> entry : sessSnap.entrySet()) {
            oa.writeLong(entry.getKey().longValue(), "id");
            oa.writeInt(entry.getValue().intValue(), "timeout");
        dt.serialize(oa, "tree");

    - SnapStream.sealStream(CheckedOutputStream os, OutputArchive oa)
    public static void sealStream(CheckedOutputStream os, OutputArchive oa)
            throws IOException {
        long val = os.getChecksum().getValue();
        oa.writeLong(val, "val");
        oa.writeString("/", "path");


  • 1.根据最大事务id-zxid创建一个空的快照文件
  • 2.创建文件头FileHeader
  • 3.将文件头、会话数量、会话列表、全部数据节点依次写入快照文件中,然后再将checkSum写入快照文件(这里可以跟第三章的反序列化相互印证)
  • 4.记录当前进行快照的信息
  • 5.进行快照时间的性能指标统计
获取集群领导纪元:getEpochToPropose(self.getId(), self.getAcceptedEpoch())
    public long getEpochToPropose(long sid, long lastAcceptedEpoch) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
        synchronized(connectingFollowers) {
            if (!waitingForNewEpoch) {
                return epoch;
            if (lastAcceptedEpoch >= epoch) {
                epoch = lastAcceptedEpoch+1;
            if (isParticipant(sid)) {
            QuorumVerifier verifier = self.getQuorumVerifier();
            if (connectingFollowers.contains(self.getId()) &&
                                            verifier.containsQuorum(connectingFollowers)) {
                waitingForNewEpoch = false;
            } else {
                long start = Time.currentElapsedTime();
                if (sid == self.getId()) {
                    timeStartWaitForEpoch = start;
                long cur = start;
                long end = start + self.getInitLimit()*self.getTickTime();
                while(waitingForNewEpoch && cur < end  && !quitWaitForEpoch) {
                    connectingFollowers.wait(end - cur);
                    cur = Time.currentElapsedTime();
                if (waitingForNewEpoch) {
                    throw new InterruptedException("Timeout while waiting for epoch from quorum");
            return epoch;

    private void quitLeading() {
        synchronized(connectingFollowers) {
            quitWaitForEpoch = true;
        LOG.info("Quit leading due to voter changed mind.");


  • 1.锁定connectingFollowers列表,值得注意的是在Leader退出领导的方法quitLeading()中也进行了锁定,connectingFollowers对象进入wait时会释放锁,这时候如果退出领导了,会将quitWaitForEpoch标志设置为true并唤醒执行getEpochToPropose()方法的线程,这时候将结束while等待的过程
  • 2.如果参数lastAcceptedEpoch大于等于当前缓存的epoch,则将缓存的epoch设置为lastAcceptedEpoch+1
  • 3.判断这个serverId是不是投票参与者,如果是的话则将其放入connectingFollowers列表
  • 4.判断connectingFollowers列表是否包含传入的serverId并且验证是否通过投票,如果满足条件的话,首先将等待标志waitingForNewEpoch设置为false并且设置acceptedEpoch为当前缓存的epoch,然后唤醒其他执行connectingFollowers对象的wait()方法而陷入休眠状态的线程,这样做将会结束其他线程while等待的过程并且退出当前方法栈
  • 5.如果不满足条件的话,将陷入等待,等待周期为initTime * tickTime
waitForEpochAck(long id, StateSummary ss):
    public void waitForEpochAck(long id, StateSummary ss) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        synchronized(electingFollowers) {
            if (electionFinished) {
            if (ss.getCurrentEpoch() != -1) {
                if (ss.isMoreRecentThan(leaderStateSummary)) {
                    throw new IOException("Follower is ahead of the leader, leader summary: "
                                                    + leaderStateSummary.getCurrentEpoch()
                                                    + " (current epoch), "
                                                    + leaderStateSummary.getLastZxid()
                                                    + " (last zxid)");
                if (ss.getLastZxid() != -1 && isParticipant(id)) {
            QuorumVerifier verifier = self.getQuorumVerifier();
            if (electingFollowers.contains(self.getId()) && verifier.containsQuorum(electingFollowers)) {
                electionFinished = true;
            } else {
                long start = Time.currentElapsedTime();
                long cur = start;
                long end = start + self.getInitLimit()*self.getTickTime();
                while(!electionFinished && cur < end) {
                    electingFollowers.wait(end - cur);
                    cur = Time.currentElapsedTime();
                if (!electionFinished) {
                    throw new InterruptedException("Timeout while waiting for epoch to be acked by quorum");
    - StateSummary.isMoreRecentThan(StateSummary ss)
    public boolean isMoreRecentThan(StateSummary ss) {
		return (currentEpoch > ss.currentEpoch) || (currentEpoch == ss.currentEpoch && lastZxid > ss.lastZxid);


  • 1.锁定electingFollowers列表,并判断标志位electionFinished
  • 2.判断currentEpoch与zxid是否超出当前Leader,如果超出说明Follower领先于Leader,这时会抛出异常结束lead流程然后重新进入Leader选举流程
  • 3.如果这个zookeeper服务的zxid有效并且是投票者,那么将其放入electingFollowers列表
  • 4.判断electingFollowers列表是否包含传入的serverId并且验证是否通过投票,如果满足条件的话,首先将结束标志位electionFinished设置为true,然后唤醒其他执行electingFollowers对象的wait()方法而陷入休眠状态的线程,这样做将会结束其他线程while等待的过程并且退出当前方法栈
  • 5.如果不满足条件的话,将陷入等待,等待周期为initTime * tickTime
等待NEWLEADER消息的ack:waitForNewLeaderAck(long sid, long zxid)
    public void waitForNewLeaderAck(long sid, long zxid)
            throws InterruptedException {

        synchronized (newLeaderProposal.qvAcksetPairs) {

            if (quorumFormed) {

            long currentZxid = newLeaderProposal.packet.getZxid();
            if (zxid != currentZxid) {
                LOG.error("NEWLEADER ACK from sid: " + sid
                        + " is from a different epoch - current 0x"
                        + Long.toHexString(currentZxid) + " receieved 0x"
                        + Long.toHexString(zxid));

             * Note that addAck already checks that the learner
             * is a PARTICIPANT.

            if (newLeaderProposal.hasAllQuorums()) {
                quorumFormed = true;
            } else {
                long start = Time.currentElapsedTime();
                long cur = start;
                long end = start + self.getInitLimit() * self.getTickTime();
                while (!quorumFormed && cur < end) {
                    newLeaderProposal.qvAcksetPairs.wait(end - cur);
                    cur = Time.currentElapsedTime();
                if (!quorumFormed) {
                    throw new InterruptedException(
                            "Timeout while waiting for NEWLEADER to be acked by quorum");


  • 1.锁定newLeaderProposal.qvAcksetPairs列表,并判断标志位quorumFormed
  • 2.判断其他Follower服务发来的zxid与当前集群中Leader的zxid是否相等,如果不相等说明处于不同纪元则会直接退出当前方法栈,如果是正常同意了NEWLEADER请求的话,Follower服务发来的zxid一定是等于Leader的zxid;如果相等则计入票数
  • 3.验证NEWLEADER提案是否通过投票,如果通过投票,首先将标志位quorumFormed设置为true,然后唤醒其他执行newLeaderProposal.qvAcksetPairs对象的wait()方法而陷入休眠状态的线程,这样做将会结束其他线程while等待的过程并且退出当前方法栈
  • 4.如果没通过投票,将陷入等待,等待周期为initTime * tickTime
    private synchronized void startZkServer() {
        // Update lastCommitted and Db's zxid to a value representing the new epoch
        lastCommitted = zk.getZxid();
        LOG.info("Have quorum of supporters, sids: [ "
                + newLeaderProposal.ackSetsToString()
                + " ]; starting up and setting last processed zxid: 0x{}",

         * ZOOKEEPER-1324. the leader sends the new config it must complete
         *  to others inside a NEWLEADER message (see LearnerHandler where
         *  the NEWLEADER message is constructed), and once it has enough
         *  acks we must execute the following code so that it applies the
         *  config to itself.
        QuorumVerifier newQV = self.getLastSeenQuorumVerifier();

        Long designatedLeader = getDesignatedLeader(newLeaderProposal, zk.getZxid());

        self.processReconfig(newQV, designatedLeader, zk.getZxid(), true);
        if (designatedLeader != self.getId()) {
            allowedToCommit = false;

        leaderStartTime = Time.currentElapsedTime();
         * Update the election vote here to ensure that all members of the
         * ensemble report the same vote to new servers that start up and
         * send leader election notifications to the ensemble.
         * @see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ZOOKEEPER-1732


    private long getDesignatedLeader(Proposal reconfigProposal, long zxid) {
       //new configuration
       Proposal.QuorumVerifierAcksetPair newQVAcksetPair = reconfigProposal.qvAcksetPairs.get(reconfigProposal.qvAcksetPairs.size()-1);

       //check if I'm in the new configuration with the same quorum address -
       // if so, I'll remain the leader
       if (newQVAcksetPair.getQuorumVerifier().getVotingMembers().containsKey(self.getId()) &&
           return self.getId();
       // start with an initial set of candidates that are voters from new config that
       // acknowledged the reconfig op (there must be a quorum). Choose one of them as
       // current leader candidate
       HashSet<Long> candidates = new HashSet<Long>(newQVAcksetPair.getAckset());
       candidates.remove(self.getId()); // if we're here, I shouldn't be the leader
       long curCandidate = candidates.iterator().next();

       //go over outstanding ops in order, and try to find a candidate that acked the most ops.
       //this way it will be the most up-to-date and we'll minimize the number of ops that get dropped

       long curZxid = zxid + 1;
       Proposal p = outstandingProposals.get(curZxid);

       while (p!=null && !candidates.isEmpty()) {
           for (Proposal.QuorumVerifierAcksetPair qvAckset: p.qvAcksetPairs){
               //reduce the set of candidates to those that acknowledged p
               //no candidate acked p, return the best candidate found so far
               if (candidates.isEmpty()) return curCandidate;
               //update the current candidate, and if it is the only one remaining, return it
               curCandidate = candidates.iterator().next();
               if (candidates.size() == 1) return curCandidate;
           p = outstandingProposals.get(curZxid);

       return curCandidate;


  • 1.更新lastCommitted为当前zxid,获取lastSeenQuorumVerifier
  • 2.通过newLeaderProposal(即NEWLEADER提案)检查当前Leader是否在具有相同投票地址的新配置中,如果是的话直接返回当前Leader的serverId
  • 3.如果不是代表新配置已经移除了当前Leader或者修改了投票地址,这时候会把NEWLEADER提案发送了同意选票(即发送了ack)的serverId放入一个新的列表中并把当前Leader的serverId移除,之后将会从这个列表中选出一个作为Leader的候选server
  • 4.依次从提案列表outstandingProposals中获取比zxid更大的提案Proposal,然后尝试找到一个对这些提案相似度最高(即对这些提案全部都发送过ack的server列表中获取一个)的候选server
  • 5.执行reconfig流程
  • 6.真正启动一个可以对客户端提供服务的zookeeper server
